Piersicute de iulie august (19)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 13

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Link direct catre acest raspuns michelle1981 spune:

citat din mesajul lui Carmen_80

A trecut cineva la scaunul de masina cu fata? Aruba inteleg eu bine, tu? Desi Patrick are doar 8.5 kg, avand peste 70 cm, deja nu prea mai sta comod in scoica din cauza picioarelor. Sta cu ele flexate sprijinite de spatar. Ma gandesc sa-i iau scaunul de masina cu fata. O sa iau tot peg perego.

Mami de Patrick Andrei (21.06.2012)

Carmen - uite aici www.youtube.com/watch?v=sssIsceKd6U" target="_blank">forward facing vs rear facing


Bianca a stat 1.4 ani cu spatele la directia de mers.

Va las cafeluta aburinda, o zi frumoasa!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns clayhanger spune:

Michelle, multumim de cafea, urare si linkuri, tot de-acolo stiu si eu. Voi ce marca/model de scaun aveti, scuze ca n-am retinut cand ai mai zis.

Noi am avut noaptea trecuta 3 mese si vreo 3 treziri de control (ori m-am trezit eu sa il vad, ori el ca sa vada daca mai sunt acolo). Dar, noroc ca s-a trezit pt zi la 9 (el se trezea intre 7 si 8 pana acum vreo cateva zile), asa ca sunt destul de odihnita (cu 8 ore de somn intrerupt de 6 ori) dar tot beau si dau si eu cafea.

Muraturica, ieri ma intrebam si eu acelasi lucru, cam cat dorm ziua bebelusii nostri. Vlad are de multa vreme 4 reprize de somn ziua, 3 de 45 de minute si 1 de 1.5h. Deci 3-4h. Nu are un "program", ci mai degraba o rutina. Iar eu nu stiu niciodata cand va fi repriza de 1.5h, poate fi oricare din ele (de obicei a doua sau a treia). Sigur, avem si variatii, de exemplu cand iesim afara. Noaptea doarme cam 10-11 ore, cu 3-4 mese.

Eu nu incerc sa schimb nimic, si intuiesc ca va renunta destul de curand, singur, la ultimul somn din zi (care acum e pe la ora 6 seara).

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ARUBA spune:

Carmen: sunt muuult prea mici pt a intoarce scaunul. Doar am scos insertul din burete. La al meu spune ca SE POATE intoarce la 1 an dar ei recomanda sa stea cu spatele pana la 13 kg. Eu o sa incerc cat mai mult sa o tin cu spatele.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns michelle1981 spune:

Aici sunt toate modelele din UK http://www.britax.co.uk/car-seats/car-seats
Sunt diferite de modelele din SUA.
Noi avem www.britax.co.uk/car-seats/car-seats/first-class-plus" target="_blank">First Class Plus, e pana la 18 kg.

Bianca mea are la 2.5 ani 13 kg :)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Kimmy spune:

Buna dimineata!
La noi somnul la fel
Pe timpul zilei are cam 4 somnuri,dar cam scurte,30 min-1 h
Noaptea doarme de la 11,30-12 pana la 8.30

Laura,eu i-am dat la Timi Humana Milchzucker pentru constipatie.E in cutie mare,ca si cerealele,albastra daca bine tin minte.

Fleur,ma bucur ca s-a rezolvat cu cresa,se simte ca ti-a cazut o piatra de pe inima

Si eu trebuie sa-i fac exudat la Timi,pentru gradi.Sper ca nu apuca sa culeaga ceva pana o duc la synevo.Cu ocazia asta i-as face si ceva analize de sange ca nu i-am facut de la 2 ani.Sa vad cum sta ca manca destul de rau,si stagneaza cu greutatea si inaltimea de multa vreme.Acuma m-a sunat sotul ca o sa-i faca la gradi exudatul si ca costa 37 de lei ...in decembrie i-am facut si eu si a costat cred ca vreo 16 lei la synevo.

Maine avem programare pentru eco,si eu si Emma.
In sfarsit vine mama cateva zile la mine!!!

Scaun de masina,Emma inca sta in scoica,daca incape,pana la 13 kg.Timi are scaun 0+.Il foloseste de la 6 luni,acuma are aproape 16 kg.A stat cu spatele pana dupa 1 an.Cand nu mai incape Emma in scoica,o trecem in scaunul lui Timi si ei ii cumparam pt urmatoarea etapa.
Doamne,oare se intelege ceva?Se vede ca sunt tare obosita.
Am adormit-o acum o ora si cand am pus-o in patut s-a trezit,apoi m-am chinuit cu ea pana acuma sa adoarma din nou,si desi era rupta,se tot agita.
Vad ca la noi se tot complica lucrurile.Mai nou adoarme greu,se trezeste plangand

Si eu m-am saturat sa ma plang...Ma duc sa ma relaxez cu mopul...
Zi frumoasa sa aveti!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Laura32 spune:

Buna dimineata ,

Multumim de cafea Muraturica , foarte buna .

Iuli , din informatiile Inei si a altor cunostinte am fost indrumata spre spital de stat , ca sunt mai ok . Privatul cica nu este foarte bine pus la punct .
Asa mi-a spus si Ina , ca un copil alaptat , ar trebui sa nu fie alergic , cred ca nu este o regula . Multumim lui D-zeu , acum are o sapt de cand este bine .
Ana , parca tu spuneai de schimbatul marcilor . Am schimbat si crema si pampersii si sapunul , incercam si asa , momentan este bine . Sper sa nu vb intr-un ceas rau

Fleur , mi-a spus ca dupa un an , incep sa fie cat de cat relevante testele . Eu am cateva cazuri in familie , a caror copii trag cu alergiile si sunt marisori, unul 7 ani , unul 10 si unul vre-o 5 ani si nici acum n-au descoperit tot ce trebuia . Asa ca acum la 6 luni , imi inchipui ca prea multe nu pot afla . Dar a-si vrut sa incerc . Asta este pana la urma o sa mergem la privat daca nu v-a fi in regula Andreiu . Mi-a explicat ca este posibil sa faca si de la vre-o bluza care nu este din bumbac bun . Oricum cauza poate fi in orice . Exact cum spuneau si fetele , poate cu ce a fost tratat morcovul si nu el in sine sa-i faca rau .

Revin ca am ciorba pe foc

Mami de Andrei ( 3 Iulie 2012)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Inaf78 spune:

buna ziua si de la mine!
ca bebelul e acasa, eu la serv. intru scurt...

LAURA poti merge ls sp de Stat si fara trimitere, te poate pune sa platesti consultatia (cu chitanta) sau nu (ramane cu ce cadou vrei tu sa ii dai). oricum testele alergice NU sunt decontate de stat, deci oricum se platesc. pe langa aceste teste, in alergologie e FFF important ce observi tu: tb sa introduci pe rand cate un fruct, o leguma si sa observi ce se intampla, tb sa vezi daca se asociaza cu un anumit tip de imbracaminte, detergent, etc...
testele alergice sunt relevante ptr VIITOR, fiindca cam atunci se defineste sistemul imunitar, dupa 5 ani. DAR ele sunt relevante ptr momentul de fata daca le faci acum, ca e important si ce se intampla ACUM.
asa scriu cercetarile, ca alaptatul scade riscul de alergie. iti dai seama ca daca e asa, daca NU ai alapta ar putea fi mult mai grav...

si bebelusul meu era iritat tot timpul pe la putzulica, fundulet, desi il schimbam tot timpul, il spalam. asa ca am inceput sa schimbam marca de scutece si cremele, pana am ajuns la combinatia OPTIMA ptr noi: scutece Libero (nu au acel gel colorat in interior) si crema Sudocrem si fara a mai atinge cu vreun servetel umed locul (il spal cu apa si sapun cand e nevoie). si cu toate ca noaptea nu il schimb, deci se aduna acolo totul, nu s a mai iritat.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Inaf78 spune:

IIULI: alergia la banane, cartof, kiwi, avocado, se pare ca este de tip "contact", nu IgE mediata, asa cum este si alergia la latex. desi cartoful este una din legumele care nu dau frecvent alergii, ea poate det la anumite persoane alergie digestiva (cand mananca la contactul cu mucoasa digestiva si deci apar modificari de consistenta ale scaunului, musus, eventual sange).
de asemene, persoanele care fac alergie la banana, cartof, etc. au risc crescut de a face si la latex (manusi chirurgicale, de ex).

Latex allergy.

Gawchik SM.

Source: Mt Sinai J Med. 2011 Sep-Oct;78(5):759-72. doi: 10.1002/msj.20281.

Crozer Chester Medical Center, President's House, Chester, PA 19013, USA. drgawchik@yahoo.com


Allergy to natural rubber latex is an important clinical condition that occurred after the institution of universal precautions to protect healthcare workers. A rapid increase and production of both examination and surgical gloves resulted in an epidemic of allergy to latex protein. Healthcare workers in both the medical and dental environments, as well as specific groups of individuals including those with spina bifida, myelodysplasia, and food allergies (banana, kiwi, avocado, and others), were at increased risk of sensitization. Clinical symptoms in the latex allergic individual ranged from type I hypersensitivity reaction including rhinoconjunctivitis, asthma, and systemic reaction to type IV hypersensitivity reaction, which occur from the chemicals added during the manufacturing process. Diagnosis of latex allergy is based on a clinical history that correlates the development of symptoms in relationship to exposure. In the United States there are no skin tests approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Therefore a combination of clinical judgment and serologic testing such as ImmunoCAP and Immulite is helpful. The primary treatment of latex allergy is avoidance of exposure to the latex protein.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Inaf78 spune:

Klin Padiatr. 2011 Nov;223(6):352-5. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1273752. Epub 2011 Apr 21.

Longitudinal study on specific IgE against natural rubber latex, banana and kiwi in patients with spina bifida.

Cremer R, Mennicken O.


Kliniken der Stadt Köln gGmbH, Kinderkrankenhaus, Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Köln, Germany. CremerR@kliniken-koeln.de



Up to 2 out of 3 spina bifida (sb) patients with natural rubber latex (NRL) antibodies (ab) have crossreacting IgE-ab against tropical fruit, due to structural homologies between several NRL antigens and allergenic fruit proteins. It is essential to investigate whether the patients were first sensitized against NRL or fruit, to give recommendations for an evidence-based prophylaxis.


We investigated sera of 96 sb patients for specific IgE ab against NRL, banana and kiwi as examples for crossreacting fruit by FEIA (ImmunoCAP System, Phadia). These tests were repeated up to 3 times (mean after 2 years, maximum after 7 years).


In the first testing only 2 of 50 NRL-IgE negative patients (4%) had ab against banana or kiwi. 4 of the 46 NRL-IgE positive patients (8%) showed ab against banana (2) or kiwi (2), 3 (7%) against both fruit. Symptoms of fruit allergy were presented by 3 patients, all symptomatic patients had high levels of specific fruit-ab. In the follow-up study 2 patients with low sensitization against NRL lost their NRL ab and their fruit ab, another 2 only the fruit ab, whereas 4 NRL-sensitized patients newly developed ab against banana and 1 against kiwi. Only 2 patients developed ab against fruit without being sensitized against NRL. 7 out of 10 patients with banana and kiwi ab were atopics.


In most cases the sensitization against fruit follows the NRL sensitization. There is no need to recommend sb patients without NRL sensitization to primarily avoid tropical fruit

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Inaf78 spune:

Infant with unusual food reactions (Case Presentation)
Melanie A Ruffner1, David N Finegold2, Andrew J MacGinnitie (andrew.macginnitie@childrens.harvard.edu)3
1.University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
2.Division of Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
3.Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Allergy and Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of
Pittsburgh of UPMC, Piitsburgh, PA, USA
Andrew J MacGinnitie, Divison of Immunology,
Children’s Hospital of Boston, 300 Longwood Ave,
Boston, MA 02115, USA.
Tel: +011-617-919-2526 |
Fax: +011-617-731-0130 |
Email: andrew.macginnitie@childrens.harvard.edu
8 February 2011; revised 9 March 2011;
accepted 8 April 2011.
The Discussion and Diagnosis can be found on page 1394.
A previously healthy 6-month-old girl presented with a history
of unusual food reactions. She had been exclusively
breastfed except for a few instances when she had eaten rice
cereal without incident. Approximately 3 weeks before her
presentation in clinic, she had been fed approximately 15 g
of squash baby food. She ate the squash without apparent
difficulty, behaved normally, and napped for 1.5 h. At that
time, her mother found her in her crib covered in vomit and
mucous, lethargic and difficult to arouse. However, within
another hour the girl began to behave normally again and
the family did not seek medical attention.
Approximately 1 week prior to her presentation, the
family tried to introduce bananas. In this case, she ate
the full jar of baby food (70 g) and she had a similar
reaction: about 1.5 h after ingesting the bananas, she had
recurrent vomiting which progressed to vomiting mucous
and eventually dry heaves. Again, she became lethargic,
limp, less interactive, and difficult to arouse. This lasted
for approximately 8 h at which time she began to show
improvement. The parents called the pediatrician and
were advised to continue supportive care at home. They
also halted introduction of new foods, continuing to feed
breast milk and rice cereal as they had been doing previously.
Apart from these two incidents, the patient had not had
other episodes of significant vomiting or lethargy. She was
born at term at 7 pounds 8 ounces to a gravida 2 para
1 fi 2 mother with delivery at term by Cesarean section
because of prior Cesarean. She breast fed well and development
was normal. Her only significant past medical history
was gastrointestinal reflux for which she took ranitidine,
and mild eczema that was well controlled on hydrocortisone
1% cream. There was no family history of similar food
On examination, she was afebrile with normal heart and
respiratory rates. Weight was at the 75th percentile and
length fell between 75th and 90th percentiles. HEENT
exam, and examination of heart, lungs, abdomen, skin and
neurological system showed no abnormalities.

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