Haide Yna85 ! Felicitari Madalina, Menics, Silvia!
Raspunsuri - Pagina 3
mcoca spune:
Ma scuzati ca dau buzna!
Mami de 2, eu am stat 3 saptamani cu colul deschis la un deget. Am nascut foarte usor, in 4 ore. Bafta multa!
Vicky si Printzesone
dannnah spune:
Irilac - eu am simtit cand s-a intors. Normal ca nu am stiut ce se intampla, l-am sunat pe doctor si mi-a explicat ca "s-a colbutat" copilul. Am tipat la fiica-mea si m-am enervat, dupa care am simtit o durere si mi-a coborat burta foarte jos. Ma apasa ca un pietroi. Nu stiu daca mai tii minte, am si postat pe forum ca ceva s-a intamplat cu burta mea, ca pot sa pun o palma sub sani si e "gol" acolo Toate miscarile le-am simtit de atunci in partea superioara a abdomenului, unde sunt funduletzul si piciorusele lui.
mamica de Mara - 3 ani si jumatate si viitoare mamica de Mark 32+
douradoudou spune:
streptocoul de tip b nu e chiar asa mare bau bau ..pt un copil prematur e periculos, dar pt un copil la termen nu ...iti dau un link later dacail gasesc..intre timp citeste si tu ..
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alexa, mami de Maryam buburuza, ingeras in ceruri (17.09.2009- 12.11.2009)
si de printesa razboinica Maysaa(30.10.2010)
si 24+ cu
douradoudou spune:
I was told I have the strep b virus, I don't know if I had it with my 5 other children or not. I am planning on another home birth, as my others have all been, but my doctor says that 40% of babies can die or have damage from this at birth. My mid-wife says that's not accurate and that many woman carry strep b and are not even aware of it. Do I need to take antibiotics during labor, and will the baby need drops in it's eyes after delivery? I have never had either done to any of my 5 babies. If you could please give me advise or direct me to issues that would answer these questions, I would really appreciate it. I am 43 years old, this is my 6th delivery coming up app. 6-20-03.
It is exceptionally rare that a baby born at term with a normal birth weight dies from a B strep infection. Those who are more vulnerable are premature babies and small-for-date babies. Three studies published in authoritative medical journals suggest that the use of a vaginal spray of chlorhexidine is as effective as antibiotics. For mysterious reasons these studies are not well known. I include the abstract of the most recent one. It is better not to give eyes drops to the baby at birth and to rely on the results of an antibiogram (in the unlikely occurence of an eye infection).
Abstract: -1- Facchinetti F, Piccinini F, Mordini B,Volpe A J Matern Fetal Med 2002 Feb;11(2):84-8 Chlorhexidine vaginal flushings versus systemic ampicillin in the prevention of vertical transmission of neonatal group B streptococcus, at term.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy of intrapartum vaginal flushings with chlorhexidine compared with ampicillin in preventing group B streptococcus transmission to neonates.
METHODS: This was a randomized controlled study, including singleton pregnancies delivering vaginally. Rupture of membranes, when present, must not have occurred more than 6 h previously. Women with any gestational complication, with a newborn previously affected by group B streptococcus sepsis or whose cervical dilatation was greater than 5 cm were excluded. A total of 244 group B streptococcus-colonized mothers at term (screened at 36-38 weeks) were randomized to receive either 140 ml chlorhexidine 0.2% by vaginal flushings every 6 h or ampicillin 2 g intravenously every 6 h until delivery. Neonatal swabs were taken at birth, at three different sites (nose, ear andgastric juice).
RESULTS: A total of 108 women were treated with ampicillin and 109 with chlorhexidine. Their ages and gestational weeks at delivery were similar in the two groups. Nulliparous women were equally distributed between the two groups (ampicillin, 87%; chlorhexidine, 89%). Clinical data such as birth weight (ampicillin, 3,365 +/- 390 g;chlorhexidine, 3,440 +/- 452 g), Apgar scores at 1 min (ampicillin, 8.4 +/- 0.9;chlorhexidine, 8.2 +/- 1.4) and at 5 min (ampicillin, 9.7 +/- 0.6; chlorhexidine,9.6 +/- 1.1) were similar for the two groups, as was the rate of neonatal group B streptococcus colonization (chlorhexidine, 15.6%; ampicillin, 12%). Escherichia coli, on the other hand, was significantly more prevalent in the ampicillin (7.4%) than in the chlorhexidine group (1.8%, p < 0.05).Six neonates were transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit, including two cases of early-onset sepsis (one in each group).
CONCLUSIONS: In this carefully screened target population, intrapartum vaginal flushings with chlorhexidine in colonized mothers display the same efficacy as ampicillin in preventing vertical transmission of group B streptococcus. Moreover, the rate of neonatal E. colicolonization was reduced by chlorhexidine.
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alexa, mami de Maryam buburuza, ingeras in ceruri (17.09.2009- 12.11.2009)
si de printesa razboinica Maysaa(30.10.2010)
si 24+ cu
lelu spune:
Buna fetelor! O sa dau un paste la mesajul postat de Mada pe FB:
" Ieri, minunea noastra scumpa a decis ca este tp sa vina pe lume S-au rupt membranele iar totul s-a desfasurat f rapid Asa ca, pe 23 oct 2012, ora 12.05 s-a nascut Klara Larissa, frumoasa, alba, perfecta Desi nascuta prin cezariana a primit un mare 10 (3830 grame si 54 cm) Amandoua ne simtim f bine, am avut parte de medici si clinica de un real profesionalism Mami si tati sunt in culmea fericirii "
FELICITARI!!!! si sanatate tie si micutei!
logam spune:
Sa cresti mare bebe Klara!
Felicitari mamicoooo!!!!
Luminita, de Sorina Dana - 10 noiembrie 2007
poze Sorinutza mica
Alte poze
Povestea nasterii
32+ cu Tudor
lucyana1982 spune:
BRAVO..............MADA....sa iti traiasca printesa....a hotarat ea mititica sa vina mai devreme cu o zi......bravo.
Sa va traiasca si sa va bucurati de ea......
Saptamana 38 de sarcina cu printesa Andreea......si mamica de printesa Ana-Maria(4 ani si 6 lunite)
valicutza spune:
felicitari Madalina!!!! felicitari Menics!!!! sa va traiasca comorile , sa fie sanatoase si mancacioase !!!
mami de Dienutza 5 ani
si mami de ingeras Razvan-Mihai (29.09.2012)
Mami_de2 spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui mcoca Ma scuzati ca dau buzna! Mami de 2, eu am stat 3 saptamani cu colul deschis la un deget. Am nascut foarte usor, in 4 ore. Bafta multa! |
Multumesc mult pt raspuns!
Doura te-am cautat pe Fb si te-am adaugat!.
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui lelu Buna fetelor! O sa dau un paste la mesajul postat de Mada pe FB: " Ieri, minunea noastra scumpa a decis ca este tp sa vina pe lume S-au rupt membranele iar totul s-a desfasurat f rapid Asa ca, pe 23 oct 2012, ora 12.05 s-a nascut Klara Larissa, frumoasa, alba, perfecta Desi nascuta prin cezariana a primit un mare 10 (3830 grame si 54 cm) Amandoua ne simtim f bine, am avut parte de medici si clinica de un real profesionalism Mami si tati sunt in culmea fericirii " FELICITARI!!!! si sanatate tie si micutei! Mami de Mariuca, fetita dulce! |
Doamne ce minune!!!!!!!!!!!!! felicitari Madalina!!!!! sa ai parte de o bebelina sanatoasa tun si numai de clipe frumoase alaturi de ea si de sot!!! nah ca iar m-au apucat emotiile!!!!! offf :X:X:X
Signature: 25 martie - de Buna Vestire un frumos test pozitiv= cea mai frumoasa minune din viata mea!
Daily pills: Clexane; FembionII, Magne B6, Acid folic, Cetebe; No Spa;Tardiferon Fol,
*posesoare a 3 mutatii heterozigote: MTHFR C677T, A1298C si PAI 14G
*Age: http://lbdf.lilypie.com/3DHqp3.png