Hingherii - unde ii gasesc?

Raspunsuri - Pagina 29

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citat din mesajul lui capcaunul
Grosul banilor il fura ong-urile asa zis "de protectie a animalelor". De asta se si zbat ele sa

Care, www.romaniaanimalrescue.com/index.php" target="_blank">astia, care aduc bani din SUA, opereaza cainii prin voluntariat pur si-i duc sa fie adoptati uman peste ocean?

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Pentru detalii:

Romania Animal Rescue, Inc.
8000 Morgan Territory Rd. · Livermore, CA 94551
romaniadogs@sbcglobal.net · www.romaniaanimalrescue.com (925) 672-5908

Tax ID: 72-1546354

March 13, 2011

To Romanian Authorities,

For decades in Romania street dogs have been killed in vain attempts to control their population, using barbaric methods as the most usual way of killing the animals. As we have noticed, the animals keep repopulating regardless of the killing. When dogs are killed in an area, others move into the area and repopulate it. So the vicious cycle of killing animals does not work. Only Catch Neuter and Return has been proven to decrease the unwanted street dog population. When 80% of the dogs are sterilized, there is a 0% population growth. Sterilization (spay/neuter) is a win-win. It humanely decreases the unwanted street dog population, eventually eliminating it altogether.

As many of you are aware, spaying and neutering are the only true means to control unwanted animal births. This includes spay/neuter of owned dogs as well as strays.Often owned dogs are allowed out of doors off leash, contributing to the population of unwanted litters of puppies. A proactive public measure to spay/neuter not only strays but also owned and breed dogs will quickly diminish the unwanted stray dog population. Did you know that one female dog and her offspring can produce up to 67,000 puppies in six years? And dogs that have been neutered are less aggressive, and tend not to roam in packs. Spay/neuter is also the kindest measure one can take to ensure the overall health of the animal. Spay/neuter can eliminate the onset of many tumors and cancers, including testicular and prostate cancer in male dogs and mammary cancers in female dogs.

Many people have taken in stray dogs as companion animals, and have found that they make the most wonderful pets. The strays are eternally grateful that someone has understood their plight, and had the compassion to help. In this day and age, I think compassion for the downtrodden neighbor or animal is more important than ever before. In the USA as well as many other countries, it is fashionable to adopt animals from shelters—giving them a second chance is as fulfilling for the human as it is for the animal. Shelters should be welcoming and open to advice for improvement for the good of all.

I would like to add that I believe Romania is in a prime position to take advantage of the extremely lucrative companion animal welfare market. The companion animal welfare industry in the USA is $40 billion per year. Most of this money is spent on abandoned animals that have been adopted from shelters and through rescue groups, for the animals’ food, pharmaceuticals, toys, and other pet products. There is a lot more money to be made in animal welfare than in animal cruelty. By opening Romania’s business ventures to creating and distributing animal welfare products throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia, the animal welfare industry could become a huge financial opportunity.

I understand many of you feel as though someone living in the West has no business giving opinions and advice in Romania. But the problem of unwanted dogs is not one that is limited to Romania; it is an issue that many countries including the USA have faced. Although the problem seems huge, there are ways of addressing it that have already been proven successful. I’ve seen it myself. I very much appreciate your taking the time to consider my suggestions.


Nancy Janes, President and Founder, Romania Animal Rescue, Inc.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Selene_Bunny spune:

Parca si in Statele Unite, cei care nu sunt adoptati din adaposturi in... 2 saptamani (?), sunt eutanasiati.

Blogul meu - de la noi, pentru ei!

NOU - colectia de martie!

Bazar general - fiecare implicare conteaza!

Daria-Nandini, haiosenii si dragalasenii

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Link direct catre acest raspuns beren spune:

Nu, in Statele Unite, majoritatea shelter-urilor sunt "no kill". Adica animalele nu sunt eutanasiate, indiferent cat de mult timp stau acolo.

Exista si "kill" shelters, in unele state, in unele zone. Procentual, in foarte putine locuri se trece la eutanasiere dupa o perioada atat de scurta. Probabil ca vor disparea cu totul in cele din urma, sub presiunea oamenilor.

Acei oameni care adopta din shelters, doneaza bani, timp si efort - oferind sa plimbe cainii in week-end, sa intretina shelter-urle, etc.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Selene_Bunny spune:

citat din mesajul lui beren

Nu, in Statele Unite, majoritatea shelter-urilor sunt "no kill". Adica animalele nu sunt eutanasiate, indiferent cat de mult timp stau acolo.

Exista si "kill" shelters, in unele state, in unele zone. Procentual, in foarte putine locuri se trece la eutanasiere dupa o perioada atat de scurta. Probabil ca vor disparea cu totul in cele din urma, sub presiunea oamenilor.

Acei oameni care adopta din shelters, doneaza bani, timp si efort - oferind sa plimbe cainii in week-end, sa intretina shelter-urle, etc.

Da, mai, stiu cum functioneaza voluntariatul, ca ma uit la Animal Rescue - SPCA.

Noah, 100.000 de caini in Bucuresti, alti 100.000 in Braila... Cine mai doreste, cine mai pofteste?

Blogul meu - de la noi, pentru ei!

NOU - colectia de martie!

Bazar general - fiecare implicare conteaza!

Daria-Nandini, haiosenii si dragalasenii

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Link direct catre acest raspuns beren spune:

"Mai" = eu?

Ahem, ma bucur ca stii cum functioneaza. Eu traiesc de vreo 15 ani in acele State despre care intrebi, si am adoptat de trei ori din shelters in timpul asta. Iar ASPCA merge prin donatiile noastre, ale "alora" ca mine.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns sirimie spune:

Am contactat multe asociatii sa ma ajute sa scap de cainii din fata blocului, si am spus si ca sunt dispusa sa le dau bani. Nici macar unii nu au raspuns pozitiv din Romania si nici nu mi-au cerut vreunii bani. Au raspuns cei de la Animal Rescue si m-au rugat sa pozez cainii si sa le trimit pozele ca gaseasca adoptori. Din pacate nu am timp pentru asa ceva.

Am citit despre o solutie gasita de oamenii unui complex din afara Bucurestiului in care erau o gramada de caini. Au construit un adapost si da fiecare vreo 20 de lei pe luna pentru hranire etc.

Am vazut ce sustin ONG-urile - ca singura solutie este sa ramana in strada. Ca mor singuri daca sunt sterilizati. In atatia ani cum nu au murit singuri, ca doar e aceeasi lege.

beren, cati caini sunt pe strada in SUA si nu e normal sa nu fie nici unul?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns beren spune:

Sunt foarte putini, vezi rar asa ceva. Normal e sa nu fie nici unul. Nu in ultimul rand, pentru binele lor.

Diferenta sta in primul rand in atitudinea oamenilor; in RO, multi inca trateaza o haita sau alta precum cainii "lor", ca sa le fie "protejate" masinile si blocurile. Altii isi scot cainii de casa "la harjonit" cu maidanezii. Si inca prea putini isi sterilizeaza cainii si pisicile din casa. Aici, marea majoritate fac asta. Exceptiile sunt crescatorii de rasa, cei care participa la concursuri si au linie de pedigree, etc.

Orice animal care ajunge la shelter este sterilizat. Cea mai mare parte a cheltuielilor merg spre asta, restul e practic voluntariat.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns bird70 spune:

citat din mesajul lui capcaunul

citat din mesajul lui denizel
Bird, dar ce-ti veni cu venitul in Romania?

S-a saturat de atata liniste. Vrea s-auda caini care latra cu adevarat, nu dingo.

Nu de buna voie . Sunt santajata emotional de consort sa merg cu copiii 5 zile in Romania sa-i vada soacra-mea care 'nu poate sa zboare' si sa vina in vizita.

Intreb si eu again, in responsabilitatea cui intra cainii comunitari? Cineva trebuie sa fie responsabil de ei. Ca eu pe bune ca n-am multa minte si daca ma musca vreunul ii dau in judecata.

Health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity . World Health Organisation
I'm not insane, my mother had me tested! Dr.Sheldon Cooper

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Link direct catre acest raspuns capcaunul spune:

citat din mesajul lui salcia
si a propos, atunci cand m-am intors usurel bine am facut, pentru ca toata haita o luase deja la fuga dupa mine), dar am fost muscata acum multi ani de un caine de la bloc, absolut prietenos si bland, pe care-l cunosteam foarte bine. L-am mangaiat, i-am vorbit, el s-a uitat duios la mine , si apoi m-a muscat de picior... Deci...

Deci e clar ca buna ziua! Sotul e vinovat.

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