
Fetelor dragi,shtie careva ceva despre filmul intitulat KILL BILL ?De aproximativ o saptamina,tot ma atentzioneaza sotzu' cind dau la tv reclama acestui film shi ma roaga sa va intreb daca l-atzi vazut,ce parere avetzi,...?Io am apucat sa vad doar finalul reclamei mereu shi de aceea nu va pot spune decit ca,cred ca este o coproductzie,parte din actziunea filmului se petrece in Japonia shi in distributzie sint Lucy Liu,Uma Thurmen shi nah,ca am uitat cine mai este.Apucasem sa vad shi regizorul dar momentan imi scapa numele;oricum este italian.
Sotzul imi tot spune ca pare un film putzin ciudat shi de aceea el vrea sa-l vada neaparat.Nu shtiu cum o va face,caci cel mai apropiat cinematograf shi singurul din zona este la 80 km de noi fine. shi daca shtie cineva despre ce vorbesc,va rog mult sa-mi spunetzi pe scurt ceva legat de actziunea filmului.
Eddy & Antonia Naomi

EDDY spune:
Mi-am amintit regizorul:Quentin Tarantino!
Haidetzi mey dragilor,nu ma lasatzi asha pe dinafara!Oanaaaaa_B,unde ejti iubita?
Eddy & Antonia Naomi


ralucami spune:
Eddy nu cred ca a apucat sa-l vasa cineva pt ca abia a aparut. La noi se face tam-tam mare cu filmul asta: afise peste tot, la Tv reclama non-stop,tichete cu discount-uri de 200-300 de yeni pt bilete etc. Din ce am intzeles eu de prin reclame: personajul principal(jucat de Uma Thruman) vrea sa iasa dintr-o "asociatzie" si sa aiba viatza ei proprie. Se pare totusi ca si la ei se aplica principiul: ori esti cu noi ori nu mai esti ...deloc. Iar ea incerca sa scape de urmaritorii ei.Asta e ce am intzeles eu din reclame. Daca pe sotul tau il tenteaza, luati-va printzesa si duceti-va! Noi vrem sa mergem la "2bad boys" pana plecam in Ro
Hai noroc si sanatate- ca-i mai buna decat toate!


Oana_B spune: unde naiba le scoti Eddy toate filmele astea?? M-am uitat pe net, eu nu am vazut filmul asta, banuiesc ca e inca la cinematografe daca e released in 10 octombrie. Eu nu ma duc la cinematografe, astept pana apar pe DVD-uri. Daca te ajuta cu ceva, ca mai mult habar n-am: site-ul oficial al filmului vol.1 care a aparut in 10 oct vol. 2 care va aparea in februarie 2004.
Cand il vizionezi sa ne zici si noua, cred ca e un film de actiune.


ralucami spune:
Eddy am gasit un articol in engleza care face un comentariu la filmul cautat de tine. E destul de interesant si odata ce l-am vazut m-am gandit sa ti-l postez si tie. Sper ca nu are nimic daca il postez in engleza( plizz moderatori nu va suparatzi!!). Deci:'Kill Bill': Armed to the teeth
Naomi Tajitsu / Daily Yomiuri Staff Writer
If action directors are "real" directors, as Quentin Tarantino likes to think, then tack "real" onto the slew of superlatives that usually follow his name. Kill Bill, Tarantino's fourth film, his first in six years, is exactly that: a real film.
What makes films like Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction great is the way they twist reality, albeit a reality only a film geek like Tarantino could dream up, into that microcosm of life we know as film. What makes Kill Bill real, or pure, on top of great is the way the director has stripped any element of reality from the film; everything about it consciously exists solely in the cinematic world, where Clint Eastwood could mistake a spaghetti western on television for his own reflection in the mirror.
This way, it demands to be seen purely in the context of film, specifically, chambara, kung-fu and spaghetti westerns, without all the tired trappings of irony we've all become so sick of.
In many ways, Kill Bill isn't the sort of film you'd at first expect from a director who has a gift for crafting inane verbal diarrhea into magical, spot-on dialogue. There's very little of that here; conversations are clipped, yet each word drips with the stuff that the best melodramas are made of--honor, conflict and pride. Also, there's not much of a back story at all: All we know is that a woman (Uma Thurman) wakes up from a four-year coma after her unborn baby was butchered at her wedding by attackers who left her for dead. The only thing we really know about her is that she's hell-bent on getting revenge on a man named Bill, whom she vows to kill. We don't even know her name; she's just referred to as "the Bride."
We do, however, find out that the job at the altar, in which the groom and guests were also killed, was the work of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad, of which the Bride was once a member and Bill the leader. The Bride draws up a list of five people to kill, all members of the squad: Vanita Green (Vivica A. Fox), O-Ren Ishii (Lucy Liu), Elle Driver (Daryl Hannah), Budd (Michael Madsen) and, of course, Bill (David Carradine). Vanita and O-Ren are dealt with in Kill Bill's first installment; the rest come later in Vol. 2, which will be released in spring.
One thing about dividing the film into two installments: Though the decision to split the film up initially seemed like a way for Miramax to milk two films out of the story for the price of one, in the end, it works on (at least) two rather important levels. First, ending the first film where it does allows it to bleed, with a perfect release of melodrama that would not have been possible had the two sections been screened as a whole. Second, as much as we can cry and whine about that lost, glorious tradition of screening long films with intermissions, in this case, the wait between the two films is welcome, almost considerate, because in terms of pain, Kill Bill is the voyeuristic equivalent to curb stomping that lasts nearly two hours. Honestly, it's that bloody.
There's quite a bit of globetrotting involved in this quest for revenge, from Nowhere, Texas, to suburban California to Okinawa to Tokyo, yet despite the breadth of locales, the film is so contained within the confines of each scene and each sequence that there's no room to entertain any notion of reality, either within the film or outside of it. Tarantino's come up with a world that has never heard of Budweiser or Marlboro--here, even consumer brands are Tarantino's own constructions, like Tenku beer and Red Apple cigarettes. It's also a world where fight scenes are played out as silhouettes against a blue backdrop and shoji screens of upscale restaurants in Tokyo open out into a starry night in a traditional Japanese garden delicately blanketed in snow.
Because of this, none of Kill Bill's action can be referenced to the real world; the only connections we can make to them are from cinematic conventions. For most, it would be impossible to relate the motivations of the Bride and her rivals to our own lives; the only way we can do this is to look to the films of Leone, Kurosawa or Ford.
Even when it comes to violence, like when the Bride takes on O-Ren's 88 yakuza thugs, there is absolutely no pretension here that any of the severed limbs or fountains of blood are supposed to be real; it's all too stylized, too over the top to be anything other than a construction. Those who slammed Tarantino for the violence of his past films should be shaking in their shoes now--if violence can be criticized for being too "realistic," can it also be criticized for intentionally being too "unrealistic"?
Visceral impact aside, Kill Bill's themes transcend its controlled chaos, mainly due to how ceremonial things like revenge are made to be. Near the beginning, after the Bride kills Vanita in her own kitchen, she tells her victim's daughter that she'll be waiting for her should she want her own revenge. Of course, this scene is probably more disturbing than any of the violence that follows it. However, it isn't meant to mobilize the little girl into becoming a next-generation killing machine; it's more to show where the Bride is coming from. It's a sad celebration of her own experiences.
That we can sympathize with the Bride isn't just a tribute to Tarantino, it's a homage to all of the lone wolves and isolated souls we've come across in films, from Travis Bickle to Ethan Edwards. That special feeling we get from realizing this, we can be sure that the director feels the same way, because more so than any of his other films, Kill Bill shows that Tarantino considers films, even his own, not just through the eyes of a director, but through the eyes of us--the audience.
The movie opens Oct. 25.
Hai noroc si sanatate- ca-i mai buna decat toate!


maudi spune:
eu l-am vazut de cum a aparut, si daca aveti probleme cu stilul lui Tarantino, mai bine nu dati banii degeaba. violenta la apogeu, chiar daca in cheia parodico-macabra binecunoscuta a regizorului, oricum al meu radea iar eu cu palmele peste ochi sa nu mai vad grozaviile alea. daca iti spun ca totul porneste cu uciderea nuntasilor si bataia sora cu moartea aplicata miresei (gravide) plus un glonte in cap care o lasa totusi in viata...mireasa,jucata de Uma , fosta ucigas de cariera in gasca lui Bill din care mai faceau parte si celelalte dudui, se apuca de razbunare. ce vedeti acum la cinema este prima parte. si n-o recomand ne-iubitorilor de Tarantino sau celor mai slabi de inger. eu fac parte din a doua categorie, dar tot m-am dus sa-l vad. si o sa ma duc si la partea a doua :))))


EDDY spune:
Multzam fain,Oana,pentru link-uri.I le-am bagat in oki lu' sotzu' ca sa caute ce are de vazut.Multzam,Raluca,de articol shi nu-i bai ca-i in engleza.Cit despre actziunea filmului in sine,Maudi,pe mine sincer nu ma intereseaza caci sint dezinteresata de filmele horror sau sf-uri dar am pus acest topic la rugamintea sotzului meu capos.Io am vazut Vanilla Sky de 3 ori shi nu l-am intzeles nici macar o data,la fel am vazut shi Matrix pe care nici acum nu-l pricep shi am ajuns la concluzia ca filmele astea in care virtualul se combina cu realul,pur shi simplu nu-s de mine.Oricum,Maudi,mutzumesc pentru relatarea pe scurt a filmului.Acum sint sigura ca shi daca ash avea cu cine sa o las pe tero-chan,tot nu l-ash insotzi pe sotzu' la vizionarea acestui film.Las' sa mearga el sa se distreze in felul asta.
Mulzti tuturor,
Eddy & Antonia Naomi


ariadna spune:
Va recomand Pulp Fiction, va garantez c-o sa va indragostiti de stilul lui Tarantino. Aaa, si va mai recomand Jacki Brown, sau cum s-o mai fi scriind. Si asta-i tot de Tarantino, dar tot mai bun e Pulp Fiction, e de altfel primul film al lui Tarantino pe care l-am vazut eu
Trecand peste violenta prezentata in film, se remarca stilul regizoral aparte si neaparat jocul actorilor. Era un articol de ziar, cum ca Tarantino a asteptat-o pe Uma Thurman sa nasca, caci era gravida cand a inceput el sa faca filmul Kill Bill, declarand ca aceasta este Marlene Dietrich a lui (sau ceva de genul asta, sper sa nu ma insele memoria ).


babirusa spune:
Am vazut si eu Kill Bill, mi s-a parut bine facut dar prea violent, imi plac mai mult filmele mai vechi ale lui Tarantino.
