Citim impreuna 'Dumnezeul lucrurilor marunte'
Raspunsuri - Pagina 2
iarina spune:
Ma asteptam sa gasesc mult mai multe comentarii, imi pare rau ca nu s-a gasit cartea in timp...dar imi pare bine mihaelka ca ai reusit s-o citesti in engleza. Este o mica bijuterie, atat de lucrata, atat de impecabila din punct de vedere stilistic. Roy se joaca cu ccc cuvintele ca Rushdie, combinand, inventand, adaugand vocale sau scotandu-le.
Cartea are si un puternic accent social si..... feminist. Roy este de altfel o feminista dedicata si a fost extrem de implicata in ultimii ani in proiecte de gen. In carte este extrem de vizibil, comparand lucrurile care i se permiteau lui chacko - putea sa se culce cu orice femeie, din orice csta, oricat de jos, fara ca acest lucru sa aiba urmari si ceea ce i se intampla lui Ammu, care doar fiind femeie nu are voie sa faca lucruri care pentru un barbat erau aproape firesti. sa nu mai vorbesc de scena de la politie care m-a revoltat profund!!!
Mihaelka - spune-mi daca ai inteles cumva din carte (asta-i un mister caruia nu i-am dat capat) ce s-a intamplat cu Baby Kochamma....a ucis-o cumva Estha asa cum afirma la un moment dat in carte? nu se mai face nici o aluzie, cuvintele lui raman suspendate si ah ce-as fi vrut s-o pateasca hoasca
Imi permit de asemenea sa pun un mic fragment in engleza, pentru cei care nu au citit-o:
"When Ammu, when will you come for him?
But when? When eggzackly?
Soon sweetheart. As soon as I can. (......) As soos as I get a job. As soon as I get away from here and get a job, Ammu said.
But that will be never! A waive of panic. A bottomless-bottomful feeling. (...)
By "never" Estha had only meant that it would be too far away. That it wouldn't be now, wouldn't be soon.By never he hadn't meant Not Ever. But that's how the words came out.
But that will be never!
For Never they just took the O and the T out of Not Ever.
It was his fault that the faraway man in Ammu's chest stopped shouting. His fault that she died alone in the lodge with no one to lie at the back of her and talk to her. Because he was the one that had said it.But Ammu that will be never!
Don't be silly Estha. It'll be soon, Ammu's mouth said. I'll be a teacher. I'll start a school. and you and Rahel will be in it.
And we'll be able to afford it because it will be ours! Estha said with his enduring pragmatism. Free bus rides. Free funerals. Free education. Little Man. He lived in a cara-van. Dum dum.
And in our school we'll have classrooms and blackboards, Estha said.
And chalk.
And Real Teachers teaching.
And proper punishments, Rahel said.
This was the stuff their dreams were made of. On the day that Estha was Returned. Chalk.Blackboards. Proper punishments. They only asked for punishments that fitted their crimes.
without warning the train began to move. Very slowly.
Estha's pupils dilated. His nails dug into Amuu's hand as she walked among the platform. Her walk turning into a run as the Madras Mail picked up speed.
Godbless, my baby! My sweetheart. I'll come for you soon!
On the station platform Rahel doubled over abd screamed and screamed.
The train pulled out. The light pulled in."
beshter spune:
iarina, nu, n-am inteles ca Estha ar fi ucis-o.
Dar sa stii ca e mai bine asa. Oricat mi-as fi dorit s-o pateasca babatia asta oribila - cred ca e unul dintre cele mai odioase personaje cu care m-am confruntat vreodata - sa-i vada pe Rahel si Estha reuniti e mai rau ca orice pedeapsa.