FIV cu ovocite donate
Raspunsuri - Pagina 3
adria42 spune:
Am sa le trimit si eu mail dupa 15 aprilie (pana atunci sunt plecata din tara).Si mie mi-ar conveni in luna decembrie asa ca cine stie...poate ne intalnim acolo!
mami_vreau spune:
hai ca m-am interesat deja de posibilitatile de cazare si transport... sunt full de informatii... abia astept sa le impartasesc cuiva!
mi-ar placea tare mult sa facem in aceeasi perioada... vezi si tu, iti vor trimite ei mail si iti vor propune o data... eventual roaga-i tu sa fie una apropiata cu a mea! dar asta abia la al doilea mail...
mutatia MTHFR C677T heterozigota
anda82 spune:
Mami-vreau, iti doresc sa ti se implineasca cat mai repede visul.Ar fi bine sa se faca si la noi cu donatoare anonima, ca asa e cam riscant...Eu am intrat pe acest subiect ca mi s-a dat si mie de facut AMH, mi s-a spus ca am estradiolul mare, si pentru ca am un singur ovar si o boala nu raman insarcinatat de ani gandesc si eu ca e posibil sa am AMH pregatesc de primul fiv.
Doream sa te intreb ce este mutatia MTHFR C677T heterozigotasi cum ai descoperit-o? Am vazut ca multe fete care se lupta cu infertilitatea vorbesc de aceasta mutatie...
Doresc la toate fetele care nu au bebei si isi doresc sa li se implineasca visul cat mai repede!!
mami_vreau spune:
anda Doamne ajuta sa iti iasa analiza AMH ok... sa vii sa ne dai de stire and vei avea rezultatul!
mutatia mea are legatura cu trombofilia... exista analize de sange care ajuta la depistarea mutatiilor de acest fel... poti citi mai multe despre acest subiect la acest topic:
Trombofilia - o cauza a infertilitatii
mutatia MTHFR C677T heterozigota
anda82 spune:
Multumesc, mami-vreau!
Da o sa va spun rezultatul la analiza, mi-e teama ca o sa iasa rau..dr nu prea a fost multumita de analizele mele hormonale...
Legat de acea mutatie, o sa vedem mi-a dat multe analzie de cuagulare, dar vin rezultatele undeva la sfarsitul lui aprilie. Tiroida mea se poate asocia si cu alte boli autoimune, lupus anticuagulant si alte minuni. Mi-au venit o parte din rezultatele unor analize de cuagulare si doua nu sunt in intervalul de referinta.
Timp de protrombina (PT) cu INR:
timp sec. 13,1 (10 -14sec)
% 88,5 (93 -117%)
INR 1,10 (0,85-1,16)
Stii ceva despre aceasta analiza? Si mi-a mai iesit si fibrinogenul usor marit 422, fata de 400 cat este limita.
Mie mi-a dat dr sa fac AMH cand a auzit ca menstra este de 3 zile , iar a 3 a zi f. putin..banuiesc ca are legatura si cu menstra, nu?
si sa dea Dumnezeu sa putem vb si noi pe acest forum de bebeii pe care ii avem!
misa_21 spune:
Incerc sa postez raspunsul celor de la Feticent,de fapt eu cu cei de la Goldenes am comunicat si la Viena am fost la prima consultatie,la Bratislava se face doar procedura.Insa,ramin cu niste dubii avind in vedere seriozitatea celor din Cehia,atita vreme cit le-am scris un mail in care ii anuntam ca as vrea sa imi procur medicatia deoarece am 9 luni de asteptare si a trecut mai mult de o luna si nu mi-au raspuns.
Insa am in maneca un As mare de tot,dar deocamdata nu am nimic concret.Probabil in 3-4 luni voi avea detalii si informatii veridice
Thank you that you are interested in our Center.
Before we can arrange your treatment for eggdonation in our partner-Center in Bratislava, we need some informations about you and your partner. Then we can give you an appointment for your first counsel here in our Center in Vienna.
Please check up the attachements, fill them out and please send them back to our office. We will call you back when we got all the findings.
An eggdonation-treatment will cost about 6000 Euro.
The treatment itself takes about 1 month. In that time you don´t need to come to our Center; for the ultrasounds (1-2 times)you can go to your gynocologist. For the Pick-up and the transfer you need to go to Ferticent/Bratislava. During the treatment we are in contact only by phone or e-mail.
I have to inform you that our waiting list, at the moment, takes about 10-12 months after registration.
Best regards,
Mit herzlichen Grüßen,
Elisabeth Pangan
Diplomierte Gesundheits- und Krankenschwester
Goldenes Kreuz Privatklinik
A-1090 Wien, Lazarettgasse 16-18
Tel: +43-(0)1 - 40 111 - 1403
Fax: +43-(0)1 - 40 111 - 1401
mami_vreau spune:
misa am trecut si bratislava pe prima pagina... multumim de informatii!
mutatia MTHFR C677T heterozigota
Flori70 spune:
Mami-vreau te rog sa mai adaugi o clinica din Creta de la care am raspuns si f multe formulare
O sa postez o parte din ele, sper sa fie de folos
Citat: |
FERTILITY CENTER CHANIA The evening of your arrival you will contact Monica Tsouroupaki for your appointment and sperm collection. The cost of your treatment will be 5,000. euros for the program of egg donation you will have to send 1,200. euro deposit to reserve your donor then 3,800.euro to be pay in cash euro at your arrival ( they will be Nothing else to pay in chania about this treatment.) except the 300 euro for cryopreservation of your left over embryos. EXTRA COST FOR TREATMENT BELOW ONLY IF NEEDED 200 euro for ICSI-IMSI if needed Assisted Haching of the embryos no charge 900 euro for TESA ( clinic, anesthesis,meds and laboratory included ) 200 euro for sperm donation if needed 300 euro for cryopreservation of the embryos for the first year if needed 2,600. euro for PGD ( Pre-implantation diagnosis ) ( screening of 7 chromosomes and XY Aneuploidy screening analysis ) excluding accommodation, and travel. The full fee will be paid cash euro within the arrival at the clinic, so we can proceed with your treatment. If you decide to cancel your treatment for non-medical reasons once the donor has commenced the stimulation of her ovaries the full fee will have to be paid. If you decide to cancel prior to this a refund will be given minus the cost of any treatment already received. If the donor's cycle is cancel then your treatment is cancel and you will be rematched with the next available, donor at no additional cost. If you are interested in participating in this program, please contact by e-mail Monica Tsouroupaki at my private e-mail or Center : +302821090955 – Fax : +302821090355 mobile : +306972247074 if emergency only Monica Tsouroupaki Ivf clinic director, Embryologist |
Citat: |
FERTILITY CENTER CHANIA INTERNATIONAL EGG RECIPIENT PROGRAMMES Recipients: Initial Consultation. Before joining the egg donation Program, you will need to send to the Fertility Center Chania a full medical history and Blood tests: please be aware that these results must be less than 6 months old at the time of treatment or the screening tests will be repeated. Note: all the tests can be done in chania at low cost. How is treatment co-ordinated with the clinic in Chania. Prior to be matched with a donor you will need to undertake screening tests for both you and your partner .Once the pre-treatment screening has been completed, you will then be matched with the first suitable donor. After you have been advised of the characteristics of your potential donor and you have decided to proceed with the treatment based on this donor, we will determine the possible date for treatment. These dates will be based on the cycle of the donor. When your cycle has been synchronised with the donor's the proposed dates for treatment can be finalised, you will ordered your medication and arranged appointment with your local doctor for the scans which is necessary before traveling to Chania. What information will I be given about my donor ? All donors will be Caucasian origin we will provide you with information on: build, height, eye color, hair color, weight, occupation & education note : the rules on anonymity are very strict and are in the best interests of all concerned. All donors will be screened prior to being accepted and the fallowing criteria must be met: less then 30 years old Two ovaries no personal history or Trial cycle response to stimulation family history of genetic or familial illness FSH level less than 8 in addition, all donors male and female are screened and must have clearance on the fallowing: Chlamidia HIV 1,2, CMV Chromosome Analysis Cystic Fibrosis Gene Syphilis Hepatitis B +C Thalassaemia Kariotype FERTILITY CENTER CHANIA What is the drug regime Patients who are menopausal ( no periods ) the endometrium is prepared by giving oral estrogen and progesterone support Patients with periods. The endometrium will be prepared by giving Buserelin injection, estrogen, and progesterone support. For both groups of patients the drug regime is continued until 9 weeks of pregnancy. How many eggs will I receive ? You will receive a minimum of 8 eggs. We will transfer no more than 4 embryos depending of your age and in accordance with Greece regulations introduced as a result of a well- documented increase in multiple pregnancy rates following assisted conception when four embryos are returned. After the fresh embryo transfer, if there are surplus embryos available of sufficiently good quality, they can be frozen and stored for your use in a future treatment cycle. You will stay in Chania about 7 days the exact time depends on your donor egg collection. It is advisable to arrive in Chania at least one day prior to the donor's egg collection . Proposed travel dates cannot be confirmed until your donor has commenced ovarian stimulation. This will be approximately two weeks before you would need to travel. It is therefore not advisable to book or purchase non-refundable or non- exchangeable tickets before ovarian stimulation has been started, as your dates for treatment cannot be guaranteed before then. |
Flori70 spune:
am uitat sa adaug lista cu hoteluri
Citat: |
Hotels in Town of Chania, Samaria*** hotel 3 minutes walk to the clinic 2- recommend ok Bozzali ***apartment with small kitchen, 10min. walk to the clinic Kydon **** hotel 10 min.walk to the clinic Danaos hotel *** by the beach 15 min walk to the clinic. 1-Recommend very good Arocaria ** apartment with small kitchen, 15 min. walk to the clinic. Veronica ** small apartment with kitchen, 25 min drive to the clinic. Lena apartment ** small apts. With kitchen, 15 min.walk to the clinic Nefeli hotel *** 2 min.walk to the clinic. Hotel Sun ** small apartment,10 min. walk to the clinic Pension Theresa ** room with cooking facilities, 10 min.walk to the clinic. Vilelmine hotel very nice 10 min walk from clinic, tell them you are coming for treatment with us you will have better cost. Out of town Oasis hotel *** need a car to come to clinic. 3 –recommend Michalis Villa *** large apartment with all the facilities, the manager will drive you to the clinic. Marialena Villa**** small house with all the facilities, 30 minutes by car www, ***** 35-40 min. from clinic need a car 4- Recommend Other Site to find hotel in Chania Airlines tickets Useful phone numbers Police: 100 Emergency telephone number: 166 Tourist police: Tel: 28210- 53333, 28708 Hospital: 28210-27000-9 EOT (Greek Tourism Organization): Tel: 28210-92943, 92624 Souda port: Tel: 28210-89240 Airport: Tel: 28210-63245, 83800 KTEL (buses): 28210-93306, 93305, 93052, 93024 Local buses: 28210-27044 Radio taxi: 28210-98700-1, 98770, 94300, 87700 Aegean airlines: 28210.63366 Olympic airlines: 28210.57701-3 Sky Express: 2810-223500/800 ANEK lines: 28210.27500-4 Hellenic Seaways: 210.4199000, 4199100 The city of Chania The city of Chania The city of Chania can be divided into two parts: the old town and the modern city which is the larger one. Chania's Old Town is considered the most beautiful urban district on Crete. It is next to the old Venetian harbour and is the matrix around which the whole urban area was developed. It used to be surrounded by the old Venetian fortifications; of them the eastern and western parts have survived. This part of the city is full of old buildings and narrow streets that reflect a large part of this city’s Mediterranean history and are full of small shops that sell local products and various handcrafts. There is a selection of food choices, with plenty of them serving traditional Cretan specialities and a number of foreign cuisine restaurants. Most of them are gathered in the Old Town, Nea Hora and Koum Kapi, the coastal areas of the town, however there are several choices around the city as well. Near Chania there are numerous options for sightseeing, exploration and discovery. In the summertime swimming is the main activity due to the beautiful sandy beaches that expand for many kilometres. Mountain villages provide a view into the "inner Crete". Samaria is a famous gorge, at the south part, that can be walked along. Archaeological remains can be seen in many other places of the prefecture like ancient Minoa in Marathi of Akrotiri, the temple of Diktynna in Menies, the Hellenistic remains in Rokka, the Roman residences with the mosaic floors in Kissamos, the agrarian sanctuary of Poseidon in Tsiskiana, ancient Elyros in Rodovani and ancient Tarra at the exit of Samaria Gorge. How do I get to the city? By plane Chania are directly connected to Athens by Olympic Airlines and Aegean Airlines and to other Greek islands by SkyExpress. From April to early November, there are many direct charter flights to Chania from the UK, Germany, Scandinavia and other European countries. “K. Daskalogiannis” International Airport is situated on the Akrotiri peninsula, 20 min from Chania. The average taxi fare to go to the city is around 15 euros and there are also some infrequent local buses. By bus By bus Bus station (KTEL) is in the centre of the city near the 1866 square. You can travel by bus to all the cities, the villages and the beaches within the prefecture of Chania and to every major city of Crete. By ferry The port for ferries from Chania is in Souda (7 Km), a few minutes away. Ferries sail to and from Athens (Piraeus) daily all year around. The ships are from ANEK lines and the duration of the journey is around 9 hours. From March to October there is a high-speed catamaran from Hellenic Seaways that makes the same route daily in 4.5 hours. The ferries sail when the weather conditions are not very windy and are considered suitable and stable. If the weather is bad, sailings will be cancelled (not often - but there are a few such days every year, especially during the winter), and you should be accommodated on the next available sailing. How do I move around Chania? Chania is not a large city, so you can move around easily on foots, but if you like to go to the most distant parts of the city there are local buses. The bus stop is in front of the main market and the telephone is: 28210-27044. You can also hire a taxi; the minimum fare is at 2.70 euro. The main taxi station is at the 1866 square in the centre of the city and there are also radio taxis which charge 1.50 euro extra. Radio taxi tel: 28210-98700-1, 98770, 94300, 87700. Timetables Shops open from 09:00 or 09:30 until 14:30 and on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday reopen at 05:00 or 05:30 until 20:30 or 21:00. Tourist shops that are located in the old part of the city are usually open from 09:00 or 09:30 to late at night. Climate The climate is usually good in Chania and it does not rain very often. Day time peak temperatures during winter range from 9 to 18 degrees Celsius. Money The official currency in Greece is the euro. There are bank notes of 5€, 10€, 20€, 50€, 100€, 200€ and 500€ and coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 cents and 1€ and 2€. Communication There are a lot of public phone boxes all over town that work with phone cards, which can be bought at small shops (periptero) or tourist shops. There are internet cafés, where you can use the internet for a modest fee. The address of the Clinic: Zymvrakakidon 24 and Markou Botsary Street |
mami_vreau spune:
anda din pacate eu nu stiu prea multe despre analizele de coagulare... inceraca la topicul pe care ti l-am recolmandat, cel cu trombofilia... cat despre fibrinogen stiu ca o valoare crescuta poate arata o infectie dar valoarea ta nu e foarte plus stiu ca se analizeaza rezultatul fibrinogenului impreuna cu cel al vsh-ului pentru a fi relevant!
flori super informatiile... si clinica imi inspira incredere... asta-i feelingul meu... tu acolo vrei sa faci?
mutatia MTHFR C677T heterozigota