Breaking News - 8
Raspunsuri - Pagina 13

danat spune:
Medy interesante filmuletele francezilor.
M-a frapat in al doilea, spre final, momentul acela cu Dave Dave filmat in oglinda cand spune aceleasi cuvinte pe care obisnuia sa le spuna Michael, cu aceeasi intonatie...hmmm...
Iubeste-ma atunci cand merit cel mai putin, pentru ca atunci am cea mai mare nevoie.

Medy6 spune:
Kenny pare obosit aici, poate de aceea spune "And I have to say Michael Jackson did a lot to bring that into the light for me.”

Medy6 spune:
Urmatoarea infatisare pentru Murray e 14 iunie. In 14 iunie 2005 Michael a fost declarat nevinovat...
Poate de aceea Katherine poarta acelasi costum

Medy6 spune:
Mama lui Ryan White despre Michael:
"Michael was a very dear friend who I can't believe is gone. It's still so confusing to me how this could happen to such a great person. We knew Michael not just as a entertainer, but as a friend that would call up on Mothers day and tell me Happy Mothers Day because he was thinking of me. He talked about his sister Janet alot. He loved hearing stories about Ryan and Andrea because he loved how close Andrea and Ryan was just like him and Janet. He talked a lot about his Mom and how I reminded him of his own mom. (I was really thrilled)
One thing I would love people to know about Michael. He was a superstar, entertainer, recording artist, but the silliest things made him happy, having simple fun, laughs, cartoons, playing jokes and making people happy.
I remember when Michael came to our house for Ryan's funeral and Michael spent a couple hours in Ryan's room, he just wanted to be close to Ryan. He just sit on his bed for hours. Michael later asked Andrea to see Ryan's red Mustang. Andrea took Michael outside in the front yard where we had Ryan's car surrounded with flowers from people all around the world. Michael got in and turned the car on and "Man In The Mirror" was playing. Michael knew that was the last song Ryan had been listening to. It just thrilled him to know that. It was the simple things that put a smile on his face. He later released "GONE TOO SOON" for Ryan but who would have known he would be joining Ryan and he too would be "GONE TOO SOON"
We Love You Michael
Jeanne White"
Mother of Ryan White

danat spune:
Da, Medy, asta este Michael-ul pe care mi l-am imaginat si eu dintotdeauna
Cat despre rochia maica-sii, ce sa zic, poate fi o coincidenta...insa, cine sa mai creada in coincidente cand, in acest caz, sunt la tot pasul numai coincidente, numai coincidente...
Iubeste-ma atunci cand merit cel mai putin, pentru ca atunci am cea mai mare nevoie.

danat spune:
Haha, uitandu-ma pe site-ul acela cu whereismichaeljackson am gasit un filmuletz tare ciudat din mometul cand MJ era chipurile mutat din elicopter in masina de medicina legala.
Sa vedeti cum dupa ce niste neni urca cadavrul in duba, stau pret de cateva secunde (cine stie ce discuta si CU CINE - cu cadavrul probabil) in masina si apoi ies si umbla la numerele ambulantei. Iar unul dintre ei, soferul pare-mi-se pleaca teleleu.
Multe ciudatenii fratioare! Pentru ce or fi facut asta?!
Iata filmuletul:
Iubeste-ma atunci cand merit cel mai putin, pentru ca atunci am cea mai mare nevoie.

albinutza spune:

Medy6 spune: