Sarcina si bolile autoimune (4)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 6
anabel79 spune:
Buna fetelor...
Luck m am hotarat sa fac intralipid prin ziua 8.Apropo ce doza de prednison ai ma gandeam la 10mg din ziua 1 si apoi sa cresc la 25mg...iau si ptr AntiTG, ATPO si ANA asa ca eu cred ca trebuie sa discutat cu medicul despre fiv si ramane sa mai discutam.
De fapt ptr probleme imunologice la o clinica din Londra recomanda prednison de 25 mg din ziua 1.
vom vedea ce va fi ptr ca eu trebuie sa rezolv problema cu prolactina care e foarte mare, noroc ca am stabilizat TSH sunt pe eutyrox de 100 mg de foarte mult timp.
va pup....
iepumic spune:
luck, bine ai revenit!
M-ai facut un pic curioasa/surprinsa: cum adica Seleniul nu este indicat in Hashi? Eu am citit peste tot exact invers, iar medicul meu endocrinolog mi-a dat sa iau 1 pastila/zi. Poate imi poti spune sursa de unde ai aflat, sa citesc si eu.
Noi pozici cu Iepi-Mici" target="_blank">CRISTINA ARE NEVOE URGENT DE AJUTOR
All's Well That Ends Well.
anabel79 spune:
luck ce nu e indicat seleniu in eu ma gandeam la Budapesta dar nu am timp din cauza serviciului si am aflat ca dr Kovacs nu prea recomanda tratament imunologic pe per fiv iar aici comunic mai usor...
iepumic spune:
Vai ce suparata sunt! Trebuia sa ma programez pt sfarsitul lui martie la control la endo, si cand am sunat am aflat ca nu mai lucreaza dna dr cu Medicover. Abia o gasisem si eram incantata ca e foarte competenta si, in plus, nici nu mai trebuia sa platesc analizele, eu avand abonament la Medicover. Acum tb sa merg dupa ea la alta clinica si tb sa merg si la Medicover la endocrinolog ca sa nu platesc totusi analizele. Of. M-a cam dat peste cap chestia asta.
Apropo, stie cineva ce e cu DHEA-S? M-am tot interesat pe net si cica in boala Addison DHEA-S este scazut. Eu am aceasta analiza cu valori mult mai mici decat normal si medicii zic ca nu inseamna nimic. Eu totusi am indoieli, atunci de ce mai sunt date valori minime si valori maxime?
Noi pozici cu Iepi-Mici" target="_blank">CRISTINA ARE NEVOE URGENT DE AJUTOR
All's Well That Ends Well.
luck spune:
nu aruncati cu rosii ...... aveti dreptate , nu am citit nicaieri , o buna prietena de-a mea care are Hashi mi-a spus ca dr i-a spus ca seleniul este contraindicat la Hashi , la fel ca si sarea iodata care de altfel este indicata in cazul persoanelor care sufera de hipotiroidie.
te rog nu te supara pe mine dar cum se face adminstrarea de intralipid?
Eu am luat prednison cu 1 luna inainte de fiv 1+1/2 pastila de 5 mg iar din prima zi de stimulare 1 pastila de 5 mg.
Zadori imi zicea sa nu iau mai mult de 1 pastila de 5 mg/zi in timpul stimularii pt ca afecteaza stimularea.Eu asa am inteles de la el si nu stiu sa va spun in ce fel afecteaza sau daca afecteaza , stiu doar sa va spun ca rezultatul stimularii mele a fost un fiasco total.
MTHFR - C677T genotip heterozigot , A1298C - genotip heterozigot ; antitrombina III sub limita
luck spune:
unde o sa faci fiv-ul si cine ti-a recomandat doza de prednison?
MTHFR - C677T genotip heterozigot , A1298C - genotip heterozigot ; antitrombina III sub limita
anabel79 spune:
Luck stai linistita doar am intrebat de seleniu eu oricum am luat si am vazut rezultatele.
Cred ca o sa fac fiv la medlife cu dragos albu, ma gandeam ca poate e mai deachis la minte privind schemele de tratament.Va dau doua forumuri din Londra care abordeaza problemele imune si schemele de tratament.
Aici gasesti ca recomanda din ziua 1 prednison de 25 mg pe zi si clexane de 0,4, si altele.
Referitor la intralipidul este @Descriere: Emulsie lipidic#259; destinat#259; aliment#259;rii pe cale intravenoas#259;. Intralipid este o emulsie lipidic#259; steril#259; #351;i apirogen#259; ce se administreaz#259; pe cale intravenoas#259; în perfuzie. Reprezint#259; o surs#259; energetic#259; #351;i de acizi gra#351;i esen#355;iali. Intralipid con#355;ine ulei de soia purificat emulsifiat #351;i fosfolipide purificate din ou. Uleiul de soia con#355;ine un amestec de trigliceride cu acizi gra#351;i predominant polinesatura#355;i. Fosfolipidele din ou sunt izolate din g#259;lbenu#351;. Dimensiunea globulelor lipidice #351;i propriet#259;#355;ile biologice ale Intralipidului sunt similare chilomicronilor.@ Procedeul dureaza cam 3-4 ore fiind o substanta foarte consistenta pe care organismul o atrage usor.Fata de imunoglobulina G care e mai greu de cumparat macar exista o alternativa....
anabel79 spune:
Alte informatii
Corticosteroid Therapy (Prednisone, Prenisilone andDexamethazone)
Steroid therapy is a mainstay of most IVF programs. Some programs use daily oral methyl prednisilone while others prescribe oral Dexamethazone commencing about ten days prior to initiating ovarian
Stimulation with gonadotropins, and continuing until the diagnosis of pregnancy, whereupon, in the event of a negative test (Beta HCG or ultrasound), the dosage is tapered over a period of seven to ten days, and then discontinued. Pregnant patients continue treatment through the first trimester. Steroids are believed to act by inhibiting the cellular immune response
• Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
Treatment of problems within the uterine environment vary with the cause. Anatomic abnormalities are removed surgically. Hormonal therapy is usually prescribed with assisted reproductive technology procedures. Immunologic problems are treated with immunotherapy. Treatments that have been shown to be effective for treatment of recurrent pre-implantation pregnancy loss include:
• Intravenous Immunoglobulin
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is the only medication that has bee shown in randomized placebo controlled trials to be effective in the treatment of implantation failure. IVIg was shown to benefit those women experiencing implantation failure after IVF/ET who were good embryo producers (fertilized at least 50% of eggs retrieved and generated at least 3 embryos for transfer). Implantation rates increased from 7% with placebo to 18% with IVIg in one randomized trial and from 9% to 40% in another randomized trial. IVIg is usually administered at least 6 to 7 days prior to embryo transfer. The usual dosage for implantation failure is 40mg prior to embryo transfer and 40mg after the first positive pregnancy test. In some instances it may be necessary to repeat IVIg infusions every three to four weeks until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Overall, the pregnancy rate per cycle in women with a history of previous implantation failure after IVF/ET who are treated with IVIg is 50% and live birth rate is 70%.
• Intralipid
Evidence from both animal and human studies suggest that intralipid administered intravenously may enhance implantation. Intralipid is a 20% intravenous fat emulsion used routinely as a source of fat and calories for patients requiring parental nutrition. It is composed of 10% soybean oil, 1.2% egg yolk phospholipids, 2.25% gylcerine and water. Intralipid stimulated the immune system to remove “danger signals” that can lead to pregnancy loss. The appeal of Intralipid lies in the fact that it is relatively inexpensive and is not a blood product.
• Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors
The phosphodiesterases are responsible for enzymatic degradation of molecules within the cells involved in generating energy for the cell to function. They have anti-inflammatory effects. Two phosphodiesterase inhibitors—Sildenfil (Viagra) and Pentoxiphylline (Trental) have been shown to increase blood flow to the uterus. Viagra in the form of vaginal suppositories given in the dosage of 25 mg four times a day has been shown to increase uterine blood flow as well as thickness of the uterine lining. Significant improvement of the thickness of the uterine lining in about 70% of women treated. Successful pregnancy resulted in 42% of women who had previously experienced repeated IVF failures and who responded to the Viagra. Similar results were obtained when Trental was used in 400mg twice a day doses alone with vitamin E to treat women experiencing implantation failure associated with thin endometrium and elevated uterine NK cells. Animal studies have demonstrated that pentoxifylline prevents miscarriages in abortion-prone mice. Efficacy of pentoxifylline for treatment of recurrent pregnancy loss in human beings remains to be established.
Sildenafil (Viagra) Therapy Viagra has been used successfully to increase uterine blood flow. However, to be effective it must be administered starting as soon as the period stops up until the day of ovulation and it must be administered vaginally (not orally). Viagra in the form of vaginal suppositories given in the dosage of 25 mg four times a day has been shown to increase uterine blood flow as well as thickness of the uterine lining. To date, we have seen significant improvement of the thickness of the uterine lining in about 70% of women treated. Successful pregnancy resulted in 42% of women who responded to the Viagra. It should be remembered that most of these women had previously experienced repeated IVF failures.
Terbutaline This is a medication that relaxes the muscle in the uterine wall and so permits improved hormone delivery to the endometrium. The use of Terbutaline will often cause an increase in heart rate. It should not be prescribed to women who have irregular heart beats (arrhythmias), and women who have decreased cardiac reserve.
Aspirin This is an antiprostaglandin that improves blood flow to the endometrium. It is administered at a dosage of 81mg orally, daily from the beginning of the cycle until ovulation.
Selective Immunotherapy Using Intralipid, heparin, aspirin and corticosteroid
Many causes of pregnancy loss or failure can be treated with immunotherapy comprising combinations of aspirin and heparin and corticosteroids (dexamethasone or prednisone) and Intralipid (IL) to regulate increased NKa. Achievement of optimal success with Intralipid/corticosteroid therapy requires that the treatment be initiated well before ovulation takes place (about 7-14 days prior to anticipated implantation). Given the fact that only 10-15% of natural cycles (with or without the use of insemination and/or fertility drugs) will result in a pregnancy, it follows that repeated administration of Intralipid will be required in most cases before a pregnancy will occur. IVF achieves pregnancy rates that are often 2-3 times higher. This often makes IVF a treatment of choice in cases of immunologic recurrent pregnancy loss.
luck spune:
am inteles acum.
In urma activarii zonei zoster la intreruperea prednisonului am cautat pe net sa vad daca exista o legatura intre cele 2 lucruri si am gasit asta
Datorit#259; efectului antiinflamator #351;i imunodepresiv, glucocorticoizii favorizeaz#259; dezvoltarea infec#355;iilor – infec#355;iile bacteriene localizate se pot generaliza, tuberculoza poate fi reactivat#259;, micozele locale pot deveni sistemice, virozele (îndeosebi herpesul ocular, zona zoster #351;i varicela) se pot exacerba, unele parazitoze se agraveaz#259;...
MTHFR - C677T genotip heterozigot , A1298C - genotip heterozigot ; antitrombina III sub limita
miki-miki spune:
Luck pt a preveni aparitia zonei zoster si a herpesului este indicat inainte cde FIV sa faci 10 zile tratam cu VALTREX. Eu am facut si de data asta nu mi-a mai aparut herpes ca la celelalte FIV-ri. Valtrex scade si NK. A.. si tb neaparat ca doza de prednison sa o cresti progresiv iar cand il opresti la fel.
Miki Anul asta pun d'un pui
MTHFR C677T homozigot + Fact V Leiden heterozigot + Prot S la limita inferioara + NK mari, 3 sarcini oprite din evolutie (8s,5s,4s)