Ghiocei Martie-Aprilie 2009 *112*

Raspunsuri - Pagina 7

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Link direct catre acest raspuns shasa spune:

Bine ai venit TEOSTAFFI!
Eu stiu ca statistic vorbind un bebe ar trebui sa stea bine in fundulet pe la 7,5 luni. Nestatistic fiecare copil este unic. Eu cred ca va sta singurica cand se va simti pregatita. Este adevarat ca ti-ar place sa se integreze mai bine in grafice dar le va face pe toate la timpul lor, sau mai bine zis al ei

New Life Is Born

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Ayla21 spune:

Ana Maria, astea in imikimi le-ai vazut?
Nu am avut eu rabdare sa fac, gasisem selectate multe cu bebe Mos Craciun.

Pisik, am trimis adresa pe PM.

Monica, mommy blessed with my children Claudiu-Adrian(20.01.2005), Luana-Emilia(28.01.2009),
and my angels Alma-Lorena(28-30.01.2009), Maria-Alexandra(29.10.2009-13weeks)
You are the poem I dreamed of writing, the masterpiece I longed to paint.
You are the shining star I reached for
In my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled. You are" target="_blank">my child. Now with all things I am blessed.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Ayla21 spune:

citat din mesajul lui denisamada
Daaaa... eu ce sa mai zic? Noi suntem categoria "fulg".

Pai da da, cui voi "luptam", voi astea fungusori.

Monica, mommy blessed with my children Claudiu-Adrian(20.01.2005), Luana-Emilia(28.01.2009),
and my angels Alma-Lorena(28-30.01.2009), Maria-Alexandra(29.10.2009-13weeks)
You are the poem I dreamed of writing, the masterpiece I longed to paint.
You are the shining star I reached for
In my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled. You are" target="_blank">my child. Now with all things I am blessed.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Ayla21 spune:

citat din mesajul lui shasa

Bine ai venit TEOSTAFFI!
Eu stiu ca statistic vorbind un bebe ar trebui sa stea bine in fundulet pe la 7,5 luni. Nestatistic fiecare copil este unic. Eu cred ca va sta singurica cand se va simti pregatita. Este adevarat ca ti-ar place sa se integreze mai bine in grafice dar le va face pe toate la timpul lor, sau mai bine zis al ei

New Life Is Born

Mergi la un kineto, o va ajuta foarte mult.

Monica, mommy blessed with my children Claudiu-Adrian(20.01.2005), Luana-Emilia(28.01.2009),
and my angels Alma-Lorena(28-30.01.2009), Maria-Alexandra(29.10.2009-13weeks)
You are the poem I dreamed of writing, the masterpiece I longed to paint.
You are the shining star I reached for
In my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled. You are" target="_blank">my child. Now with all things I am blessed.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns shasa spune:

ILINCA, Phiphi este superbaiar freza este geniala (cred ca deja ti-au zis fetele de zeci de ori pana la mine)

New Life Is Born

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Link direct catre acest raspuns anamariame spune:

citat din mesajul lui Ayla21
Ana Maria, astea in imikimi le-ai vazut?Nu am avut eu rabdare sa fac, gasisem selectate multe cu bebe Mos Craciun. Pisik, am trimis adresa pe PM._Monica, mommy blessed with my children Claudiu-Adrian(20.01.2005), Luana-Emilia(28.01.2009), and my angels Alma-Lorena(28-30.01.2009), Maria-Alexandra(29.10.2009-13weeks)You are the poem I dreamed of writing, the masterpiece I longed to paint. You are the shining star I reached for In my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled. You are" target="_blank">my child. Now with all things I am blessed.
Le-am vazut, dar acolo am cont si am zis ca ma chinui singura sa le fac. Sunt ft frumoase si alea! Ana-Maria, mami de Eva Maria (23 aprilie 2009)

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Ayla21 spune:

Imi schimb poza Luanei la semnatura.
My baby, my joy, my heart, my gift from God

Monica, mommy blessed with my children Claudiu-Adrian(20.01.2005), Luana-Emilia(28.01.2009),
and my angels Alma-Lorena(28-30.01.2009), Maria-Alexandra(29.10.2009-13weeks)
You are the poem I dreamed of writing, the masterpiece I longed to paint.
You are the shining star I reached for
In my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled. You are" target="_blank">my child. Now with all things I am blessed.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Ayla21 spune:

citat din mesajul lui anamariame
Le-am vazut, dar acolo am cont si am zis ca ma chinui singura sa le fac. Sunt ft frumoase si alea!

Ah nu nu acolo chiar va las sa vi le faceti singure.

Monica, mommy blessed with my children Claudiu-Adrian(20.01.2005), Luana-Emilia(28.01.2009),
and my angels Alma-Lorena(28-30.01.2009), Maria-Alexandra(29.10.2009-13weeks)
You are the poem I dreamed of writing, the masterpiece I longed to paint.
You are the shining star I reached for
In my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled. You are" target="_blank">my child. Now with all things I am blessed.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns shasa spune:

PETRA daca mi-as fi dat seama o faceam si din solidaritate, dar a fost pe bune

New Life Is Born

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Link direct catre acest raspuns anamariame spune:

citat din mesajul lui Ayla21
Imi schimb poza Luanei la semnatura.My baby, my joy, my heart, my gift from God_Monica, mommy blessed with my children Claudiu-Adrian(20.01.2005), Luana-Emilia(28.01.2009), and my angels Alma-Lorena(28-30.01.2009), Maria-Alexandra(29.10.2009-13weeks)You are the poem I dreamed of writing, the masterpiece I longed to paint. You are the shining star I reached for In my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled. You are" target="_blank">my child. Now with all things I am blessed.
Ft frumoasa poza. Am vrut sa iti spun, dar am uitat, ca ii sta tare bine cu bulinute.Fetelor, eu ma bag la somn, ca-s rupta. O noapte frumoasa in continuare!Ana-Maria, mami de Eva Maria (23 aprilie 2009)

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