Goldie Pants - 25
Raspunsuri - Pagina 8

mj_girl spune:
ankutza mey nu-ti face probleme, aici nimik nu e off topic
, cel putin asa cred eu
multam de dedicatie
cam prea trista/lenta pentru o zi de luni
io va propun asta, e cu schepsis si skepsisu nu tine neaparat de culoarea camasii" target="_blank">Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

anka77 spune:
mey io nu prinsei skepsisu, e TDCAU in general sau....???? " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

mj_girl spune:
in general si in particular ... da daca e skepsis nu poci ca sa-l zic acilea" target="_blank">Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

anka77 spune:
Pai atunci baga-l in particuler(PM) ca sa pricep si io " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

lisa-marie spune:
Buna fetili.
dedicatiile le ascult acasa cu skepsis sau fara...
si eu va doresc o saptamana mai buna." target="_blank">"Let Sadness see what Happy does" target="_blank">Let Happy be where Sadness was till now..."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

mj_girl spune:
poftim ankutza o chestie ajutatoare de skepsis
o fi coincidenta ca unii baieti
apar p'aci??" target="_blank">Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

iona2005 spune:
fetele ora asta nu cred ca mai doriti cafea
oricum e pe terminate
....AMR=14 zile" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

mj_girl spune:
mey ca tot e vorba de off topic iete colea o dedicatie pentru voi, o melodie care mie imi place, e adevarat ca nu atat de mult ca melodiile lu" target="_blank">my" target="_blank">lover
atentie nu e vorba de niciun fel de comparatie
si cateva versuri
I've been spendin' way too long checkin' my tongue in the mirror
and bendin' over backwards just to try to see it clearer
my breath fogged up the glass
and so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what I'm a sayin'is there ain't no better reason
to rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
it's what we aim to do
our name is our virtue
I won't hesitate no more, no more
it cannot wait, i'm sure" target="_blank">Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

anka77 spune:
Fetele tocmai ce am luat revista Ciao!.Eram curioasa sa vad cum a slabit Raduleasca de-aia am luat-o.Cum rasfoiam io asa prin ea la final...ce-mi vad okiiCronica de film Michael Jackson`s This is it!!frumoasa cronica d-nei Nistor
.ma bucur ca luai revista desi nu sunt fan gossip " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

anka77 spune:
Ce tare e melodia...e dintr-o reclama....
foarte misto, chiar nu stiam cine o canta... " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2