Operatii estetice - pro si contra

Madonna, Demi Moore, Cher, si multe multe altele sunt cunoscute pentru nenumaratele operatii la care s-au supus...totul pentru a arata cu mult mai tinere decat sunt. De multe ori se cade in extrema cealalta iar rezultatele sunt dezastruoase... oare e chiar atat de greu sa te opresti din cursa asta nebuna spre... un look asa zis perfect, indiferent de varsta?
V-ati supune la operatii estetice ca sa ascundeti varsta?
Eu marturisesc ca as face cateva, dar cu toate astea as cauta sa imi pastrez naturaletea...chiar daca asta inseamna dezvaluirea aproximativa a varstei
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24h spune:
Daca face bine la cerebel, de ce nu
Eu personal mi-as face lipo sa se duca naibi toata celulita, insa nu ma pot decide, deoarece mai vreau un bebe si daca as face acum operatie e ca si cum as arunca bani pe fereastra
Da asta zic de vro 3 ani incoace si nici bebe nu am facut(ptr ca nu sut decisa 100%) si nici operatia nu am facuto
Da tare as vrea sa nu dispara celulita

bb_yasmi spune:
primul pas : am facut o rinoplastie
al doilea: mi-as ridica sanii......dar nu am inca curaj si nici 3000 euro disponibili pt asta!
"Inima mamei este un adanc abis la capatul careia gasesti de fiecare data iertare!!"
happy mom Lavi & ladybird Iasmina Alissa 31.10.2007

Mindy spune:
why not?!
si eu mi-as face rino, si o dantura noua, si o piele noua.
Silicon in buze si sani nu mi-as face, io inca nu inteleg care e rolul sanilor mari :)

marianebuna spune:
Eu mi-as micsora sanii... Nici eu nu le vad rostul...
Si as face lipo pe tot corpul... Pana la os!

Allure spune:
e cu dus si intors.
daca pici pe mina cui nu trebuie sau daca chirurgul are o zi proasta, esti fripta
un lifting facial nereusit, greu sau deloc mai poate fi reparat. si cei mai buni doctori dau rateuri.
citeam intr-o zi un articol intr-o revista, foaaaarte interesant mi s-a parut, imi pare rau ca nu am cumparat revista aia ca mi-ar fi placut s-o am.
articolul se numea "The new new face and the new old face"...oh! wait a second! tocmai l-am gasit pe net I LOVE GOOGLE! are alt nume dar pare a fi acelasi...
am citit acest articol din scoarta in scoarta (toate cele 7 pagini!) si am aflat chestii fantastice, vi-l recomand cu caldura!
cica si Anjelica ar avea operatii...sint niste poze acolo concludente...
imi plac operatiile madonnei, mi se par foarte reusite, nu arata fake, nu e overdone, totul e la locul lui.
in concluzie, sint pentru (la batrinete ca acum n-as schimba nimic) dar mi-ar fi frica...cred ca l-as cauta pe chirurgul madonnei; probabil n-as avea si banii sa-l platesc dar asta e alta poveste
True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet.

Allure spune:
pasaje interesante din articol pt cei ce nu au timp sa citeasca tot
"When I ask Wexler—who has seen a lot of faces come and go—about the difference between the Old New Face and the New New Face, she answers immediately: the new version of the New Face is that it shouldn’t look new. It should look like you. It should look like the old you.” Wexler, who thinks in MST (Movie Star Time), says her clients want to look the way they did “four films ago”—or about eight years in RPT (Regular People Time)."
"Somehow the idea of maintaining, preserving, and restoring feels less like cheating. The New New Face promises to reclaim something that was lost. But does it? Even the most successful and beautiful result is something entirely different from what a woman looked like when she was 30. Demi Moore, the gold standard of good plastic surgery, does not look at all like she did when she made Ghost. The New New Face is a fantastic approximation! An uncanny resemblance! It is, at its best, a close copy of youthful beauty, not youthful beauty itself."
"Through some unholy marriage of extreme fitness and calorie restriction (and maybe a little lipo), women have figured out how to tame their aging bodies for longer than ever. You see them everywhere in New York City: forty and fiftysomethings who look better than a 25-year-old in a fitted little dress or a tight pair of jeans. But this level of fitness has created a new problem to which the New New Face is the solution—gauntness. Past a certain age, to paraphrase Catherine Deneuve, it’s either your fanny or your face. In other words, if your body is fierce (from yoga, Pilates, and the treadmill), your face will have no fat on it either and it will be … unfierce. It was only a matter of time before a certain segment of the female population would figure out how to have it both ways, even if it means working out two hours a day and then paying someone to volumize their faces, as they say in the dermatology business. As a friend of mine recently pointed out, there is now a whole new class of women walking around with wiry little bodies and “big ol’ baby faces.” And they look, well, if not exactly young, then attractive in a different way. A yoga body plus the New New Face may not be a fountain of youth, but it’s a fountain of indeterminate age." :))
"More recently, a scientist named Michael Cunningham took it upon himself to study the faces of 50 women, half of whom were finalists in an international beauty pageant. In “Measuring the Physical in Physical Attractiveness” (italics mine), he wrote that the width of an eye, if it is to be part of a beautiful face, should be precisely three-tenths the width of the face, and the chin ought to be just one-fifth the height of the face, while the total area of the nose had better be less than 5 percent of the total area of the face or … you is ugly!"
True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet.

Ramonika spune:
daca te bagi la o operatie din asta, trebuie sa ai bani si pentru o a doua, a treia, a patra...
deci nu strang bani pt. o operatie si dupa aia gata, pana mor arat bine. dupa cativa ani e nevoie de alta operatie si apoi alta, daca vreau sa imi mentin aspectul.
plus ca daca dai jos celulita, ce te face sa crezi ca n-o sa pui alta pe tine in cativa ani?
deci sunt contra.

giulia71 spune:
Eu vreau sa ma bag:
lifting facial
abdomen plat
micsorare sani
..da' dupa ce trece crizapina atunci ma "sufar" asa

carolinah spune:
Nu sunt de acord cu operatiile estetice, respectiv chirurgie, numai de dragul esteticii. Deci nu discut de malformatii grave, probleme ramase in urma unor accidente, mastectomie etc
Recunosc ca imi surade ideea de filler-e, putin Botox etc. Insa as vrea sa cred ca voi fi in stare sa imbatranesc cu demnitate, fara sa cad in penibilul de a-mi dori sa arat la 40 ca la 20 sau mai tanara... (si apropo de link-ul pus de Allure). Nici chiar ca la 30, caci putine sunt alesele care arata natural asa...
Ca atare, desi tentatia exista asa cum am descris mai sus, nu sunt pro!

Allure spune:
nu as vrea sa arat la 40 ca la 25 sau la 50 ca la 35...aia e nenatural
imi place cum arata Michelle Pfeiffer si Demi Moore la 40 si un pic, arata "nelasate", odihnite si radiante..alea sint interventii reusite; asta spune articolul pus de mine, ca noua fata trebuie sa arate ca cea veche dar "improved"
pe mine nu ma deranjeaza ridurile cel mai tare ci de pe la 45-50 incolo cind gravitatia trage fata in jos si iti atirna pieile pe la ureche si mandibula...
True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet.