THIS IS IT - movie
Raspunsuri - Pagina 13

rall spune:
Liz Taylor pe Twitter:
"I was honored with the great privilege of seeing "This Is It" last week. I was sworn to secrecy, but now I can let you know about it.
It is the single most brilliant piece of filmmaking I have ever seen. It cements forever Michael's genius in every aspect of creativity.
To say the man is a genius is an understatement. He cradles each note, coaxes the music to depths beyond reality. I wept from pure joy at his God given gift. There will never, ever be the likes of him again.
And we have this piece of film to remind us forever and ever that once there was such a man. God kissed him.
God blessed him and squandered nothing, but loved it all. Michael knew how to put together every tone, every nuance to make magic.
To say he was a genius seems so little. I wish my vocabulary encompassed what I feel.
You owe it to yourselves and your loved ones to see this again and again. Memorize it and say to yourselves, "I saw genius in my lifetime.
I loved genius in my lifetime. God was so good to me. I will love Michael forever and so will you, if you don't already.
I hope I don't sound condescending. I'm sure you already know what I'm talking about, but go to see it again and again.
I meant to repeat myself. I love you. I remember Michael loved you. He was totally up to now and the message of today in all his songs.
If you listen to his lyrics they are those of a modern day prophet and it beseeches us to listen to him and what he sang.
I won't use words like preaching because that is off-putting, but listen. Listen to his messages.
From "Black And White", "Man In The Mirror". The inspiration behind "We Are The World". We must take his words of responsibility seriously.
We cannot let his life be in vain / and always done with love. Remember that. Remember him and thank God for him and his genius.
Kenny Ortega did a masterful job of directing the process that goes into making a complete show before hitting the stage.
From A to Z you get Michael's input on every level. Michael's genius at work with the dancers. Mr. Ortega catches Michael in his every mood. You see in front of your eyes Michael's genius blossoming on this piece of film thanks to Kenny Ortega and his crews.
I truly believe this film should be nominated in every category conceivable."
Wow, ce mesaj lung

purple_blue spune:
Frumos zice Liz despre Michael.
Un alt fel de prezentare la This is it (la Karen Faye)" target="_blank">" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

motanik spune:
Hai ca am mai adus noutati...deci rasfoind albumul, la fiecare piesa e scris de cine e produsa, cine a scris versurile, cine a facut orchestratia samd.
Bun...mi-a scapat din vedere asta aseara.
Shake your body e compusa de Michael si...atentie, Randy Jackson si produsa de The Jacksons iar chitara e Tito Jackson.
Dar abia acum vine faza tare...ce alta melodie credeti ca e in interpretarea Jacksonilor? Lead vocal: Michael si background vocals: The Jacksons? This Is It
Cum naiba? Cand au inregistrat melodia asta impreuna? Mi se incetoseaza si mai tare imaginea.
Deci am gasit melodiile cu legatura la fratii Jackson - care dintre ei a pus mesajul pe cd deci? Ca daca era de la toti trebuia sa scrie OUR BROTHER.
Andra si bebe Theodora
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson

anka77 spune:
Ce scrie Liz pe Twitter " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

purple_blue spune:
Da motanik, nu stii ca Sony ne-a pacalit ca e cantec nou dar nu e nou?! S-a trecut rapid peste asta oricum. Michael_Jackson_song
Paul Anka zice ca i l-a furat
Asadar, daca insasi melodia de promovare a filmului este cu schepsis, ce ne asteptam de la film? Ar fi bine sa ramana macar un film documentar foarte bun, fara sa ne mai gandim la minciunile care il inconjoara.
Always great to sing with our fi fost ok. Chiar daca stiam noi ca paote pt ei, dar nu pt el." target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

anka77 spune:
Citisem undeva da` creierul nu-ai mai aduce aminte unde, ca piesa This is it este inregistrata in `93 parca de Michael avand backing vocals Jackson 5.Sper sa gasesc limk-ul " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

purple_blue spune:
Deci daca voi nu va taiati, eu ma tai" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

anka77 spune:
WTF? " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

purple_blue spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui anka77![]() ![]() ![]() |
ai observat ce titulatura are?
Actor, Performer, Michael Jackson Historian
Nu mai rezist cu nervii. Ma duc peste ei, peste toti." target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

anka77 spune:
Vin si io cu tine ca cedez si io " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2