Melodia zilei Michael Jackson - 2

Melodia zilei
9 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Dirty Diana
10 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Heal the World
11 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Childhood
12 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Leave Me Alone
13 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Black or White
14 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Will You Be There
15 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">I Just Can't Stop Loving You
16 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Give In To Me
17 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Ghosts
18 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Smooth Criminal
19 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">You Rock My World
20 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Wanna Be Startin' Something
21 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">The Way You Make Me Feel
22 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Blood on the Dancefloor
23 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Man in the Mirror
24 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">In the Closet
25 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">For All Time
26 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">One Day in Your Life
27 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Remember the Time
28 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Dangerous
29 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Beat It
30 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Stranger in Moscow
31 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Jam
1 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Fall Again
2 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Human Nature
3 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Another Part of Me
4 august 2009 -" target="_blank">They Don't Really Care About Us
5 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Liberian Girl
6 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Bad
7 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Who Is It
8 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Thriller
9 august 2009 -" target="_blank">You Are Not Alone
10 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Whatever Happens
11 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Come Together
12+13 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Earth Song
14 august 2009 -" target="_blank">We Are the World
15 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Speechless
16 august 2009 -" target="_blank">On The Line
17 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Heaven Can Wait
18 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Gone Too Soon
19 august 2009 -" target="_blank">She's Out of My Life
20 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Billie Jean
21 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Butterflies
22 august 2009 -" target="_blank">The Lost Children
23 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Tabloid Junkie
24 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Say Say Say
25 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Just Good Friends
26 august 2009 -" target="_blank">To Satisfy You
27 august 2009 -" target="_blank">I'll Be There
28 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Keep the Faith29 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Smile
30 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Working Day and Night
31 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Don't Walk Away
1 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Scream
2 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Break of Dawn
3 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Little Susie
4 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">One More Chance
5 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">There Must Be More to Life Than This
6 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Be Not Always
7 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">It's The Falling In Love
8 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Hold My Hand
9 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Ben
10 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Music and me
11 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Lovely One
12 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Someone in the dark
13 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">If I Don't Love You This Way
14 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Happy
15 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Andre Rieu - Ben Tribut to MJ
16 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Ain't no sunshine
17 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Got to be there
18 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">You've Got A Friend
19 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Maria
20 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">The Way You Love Me
21 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Privacy
22 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Scared of Moon
23 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">The Girl Is Mine
24 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">Girl you're so Together
25 septembrie 2009 -" target="_blank">History
26 septembrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Someone Put Your Hand Out
27 septembrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">To Make my Father Proud
28 septembrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Morphine
29 septembrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">A Place With No Name
30 septembrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">The Lady In My Life
1 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Invincible
2 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
3 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Pretty Young Thing (P.Y.T.)
4 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Rock with you
5 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">You Are My Life
6 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Fly Away
7 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Shout
8 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">With A Child's Heart
9 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Never Can Say Goodbye
10 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Lovely One
11 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Hot Street
12 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Unbreackable
13 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Trouble
14 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Baby be Mine
15 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">She drives me wild
16 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Why You Wanna Trip On Me
17 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)
18 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">Things I do for you
19 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">We've had enough
20 octombrie 2009 - br / " target="_blank">In Our Small Way

FanClubMJ spune:
Reiau clipul si versurile pentru melodia zilei propusa de albinuta (din pricina de capitol nou)
si versurile:
Ain#8217;t the pictures enough, why do you go through so much
To get the story you need, so you can bury me
You#8217;ve got the people confused, you tell the stories you choose
You try to get me to lose the man I really am
You keep on stalking me, invading my privacy
won#8217;t you just let me be
#8216;cause you cameras can#8217;t control, the minds of those who know
That you#8217;ll even sell your soul just to get a story sold
I need my privacy, I need my privacy
So paparazzi, get away from me
Some of you still wonder why, one of my friends had to die
To get a message across, that yet you haven#8217;t heard
My friend was chased and confused, like many others I knew
But on that cold winter night, my pride was snatched away
Now she get no second chance, she just ridiculed and harassed
Please tell my why
No there#8217;s a lesson to learn, respect#8217;s not given, it#8217;s earned
Stop maliciously attacking my integrity
Now there#8217;s a lesson to learn, stories are twisted and turned
Stop maliciously attacking my integrity
[CHORUS x 3]

mj_girl spune:
albinutza, melodia propusa este una dintre preferatele mele
tine-o tot asa
Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

iona2005 spune:
albinuta imi place f mult" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

lisa-marie spune:
Chiar daca nu scriu in fiecare zi aici, imi plac toate melodiile propuse de voi..
Albinutza , melodia de azi imi place, mi se pare mai..."furioasa" ca sa zic asa....dar e suuper, imi place tare mult interpretarea lui Michael Jackson.
"Let Sadness see what Happy does
Let Happy be where Sadness was till now..."

rall spune:
Daca nu s-a propus pentru azi/maine (22 sept):
Scared of the moon
Alone she lays waiting
Surrounded by gloom
Invaded by shadows
Painting the room
The light from the window
Cuts through the air
And pins the child lying there
Scared of the moon
She pulls up the covers
And shivers in fright
She hides from the colour
That rides on the night
The light through the window
That lights up the sky
And causes her mournful cry
Scared of the moon
Theres nothing wrong
Dont be bothered they said
Its just childish fantasies turning your head
No need to worry
Its really too soon
But there she lies shivering
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
The years go by swiftly
And soon childhood ends
But life is still fearful
When evening descends
The fear of the child
Still intrude the night
Returning on beams of light
Scared of the moon
The feeling of terror
She felt as a youth
Has turned from a fantasy
Into a truth
The moon is the enemy
Twisting her soul
And taking its fearful toll
Scared of the moon
But now there are others who sit in their room
And wait for the sunlight to brighten their gloom
Together they gather
Their lunacy shared
Not knowing just why theyre scared
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Consider superba melodia, cred ca ar fi cu adevarat 'magica' intr-un musical, la finalul unui film or a unei piese de teatru... de vocea lui nu mai spun nimic

iona2005 spune:
rall" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

oana_n spune:
rall. chiar nu stiam melodia. acum am auzit-o prima data. intr-adevar e extraordinara.

purple_blue spune:
23 septembrie
si cu Will I Am" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

purple_blue spune:
Favourite part;
"...I'm a lover, not a fighter..."
"...after loving me, she could never love another..."
"The Girl Is Mine" is a song by Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney. The track was written by Jackson and was produced by Quincy Jones for the singer's sixth solo album, Thriller (1982). The song was recorded at Westlake Studios, Los Angeles, from April 14 to 16, 1982. The year before, Jackson and McCartney had recorded "Say Say Say" and "The Man" for the latter's fifth solo album, Pipes of Peace (1983). Some of the public were not impressed by "The Girl Is Mine"; they felt that Jackson and Quincy Jones had created a song for the white pop audience.
Despite the public feeling, "The Girl Is Mine" achieved success in the music charts. Aside from topping the R&B singles chart, the single peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100 and number eight in the UK. By 1985, it had sold 1.3 million copies, and was eventually certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America, for shipments of at least one million units. "The Girl Is Mine" has been the subject of two plagiarism lawsuits. Both instances required Jackson to testify in court, and each lawsuit found in the favour of the singer and his record label. In 2008, for the 25th anniversary edition of Thriller, Black Eyed Peas singer remixed "The Girl Is Mine". The remix received generally unfavourable reviews from music critics.
The writing of "The Girl Is Mine" was completed by Jackson as he watched cartoons with Paul McCartney.[1] Producer Quincy Jones had initially told Jackson to write a song about two men fighting over a girl. Inspired, Jackson awoke during the night and sang the song into a tape recorder. He later said, "I sang exactly what I heard in my head, starting with the melody and the keyboard and the strings and everything. So, I just orally put it all on tape." Jones also asked the singer to add a rap verse. Jackson recalled, "Quincy called me up one morning and says, 'Smelly'—he calls me Smelly—'we have to have some rapping in this.'"[2] The song was then recorded by Jackson and McCartney at Westlake Studios, Los Angeles, from April 14 to 16, 1982. The year before, the duo had recorded "Say Say Say" and "The Man" for McCartney's fifth solo album, Pipes of Peace (1983). [3] Jackson stated that the recording of the song was one of his most enjoyable moments in the studio. "One of my favourite songs to record, of all my recordings as a solo artist, is probably "The Girl Is Mine", because working with Paul McCartney was pretty exciting and we just literally had fun. It was like lots of kibitzing and playing, and throwing stuff at each other, and making jokes. We actually recorded the track and the vocals pretty much live at the same time, and we do have footage of it, but it's never been shown." He concluded, "Maybe one day we'll give you a sneak preview of it."[3] The footage of the pair was later shown at The Paul McCartney World Tour.[3]
The musical structuring of "The Girl Is Mine" uses the AABA form, in which the song's title serves as the main source of needed repetition.[4] When used to the maximum, this structuring, also known as the thirty-two-bar form, has the title repeat itself in the same place, in at least two of the three A verses.[4] Author Sheila Davis' book, The Craft of Lyric Writing, notes that "the repeated title line simultaneously outlines the framework of the design and drives home the main point of the lyric".[4] Jackson's "She's out of My Life" also uses this musical structuring, as does "Body and Soul", "Oh, Lady Be Good!" and "Try a Little Tenderness".[4] The musical chords in "The Girl Is Mine" are seen in several songs written by Jackson. "That's What You Get for Being Polite", from The Jacksons' Destiny album, and two unreleased songs ("Why Can't I Be" and "Thank You For Life") used the chords before "The Girl Is Mine".[2][5][6]
[edit] Release and reception
Despite recording "Say Say Say" and "The Man" a year prior, "The Girl Is Mine" was the first song to gain a release from the duo and the first single from the Thriller album. "The Girl Is Mine" was released as a single on October 18, 1982. The single's cover photograph was taken by McCartney's wife, Linda.[3] Listeners were not impressed by "The Girl Is Mine", and thought that Jackson's Thriller would also be a disappointment. The public felt that Jackson and the producer, Quincy Jones, had created a song for the white pop audience.[1] Despite some of the public's concerns, "The Girl Is Mine" achieved success in the music charts. Topping the R&B singles chart, the single peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100 and the Norwegian Singles Chart.[3][7] "The Girl Is Mine" reached number one on the Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks chart.

"The Girl Is Mine"
"The Girl Is Mine" featured Jackson and McCartney debating who had won a girl's affections.
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Since its release, "The Girl Is Mine" has received several negative reviews from journalists and music critics. Journalist Robert Christgau described the pairing of McCartney and Jackson as "Michael's worst idea since "Ben"".[10] Rolling Stone stated that the song was a "wimpoid MOR [middle of the road] ballad" and that McCartney was "tame".[11] Stephen Erlewine of Allmusic noted that the song had a "sweet schmaltz".[12] Jackson's breakdown with the "irrepressibly silly Paul McCartney" was "disarmingly goofy", according to Stylus Magazine.[13] later described "The Girl Is Mine" as a "sappy duet". They concluded that McCartney had become a "wimpy old fart".[14] The song garnered a favourable review from Jackson's biographer, J. Randy Taraborrelli. The writer stated that the song was "cute" but lacked substance. He added that the track had a "middle-of-the-road calm" and was the antithesis of the "rambunctious" "Beat It".[1][15]
[edit] Plagiarism lawsuits
"The Girl Is Mine" has been the subject of two plagiarism lawsuits. Both instances required Jackson to testify in court, and each lawsuit found in the favour of the singer and his record label. The first legal trial occurred in 1984, with Fred Sanford claiming that Jackson had cut a tape of his song, "Please Love Me Now". Jackson, however, insisted that he composed "The Girl Is Mine". The $5 million copyright suit was closed after the jury of five men and a woman reached a verdict in the favour of Jackson. Their verdict was reached after a three day deliberation. Jackson was not a defendant in the trial but testified to maintain his credibility.[2][16] James Klenk, Jackson's attorney, praised the singer upon the jury's verdict. "The man is a genius. He doesn't need anyone else's songs. His own words were the key."[2] During the court proceedings, Jackson revealed how he composes his songs. "I put them in a tape recorder and I orally sing them into the tape, and that's how it happens."[2] One juror stated, "His presentation indicated that he was well able to develop his own songs."[2][16]
The song's second plagiarism trial was in 1993. Reynaud Jones and Robert Smith alleged that "The Girl Is Mine", along with "Thriller"— written by Rod Temperton— and "We Are the World", resembled their musical works. The pair added that they had been childhood neighbours of the Jackson family when they had resided in Gary, Indiana. Jackson, Lionel Richie—co-writer of "We Are the World"—and Quincy Jones were named as the defendants. The plaintiffs asserted that Joseph Jackson had received a demo tape from them. From the tapes, the defendants were alleged to have stolen the three hit songs. Reynaud Jones also claimed that he had considered suing Jackson over "Billie Jean". Jackson appeared in court via a taped testimony.[17][18] Following the testimony, the nine-member jury found Jackson to be the writer and composer of "The Girl Is Mine" in early 1994. They also ruled that the defendants had not plagiarized "Thriller" or "We Are the World".[17]
[edit] "The Girl Is Mine 2008"
"The Girl Is Mine 2008"
Single by Michael Jackson and
from the album Thriller 25
Released January 14, 2008 (Digital download)
January 25, 2008 (Europe 5")
February 4, 2008 (UK 5")
Format 5", Digital Download, 12", 7" (French Release)
Recorded 2007
Genre Pop rap
Length 3:11
Label Epic, Legacy Recordings
Writer(s) Michael Jackson
William Adams
Keith Harris
Michael Jackson singles chronology
"Blood on the Dance Floor"
(Visionary release)
(2006) "The Girl Is Mine 2008"
(2008) "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 2008"
(2008) singles chronology
"I Want You"
(2007) "The Girl Is Mine 2008"
(2008) "Here I Come"
For Thriller 25, an album celebrating Thriller's 25th anniversary, Black Eyed Peas singer remixed "The Girl Is Mine".[19] Entitled "The Girl Is Mine 2008", the remix featured an original solo demo of the song by Jackson, before he had recorded the duet with McCartney. added his own vocals and new verse. Though the remix sampled the demo, The Daily Telegraph alleged that McCartney was omitted because he and Jackson had fallen out over the latter's purchase of Sony/ATV Music Publishing and the Beatles' song catalogue in 1985.[20] Despite the allegation, the original version of "The Girl Is Mine" was included on the album, with McCartney's vocals included.[21] Upon its release in 2008, the song reached number 12 in New Zealand. Peaking at 22 in France, the song charted within the Top 50 of Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland. The remix peaked at number 51 in Switzerland.[22]
[edit] Reception
"The Girl Is Mine 2008" received generally unfavourable reviews from music critics. Journalist Christopher Rees stated that had "done a fantastic job of murdering a classic song".[23] Rob Sheffield of Rolling Stone noted that's production was "dumb-thug bluster" and criticized him for trying to hide the "goofy 'doggone' hook"—"the whole point of the song".[24] Music journalist Aidin Vaziri criticized the song, stating, "[the] Black Eyed Peas rapper completely erases Paul McCartney's vocal track from the original duet to make room for himself spouting nonsense such as, 'I call her mommy and she call me papa/I'm sorry Mike, but she loves the way I rock-a.'"[25] Stephen Erlewine of Allmusic claimed that had turned "The Girl Is Mine" into a "hapless dance number".[26] Kelefa Sanneh of Blender noted that " contributes beats (why?) and rhymes (why, oh, why?) to "The Girl Is Mine 2008" ".[27] IGN's Todd Gilchrist stated that's "The Girl Is Mine" remix was an offense. The offense was made even more "egregious" by the insertion of his own "atonal vocal presence" in place of McCartney's.[28]
Pitchfork Media added to the unfavourable reviews, stating of, "He takes Macca off 'The Girl Is Mine' but decides it can't work without someone sounding like an idiot and steps manfully in himself."[29] The Times stated that whoever thought it was a good idea for to participate in the song ought to be "locked in a windowless cell with nothing but those songs on a continuous loop".[30] PopMatters, however, praised Thriller 25 and the remix of "The Girl Is Mine". They wrote, "Any album good enough to make you forgive (although maybe not forget) a song as bad as the Paul McCartney duet 'The Girl is Mine' has got to be damn good." They added that had put a "breezy spin" on the track and that the song's omission of McCartney did not suffer because of it.[31]
Chart (1983) Peak
Dutch Singles Chart 16[7]
Norwegian Singles Chart 2[38]
UK Singles Chart 8[3]
US Billboard Hot 100 2[3]
US R&B Singles Chart 1[
Chart (2008) Peak
Austrian Singles Chart 51[22]
Danish Singles Chart 31[32]
Dutch Singles Chart 12[33]
French Singles Chart 22[34]
Swedish Singles Chart 41[35]
Swiss Singles Chart 47[36]
UK Singles Chart 32[37]
(wikipedia)" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

purple_blue spune:
Copertile albumelor:" target="_blank">" target="_blank">" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson