King of Pop (13) - discutii generale

bulinuta27 spune:
selket mi se pare mult mai slab acum fata de perioada thriller...mult mai slab, si la fata, uffff
bulinuta mamica de bulinel dragutel
Poze noi" target="_blank">minune mica

danielac spune:
Danat la multi ani fiului tau si scuze de intarziere!

purple_blue spune:
Ia uitati, l-am gasit pe Jerkmaine la Big Brother cand spune ceva de MJ
O vai de aia as bate-o" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

astrojunkie spune:
Am gasit pe un blog de astrologie un fragment din biografia mamei lui Michael, si m-am gandit sa il impartasesc cu voi, mie mi s-a parut tare dragut
Michael’s birth is described as following in his mother Katherine Scruse Jackson’s autobiography, The Jacksons: My Family (St. Martin’s, 1990, p. 19-20), in which she states:
I remember that day well because my water broke while my neighbor Mildred White and I were driving over to see the new grammar school under construction, Garnett Elementary. “Oh, my God, Mildred, I can’t sit in your car like this!” I exclaimed. “Girl, don’t worry about it,” Mildred said, turning the car around. At my request, Mildred drove me home. I called my mother and she and my stepfather drove me to Mercy Hospital. Shortly after I got there, I began having contractions. Later that night, my son was born. “I want to name him,” my mother said. I hated her first suggestion: Ronald. “How about Roy, then?”
“Oh, my gosh, Mama, no.”
She thought for a little while. “I’ve got it – Michael.”
“That’s it,” I said.

mihutza11 spune:
Am reusit sa descarc si filmuletul de la VMA 2009:
deja are miscari noi Andra mea

Mica dansatoare" target="_blank">Primul anisor

oana_n spune:
mihutza au o frumusete de fetita. si pe langa asta e si talentata. chiar se vede ca ii place MJ si ca vrea sa prinda pasii din coregrafie!

motanik spune:
Andrutza e cea mai mica fana MJ, pe langa Theo a mea care asculta juma de zi aceleasi melodii
E o scumpete, sa va traiasca Mihu!
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson
FanClub DC Michael Jackson organizeaza actiune umanitara pt Craciun - implica-te si tu, click aici!

mihutza11 spune:
multumim Oana si Motanik!
zi de zi avem reprezentatii fara numar de la Andra.. si ma bucur ca ii place si MJ ..
Mica dansatoare" target="_blank">Primul anisor

bulinuta27 spune:
mihuta e mortala
nu stiu ce e cu copii bune mi se pare incredibil
rares,, care are 3 ani cand aude vocea lui ma intreaba: mami e maical jakson?
si aseara, era tv pe mtv, unde era m is for michael, si el a venit din alta camera si imi zice: e m mami nu? hai sa ne uitam la el ca ce imi mai place
bulinuta mamica de bulinel dragutel
Poze noi" target="_blank">minune mica

danielac spune:
Mihutza sa iti traiasca!