Femeile din viata lui Michael
Raspunsuri - Pagina 5

selket spune:
Ideea e ca potrivit buna pentru el era cea cu care ar fi vrut el sa fie nu aia cu care ar vrea fanii. Pana la urma a concediat-o, nu? Probabil nu i-a spus-o el direct, insa deciziile el le lua. Asa a spus si el "sunt capitanul vasului meu". Fata a improvizat, iar el era un perfectionist.
Daca chiar ar fi avut sentimente pentru ea, sa fie indragostit sau ceva, stati voi linistite ca era pe urmele ei, nu ar fi lasat-o asa de usor. Pe Lisa a urmarit-o de la 16 ani sau mai putin.
Tatiana e o fata tare dulce si cu siguranta era indragostita de el, dar eu am senzatia ca il privea in primul rand ca un fan si nu cred ca asta ar fi fost ceea ce avea el nevoie. El avea nevoie de cineva care sa fie pe aceeasi pozitie ca si el. Stiu ca sun ca avocatul Lisei, dar ea a fost cea mai aproape de asta. Si ea a fost aleasa. Cu siguranta a fost un motiv pentru asta. Si avand in vedere ca Michael era un idealist in dragoste, asta fiind sentimentul suprem pentru el chiar nu cred ca a fost doar fascinat de faptul ca era fata regelui.

anka77 spune:
Daca nu ma insel nici dupa Lisa nu prea a plans, nu l-am vazut in genunchi dupa ea.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG05mG7fhZ4 " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABdp1m3a0E" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

purple_blue spune:
As vrea sa citesc cartea asta.
Mie imi place de Tatiana, ca nu pare nici "dusa cu pluta" si nici increzuta. De ce textul de pe facebook (cred) era atat de incorect scris si cu cuvinte in spaniola? M-a facut sa cred ca nu stie bine engleza. Acum vad ca vb foarte bine.
Ce ar fi fost mai bine pt Michael, nu avem cum sa stim noi. Dar Lisa nu imi intra la suflet deloc. Imi place ca e glumeata, numai ca isi arunca glumele cam aiurea.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvYygjcMDdQ" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

anka77 spune:
Purple acel text l-am primit eu pe Facebook de la niste fani( de-ai ei)....cred ca au incercat sa traduca in engleza si nu au stiut cateva cuvinte.Textul original era in spaniola.Ea e americanca
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG05mG7fhZ4 " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABdp1m3a0E" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

melku spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui purple_blue As vrea sa citesc cartea asta. |
cand a aparut interviul asta cu Tatiana?
vad ca in bara apare "MJ trial". asta inseamna ca in timpul procesului din 2005? foarte frumos din partea ei.
spre deosebire de LPM, care s-a dezis de el in perioada aia

si io cred ca daca MJ ar fi vrut sa aiba ceva cu Tatiana, nu l-ar fi putut opri nici mama lui Dileo. cine stie ce-o fi fost in capul lui!
era un dificil, tre' s-o recunoastem.
ar fi fost frumos! le statea bine impreuna.

Medy6 spune:
Referitor la relatia cu Debbie am gasit partile necenzurate de Bashir, in care ea aminteste cateva aspecte importante ale vietii lor impreuna.

anka77 spune:
cred ca a aparut in timpul procesului din 2005 inteviul.
Si eu as vrea cartea asta,sunt curioasa ce si cum a scris despr relatia cu Michael
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG05mG7fhZ4 " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABdp1m3a0E" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

selket spune:
Daca cartea nu e o biografie personala si nu despre Michael de ce se cheama 'the way he made me feel?' Ca sa se vanda? Okok, n-am nimic cu fata, chiar cred ca era indragostita de el.
Citat: |
spre deosebire de LPM, care s-a dezis de el in perioada aia ![]() |
Maaa, ce sunteti rai LOL :))
Ea a fost citata si a facut un statement pentru proces ca nu si-a vazut sotul in nici o situatie nepotrivita cu un copil.
In plus jurnalistii i-au pus in gura tampenii pornind de la ceva ce spusese ea, dar a iesit in fata si a declarat raspicat ca nu e adevarat.
Un interviu la Playboy, in 2003:
P: Did you and he ever have children join you in your bed?
LMP: Never. Never, never, never, never. I never saw him sleep in bed with a child, ever.
P: Did you ever see him with photos of nude children?
LMP: Never. Never.
P: Do you have any reason to think he's a child molester?
LMP: If I'd had any reason to suspect that, I would have had nothing to do with the guy. I had no reason to, other than the allegations themselves. The only two people who know are Michael and that kid in the room. I've never seen him behave inappropriately. He was great with my kids. He does have a connection with kids, babies. He's a kid, and other kids sense that in him.
No, mie imi place Lisa, asta e.

Joseph Jackson:
"After the allegations he married Lisa Marie. In their first TV interview the two newlyweeds were asked if they have sex. Can you imagine a reporter asking Paul McCartney the same question shortly after he married Linda? Would any reporter ever ask newlyweds if they have sex? Why else should two people marry - to not have sex? The question was an insult but Lisa the little jewel answered, 'yes, yes, yes' - I love her for that. And so does Michael.....
Michael never had to be afraid of Lisa marrying because of money. She had enough herself. He knew that all she wanted was his love.....
Lisa Marie was and still is Michael's big love of his life. When I think about them I always have to smile to myself. Her love for him warmed my heart."
Ok, poate nu-l credeti pe tat-su. Dar cei care au fost in contact cu ei mai toti au spus asa.
Fotograful Dick Zimmerman:
"A kind of magic emerges from this young couple. I really did not know what awaited me when I arrived, but what I saw made me think of the scene which two in love act as if they were alone in the world, in spite of the crowd which surrounds them. That only comes when two people are deeply enthusiastic about one another. Like everyone, I had heard rumours which surrounded their marriage several weeks ago. But it was necessary that I see them with my own eyes to work out the depth and sincerity of their love. This love, neither could hide from me. It will be enough for you to realise it by looking at my photographs, especially those which I took of Lisa. There are attitudes which cannot be faked. In fact, I did not even need to guide Michael and Lisa. I did not need, for example, to ask them to intertwine. They spontaneously did it and most naturally. I had to only say to them to place themselves at such or such a place, and the rest came naturally. They spoke to each other in a very soft tone, the tone of two people very much in love with one another
It's like when you see two people in the street who're in love and act like there is no one else around them. I saw it with my own eyes.
If you look at the photographs, you'll notice that there is something going on, especially with Lisa. I didn't have to tell them to put their arms around each other, they just did it.
Having spent an entire day with them, I saw some magical things. They talked to each other very quietly like lovers would. For the first shot, I told them to stand close. They immediately put their arms around each other and Lisa cuddled right up to Michael. I told Lisa to sit in a chair and Michael to kneel beside her. He put his arm around her and pulled her head to his chest, while Lisa tenderly took hold of his hand.
Between shots, they were whispering and giggling to each other. They were so happy it was hard to keep their attention on the camera. They were so much into each other.
They are so happy with the photos. Michael put Xs over the ones he liked, and the pages of photos were covered with Xs. But the loving ones with Lisa, showing their happiness, were his favourites."
Nepotul lui Michael, Taryll (3T): "The press only report the bad things. They don't know how much love there is between them"
Nepotul lui Michael Taj: "We only got to meet her twice, but she was great. We all got along fine. It was sad when it ended, because we know how special she was to our uncle. Right from the beginning, everyone wanted to see it fail."
Rob Hoffman (un tehnician de sunet, pe Gearslutz am citit): "I was there when Lisa Marie was around. They acted like two kids in love. Held hands all the time, and she hung out at the studio for quite a while. I never questioned their love for each other"
Michael intr-un interviu in 1995:
BR: How has your marriage to Lisa Marie changed your life?
M: I think I find it more fun to appreciate what family really means. The fact that even though there were ten of us Jacksons...we were always doing things at different times, and I'm really learning the real meaning of love. Giving 100% of yourself all the time. Putting up with one another. So far it has been pretty joyous.
Dedicatia de pe albumul HiStory:
"To Lisa Marie. Your being provides the star that brightens my galaxy and the force that strengthens me. Love, Michael"
Daca learning the real meaning of love i se datoreaza lui Lisa, thank you, Lisa.

selket spune:
La interviul si sedinta foto cu Life Magazine cand a fost prezentat Prince:
<<But there is one subject to which Michael repeatedly returns during four hours of conversation and picture-taking: Lisa Marie Presley.
Michael's voice quickens, even quavers, when he speaks of Lisa Marie. How she enjoys the baby. How they are still close after an amicable divorce. How they frolicked overseas the month before. He seems to pine for her. "Lisa Marie was just with me in Africa," Michael says. "We [went to] IMAX theaters, simulated-ride safaris, dinner. We went parasailing. It was wonderful." Even Debbie has acknowledged that Michael is still smitten. "He cares about her very much, but it didn't work out and he was devastated," she has said. "He loved her very much. Still does."
When asked if Lisa Marie has ever expressed second thoughts about not having been the one to bear his son, Michael insists, "She regrets is. She said so." Would she still consider having a kid with him? " She'd like to, yes," he says, putting a mischievous finger to his lips. "Shhh."
And there, on one nightstand, rests a framed photograph of Lisa Marie. Not a recent snapshot. Or even a formal portrait. But a picture apparently cut out of a magazine, placed as a child would place it, cockeyed, in a frame meant to hold a photo twice its size. A picture of Elvis and is little girl, then only five years old." This is the age," Michael says, "when I first met Lisa Marie. When her father first came to my concerts. I've known her ever since." >>

astrojunkie spune:
Pareri si pareri, va pun un text luung, dintr-o carte despre Priscilla (care stim cat l-a "iubit" pe Michael ca ginere).
Author: Suzanne Finstad
Below is an excerpt from chapter 33 in the book “CHILD BRIDE” by Suzanne Finstad, which gives a detailed account on Lisa Marie Presley and Michael Jackson’s first real encounter, the events leading up to it, and how and why they actually ended up together.
Sometime in 1991, after she had been married to musician Danny Keough for three years, 23 year-old Lisa Marie Presley telephoned longtime family friend and artist Brett Livingstone Strong. It was not the first time Lisa had turned to Brett to commiserate about her life. “She used to call me now and then when the relationship with Danny wasn’t working out to the effect that she wanted, love-wise.”
In 1991, and by the third year into her marriage, Lisa was restless and unfulfilled. “She wanted to do more with her life than just have her life go by,” Brett said. She and Danny were arguing mildly about his career versus hers, and Lisa was clearly in a struggle to find her identity. In just the year before, Lisa had telephoned a young producer’s office by mistake, thinking that she was dialing Priscilla’s boyfriend—Marco’s production company.
According to the producer’s girlfriend, she opened her soul to a perfect stranger. Lisa apparently confided in the producer about her marital woes, discussed the possibility of aborting another child by Danny, and talked about writing a book about her life, as if she had dialed a crisis hotline. The astonished producer would not comment on the bizarre experience later, except to say, “Even to this day I’m sort of at a loss at what exactly happened, so I think it’s best to just let it go. It’s really, you know, a mystery to me, the whole thing….I’m sure Lisa’s totally got her life together at this stage.”
She was, by all appearances, deeply troubled. Lisa still had a desire to be in show business, to be famous in her own right, and she turned, that year to Jerry Schilling, who had been close friend of Elvis and was one of the original members of his entourage, for guidance. Having decided to become an actress, she enlisted Jerry as her manager. She wanted, he recalled, to be a star. Jerry went along with it, not so secretly hoping she would switch to singing. “I managed her as an actress,” said Jerry, “but I kept saying, ‘Lisa, you are going to sing.’ And she said, ‘I don’t want to hear about it.’ ”
Lisa’s acting career fizzled, going no further than a false press report in May of 1991 saying that she would costar with Vanilla Ice in his next movie. She took a few acting lessons and became bored and discouraged because she was not an instant success.
During the summer or early fall of 1992, Jerry Schilling received the green light from Lisa that he had been hoping for since the day she was a child. “She called me from the car phone one day and said, ‘I can sing!’ And I knew what that meant.” Lisa Marie Presley had suddenly decided, for whatever reason, that her voice could be compared to her famous father’s and she was ready to withstand the media scrutiny and aim full-tilt for a recording career. Jerry Schilling again became Lisa’s manager. “Jerry would tell me,” recalled Brett, ‘If only Lisa would practice, she would be as good as her father.’ Jerry always wanted to be the manager, I saw that.” Jerry thought Lisa had, “a great voice—a cross between Aretha Franklin and Bonnie Raitt.” Once Lisa’s decision was made, Jerry took her through the normal process of getting her a record deal. She engaged her husband, Danny, as her producer and began writing songs with him, recalled both Jerry and Brett. “We went to the studios and got the musicians,” said Jerry. “When we got there, Aretha Franklin was the first thing she did on demo.”
Lisa, aware of all the pressure on her, was inhibited, remembered Jerry. The only person she would allow inside the studio—was Danny. “Danny started working with her and did a great job. A lot of it was confidence and pulling her along.”
Jerry then sent Lisa’s demo tapes to a large record company, but didn’t tell them who it was. “She got three major deals,” said Jerry. Lisa became pregnant in the process of recording her demos and gave birth to a son name Benjamin in October 1992, putting a temporary halt to her plans to record. Jerry was, by his recollections, finalizing plans to close a record deal for Lisa with Epic when things suddenly shifted course. Unbeknownst to Jerry, Lisa was impatient with the conservative, traditional route he was taking as her manager, representing her as an “upcoming new young talent,” taking the steps he would have followed for any other beginning artist. She phoned Brett throughout the summer of 1992 expressing her dissatisfaction. “That didn’t set well with Lisa,” as Brett put it. “She was like, ‘Hey, hang on a second! I’m Elvis Presley’s daughter!...Separate me from any other young and upcoming singer.’ But she obviously didn’t say that to Jerry.”
Lisa’s phone calls gave rise to an inspiration on Brett’s part. He had become a successful artist, famous for a million-dollar portrait he had painted of Michael Jackson, who had become his personal friend. Brett, the great connector, considered introducing Lisa to Michael. “She had the talent as well as the beauty and the name, so I thought Wow! The sky is the limit. What an image! I had known Michael for six years or more, and I thought maybe I could introduce Lisa to Michael Jackson. I thought, Hey, the person to get is Michael Jackson, because he’s an artist, instead of dealing with businessmen who would just categorize her and work her way up.” Michael had a new record label, Brett knew, and was looking for exciting, undiscovered talent. Who better than Lisa Marie Presley? “I didn’t discuss this with anyone,” said Brett. “I just thought about it and went about my business and thought that sometime in the future Lisa would like to have a conversation with Michael. From what I could see, Lisa was disenchanted with Jerry’s representation because she didn’t like what the head guy at Sony in New York had told her about where she had to begin and what she had to do—that she had to crawl before she walked.” Lisa wanted to emerge a full-blown star, and Michael Jackson, Brett believed, could help her.
Several months after the idea occurred to him, Brett telephoned Lisa, who was taking courses at the Scientology center in Clearwater, Florida. He said, “Lisa, if you’re really serious about your career, why don’t I put you in touch with Michael Jackson?....I think you should meet him and play your music and sing for him, and I think he could really encourage and inspire you on a direction you could take.” Brett told her that Michael had his own company, Nation Records, sponsored by Sony, and that he could “really launch her big time.” Lisa was intrigued.
Brett’s next step was to telephone Michael Jackson. “I said, ‘Michael, what would you say if I found talent for you that had the potential to be number one in the world in the recording industry—beautiful girl, great voice and also a reputation that would be a public relations dream come true?’ and he said, ‘Who are you talking about?’ So I said, ‘Lisa Presley.’ And he said, ‘What? She can’t sing!’ and I said, ‘She can.’ And then I asked, ‘Have you ever met Lisa?’ and he said no.” The conversation, recalled Brett, was brief, followed by lots of other conversations about it. Michael was “amazed at first, and then said, ‘Well get her to send me a tape.’ ”
At the time, neither Michael nor Lisa recalled their fleeting meeting introduction backstage, at the Sahara Tahoe when Lisa was six and Michael was sixteen. Lisa’s close childhood friend Myrna Smith, who was with Jerry and Joe Esposito when they took Lisa to that long-ago concert, confirmed this. “Lisa didn’t even remember meeting Michael as a child,” Myrna said. “She asked me, ‘Did I ever meet Michael Jackson?’ and I said, ‘Don’t you remember? We took you to see the Jacksons.’ ”
When Brett told Lisa about his conversation with Michael, she was offended that she would have to send a demo. She told Brett, “Forget it, I’ll play the tape for him in person.” Lisa called Brett constantly afterward, inquiring about the meeting with Michael. She told Myrna excitedly that Brett had arranged to have Michael and her get together at his house in Pacific Palisades and for Lisa to play her demo tape. Lisa took her husband Danny, along to that meeting, and the group gathered in Brett’s living room. “Michael…was blown away by her music,” according to Brett. “She played the tape and was really excited that Michael Jackson was here, and at that point, she looked like a fan of his. And he was really tickled to see that she had a lot of potential, but he didn’t think too much more than ‘Wow, Brett is onto something here.’ ” There was, according to Brett, not even the slightest suggestion of anything romantic between Lisa and Michael at that meeting. “Her husband was here.”
Michael carried on with his own career interests after that meeting, but Lisa, recalled Brett, “kept calling me after that. Constantly calling me. And she wanted to get together with Michael more.” Lisa met with Brett a few times to talk about it, remarking that she had “a few things in common with the Jacksons and maybe she should pursue a friendship with Michael.” Brett, still their intermediary, offered to represent Lisa in a business contract with Michael for a recording deal, even though he had an art partnership with Michael and had been his friend for years. Brett had worked up some figures and talked to Michael, who arranged for Brett to take Lisa to meet with Michael Greenberg, the head of Jackson’s company, Nation Records in Santa Monica. Lisa brought Danny along with her attorney, John Coale. “I didn’t know anything about that business,” said Brett, “but I wanted to make sure that Lisa made a deal at the top level…by saying, ‘Hey, Elvis is the King and she’s the Princess. She’s got the talent. All she needs is Michael to help record at the highest possible level and help her choose the songs and teach her some presence on stage. I was trying to get Michael to…make a deal with Lisa at the top—the deal that the other recording companies were making with Madonna and Barbara Streisand. And he was like, ‘Are you crazy? They have proven themselves.’ And I said, ‘No, make the same deal; a deal over a period of time…based on performance as the records sell. And not only will you make the deal with Lisa, you’ll promote the company.’ And I knew that’s what Lisa would love, if she was put on a pedestal.”