Femeile din viata lui Michael
Raspunsuri - Pagina 4

astrojunkie spune:
Eu citisem subiectul acum cateva zile, si tocmai ma pregateam sa-mi iau rosiile in cap, dar uite ca nu sunt singura. Eu vad altfel problema, acum sa vad si de unde o apuc.
Am scormonit netul dupa transcrierile conversatiilor telefonice cu glenda. Din ele reiese ca in viata lui Michael exista cineva, o femeie musulmana in varsta de 18 ani, care venise la studii in Statele Unite, trimisa de familia ei bogata. Era virgina cand a facut prima data dragoste cu Michael, si erau amandoi indragostiti pana peste cap. Stiu ca suna a Barbara Cartland, dar prea faceau aluzii fanii care il urmaresc de... o viata, asa ca m-am documentat. Se pare ca fata era deja promisa, in cadrul unui mariaj aranjat, iar fanii spun ca majoritatea pieselor de pe "Dangerous" sunt despre ea. Cum si de ce s-a terminat povestea, n-am aflat, stiu doar ca era in perioada dangerous.
Intra in scena Lisa Marie. Din cate il cunosc eu pe Michael, l-a incantat ca era "fata regelui", isi dorea copii cu ea poate din aceleasi motive, dar de iubit... nu stiu cat a iubit-o. Din cartea pe care a scris-o rabinul (aceea tot cu inregistrari), reiese ca ea s-a rugat de el sa o primeasca inapoi si dupa ce Debbie ii facuse copii, si ca el nu a mai vrut-o. Asta nu e comportamentul unei femei careia nu-i pasa. Da, sunt destul de proaste si superficiale amandoua, si ea si mama ei, se hahaiau ca toantele. Dar daca ti-ai vedea copilul cum sufera, cred reactia ar fi aceeasi, lasa-l mama, ca te foloseste.
Cred sincer ca asa l-au perceput ele pe MJ, si ca Lisa a iesit cea cu sufletul in mii de bucati din toata povestea. Relatia lor a durat pana in 1999, sunt fotografii cu ei sarutandu-se de ziua ei (pe vremea cand deja se nascuse Prince), a chemat-o si in turneul History, in Singapore daca nu ma insel.
Deci n-as arunca atat de repede cu pietre in Lisa. Inca se invinovateste ca nu l-a putut salva... mi se rupe sufletul si pentru ea, si pentru fata aia, Tatiana, din videoclip, care a spus ca el este "the love of her life". Erau distruse amandoua la inmormantare. Noi suferim dupa el fara sa-l fi cunoscut, nu-mi pot imagina ce e in sufletul acestor femei... Si in al lui S., fata de origine musulmana, daca ea chiar exista...

anka77 spune:
Mie imi pare tare rau pentru Tatianna.Chair era o chimie intre ei si se potriveau de minune. Pe pagina ei de Facebook sunt fotografii cu ei postate cu ceva ani in urma...ea nu a ascuns niciodata faptul ca l-a iubit si ca Michael se indragostise de ea.Tocmai ce am primit pe Facebook un mesaj de la niste fani de-ai lui Michael legat de Tatianna.Am sa pun putin din el pentru ce este destul de mare.
It was delighted to work again with Michael.
We did the shows of Kansas City and when
We came to New York we had three concerts in Madison Square Garden. I occurred to me an idea for the action that I thought that it would improve. After you follow the girl that I interpreted hot and intense, as at the end everything was Michael was giving me a hug. I believe that the public was disappointed. People approached me and told me "if Michael is so hanging with this girl, why gives you a simple hug at the end?".
I wanted to talk about that with Michael and I asked him if
It was good to give her a kiss instead of a simple hug. But while on tour around the world was so busy that I could not see him or talk to him, when we were already acting. So at the end of the second night, at the end of the hug, arose the face and I gave you a kiss on the face. The public was like crazy. Michael looked surprised, but sonreía. None of the guys told me anything, only "A show fantastic", as always. The next day was the last that had that
Act, and I called the Secretary to see if you could talk to him. I gave her
number but said me no you much entretuviera, was very tired. I spoke with him and I gave you thanks for giving me the opportunity to work with him. I also told her that he hoped that my Kiss had not bothered him. I assured not spent nothing. I asked him, "what can I take a step more tonight?", and said "Yes, that would be great". I gave you thanks again and hung. I was very nervous that night when I went
to the stage. Left eating me the coconut thinking if you should kiss you or not. I knew that the public you'd love, but also gave me the impression, both by time happened with Michael, by what other people had told me that Michael was crazy for me. Had noticed it by as us mirábamos, gestures, hugs, and sweet stuff that did or said... We arrived at the end of the action and I was
standing before him. I had my hands on his shoulders and looked you
directly in the eyes. He had that look super sexy and mordió the lip. I came to him and gave me hands on hips. We espouse and we then besamos on the lips. The public became crazy... I left the stage and Michael continued singing and laughed with more life in the voice that I had heard ever. When I came to the backstage, all losbailarines I congratulated by the fantastic which had been the show and happy Michael who was with me. I loved that so wonderful response. But for me it was more than a performance. I liked of truth and knew that I liked him. I realized that there was something between us
When we returned to the hotel, John Draper, the
the tour manager came looking for me and went with him to the reception to pay my room. While we were at the counter, Miko Brando came out of nowhere and started shouting me what could: "you get it how you atreves to do that Michael!.!!!" You bitches acursed!, what you were doing?. "How you can make it that way front of all these people?" Thus continued and it was clear that I had no idea that Michael and I so we had spoken in advance. It was was rising through the walls. Then Michael, Frank Dileo manager went through there. After of all proceedings, Frank I had given a pat on the shoulder and said to me the fantastic action had been. That night did not say me a Word and I launched the most diabólica eyes I have ever seen in my life. I even today still have no idea of what I did so terrible, but that night tour is over for me. I was not called to act in more concerts. My post was Sheryll Crow.
I went to my house and I cried like a desperate, both missed the opportunity to work as Miss Michael. His mother, Katherine, was also very badly by what had happened.
Past time invited me sometimes to the family home in Encino. He told me that when you were recording the video, Michael asked what could be done with me. Told you that I liked much and felt something for me. She told him to express their feelings, who I had what I felt.
Never did it, although some people from your computer (guadaespaldas, Secretaries, musicians) I thing that had. The unique
explanation I could imagine is that the managers I saw as a threat. Bad Tour has been one of the most successful career promotions, and the people who worked for him did not want that nothing estropeara it, especially a relationship with a girl that barely knew nothing.
You can think in me as a crazy fan who dreamed fall in love with a super star. Michael did a video
for the Dirty Diana song with a similar history. For me, of all
forms, feelings between us two had been mútuos. Felt that there was a bond that we linked. Perhaps it was because he also seemed to want to imagine a world without thinking of colors.
May I a naive, or wrong, or poorly understood things that had passed between Michael and I.
Even so, I always I comporté completely professionally. Unfortunately, be dismissed had terrible, both psychological and professional consequences.
I hope that someday can leave that experience my behind and go ahead, but for years what I been pursued. "Clearly illustrates how the business of entertainment, money and greed, separable two people who want."
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG05mG7fhZ4 " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABdp1m3a0E" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

lisa-marie spune:
Uau,Astrojunkie...stiam si eu ceva de o presupusa iubire dintre M si o femeie de origine musulmana, insa parca era ceva mai recenta treaba....nu tocmai din dangerous era.....oricum, atunci cand am citit articolul, am crezut...si parca tind sa cred in continuare.... ca a fost o alta inventie a presei.....who knows?..
Va aduc in atentie acum o alta femeie din viata lui M, care se pare ca a fost ultima lui iubire...din pacate neimpartasita...este vorba despre o acrobata japoneza in varsta de 30 ani, Noriko Takahashi,din cadrul trupei Cirque du Soleil, pe care a cunoscut-o in Las Vegas, unde aceasta a sustinut mai multe specatcole cu trupa.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=94snSuUSKas" target="_blank">"Let Sadness see what Happy does
www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIF5cjIYXWs&feature=related br / " target="_blank">Let Happy be where Sadness was till now..."
www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLOOGsWbmD4&feature=related" target="_blank"> Long live www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM0TlBjyM-4" target="_blank"> THE KING www.youtube.com/watch?v=D83nat54Sv0&feature=fvw" target="_blank">- MICHAEL www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXwU8HLMYhU&feature=related" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

astrojunkie spune:
A, si uitasem cum se leaga povestea, daca tot e s-o duc pana la capat... tineti minte ca intr-un tabloid aparuse povestea ca el i-a scris Lisei in motivul de anulare al casatoriei, despre faptul ca deja, era casatorit, "my muslim wife"? Scrisoarea aceea am gasit-o, au scos-o la licitatie impreuna cu alte obiecte si scrisori care i-au aprtiunut. Ca e scrisa intr-un moment in care clar nu era cu toti boii acasa, e partea a doua. Dar scrisoarea exista, am uploadat-o aici :
Anka, multumiri pentru text pe mine chiar ma intereseaza ce s-a intamplat cu adevarat, si am intuit bine despre Tatiana...

anka77 spune:
mei pe mine m-ati lasat masca cu femeia musulmana, nu stiam de ea.
Astrojunkie, cu placere.Mie imi pare rau ca nu au fost impreuna, erau tare frumosi amandoi...asta este.Ma uitam pe pagina ei pe My Space...asa frumos a scris despre el....Of Doamne.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG05mG7fhZ4 " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABdp1m3a0E" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

anka77 spune:
Ce spune Tatianna in legatura cu concedierea ei in urma sarutului cu MJ....
Este femeia cu care intr-adevar mi-ar fi plact sa fie Michael impreuna
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG05mG7fhZ4 " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me

www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABdp1m3a0E" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

oana_n spune:
anka pentru textul cu Tatiana. A fost singura din viata lui care m-a intrigat in mod special. n-am avut timp sa fac prea multe sapaturi, dar se pare ca ea era una din femeile potrivite pt el.
pana la urma Grace, tipa ce a fost bona copiilor, ce rol a avut? a fost doar o nascocire a presei?

anka77 spune:
Oana nu stiu de Grace, nu am citit despre ea..decat ce au spus tabloidele.Sincer nu cred intr-o relatie ai eu cu MJ.
De ce spui ca Tatiana a fost singura din viata lui care te-a intrigat? La ce te referi?
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG05mG7fhZ4 " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABdp1m3a0E" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

oana_n spune:
ma refer la faptul ca la momentul respectiv totul a fost trecut pe repede inainte. ca si cum cineva ar fi vrut ca trecerea ei prin viata lui michael sa fie scapata repede din vedere. am vazut clipul cu ea....am vazut si alte clipuri in care MJ canta cu tipe pe scena...insa ea mi s-a parut ca dincolo de a face foarte foarte bine ceea ce trebuia sa presteze pe scena...avea o chestie in privire in prezenta lui MJ, greu de trecut cu vederea, pentru cine avea ochi sa vada.
spre exemplu lisa nu a prea avut privirea aia, desi a fost nevasta lui...nu a avut-o la modul ala atat de...sincer si curat.
asta simt eu, asta am vazut

anka77 spune:
Aaaa am inteles.Si mie mi s-a parut ca se priveau "intr-un fel", am mai spus.... se simtea chimia dintre ei. Imi pare asa de rau ca nu au fost impreuna.....nu am inteles de ce totusi dupa episodul ala nu au mai reusit sa vorbeasca.Avea Di Leo o influenta asa puternica asupra lui Mj incat nu i-a permis sa o mai vada? Dumnezeu stie!!!!
Uite ceva frumos http://www.myspace.com/tatianayvonne
si asta http://s607.photobucket.com/albums/tt155/Luluvine/Tatiana%20Yvonne/?action=view¤t=AboutMe.gif
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG05mG7fhZ4 " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABdp1m3a0E" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2