Breaking News - 2
Raspunsuri - Pagina 20

anka77 spune:
Hai sa vedeti un filmulet despre Jerk-maine, viata lui, tributul de la Viena.
Doamne cum le spune lucrurilor pe nume tipul care a urcat filmul pe youtube.Il iubesc " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

purple_blue spune:
- cand il intreaba jurnalista daca il linisteste cumva faptul ca organizaeaza tributul: auzi "da, e ceva ce am vrut sa fac mereu" . Stiu la ce s-a referit, dar prost alese cuvintele.
- nu a fost chiar back-up in Jackson 5 (asta e putin exagerat), ca a devenit back-up, da.
- nu stiam ca MJ i-a bagat in seama, ca sa zic asa, si pe copiii nelegitimi ai lui Jermaine.
- tributul clar e o porcarie.
- ce frumos da el autografe acum.
- ce vesel e in 7 august intre miss-urile alea.
Great song from HIStory Album 1995.
"Money" Written and composed by Michael Jackson.
Lie for it
Spy for it
Kill for it
Die for it
So you call it trust
But I say it's just
In the devil's game
Of greed and lust
They don't care
They'd do me for the money
They don't care
They use me for the money
So you go to church
Read the holy word
In the scheme of life
It's all absurd
They don't care
They'd kill for the money
Do or dare
The thrill for the money
You're saluting the flag
Your country trusts you
Now you're wearing a badge
You're called the "Just Few"
And you're fighting the wars
A soldier must do
I'll never betray or deceive you my friend but...
If you show me the cash
Then I will take it
If you tell me to cry
Then I will fake it
If you give me a hand
Then I will shake it
You do anything for money...
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Where do your loyalties lie?
Is that your alibi?
I don't think so
You don't care
You'd do her for the money
Say it's fair
You sue her for the money
Want your pot of gold
Need the Midas touch
Bet you sell your soul
Cuz your God is such
You don't care
You kill for the money
Do or dare
The thrill for the money
Are you infected with the same disease of lust, gluttoney and greed?
Then watch the ones
With the biggest smiles
The idle jabbers...
Cuz they're the backstabbers
If you know it's a lie
Then you will swear it
If you give it with guilt
Then you will bear it
If it's taking a chance
Then you will dare it
You do anything for money...
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
You say you wouldn't do it
For all the money in the world
I don't think so
If you show me the man
Then I will sell him
If you ask me to lie
Then I will tell him
If you're stealing with God
Then you will hell him
You do anything for money
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
(Repeat 8 times)" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

oana_n spune:
Nu imi inchipuiam ca sta chiar asa de prost Jermaine. Adica ma gandeam ca macar pentru copiii lui are respect, daca pt restul nu.
Bieti copiii, si tata, si unchi, Doamne ce harababura. Iar despre chestia ca "mereu mi-am dorit sa fac asta" cam baga labutza in foc ca spera sa vina o zi in care sa fie el in primul rand, sub reflectoare si sa raspunda la intrebari. Cred ca si-a dorit asta de cand a ramas back-up.
Si daca nu avea job, traia din ajutor social? Ca nu pot pricepe atunci din ce manca. Intre timp s-a angajat? Sau s-a gandit sa isi faca o profesie din a strange bani in numele lui MJ?

anka77 spune:
Melodia Money, sper sa nu gresesc, a compus-o dupa ce s-a terminat procesul.Este cumva dedicat lui Chandler ,tatalui lui si celor care vroiau sa il stoarca de bani , dar oricum ar fi i se potriveste si lui Jerkmaine " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

danat spune:
Purple misto melodia, mi-am amintit-o, o ascultasem de pe cd-ul 2 din HIStory...acum am citit atenta versurile, saracul MJ cat adevar spunea, dar degeaba
Iar Jerkmaine are de la mine
******************************************" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
Michael Jackson

nelia spune:
Am scris un mesaj si voiam sa caut un articol ca sa-l dau exemplu... si nu stiu ce am facut, dar am inchis pagina DC.
N-am timp acum sa-l reiau, vineri dimineata abia voi putea sta mai mult la calculator... Am citit citeva articole, insa voiam neaparat sa vad filmuletul in care MJ admite ca este dependent de medicamente... M-am gindit la o gramada de lucruri in ultimul timp, va scriu si voua la ce, numai ca as avea nevoie de filmuletul asta, nu mi se deschide pe linkul de la Sun... stiti unde il mai gasesc?

FanClubMJ spune:
Am deschis partea 3. Continuam acolo?
Rugam moderatorii sa inchida aici ca ne-am mutat dincolo. Multumim!
PS. Nelia, se pare ca tu faci mereu trecerea, de la un cap la altul, cu cate o documentare forte