Filme, documentare, interviuri cu si despre M.J.
Raspunsuri - Pagina 7

lisa-marie spune:
Purple, uite ce am gasit la coment-uri...vreau sa cred ca e adevarat ca Michael a ascultat melodia...
therealmunichs (2 days ago)
Mike2b wrote+recorded this song with some friends - as far as I know they were all music students back then. The song was already finished sometime in 2004. We heard it (on some fan forum back then)#65279; and fell in love with this amazing support song. We contacted Mike2b and offered to take a CD with this song to Michael next time we would fly over to California to support him. We did pass it on to Michael and as far as we have heard he was very very touched by his fans and this beautiflul song!" target="_blank">"Let Sadness see what Happy does br / " target="_blank">Let Happy be where Sadness was till now..."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

danat spune:
Frumoasa melodia fanilor .
Incerc sa cred ca totusi Michael a avut si multe momente in viata cand a simtit cat de iubit este si s-a bucurat din plin pentru asta. Ca a avut momente cand a simtit ca imensa dragoste pe care el ne-a transmis-o tuturor prin cantece, i s-a intors si lui inmiit.
Totusi, incerc sa nu mai cad prada melancoliei cand aud astfel de melodii, si sa ma gandesc la el ca la un invingator intotdeauna. A fost atit de puternic (ca personalitate, ca influenta) incat nu cred ca e posibil sa-i fi scapat totul din mina. Asa cum am mai spus, acum sper sa fie undeva asa cum si-a dorit: linistit si fericit. Si, lasat in pace.
******************************************" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"" target="_blank">Michael Jackson - King of M.U.S.I.C.
.... "Ok, everybody, that's a wrap!"

anka77 spune:
Eu cred ca stia cat este de iubit de fani.Ati vazut ca peste tot nu ii ingnora , la dadea autografe, imbratisa fetele..., le scria mesaje pe perne.Nu mai tin minte unde era in turneu cand a comandat mancare pentru fanii care stateau in fata hotelului de ceva vreme.Nu cred ca a mai fost vreun artsit asa atent la fanii ce imi placea foarte tare ca niciodata nu uita sa le spuna cat ii iubeste si le multumeste pentru tot suportul.
Nu mai departe de august cand a venit Madonna .Ce " draguta" a fost cu toata lumea...m-a uimit dragalasenia ei.Draga mea Madonna asta este una dintre marile diferenta intre tine ei Michael. " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

purple_blue spune:" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

bulinuta27 spune:
purple...e mortal...dulcic, ca un copilas, nu avea stare, mai un pas de dans, mai ceva
bulinuta mamica de bulinel dragutel
Poze noi" target="_blank">minune mica

lisa-marie spune:
Tribute for Michael from Akon "Cry out of Joy"
You will be missed by all your fans,
I clench my fists cause it's so hard to respect,
If I had the power to change one thing
It'd bring you back to me,
But life's not promised and that won't change,
I'm a meet you there some day
In this lifetime
I wanna thank you for showin' me the man in the mirror
In this lifetime
I wanna thank you, you motivated the whole world to deliver
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
You're so much more then a heart
Oh I wish the world could see you the way I did,
And I wish they witnessed how wonderful a dad you were to all your kids
And I noticed it didn't stop there
Saving children was one of your goals
Just donating all of your millions
So they could one day rule the world
In this lifetime
I wanna thank you for showin' me the man in the mirror
In this lifetime
I wanna thank you, you motivated the whole world to deliver
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
You're so much more then a heart
One word for the media
Please help the people see the love
Stop this garbage you're feeding us
Show him for who he really was
Remember there was more to come
Remember he's the chosen one
Remember him for wars he's won
Remember him for what he's done
In this lifetime
I wanna thank you for showin' me the man in the mirror
In this lifetime
I wanna thank you, you motivated the whole world to deliver
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
You're so much more then a heart
Rest in peace and harmony Michael
I love you man" target="_blank">"Let Sadness see what Happy does br / " target="_blank">Let Happy be where Sadness was till now..."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

purple_blue spune:
"You're so much more then a heart"...foarte frumos" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

Medy6 spune:
Daca prindeti ZDF , maine, 25 oct. va fi un documentar dedicat lui Michael,1872,3981394_idDispatch:9069444,00.html

purple_blue spune:
Comentariile lui pisi asta" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

purple_blue spune:
A video mega-mix made by Michael himself
(I'm in love with the director)" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson