Melodia zilei Michael Jackson
Raspunsuri - Pagina 9

motanik spune:
E ok, din punctul meu de vedere poate fi orice, dar deja era pusa propunerea si e si prima data cand propune Rall.
Versurile pt azi deci:
Always be not always and if always, bow our heads in shame.
Always, please be not always.
And if always, bow our heads in blame.
'Cause time has made promises, just promises.
Faces, did you see their faces?
Did they touch you?
Have you felt such pain?
To have nothing, to dream something, then lose hoping.
Is not life but lame?
But time has made promises, just promises.
Mothers cry, babies die helplessly in arms while rockets fly and
research lies in progress to become.
But what of men are flesh and blood?
We turn our backs on life.
How can we claim to stand for peace when the race is armed in
strife, destroying life?
Always, be not always.
But if always, bow our heads in shame.
Always, please, be not always.
'Cause if always, bow our heads in blame.
'Cause time has made promises, just promises.
E o balada simpla, unde vocea calda a lui M iese bine in evidenta. Pacat ca nu a fost foarte mediatizata caci e tare frumoasa.
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson

mihutza11 spune:
Be not always - chiar imi place si nu o stiam, dar mi-a intrat la inimioara..
azi la amiaza am facut si eu un nani mic cu Andra mea si cu melodia asta in gand l-am visat pe MJ.. dar asa un amalgam, ca nici nu mai retin exact, ce stiu e ca il tot cautam si numai nu il gaseam.. si cand aproape sa il gasesc hop ca disparea iar..
Mihaela, mamik fericit de Andra - 29 martie 2008
Pozici" target="_blank">Primul anisor
Povestea americancei

danielac spune:
Faina melodia zilei de ieri, nici eu nu o stiam...
azi ce melodie avm?

motanik spune:
Nu avem inca.
Hai, cine n-a mai propus de mult?
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson

lisa-marie spune:
Hai ca vad ca va coditi cu toatele, asa ca propun eu melodia It's the falling in love, care imi place f mult:
si versurile:
Michael Jackson — It's The Falling In Love lyrics
[1st Verse]
You're Not Like Anybody I Ever Knew
But That Don't Mean That I Don't Know Where We Are
And Though I Find Myself Attracted To You
This Time I'm Trying Not To Go Too Far, Cause
No Matter How It Starts It Ends The Same
Someone's Always Doing Someone More
Trading In The Passion For That Taste Of Pain
It's Only Gonna Happen Again
It's The Fallin' In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin' In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
All Night... All Night
[2nd Verse (Patti Austin)]
And Though I'm Trying Not To Look In Your Eyes
Each Time I Do They Kind Of Burn Right Through Me
Don't Want To Lay Down In A Bed Full Of Lies
And Yet My Heart Is Saying Come And Do Me
[Bridge (Michael)]
Now We're Just A Web Of Mystery
A Possibility Of More To Come
I'd Rather Leave The Fantasy Of What Might Be
But Here I Go Falling Again
It's The Fallin' In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin' In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin' In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin' In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
Over You... Over You (All Night)
It's The Fallin' In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
It's The Fallin' In Love That's Makin' Me High
It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry
All Night... All Night

danat spune:
Lisa pt melodia zilei...mi-aminteste de Michael, cel pe care l-am cunoscut eu prima data, cand era in perioada Off the Wall.
Se simte din tonul vocii ca era mai free asa, fara greutatile pe care a avut sa le indure mai tarziu...
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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
Michael Jackson

danielac spune:
Lisa e foarte frumoasa melodia...plina de caldura cum numai MJ poate sti si poate da!

nelia spune:
Frumoasa melodia zilei, eu nu o stiam pina acum citeva saptamini cind am dat intimplator peste ea. Acum am citit si versurile...
Noi sintem decalatate cu orele, asta e melodia zilei de miine, 8 septembrie!?! Daca da, inseamna ca data de 9 e libera, as propune si eu una, daca nu s-a inscris altcineva... nu am apucat sa citesc tot.

iona2005 spune:
foarte frumoasa melodia imi place
Ill never let you part
For you're always in my heart.