Melodia zilei Michael Jackson
Raspunsuri - Pagina 19

iona2005 spune:
LA MULTI ANI ,sanatate si multe bucurii pt.puisorul tau
pt piesa" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

mj_girl spune:
fetele, pentru azi nu avem melodie?
pot sa mai propun io?
cred ca pentru ce vrem sa facem la "Caritate Michael Jackson" este potrivita
pentru voi, toate fetele lui M, pentru prietenia noastra
si versuri
When you're down and trubled
And you need some love and care
And nothin', no nothin' is goin' right
Just close your eyes and think of me
And soon I'll be there to brighten up
Yeah, even your darkest night
You just call out my name
And you know, wherever I am
I'll come a-runnin'
To see you again
Chorus :
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there, yeah I will
You've got a friend
When the sky above you
Grows dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind
He begins to blow
Here's what you do baby
Keep your head together
And call my name out loud
And soon you'll hear me
Knockin' at your door
Oh yes I will, yes I will
You just call out my name
And you know, wherever I am
I'll come a-runnin'
To see you again
Ain't it good to know
That you've got a friend
People can be so cold
They'll hurt you and desert you
And take your soul if you let them
Oh, don't let them
Chorus :
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there, yes I will
You've got a friend, yes you do
You've got a friend, yes you do
Right till the end, for you
Ain't it good to know
daca e deja propusa melodie....sorry

Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

iona2005 spune:
mj" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

purple_blue spune:
Frumoasa special versurile. Ce bine ar fi fost sa fie si pt. el asa. Dar, azi nu ma intristez." target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

nelia spune:
Cu intirziere si pe aici... Danat, sa-ti traiasca puiutul si sa fie sanatos. Superbe ultimele melodii...
Pentru miine este? Daca nu, propun si eu una cintata tot de Michael - minunea de copil. Voiam sa o propun ieri, dar nu am apucat sa intru la timp si astazi am vazut ca a dedicat-o o fata la sezatoarea canadiana... Este superba, iar vocea lui Michael este pur si simplu fenomenala, toti fratii lui imi plac in aceasta melodie, si cum danseaza si cum cinta.

mj_girl spune:
nelia, melodia propusa de tine este superba
eu am gasit si versurile, le pun aici
Pretty little se'orita
They come from miles around to see ya
Aah to get your love it's not easy
I hope I'll get a chance to meet you
You know I'm shakin'
Don't drive me crazy
If I cause trouble
Then there's one thing I know...
Hey, hey, hey
Maria my love you're just too much
I don't think they're tough enough
If I have to fight for you all night
Maria you're my love
Maria can I see yah
I just wanna love ya
The best man under pressure
Maria my love... uh
Darlin won't you take me serious
I take ya all around the world
We can have our own fiesta
Only if you say you're my girl
Oooh I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love with her
I don't know , I don't wanna share her love
I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love with her
And there's one thing I know...
Hey, hey, hey
Maria my love you're just too much
I don't think they're tough enough
If I have to fight for you all night
Maria you're my love
Maria can I see yah
I just wanna love ya
I just wanna hug ya
Maria my love... uh
Ooh I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love with her
I don't know , I don't wanna share her love
I'm in love, I'm in love, I'll let her know
Maria my love you're just too much
I don't think they're tough enough
If I have to fight for you all night
Maria you are my love
Maria my love you're just too much
I don't think they're tough enough
If I have to fight for you all night
Maria you are my love
Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

oana_n spune:
pentru Maria si inca o
pentru nelia.
intr-adevar fiecare melodie a fost lucrata si interpretata perfect. si chiar daca pe atunci nu stia foarte clar ce e cu dragostea, transmite tare bine mesajul piesei.

iona2005 spune:
foarte frumoasa..nelia" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

danat spune:
Superbe si melodiile zilelor astea. Pe "Maria" ma gandisem si eu s-o propun de 8 sept e asa superba vocea lui Michael acolo....
******************************************" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
Michael Jackson

lisa-marie spune:
azi nu vrea nimeni sa propuna melodie?....
propun eu atunci The way you love me....
Verse 1:
I was alone in the dark when I met ya
Uuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuh
You took my hand and you told me you loved me
Uuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuh
I was alone, there was no love in my life
(I was alone, there was no love in my life)
I was afraid, I`d like that you came in time <--still don't this it's right...
(I was afraid, I`d like that you came in time)
You took my hand and we kissed in the moonlight
(You took my hand and we could stand up in life)
Uuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuh
I like the way how you`re holdin` me
It doesn`t matter how you`re holdin` me
I like the way how you`re lovin` me
It doesn`t matter how you`re lovin` me
I like the way how you`re touchin` me
It doesn`t matter how you`re touchin` me
I like the way how you`re kissin` me
It doesn`t matter how you`re kissin` me
You'll seeeee...
Verse 2: won't be long 'til we make vows, I bet ya
Uuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuh
I thank the Heavens above that I met ya
Uuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuh
I was alone, there was no love in my life
(I was alone, there was no love in my life)
I was afraid, I`d like that you came in time <--still don't this it's right...
(I was afraid, I`d like that you came in time)
You took my hand and we could stand up in life
(You took my hand and we could stand up in life)
Chorus (diff):
I like the way how you`re lovin` me
It doesn`t matter how you`re holdin` me
I like the way how you`re holdin` me
It doesn`t matter how you`re lovin` me
I like the way how you`re touchin` me
It doesn`t matter how you`re touchin` me
I like the way how you`re kissin` me
It doesn`t matter how you`re kissin` me
Verse 3:
The world was a better place `cause you came in time,
You took away the rain and brought the sunshine,
I was afraid `cause I was hurt the last time,
Uuuuuuuuuuh Ahhhhhhhh.
I like the way how you`re holdin` me,
It doesn`t matter how you`re holdin` me,
I like the way how you`re lovin` me,
It doesn`t matter how you`re lovin` me,
I like the way how you`re touchin` me,
It doesn`t matter how you`re touchin` me,
I like the way how you`re kissin` me,
It doesn`t matter how you`re kissin` me,
You seeeee.
Uuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuh (x12)
Lalalalala lalalalala lalalalalalala

"Let Sadness see what Happy does
Let Happy be where Sadness was till now..."