King of Pop Michael Jackson (10)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns motanik spune:

Danutza, am facut curat prin biblioteca mea veche si printre altele am gasit si o masca dangerous, stii, desenul de pe album. Ma gandeam, oare s-o supara al meu daca il rog s-o poarte seara cand ne bagam in pat?

(asta asa intre noi, ca sa vezi ca esti in clubul corect, aici se trateaza diferite..probleme )

Ah si inca ceva, ca tot zic noapte buna, uite ca am gasit emoticonul perfect pt grupul nostru:

(se-ntelege cine e la baza gramezii )


Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra

Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lisa-marie spune:

off naomi asta....

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Link direct catre acest raspuns danat spune:

citat din mesajul lui motanik

Danutza, am facut curat prin biblioteca mea veche si printre altele am gasit si o masca dangerous, stii, desenul de pe album. Ma gandeam, oare s-o supara al meu daca il rog s-o poarte seara cand ne bagam in pat?

(asta asa intre noi, ca sa vezi ca esti in clubul corect, aici se trateaza diferite..probleme )

Ah si inca ceva, ca tot zic noapte buna, uite ca am gasit emoticonul perfect pt grupul nostru:

(se-ntelege cine e la baza gramezii )


Andra si bebe Theodora

Eu zic sa nu te risti totusi....te mai vrem printre noi si maine


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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

citat din mesajul lui motanik

Danutza, am facut curat prin biblioteca mea veche si printre altele am gasit si o masca dangerous, stii, desenul de pe album. Ma gandeam, oare s-o supara al meu daca il rog s-o poarte seara cand ne bagam in pat?

(asta asa intre noi, ca sa vezi ca esti in clubul corect, aici se trateaza diferite..probleme )

Ah si inca ceva, ca tot zic noapte buna, uite ca am gasit emoticonul perfect pt grupul nostru:

(se-ntelege cine e la baza gramezii )


Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra

Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson

motanik, multumim pentru intelgere,
poate ne imprumuti si noua masca, din cand in cand
azi sotu' dupa ce l-am omorat cu flashmob-uri si alte manifestari mi-a cerut folderul cu muzica MJ ,...cred ca-l pot convinge sa poarte si masca

He is a special part of me !

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

citat din mesajul lui lisa-marie

off naomi asta....

lisa-marie, scoate-o pe naoama din peisaj ca ma indispune rau

He is a special part of me !

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Link direct catre acest raspuns nelia spune:

Nuuu, de medicamente era dependent si Elvis si una din cauzele pentru care lua medicamente era... insomnia!

Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977 in the bathroom of his Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tennessee. He was 42. He had been on the toilet, but fallen off onto the floor, where he lay in a pool of his own vomit. Panicked, his staff contacted an ambulance, which rushed him to nearby Baptist Memorial Hospital, where, after several attempts to revive him, he died at 3:30 pm CST. His autopsy was performed at 7:00 pm.

The official coroner's report lists

as the cause of Presley's death, but this was later admitted to be a ruse entered into by the Presley family along with autopsy physicians Dr. Jerry T. Francisco, Dr. Eric Muirhead and Dr. Noel Florredo to cover up the real cause of death, a cocktail of ten prescribed drugs, taken in doses no doctor would prescribe:

The painkillers Morphine and Demerol.
Chloropheniramine, an antihistamine.
The tranquilizers Placidyl and Vailum.
Finally, four drugs were found in "significant" quantities: Codeine (se zice ca era alergic la ea si ca, poate, asta ar putea fi cauza mortii), an opiate, Ethinamate, largely prescribed at the time as a "sleeping pill" Quaaludes, and a barbituate, or depressant, that has never been identified.

It has also been rumored that Diazepam, Amytal, Nembutal, Carbrital, Sinutab, Elavil, Avental, and Valmid were found in his system at death.

The phrase "cardiac arrhythmia," in the context of the coroner's report, means little more than a stopped heart; the report initially tried to attribute the arrhythmia to cardiovascular disease, but Elvis' own personal physician has stated that Presley had no such chronic problems at the time. Most of Elvis' many health problems can and have been traced back to rampant abuse of prescription drugs.

Elvis had visited his dentist on August 15th to have a temporary crown put in; it has also been suggested that the codeine the dentist gave him that day resulted in an anaphylactic shock that assisted in his death. (He had suffered allergic reactions to the drug previously.)

CORNELIA, mami de" target="_blank">AGATA, TUDORA si LISANDRU

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Link direct catre acest raspuns danat spune:

Deja pagina 8?!??!?
Inseamna ca trebuie sa ma astept ca maine dimineata sa gasesc un nou capitol?

Eu una ma duc la nani, ca inca ma chinuie o raceala si am asa o durere de cap (pe bune, nu din aia disimulata ).


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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"

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Link direct catre acest raspuns motanik spune:

Pai nu acuma ca eu sunt in Ro si el s-a intors in Uk de ceva vreme, eu merg acolo abia pe 16 sept...dar ce-ar fi sa-i fac o surpriza sa merg direct cu masca la el, cred ca nu avea omu' motive suficiente de divort

Mda, numai noua putea sa ne treaca prin cap sa ne mascam barbatii, acuma gluma gluma dar eu zic totusi sa fie multumiti daca mai avem timp sa le facem mancare!! [:)))]


Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra

Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

citat din mesajul lui danat

Deja pagina 8?!??!?
Inseamna ca trebuie sa ma astept ca maine dimineata sa gasesc un nou capitol?

Eu una ma duc la nani, ca inca ma chinuie o raceala si am asa o durere de cap (pe bune, nu din aia disimulata ).


******************************************" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"

noapte buna,
doftoriceste-te ca maine avem nevoie de tine in forma maxima

He is a special part of me !

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns danat spune:

Nelia dar Elvis de ce lua medicamente? Ca la MJ am inteles ca avea dureri si probleme cu somnul. Stii cumva?


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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"

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