King of Pop Michael Jackson (5)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 8

motanik spune:
Anculina, e tare fain, mie imi place si ala pe negru de langa el, jos, cu roz. Dar esti pe pagina de America.
Asta e pagina de unde selectezi tara sau zona in care te afli.
Eu nu am comandat caci nu stiu inca ce sa aleg, dar cand decid eu aleg Uk & Ireland. Si observ ca nu sunt aceleasi lucruri toate pt toate zonele, tricoul pe roz de ex nu este pe Europa.
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson.

danielac spune:
Listen to Michael Jackson's new single 'Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' featuring Akon.
Epic/Legacy Recordings proudly celebrates the 25th anniversary of Michael Jackson's Thriller, the world's biggest-selling album of all time, with a newly expanded deluxe edition of the phenomenal record-breaking pop culture touchstone, available on Tuesday, February 12 2008 (in the US).
The Thriller - 25th Anniversary Edition will include the original album in its entirety as well as six tracks previously unreleased in any form: a new Kanye West remix of 'Billie Jean'; remixes of 'The Girl is Mine' and 'P.Y.T.'; Fergie's version of 'Beat It'; 'For All Time,' a rare unreleased cut from the original Thriller recording sessions, newly mixed and mastered by Michael Jackson: and the first single, a new 2008 version of 'Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'' with Akon and
Also included is a DVD featuring Michael Jackson's groundbreaking short films from Thriller ('Thriller,' 'Beat It,' and 'Billie Jean') and the artist's Emmy-nominated breakout performance of 'Billie Jean' from the legendary 'Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever' television special.
1. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
2. Baby Be Mine
3. The Girl Is Mine (with Paul McCartney)
4. Thriller
5. Beat It
6. Billie Jean
7. Human Nature
8. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
9. The Lady In My Life
10. Vincent Price Excerpt (From "Thriller" Voice-Over Session)
11. The Girl Is Mine 2008 with
12. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) 2008 with
13. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 2008 with Akon
14. Beat It 2008 with Fergie
15. Billie Jean 2008 Kayne West mix
16. For All Time (previously unreleased track from Thriller sessions)
unde puteti asculta si melodia Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 2008 with Akon

motanik spune:
Anculina, tot eu.
Am facut o simulare de cumparare pe site, merge sa iei de la americani, cu livrare in Romania.
Costa 17.21 dolari livrarea standard, intre 8 si 24 zile lucratoare
21.51 dolari livrarea expedit, intre 6 si 14 zile lucratoare
93.50 dolari livrarea rapida in 4-5 zile lucratoare.
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson.

motanik spune:
Si inca ceva, ca v-am innebunit dar trebuie sa vin cu stirile pt cine nu a aflat.
Weekendul 29-30 august este la MTV Romania weekend Michael Jackson.
Ma gandesc ca si international o sa fie.
Asa ca fiti cu ochii pe televizoare weekendul urmator. Si in presa, cred ca or sa mai iasa editii dedicate.
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson.

danielac spune:
fetelor eu am luat ieri de la chioscurile de ziare un DVD si o carte numita "Michael Jackson - Omul din oglinda"...cartea e micuta dar frumos ilustrata (doar o privire am aruncat aseara tarziu cand am ajuns acasa...) si abia astept s avad DVD-ul... costa 24.5 lei redus de la 30.00 lei.

danielac spune:
apropo de doctor:
JACKSON DOCTORS TO BE CHARGEDDr. Conrad Murray and Dr. Arnold Klein are set to be arrested in the coming weeks over Michael Jackson's death, with Dr. Murray - his personal physician - facing manslaughter charges.
Michael Jackson's personal doctor will be charged with manslaughter within two weeks, it has been claimed.
Officers investigating the late 'Thriller' singer's death are planning to arrest Dr. Conrad Murray over claims he gave Michael prescription drugs, including an injection of powerful anaesthetic Propofol which is alleged to have killed him on June 25.
Investigators had hoped to take the physician into custody as early as next week, but they are now planning to issue one more search warrant - believed to be on a Los Angeles pharmacy - to gather more evidence before moving forward, according to Fox News.
Murray - who has allegedly told officers he administered the injection - was to be charged with second degree murder, but officers fear they don't have enough evidence to make the charge stand.
Dr. Arnold Klein, Michael's skin doctor, is also set to face charges linked to medical malpractice over the singer's drug addiction but he is not expected to be arrested for several weeks while police gather evidence against him.
Despite the reports, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office, denied prosecutors had decided to charge Jackson's physicians.
She said: "Until police complete their investigation and bring it to our office, there is no way to know what charges may be filed and against whom."
Earlier this week, Dr. Murray released a brief video online speaking about his client for the first time.
In the clip he said: "I have done all I could do, I told the truth, and I have faith the truth will prevail.
"Because of all that is going on, I'm afraid to return phone calls or use my email. Therefore, I recorded this video to let all of you know that I have been receiving the messages."
Meanwhile, a doctor being questioned in connection to Michael's death has claimed she received death threats warning her not to talk to police.
Dr. Susan Etok - who says she was asked to supply the 'Billie Jean' star with a number of drugs but refused - insists she wasn't worried about the messages.
She said: "I'm not really taking them seriously."
Explaining why she had been summoned to Los Angeles police station, she added to 'Entertainment Tonight': "They just want to basically get a background picture as to what kind of happened to Michael and everybody else that was involved."

motanik spune:
Daniela, a aparut cu vreun ziar, ceva?
Ca sa stiu sa o caut si eu, inseamna ca la choscul de langa mine n-a adus-o.
De cine e tiparita?
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson.

mj_girl spune:
fetelor, daca o tineti in ritmul asta curand vom trece la partea a 6a,
multumim pentru informatii, carti, cd, & stuff,
motanik pentru foto revista, ca sa stim ce cautam
melodia zilei superrrrva iubesc pentru ca il iubiti pe M

cory_box spune:
buna fetelor .ce mult ati scris si cite primiti si pe mine in club ?
Music is art in words.Michael Jackson's words are masterpieces
Before you judge me, try hard to love me (Michael Jackson)