King of Pop Michael Jackson (4)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 15

motanik spune:
MJ Girl, foarte faina melodia zilei. De cand e? Nu-mi e cunoscuta, nu stiu cum mi-a scapat.
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson.

purple_blue spune:
Na ca m-am enervat mai rau cu Jermaine asta...
Am gasit melodia cantata, inainte sa o schimbe:
Asta dupa ce a schimbat-o...cica acum e "like a lover" loc de "like a brother"
Sa ma scuze...dar lasand la o parte versurile..daca asta e muzica, pe langa ce a facut Michael..

"Daca plangi pentru ca soarele a disparut din viata ta, lacrimile te vor impiedica sa vezi stelele."

astrojunkie spune:
Hehe, pot sa propun si eu melodia zilei... pai ce, numai eu sa bocesc din cauza voastra?!

astrojunkie spune:
"Heaven Can Wait"
Tell the angels no, I don’t wanna leave my baby alone
I don’t want nobody else to hold you
That’s a chance I’ll take
Baby I’ll stay, Heaven can wait
No, if the angels took me from this earth
I would tell them bring me back to her
It’s a chance I’ll take, maybe I’ll stay
Heaven can wait
You’re beautiful
Each moment spent with you is simply wonderful
This love I have for you girl it’s incredible
And I don’t know what I’d do, if I can’t be with you
The world could not go on so every night I pray
If the Lord should come for me before I wake
I wouldn’t wanna go if I can’t see your face, can’t hold you close
What good would Heaven be
If the angels came for me I’d tell them no
Me sitting up in the clouds and you are all alone
The time might come around when you’d be moving on
I’d turn it all around and try to get back down to my baby girl
Can’t stand to see nobody kissing, touching her
Couldn’t take nobody loving you the way we were
What good would Heaven be
If the angels come for me I’d tell them no
Oh no, can’t be without my baby
Won’t go, without her I’d go crazy
Oh no, guess Heaven will be waiting
Oh no, can’t be without my baby
Won’t go, without her I’d go crazy
Oh no, guess Heaven will be waiting
Just leave us alone, leave us alone
Please leave us alone

astrojunkie spune:
Acum din cartea pentru care ar fi colaborat jermaine:
“My brother is a superstar, yes. My brother is wealthy. He owns shares in Sony music. He drinks, he does drugs, he lies, he cheats, he changed his skin color and mostly, he’s human. He attracts gay men and wards off women like the plague.”
“He married a woman because she was pregnant and he was doing business with Muslims (which I am a Muslim) and Muslims won’t do business with someone who is engaged in having children without being married.
“He paid this woman, who nobody would ever look twice at, several million dollars. My brother purchased children. It is like a sanctioned black market. He is very powerful; he picked the sperm donor by using information provided by a sperm bank. Now, who can do that? Michael Jackson, that’s who, my brother.
“I have maintained my residence by my mother’s side at the family’s Hayvenhurst estate in Encino, California because I know how much I am needed there. Michael counts on me to be there as does the rest of my family.”
“It was my little brother, he conceived the whole idea behind DreamWorks. The logo is still proudly the official logo of Neverland. Unfortunately, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen all stole the idea from him. That’s one reason why Michael hates Jewish people so much. But he plays the game with them. There is a game that all in Hollywood play. But the Jews are the powerful ones and they have done a lot to put my brother in his place….just another nigger. That’s what Don King told Michael at the start of the “Victory” tour. No matter what Michael, you’re just another nigger.
“My brother doesn’t always learn the valuable lessons life teaches. He is stubborn, hard-headed and, at times, harsh. He is cold, calculating and devious. The blood of his father runs freely through him. We were all afraid that the blood of Joseph Jackson would eventually contaminate all of us.
“But this is still my family and I love every one of them and I won’t sit by and let my brother go to prison. Prison would kill him. I’ve thought about doing the time for him, if he’s convicted. Michael wouldn’t survive in prison for one day. He’d commit suicide.
“Joseph did some disgusting things to LaToya and Rebbie, especially. If it weren’t for Mother’s loyalty to him, he’d probably be in prison for what he did to our sisters.”
Jermaine wrote: "I don't want to tell you my brother's innocent. I am not certain that he is."
In the badly written proposal - a copy of which was seen by The Post - Jermaine waxes lyrical on all aspects of Michael's life, including how the family has always been su****ious of the singer's feelings for boys.
Jermaine revealed that the family first encountered those su****ions when another Jackson brother, Tito, lost his ex-wife, leaving their three children without a mother.
"I remember Michael sitting on the bed with Tito's boys - Taj, T.J. and Terrell, crying and holding them," Jermaine writes.
"He held them in an almost uncomfortable manner that I will discuss openly and honestly [in the book]. The entire house was shaken."
Jermaine also says that he suspects that his younger brother may have been a victim of sexual abuse by their dad, Joseph.
"There were times when Joseph and some of these men he'd describe as "very important business people," would meet late at night in our hotel suite with Michael, and Michael alone," Jermaine writes.
"I always felt something was wrong with that and Michael would always be sick for days after these "meetings."
The superstar singer's fatherhood was also called into question in the book proposal that sources say was sent to several publishers.
HarperCollins and St. Marks, sources said, passed on the book because Jermaine refused to say his brother was guilty in the child-molesting case in which he was acquitted last year.
Jermaine says Michael's ex-wife Debbie Rowe was artificially inseminated by a "sperm donor" in order to have his oldest two children Prince Michael and Paris.
"He picked the sperm donor by using information provided by a sperm bank," Jermaine writes.
"Now, who can do that? Michael Jackson, that's who, my brother. What power, what following. Yes, he's eccentric. Yes, he has a thing for young children."
Jermaine said he suspects Jackson's drug use may have left him unable to remember what he did to young children.
"The Demerol, the Vicodin, the Percocet, Doeine, the cocaine, the Jack Daniels, the wine. Does he really know what he does with these kids?" Jermaine writes.
N-am vrut sa pun nici cantecul, nici fragmente din carte aici, dar am vazut ca voi ati pus si acum mi-am dat seama de ce.
Inconstient intrebarea asta ma framanta de ceva vreme incoace. Stiu ca deschid o cutie a Pandorei, dar vreau sa va intreb sincer si din perspectiva unui om care il iubeste din tot sufletul pe Michael, pentru ca eu nu sunt in stare sa-mi raspund inca: daca este adevarat? Cat i-ati ierta acestui OM, acestui geniu, suflet care a fost si este aproape de sufletele noastre?
Mie imi este clar ca dincolo de geniul incontestabil, a fost un om cu bune si cu rele, si ca ce am vazut noi era o imagine. Intrebarea pe care mi-o pun este: cat de rele erau relele?
La ora asta tarzie din noapte imi raspund ca oricum nu mai conteaza... Dar stiu ca maine ma voi intreba din nou... Daca nu vreti sa discutam pe tema asta, am sa sterg postul si imi cer scuze daca v-am suparat!
Va pup cu drag pe toate!

Alexia27 spune:
Niciodata nu mi-a placut Jermaine, dar acum chiar mi-e sila de el. Genul asta de carte ca si melodia, de altfel, e evident ca sunt scrise sa plateasca niste polite. Cum mai? Acum Joe e si abuzator sexual? Am inteles ca-i batea si ii umilea, dar acum practic spune ca le abuza sexual pe fete si pe M! Adica, toti din familie au cate o buba (sau ma rog, cei importanti), numai el e curat,uscat si placut misrositor...ta-sau e abuzator, maica-sa e complice , frate-sau e si si el abuzator si alcoolic, si dependent de cocaina...bai frate
hai ca iar m-am enervat. Ce porcarie!
I'm alive and I'm here forever
Michael Jackson

purple_blue spune:
Buna dimineata
Care capitol nu e "luat" pt transcris? Sa ma spuc si eu de treaba...
"Daca plangi pentru ca soarele a disparut din viata ta, lacrimile te vor impiedica sa vezi stelele."

rall spune:
astrojunkie, eu nu as crede niciodata un om care ii spune fratelui sau "It ain’t about you takin’ my pie / You been takin’ for a long time". Asta e invidie pura si de aici incolo nu mai cred nimic.
Cat despre cocaina si Jack Daniels... eu nu am vazut niciodata pe Michael semnele unui dependent de cocaina. A avut perioade cand parea out, cam prin 2000-2005, insa nu semana cu un drogat.
I was born to never die | To live in bliss, to never cry | To speak the truth and never lie | To share my love without a sigh | To stretch my arms without a tie | This is my dance, this is my high (Michael Jackson)

danat spune:
'neata fetelor!
Mihutza e super Andra ta cum danseaza! ce ritm poate avea la 1 anisor si 5 luni!!!
Astrojunkie super melodia zilei! E ceva da, ai dreptate, mi se cam pune nodul in gat cand o ascult.
Cat despre Jermaine si eu am avut aceeasi senzatie de ceva fals, fara sa stiu exact ce, mai ales ranjetul pare un pic "montat" acolo pe figura Poate de aceea nici nu se prea ingramadesc vedetele la concert...stiindu-l ce ii poate pielea.
Dana mama lu'
Radu Stefan
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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
"Man in the Mirror" - Michael Jackson

motanik spune:
Neatza tuturor!
Tocmai am luat Saptamana Financiara cu cartea Michael Jackson Magie si Nebunie de J.R. Taraborrelli, m-am apucat sa o rasfoiesc, e foartemare, o multime de capitole inclusiv unul scris dupa 25 iun 2009. O sa revin cu idei din ea pe masura ce citesc.
tare draguta melodia zilei, de-ar mai fi asteptat putin raiul...
Presupusa carte despre care e vorba mai sus, a lui Jermaine, nu a existat niciodata iar fragmentele astea au fost infirmate de el, a declarat ca sunt falsuri. Se pare ca urma sa colaboreze cu o tipa la scrierea unei carti, nu mai retin numele, si ca de fapt aia a scris extrasele astea dar cand Jermaine a declarat ca sunt falsuri, ea a zis ca il are inregistrat pe caseta.
Care o fi adevarul, nu stiu. Dar cantecul Word to the bad nu poate fi declarat fals, inca circula pe net varianta originala si am vazut toate care sunt versurile, imi e clar cata invidie a fost pe el vazandu-l pe Michael atat de adulat de fani in toata lumea. Cred ca mai bine i-a fost totusi lui, cu bucatica lui de succes dar si posibilitatea de a trai linistit, de a iesi pe strada si a nu fi asaltat de sute de oameni.
Cat despre dependenta de dorguri si bautura, cam toti din anturajul lui Michael au declarat pe la diferite tv sau ziare ca Michael nu era consumator de placere ci de nevoie, dar nu de cocaina sau altele ci de medicamente care il puteau face sa doarma. Am rasfoit cartea asta un pic, pe la final, Taraborrelli asta zice ca e usor sa arati cu degetul din afara catre doctorii care i-au dat atatea medicamente, dar ca din interior nu era chiar asa, ca daca stateai cu Michael in camera si el plangea si spunea ca nu mai suporta sa il doara spatele, picioarele, capul, nu mai suporta ca nu a dormit de nu stiu cate zile si te implora sa-l ajuti, atunci nu rezisti si vrei sa-l ajuti asa cum o cere el.
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson.