King of Pop Michael Jackson (4)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 14

CRISMIR spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui rall motanik ![]() Jackson, Jackson, The legend Michael Jackson, Forever remember where you was when it happened, Everybody staring at phones reading their flashes In hope it was just a rumour and sooner well get the facts in. Ill always remember the spot where I was standing Exact same spot where I felt like collapsing. Ceva mai... decent: _ I was born to never die | To live in bliss, to never cry | To speak the truth and never lie | To share my love without a sigh | To stretch my arms without a tie | This is my dance, this is my high (Michael Jackson) |
Da,asta mi-a placut,a cantat tare bine

"Before you judge me, try hard to love me."MJ
Mirela si puiul scump, Robert Cristian(19 oct.2004)
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mihutza11 spune:
am ascultat de curiozitate melodia lui Jermaine "Word to the badd" (habar nu aveam de existenta ei).. am ramas "speechless" vb cantecului.. cred ca era invidios pe MJ.. o invidie inceputa de cand Michael devenise starul Jackson5.. si nu stiu de ce am avut tot timpul un feeling ca Jermaine e un pic fals, dar tot am zis poate mi se pare.. ei acum cu melodia asta m-am convins inca odata ca totusi feeling-urile astea ale mele sunt bune.. si de data asta nu imi pare bine ca a fost bun feeling-ul... ca m-am convins inca odata cat de singur era...
in alta ordine de idei azi iar ne-am uitat la DVD-ul cu concertul de la Bucuresti.. a dansat si mandrutza mea.. si facea si ea ca MJ "hi-hi", "au".. asa comica era ..
imediat va arat ceva dragutz ..
Mihaela, mamik fericit de Andra - 29 martie 2008
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Povestea americancei

mj_girl spune:
revin cu propunere pentru melodia zilei, (am si eu fixurile mele, ignorati-ma)
si On The Line Lyrics
No sense pretending its over
Hard times just don't go away
You gotta take that chip off your shoulder
It's time you open up
Have some faith
Nothing good ever comes easy
All good things come in due time
Yes it does
You gotta have something to believe in
I'm telling you to open mind
Gotta put your heart on the line
If you wanna make it right
You've got to reach out and try
Gotta put your heart on the line
If you wanna get it right
Gotta put it all on the line
You see yourself in the mirror
And you don't like what you see
And things aren't getting much clearer
Don't you think it's time you go for a change
Don't waste your time on the past, no, no
It's time you look to the future
It's all right there if you ask
This time if you try much harder
You'll be the best that could can be
Gotta put your heart on the line
If you wanna make it right
You've got to reach out and try
Gotta put your heart on the line
If you wanna get it right
Gotta put it all on the line
If you wanna make it right
If you wanna do it now
Then you gotta learn to try
You can make it right somehow
Let love come free
And that's just so easy now
You gotta go for what you want
You gotta do what you got to do
Gotta put your heart on the line
If you wanna make it right
You've got to reach out and try
Gotta put your heart on the line
If you wanna make it right
Gotta put it all on the line

mj_girl spune:
maine nu uitati

mihutza11 spune:
ce ziceti de fanul asta MJ?
Mihaela, mamik fericit de

Ratusca mea mih1 si mih2" target="_blank">aici
Pozici" target="_blank">Primul anisor
Povestea americancei

motanik spune:
Buan tuturor!
Mihutza, m-a dat pe spate tiza mea, e o scumpete!
Fetelor, am auzit acum prima oara de acest cantec al lui Jermaine si am dat o cautare si eu, am gasit versurile si vi le atasez in caz ca sunteti curioase, asta schimba acum f multe, credeam ca Jermaine chiar e un frate extraordinar dar se pare ca dedesubturile au fost scoase la suprafata de ceva vreme. Ia vedeti:
What up yo,
word to the badd
Been abducted
Don’t know who you are
They may love you
they don’t know you
Lonely superstar
never think about who you love
only think about number one
You forget about where you started from
You only think about what you want
don’t care about how it’s done
you only think about you, your throne
Be it right or be it wrong
It ain’t about your world
It ain’t about the things that you do
If you don’t care, I don’t care
Cause you keep thinkin’ ’bout you
It ain’t about you takin’ my pie
You been takin’ for a long time
If you don’t care, I don’t care
If you keep
Well I ain’t thinkin’ ’bout you
What up yo, word to the badd
Once you were made
You changed your shade
Was your color wrong?
Could not turn back
It’s a known fact
You were too far gone
You know I tried to be there for you
Like a brother I care for you
It didn’t matter you always play me off
You only care about what you want
You don’t care about how it’s done
You only think about you, your throne
Be it right or wrong
It ain’t about your world
It ain’t about the things that you do
If you don’t care, I don’t care
Cause you keep thinkin’ ’bout you
It ain’t about you takin’ my pie
You been takin’ for a long time
If you don’t care, I don’t care
If you keep
Well I ain’t thinkin’ ’bout you
Oh no no, I ain’t thinkin’ ’bout you
Oh no
What up yo, word to the badd
Thinkin’ about that pie that you’ve been takin’ from me
From a brother to another brother hard to believe
Lost and don’t know it yet you still show it
Givin’ seems to be harder than it is to receive
The glass has gotten shady, time to make it clearer,
Clean it up and lets start with the Man in the mirror.
Theres sadness there brother, aint no mistaken it,
Get a grip cause youre not far from breakin it.
Thinkin about the time when we used to be close,
It shouldnt be past tense, cause nobody knows,
What the future may hold, what tomorrow might bring,
Its not guaranteed that youll be spreading your wings
But meanwhile, I continue to smile, cause in the back of my head,
I know you’re still a child
You say that your a man, but that will never be.
Cred ca nu incape dubiu cui e dedicata melodia. Cum de mi-a scapat asta? Nu s-a facut valva la vremea cand a fost lansata in 91?
Pe wikipedia am gasit atat:
In 1991 a pre-commercial release version of his song "Word to the Badd!!" (from the L.A. & Babyface-produced album You Said,) was released to radio stations. In that version he criticized his brother Michael. Michael confronted Jermaine and the two brothers discussed the issue, with Michael asking for the song to be withdrawn from airplay. Jermaine refused, but reworked the lyrics for final release, making the song instead about a former lover.
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson.

iona2005 spune:
mie Jarmeine nu imi place deloc cam prefacut baiatu',citeam ca la dat in judecata pe MJ pt ca a semnat cu AEG si nu cu jackson5
de Traistariu mi-a placut
copil special in viata mea

oana_n spune:
Buna fetelor
Am vazut shootingul pt Ebony, greu de crezut ca in 2 ani a cunoscut o degradare asa de rapida, psihic vorbind, cum incearca toti sa scoata in evidenta acum. Si mai ales, toata viata lui a fost un luptator si a spus singur ca tinde spre perfectiune....greu de crezut ca un astfel de caracter isi lasa jucariile imprasiate si se da batut, coplesit de ceva anume. Nu pot crede asta, si clar nu e asa.
Cat despre Jermaine, am senzatia ca el a fost intotdeauna omul care si-a vanat propriul bine. Ceva mai egocentrist dupa parerea mea, si nu a scapat de marea frustrare din Jackson 5. (Tocmai el s-a casataorit cu fata lui Berry Gordy, boss-ul de la Motown, casa lor de productie).Ma faceti sa imi iau gandul de la concertul de la Viena...mai ales ca e pus in scena de el. Acum, dupa ce mai citesc din carte, incep sa il vad altfel pe Jermaine. Iar melodia lansata in '91 de Jermaine, e un jeg absolut.I-as infunda-o pe gat in jos...
PS motanik am pus in mail cap 3, pune-l tu sus pe blog pls, ca neuronu meu nu duce procedeul

FanClubMJ spune:
Tu ai scris doua capitole si eu nu am reusit sa termin unul... Bine, 1 e si cel mai mare, sper ca maine sa fie gata.
L-am urcat acum si pe 3, usor usor ne apropiem.
Multumesc frumos pt ajutor.