*Cozonacei de nov-dec2008 (65)*

Raspunsuri - Pagina 4

Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns Darling_ spune:

Diamisha sunt atat de acord cu ceea ce spui. E foarte greu insa noaptea sa rezisti si sa nu pui copilul langa tine in pat. Eu reusisem sa-l dezvat de alaptat si/sau culcat langa mine la 2 noaptea. Sunt absolut sigura ca nu-i este foame: unu petru ca a mancat zdravan ziua si doi pentru ca de cate ori i-am dat sanul a supt de max 5 ori si a adormit langa mine in pat. Probabil ca mutatul, schimbarea fusului orar l-au dat peste cap iar. Cred ca se trezeste si nerecunoscand locul cere atentie si consolare. La trezirea de dimineata insa, in jur de 4, 5, 6, cand il alaptez, il iau totusi langa mine si apoi dormim amandoi pana pe la 8. Mi-e sa nu-l derutez. Nu pare sa-l fi influentat pana acum.

La noi functioneaza pe jumatate principiul 'somn, mancare, joaca'. Nu-i dau sa manance imediat dupa ce se trezeste si nici nu adoarme imediat dupa ce mananca, exceptie facand seara cand adoarme imediat dupa san.

Am uitat sa spun, ieri l-am cantarit, are 9,8 kg si l-am si masurat (eu, acasa)- 74 cm. Un singur lucru ma ingrijoreaza, are fontanela inchisa. Am atras atentia asupra acestui lucru, mi s-a zis ca e ok, sa nu ma impacientez. Ca e inchisa, intr-adevar, dar nu e cazul sa-mi fac griji. Oare???

Spiridush scuze ca nu am scris, care, cine e prin poze, din lipsa de timp, of course.

Sper sa avem o noapte linistita, fara treziri.

Adriana mamica de Eduard (09.12.2008)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns leeloo5979 spune:

Malinas uelcom uelcom uelcom la noi in cartier! Te asteptam cu mare drag, si Fluturasha s-a mutat aici...oooofff ce frumos migrati incoace...imi place din ce in ce mai mult. Hai, care se mai incumeta?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns leeloo5979 spune:

Malinas uite aici ce te asteapta ...


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Link direct catre acest raspuns leeloo5979 spune:

Mai sa fie...ce e asta? Boala generala cu dormitul noaptea??? Damian pana acum doua saptamani era un inger de copil cand era vorba de dormit noaptea, dormea dus cum manca, pana dimineata la 08.00. Ei acum s-a schimbat treaba, martaie cand scapa suzeta, martaie cand umple scutecul de kk, martaie ca il bazaie tantarii...de caldura...nici nu stiu de fapt ce are. Mai are episoade de sculat din somn in urlete, de sa vedeti ce acrobatii facem si eu si soata cand sarim din pat, adevarat vedete la circ .
Finalmente pardalnicul de dinte a spart cu doua zile inainte de 9 luni, e un pic stramb dar dr zice ca nu e bai, e dinte de lapte si are timp pana l-or incadra ceilalti sa isi gaseasca "pozitia".
Cu greutatea sta mai prost, vesnica problema cu mesele si mancatul putin. Maine sper sa scriu mai mult ca acum bazaie soata ca el se scoala de "bidineata" si sa nu mai auda tastele. Nopate buna dragelor!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Olivia26 spune:


Nici nu stiu cu ce sa incep

Am vazut poze minunate cu Julia si Tudorelul, Oti slabanoaga cu falconici, Malinas cu david cel scump, Bertha cu printul cercetator, Darling cu Edu care cucereste pe Alexia si pe printesa Ana cu rochita superba, apoi Iulia, Damian si David, niste frumosi! Uf, cat as vrea sa va intalnesc!

In rest suntem ok, nu mai stiu ce s-a discutat..biscuiti inca nu i-am dat, somn...nu sunt de acord cu lasatul sa planga nici macar o secunda[:-] Atata consolare au, pe noi, si noi sa-i parasim Nu cred ca vreun bebe plange degeaba, asta e modul lor de exprimare...scumpii nostri...eu nu-mi imaginez sa plang si sa nu am pe nimeni langa mine
Asa ca aseara si in seara asta ca si Anca, am aplicat iubirea in loc de san ca metoda de adormit...intai i-am citit povesti cat statea in picioare pana a adormit, apoi mangaiat pe capusor, spate, manute, bulanase...a adormit fericit si impacat ca mami si tati il iubesc mai mult decat orice pe lumea asta...asta i-am repetat in soapta cat l-am mangaiat...si credeti-ma ca al meu e din ala dificil care nu adoarme cu una cu doua...cu masa de noaptea la fel, eu nu l-as putea vreodata refuza...cand plange, san...nu vad nimic gresit!...asta sunt eu, n-as putea altfel si gata!
In alta ordine de idei e innebunit dupa apa, il dadeau parintii exemplu la ceilalti bebei care urlauuuu numai cand vedeau apa...in rusa ce-i drept..nu intelegeam nimc (mai toata lumea ne crede rusi chiar si in finlanda am patit asta: cerem la Sea Life pliant in engleza si se uita la mine si ne zice ca are si in rusa..cred ca din cauza meclei mele)


Sebi are nevoie de noi

de David, barbatelul mamei - 5 nov. 2008

Made in the Holy Land www.flickr.com/photos/24386067@N08/sets/72157610614218627/detail/" target="_blank">
Sunt mare! www.totsites.com/tot/davido" target="_blank">My website
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery but today is a gift, that's why we call it present!

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Olivia26 spune:



Sebi are nevoie de noi

de David, barbatelul mamei - 5 nov. 2008

Made in the Holy Land www.flickr.com/photos/24386067@N08/sets/72157610614218627/detail/" target="_blank">
Sunt mare! www.totsites.com/tot/davido" target="_blank">My website
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery but today is a gift, that's why we call it present!

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Olivia26 spune:

Asa, voiam sa spun ca, desi pare un cliseu, chiar nu poti compara copiii, la fiecare in parte merge o anumita metoda (chiar si cuv metoda mi se pare prea dur pt cum vad eu relatia cu bebe)...eu stiu ca el vrea afectiune, asta ii dau, asta ne face fericiti...de fapt asta vreau sa spun...corect e ceea ce ii face fericiti pe toti membrii familiei, nu numai ce vrea mama, nu numai ce vrea bebe... trebuie cumva sa impacam ce vor amandoi...

Sebi are nevoie de noi

de David, barbatelul mamei - 5 nov. 2008

Made in the Holy Land www.flickr.com/photos/24386067@N08/sets/72157610614218627/detail/" target="_blank">
Sunt mare! www.totsites.com/tot/davido" target="_blank">My website
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery but today is a gift, that's why we call it present!

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Olivia26 spune:

Legat de BLW, unii bebei pot sa nu fie pregatiti:

Until now, feeding your baby has been your job. But at around 9 months, your little one will start to do this on his or her own. When babies begin feeding themselves - a new task most of them really enjoy - they'll find that they like trying new tastes and textures. No longer are baby purees and mushy cereals the only things on the menu.

Nine months is a good time to allow finger feeding. At that age most babies have developed fine motor skills - the ability to make small, precise movements - and can pick up small pieces of food and feed themselves. You may notice that your 9-month-old can take hold of food (and other small objects) between forefinger and thumb in a pincer grasp. The pincer grasp starts out a little clumsy, but with practice soon evolves into a masterful and efficient skill.

Allow your child to self-feed as much as possible, though you'll still be helping out by spoon-feeding cereal and other important elements of your child's diet. By encouraging finger feeding, you help your child develop independent, healthy eating habits.

Finger feeding - and using utensils a little later - gives your child a measure of control over what he or she eats and how much. Sometimes your child will eat the food, sometimes not, and that's all part of the process of learning self-regulation. Even little kids can tell when they're hungry or full, so let them learn to recognize and respond to these cues.

What Should My Baby Eat?
Now that they're joining the rest of the family for meals, older babies are ready - and often willing - to try more table foods. This will mean additional work for whoever is preparing the meals for the family, but dishes often can be adapted for the baby. For instance, your little one can have some of the zucchini you're making for dinner as long as you cook his or her portion just a bit longer - until it's soft - and cut it into pieces that are small enough for the baby to handle. Pieces of ripe banana, well-cooked pasta, and small pieces of chicken are other good choices.

Before presenting your child with a finger food, try a bite first and ask yourself:

•Does it melt in the mouth? Some dry cereals and crackers that are light and flaky will melt in the mouth.
•Is it cooked enough so that it mushes easily? Well-cooked veggies and fruits will mush easily, as will canned fruit and vegetables (choose ones without added sugar or salt).
•Is it naturally soft? Cottage cheese, shredded cheese, and small pieces of tofu are good examples.
•Can it be gummed? Pieces of ripe banana and well-cooked pasta can be gummed.
•Is it small enough? Food should be cut into small pieces. The sizes will vary depending on the food's texture. A piece of chicken, for instance, needs to be smaller than a piece of watermelon, which even a pair of baby gums will quickly smash.

Baby Finger Food Recipes and Self-Feeding Finger Food Ideas -

Try these healthy baby finger food recipes and ideas to encourage your baby to self-feed. Baby finger food does not have to come from a box of cereal or a tube of puffs.

Please keep in mind that your baby should only be offered finger foods that are soft, easily mashed and age appropriate.

Read our tips and hints for offering your baby finger foods and learn about the developmental readiness needed for your baby to enjoy baby finger foods.

HINT: Grind up cheerios, graham crackers, wheat germ etc.. into a fine powder and coat the food bits for easier pick-up.

Fruits for Baby Finger Food - be sure to take out seeds. Fruits make great baby finger foods.

Colorful and highly nutritious, small soft bits of fruit will have your baby's fingers pinching away for hours.

soft baked peaches - diced

small dices of ripe banana

small bits of ripe mango

dices of ripe pears

small dices of melon

small bits of avocado

squished blueberries

kiwi - diced small (seeds should be ok for baby over 10 months old)

small dices of mixed fruits for a "finger fruit salad

Baby Finger Food Veggies - make sure veggies are cooked soft, peeled and de-seeded as needed.

Like Fruits, Veggies make tasty and nutritious baby finger foods.

;soft baked sweet potato dices or sweet potato fries (see below for recipe)
;soft baked white potato dices
;small dices of soft cooked carrots
;small dices of soft cooked peas
;small dices of soft cooked broccoli
;small bits of soft cooked green beans
;small bits of soft baked butternut or acorn squash
;small dices of soft cooked veggies mixed for a "veggie finger medley"

More Baby Finger Food Ideas - Meat, Cheese and Others

#tofu cubes "dusted" with cereal dust or wheat germ and diced into tiny cubes
#soft cooked pasta (ditalini or cut up rotini)
#small bits of soft cheeses - Read about Introducing Cheese to Your Baby
#small dices, shreds of soft cooked chicken, fish, beef or turkey
(mix with baby's favorite puree as a "sauce")
#cereals such as Multi-Grain Cheerios or Oatie-Os
#petite toast points with a fruit puree spread or thin cream cheese
#scrambled egg yolks

Noi am testat metoda de la 6 luni dar mai mult de joaca si de im prietenire cu papica, imi place...ca orice e cat mai natrural ba chiar credeam ca toata lumea stie de ea...al meu prinde bine intre 2 degete si asta il ajuta sa arunce mai rapid bucatile

Sebi are nevoie de noi

de David, barbatelul mamei - 5 nov. 2008

Made in the Holy Land www.flickr.com/photos/24386067@N08/sets/72157610614218627/detail/" target="_blank">
Sunt mare! www.totsites.com/tot/davido" target="_blank">My website
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery but today is a gift, that's why we call it present!

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns oceanborn spune:


Am vazut un scump mare Andrei de andy., vai ce zambet are , numai bun de pupacit!!
si pe Ana de Monicus, atractia serii la nunta, a eclipsat-o pe mireasa, clar, frumoasa foc si rochita foarte draguta!

Despre dormit: e a treia noapte ca thomas se trezeste doar dimineata!!!! nu stiu daca va puteti imagina ce inseamna asta pentru mine...de la nastere incoace, primele 3 nopti de odihna..Metoda?
aseara in sfarsit ne-am dat seama ce se intampla cu piticul...de cand s-a nascut am cumparat o chestie de bagat in priza, o luminita .. nu stiu exact cum ii zice dar noapte de noapte o bagam in priza sa nu fie intuneric total..(na , ca asa am citit si am banuit ca o fi bine). uneori lasam becul aprins pe hol si usa intredeschisa daca nu bagam chestia aia in priza...
acum 3 nopti am uitat sa trag obloanele in dormitor, erau deschise de-o palma, cat sa intre lumina de afara...iar thomas se culcase...si cum alea fac galagie cand le trag am zis sa nu-l deranjez cu zgomotul. daca tot intra lumina de afara atat cat sa nu fie bezna am zis ia sa nu mai bag beculetul in priza...
si uite asa am facut si acum 2 zile si la fel si aseara.
Si uite-l ca doarme...sa fie asta? sper...

Vrabiutza ti-am vizitat blogul, tind sa-ti dau dreptate la cele scrise despre reflux...si al meu mesteca, inghite fara nici o problema...si asa cum ai scris, nu mi-a fost frica sa-i dau biscuiti, fructe in mana..
Pediatrul nostru ne zice, legat de bucatele, de introducerea anumitor alimente, ca atunci cand cred eu ca e el pregatit atunci s-o fac, cica mamele stiu

mami de Thomas

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Link direct catre acest raspuns leeloo5979 spune:

Olivia tari filmuletele cu David! E criminal, argintul viu...si un "ambit" de nu mai zic...

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