Sezatoarea canadiana (150) Bun venit Mara Nicole!
Raspunsuri - Pagina 3
Olina87 spune:
Bebitzu, multumesc mult, mult de tot! Macar nu se mai chinuie sa-si cumpere un telefon mai performant!
I-am transmis informatiile, e la timp fiindca tocmai pleaca intr-o calatorie miine!
nelia spune:
Olina87, cartele de 5 dolari cum spunea Bebitzu gaseste la primul depanor, nu mai stiu care sint cele mai bune, ca nu am mai cumparat de mult timp.
Monicutza, daca ai intrat pe Minerva, notele sint in Student menu, primul link, ceva cu transcript... Daca nu ai intrat, iti spun cum fac eu:u intru pe myMcGill (coltul din dreapta sus pe site, sau coordonatele care mi se cer si ma duce pe o fereastra mare cu tot ce ma intereseaza (in dreapta sus ai niste butoane, printre care si Minerva, iar mai pe la mijlocul paginii ai WebCT - dar si asta cred ca stii). Notele ar trebui sa fie ori pe Minerva, ori pe WebCT la Grades, ori si acolo si acolo).
Alta varianta ar fi sa te duci direct pe, apesi pe cheita si intri pe Minerva, iti pui coordonatele cerute, intri pe Student Menu, pe Transcript...
Am incercat sa intru si nu merg nici myMcGill si nici Minerva, poate e intretinerea sau poate au pus notele si au intrat studentii... Incearca mai tirziu.
lorelaim spune:
Servus fetelor dragi
Montrealezelor - sa va fie de bine intalnirea!
Nelia - imi pare rau pt ca mini-vacantza voastra s-a "dus"... Multa bafta lui Lisandru la gradi Vazut pozele de pe contul nostru comun si pot sa-tzi spun ca flacaul vostru e tare dulce (ce ochi frumosi are )
Monicutza - spor la "decorat" (nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc ce va asteapta la impachetat-despachetat, etc!) Ce mai face mamica ta? Cum se mai simte aici?
Bebitzu - de mult nu ai mai dat pe-aici! Ocupata-ocupata? Ce mai face Mihnea?
Ange - multzumesc - da, pot sa spun ca am o memorie "antrenata"... ca tocesc cuvinte noi pt scoala de-mi sar capacele! Insa daca nu-s atenta... patzesc si eu ca Nelia si Cge... memoria imi joaca feste si ma aflu ca nu stiu ce fac cu lucruri importante... care apoi e f posibil sa sfarseasca... la gunosi ... Cerceii lui Gabisor (cei pe care i-am pozat pt mamamana ca sa-i arat "incuietoareaa securizata" english latch) sunt de negasit... Mama a tzinut musai sa-i aduca din Ro altzi cercei si cand a venit i-am schimbat. Habar NU am ce s-a intamplat cu cei pe care i-a avut de la mine... Si imi era tare dragi... tot de la mama ii primisem si eu cand am terminat fac... Au disparut complet... si oricat m-am starduit sa-mi amintesc ce am facut cu ei nu reusesc nici cum...
Apropo Mamaana - ai gasit cercei pt fetitze?
Roxana - sa avetzi o vacantza frumoasa toata familia Cred ca esti tare fericita acum ca-i ai pe totzi cei dragi alaturi de tine
Diana - itzi doresc o sedere faina si relaxanta acasa in Ro! Sa fitzi rasfatzatzi si gugulitzi!
Carmen - Timisoara e un oras fain (acolo mi-am facut fac)... Numai bine va dorec
Dana - de cand s-a nascut Gabisor NU am mai fost la cinema! Itzi potzi imagina asa ceva? Noi care eram "fani" sa mergem la matineu la Colosuss Laval! Dar cred ca ar fii timpul sa ne reluam bunele obiceuri... cu ocazia asta am "inaugura" intrarea intr-o sala de cinema suedeza Ice Age 3 - tre´ sa fie supe-haios... cel putzi 1 si 2 ne-au placut la tot familionul!
Miki - bravo pt cat de cumintzel e Marc! Si noi avem zile cand ne minunam cat de cuminte poate fii Gabisor... da´ nu ne tzine mult... Ea tzine musai sa ne aminteasca ca e "spirited" prin tot ce face
Eu tre´ sa lupt cu mine insami sa ma mobilizez sa invatz... si nu reusesc... Fac orice altceva... da´ nu pun mana pe cartea de sue... Si mai am 6 luni de scoala! Aualeo si vai de mine! A fost mai de mult un subiect pe DC despre "stressul emigrari"... da´ cum pe vremea respectiva aveam scoala si musai trebuia sa invatz nu am raspuns... un lucru e cert ca mi-as fii dorit sa spun... tzara in care emigrezi TREBUIE sa tzi se POTRIVEASCA! altminteri e un dezastru... Trebuie sa simtzi ca "apartzii" acelei tzari, ca esti capabil sa treci peste ceea ce e negativ si sa vezi mereu "partea plina a paharului" In mod cert... Suedia NU e o tzara care sa mi se potriveasca... Dispretzuiesc atat de mult socialismul lor care incurajeaza doar la inselarea sistemului si la parazitism... Imi este o sila enorma de minciuna pe care o propaga constant cu "statul" care are "grija" de cetatzean si de aceea i se cuvine sa primeasca taxe exagerat de mari... Imi este amar de minciunile lor... si de lasitatea lor de a nu recunoaste ca modestia lor "miroase" a saracie, iar calmul lor e indolentza, "tolerantza" lor e prostie... Ufff... nu mai vreau sa va plicti... dar sunt atat de fasi cand isi fac "super-reclama" cu perfectziunea "modelului suedez"...
Pt cine doreste uite aici articole:
Death of the super model
As Sweden takes over the presidency of the EU, the sad truth is that its famed social state is failing
Comments (135)
Ruben Andersson, Monday 29 June 2009 20.30 BST
Article history
The Swedes are coming. As Europe lurches to the right amid financial and climate meltdown, a horde of cool-headed Nordic warriors are riding to the rescue. Sweden's EU presidency from 1 July will be greeted as a breath of fresh air after the Czech leadership, what with the latter's antics on climate change and arousal chez Berlusconi. What the EU needs is a whiff of sense and reason. And who better to provide it than the social-minded, climate-conscious Swedes?
Sweden still sets hearts racing across Europe. The "Swedish model" might bring up thoughts of a nubile blonde rather than a strong social state, but it is in the latter incarnation that my home country stirs the passions of left-leaning Europeans. Whatever Sweden does must be right, or so reason progressive politicians and Guardian journalists – not to mention scores of Swedes. But beyond this blue-eyed vision lurks a darker reality. Sweden's conservative coalition government has stood still as the financial crisis has engulfed the country. Jobs, social services and healthcare are eroding. The Sweden Democrats – the equivalent of the BNP – are on the rise. The social state is failing. The Swedish dream is no more.
Swedes were roused from this dream with the 1986 assassination of prime minister Olof Palme. Palme might have left behind "a country where no one was poor and no one had room for optimism" as Andrew Brown puts it, but it was Sweden's homemade financial meltdown of the 1990s that finally killed off the dream. Poverty was added to the pessimism. Savage cuts hit schools, unemployment rocketed, the krona sank – leaving the social system in a disarray from which it has not recovered. The conservative government at the time has lately been praised worldwide for its handling of the crisis. Actually the bankers were rewarded, not punished, while the rest of the country is still reeling from the cuts, selloffs and dashed dreams the crisis provoked. But the idea of a well-oiled Swedish model insulated from the shockwaves of capitalism runs on like a Volvo. The reality, like troubled, Ford-owned Volvo itself, is more globalised and gloomy than that.
Take healthcare. Swedes do not enjoy free public care: it costs to see a GP. That is, if you manage to see one. Queues are long and scandals rack the system. Psychiatric care, the source of many such scandals, has a near-medieval penchant for authoritarianism with few European equivalents. People are locked up for months for not taking medicine, given no therapy, and spat out of the system into despair and destitution. The mentally ill die in wards and in outpatient isolation. And they do not even have charities to turn to because state-run healthcare is supposed to work: this is Sweden, after all.
Those who do enjoy Sweden's second-rate public services are lucky. Undocumented migrants, who lack a "personal number", are barred from day-to-day healthcare. Foreigners do not fit easily into a social system built on the postwar notion of the folkhem, or people's home, whose rightful inhabitants are the native Swedes. Despite the xenophobic right's lack of electoral success, Sweden is divided between those inside the system and those outside it – including the asylum seekers now deported en masse to Iraq. But migrants should be happy to be here. This is Sweden, after all.
Even being in the system is less rewarding than it was. Unemployment benefits are falling behind those of other countries, and access to social security involves Big Brother-style controls most Europeans would abhor. The state's iron grip remains even as the care that used to go with it has gone. Swedes might lack Britain's profusion of CCTVs, but their lives are scrutinised by an armada of bureaucrats. A new law lets authorities tap all phone and internet traffic crossing the borders. Norwegian lawyers have sued over privacy infringement, leaving the prime minister perplexed – because in Sweden, the state is there to help us.
Just as Sweden was in the vanguard of postwar social democracy, it has since the 1990s become a neoliberal experiment. The experiment has failed, though this fails to register in Sweden itself. No waves rock the stagnant pools of officialdom: strikes are almost unheard of and the tabloids are too busy flogging diet tips to bother. The Swedes cannot let go of their belief in the system. Nor can many on the European left.
Admittedly, Sweden might seem a haven of tranquillity compared with other European states. But in the hunt for a humane social model, Sweden no longer provides the blueprint. Europe's progressives will have to construct something new. But to do that, those who let their minds drift northwards for inspiration first have to wake up: the Swedish dream is over.
Multzumesc frumos tuturor celor care ne-au votat la concursul Ratusca din viata mea.
pag 10 -
lore1 "doua ratuse fac acrobatie pe genunchii mei..."
lore2 "...o ratusca a cazut si a ramas doar una..."
lorelaim spune:
Si legat de el e un alt art pe care l-am gasit in blogul celor de la
April 18, 2007
Fjordman: Jihad and the Collapse of the Swedish Model
Another great piece from the extraordinary European essayist Fjordman:
I decided to write this essay following the riots in Malmö this weekend. Malmö is Sweden's third largest city and by far the worst city in Scandinavia when it comes to Muslim aggression. I read recently that an Arab girl interviewed in Malmö said that she liked it so much there, it felt almost like an Arab city. Native Swedes have been moving away from the city for years, turned into refugees in their own country by Jihad, not too different from the non-Muslims in some regions of the Philippines, southern Thailand or Kashmir in India, or for that matter, Christian Serbs in Kosovo.
Sweden was presented during the Cold War as a middle way between capitalism and Communism. When this model of a society collapses – and it will collapse, under the combined forces of Islamic Jihad, the European Union, Multiculturalism and ideological overstretch – it is thus not just the Swedish state that will collapse but the symbol of Sweden, the showcase of an entire ideological world view. I wrote two years ago that if the trend isn't stopped, the Swedish nation will simply cease to exist in any meaningful way during the first half of this century. The country that gave us Bergman, ABBA and Volvo could become known as the Bosnia of northern Europe, and the "Swedish model" will be one of warning against ideological madness, not one of admiration. I still fear I was right in that assessment.
Jonathan Friedman, an American living outside Malmö, mentions that the so-called Integration Act of 1997 proclaimed that "Sweden is a Multicultural society." Notes to the Act also stated that "Since a large group of people have their origins in another country, the Swedish po****tion lacks a common history. The relationship to Sweden and the support given to the fundamental values of society thus carry greater significance for integration than a common historical origin."
Native Swedes have thus been reduced to just another ethnic group in Sweden, with no more claim to the country than the Kurds or the Somalis who arrived there last Thursday. The political authorities of the country have erased their own people's history and culture.
Jens Orback, Minister for Democracy, Metropolitan Affairs, Integration and Gender Equality from the Social Democratic Party said during a debate in Swedish radio in 2004 that "We must be open and tolerant towards Islam and Muslims because when we become a minority, they will be so towards us."
This is a government that knows perfectly well that their people will become a minority in their own country, yet is doing nothing to stop this. On the contrary. Pierre Schori, Minister for immigration, during a parliamentary debate in 1997 said that: "Racism and xenophobia should be banned and chased [away]," and that one should not accept "excuses, such as that there were flaws in the immigration and refugee policies."
In other words: It should be viewed as a crime for the native po****tion not to assist in wiping themselves out.
Orback's attitude is what follows once you declare that culture is irrelevant. Our culture, even though we try to forget it, is steeped in a Judeo-Christian morality based on the Golden Rule of reciprocity: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." (Luke 6:31)
Muslims, on the other hand, are steeped in an Islamic tradition based on Muslim supremacy. Muslims view lack of force as a sign of weakness, and they despise weakness, which is precisely why Adolf Hitler stated his admiration for Islam, and thought it would be a better match for Nazism than Christianity, with its childish notions of compassion.
A Swedish man was nearly killed for the crime of wearing clothes with his own national flag while Sweden was participating in the 2006 football World Cup. Some "Multicultural youths" found this to be an intolerable provocation, and the 24-year-old man was run down by a car in Malmö, where Muhammad is becoming the most common name for newborn boys.
Feriz and Pajtim, members of Gangsta Albanian Thug Unit in Malmö, explain how they mug people downtown. They target a lone victim. "We surround him and beat and kick him until he no longer fights back," Feriz said. "You are always many more people than your victims. Cowardly?" "I have heard that from many, but I disagree. The whole point is that they're not supposed to have a chance." They didn't express any sympathy for their victims. "If they get injured, they just have themselves to blame for being weak," said Pajtim and shrugged.
The wave of robberies the city of Malmö has witnessed is part of a "war against the Swedes." This is the explanation given by young robbers from immigrant background in interviews with Petra Åkesson. "When we are in the city and robbing we are waging a war, waging a war against the Swedes." This argument was repeated several times. "Power for me means that the Swedes shall look at me, lie down on the ground and kiss my feet." The boys explain, laughingly, that "there is a thrilling sensation in your body when you're robbing, you feel satisfied and happy, it feels as if you've succeeded, it simply feels good." "We rob every single day, as often as we want to, whenever we want to. The Swedes don't do anything, they just give us the stuff. They're so wimpy."
"Exit Folkhemssverige – Ensamhällsmodells sönderfall" (Exit the People's Home of Sweden - The Downfall of a Model of Society) is a book from 2005 about immigration and the Swedish welfare state model dubbed "the people's home," written by Jonathan Friedman, Ingrid Björkman, Jan Elfverson and Åke Wedin. According to them, the Swedish Multicultural elites see themselves first of all as citizens of the world. In order to emphasize and accentuate diversity, everything Swedish is deliberately disparaged. Opposition to this policy is considered a form of racism:
"The dominant ideology in Sweden, which has been made dominant by powerful methods of silencing and repression, is a totalitarian ideology, where the elites oppose the national aspect of the nation state. The problem is that the ethnic group that are described as Swedes implicitly are considered to be nationalists, and thereby are viewed as racists."
The authors fear that the handling of the immigration policies has seriously eroded democracy because the citizens lose their loyalty towards a state they no longer consider their own. "Instead of increasing the active participation of citizens, the government has placed clear restrictions on freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of congregation."
Mona Sahlin has held various posts in Social Democratic cabinets, among others as Minister for Democracy, Integration and Gender Equality. Sahlin has said that many Swedes are envious of immigrants because they, unlike the Swedes, have a culture, a history, something which ties them together. Notice how Swedish authorities first formally state that Swedes don't have a history or a culture, and then proceed to lament the fact that Swedes don't have a history or a culture. A neat trick.
Sahlin has also stated that: "If two equally qualified persons apply for a job at a workplace with few immigrants, the one called Muhammad should get the job. (…) It should be considered an asset to have an ethnic background different from the Swedish one." In 2004, she was quoted as saying that "A concerted effort that aims at educating Swedes that immigrants are a blessing to their country must be pursued," stressing that her compatriots must accept that the new society is Multicultural. "Like it or not, this is the new
Mona Sahlin was elected leader of the Social Democratic Party, as thus a future contender for the post of Swedish Prime Minister, in 2007.
Why does the government dispense with the social contract and attack its own people like this? Well, for starters, because it can. Sweden is currently arguably the most politically repressive and totalitarian country in the Western world. It also has the highest tax rates. That could be a coincidence, but I'm not sure that it is. The state has become so large and powerful that is has become an autonomous organism with a will of its own. The people are there to serve the state, not vice versa. And because state power penetrates every single corner of society, including the media, there are no places left to mount a defense if the state decides to attack you.
It has been said jokingly that while other countries are states with armies, Pakistan is an army with a state. Likewise, it could be argued that Sweden started out being a nation with a bureaucracy and ended up being a bureaucracy with a nation. In fact, the bureaucracy formally abolished the very nation it was supposed to serve. Its representatives are no longer leaders of a people, but caretakers preoccupied only with advancing their own careers through oiling and upholding, if possible expanding, the bureaucratic machinery.
Swedes pay the highest tax rates of any (supposedly) free nation, and for this they get flawed social security, non-existent physical security and a state apparatus dedicated to their destruction.
Anna Ekelund in the newspaper Aftonbladet writes that: "We are a people who allow ourselves to be insulted by the government on a daily basis. We are not expected to be capable of thinking for ourselves, of deciding what we will read, or managing our own money. (…) Swedes are as co-dependent as an alcoholic's wife. Yet we do not hurry to the ballot box to remove the prevailing systems. Not because we don't want to but because too many of us have painted ourselves into their corners."
Moreover, Swedes are keenly aware of the fact that their country is viewed by many outsiders as a "model society." Sweden is a deeply ideological state dedicated to imposing a certain world view on its citizens, and because the state is ideological, dissenters are quite literally treated as enemies of the state.
In the book The New Totalitarians, the British historian Roland Huntford in the early 1970s pointed out that it was easier to establish the Fascist model of the corporate state in Sweden than in Mussolini's Italy for cultural reasons, since Sweden had a centralized bureaucracy whereas Italians are skeptical of state authority. Put simply: Swedes have tended to trust their bureaucrats, which no Italian in his right mind would ever do.
According to him, "The Swedes have a horror of controversy as something unpleasant, inefficient and vaguely immoral. They require for peace of mind, not confrontation, but consensus. Consensus guides everything: private conversation, intellectual life and the running of the State."
The then Minister of Education, Mr. Ingvar Carlsson, defined the purpose of schooling: "It is to produce a well adjusted, good member of society. It teaches people to respect the consensus, and not to sabotage it" He also on one occasion said that "School is the spearhead of Socialism." Mr. Carlsson was Swedish Prime Minister as late as 1996.
Mr. Carlsson's mentor in the Social Democratic Party and predecessor as Swedish Prime Minister (1969 to 1986), Mr. Olof Palme, openly flaunted his disregard, if not contempt for, Western civilization: "The Renaissance so-called? Western culture? What does it mean to us?" Under the watchful eye of the Labor movement, Swedish education has for decades mounted deliberate attacks on Western culture, making it look suspect.
According to Mr. Huntford, "When the Swedes change ideas, they do it to the full, leaving no room for criticism or reservation. The country lacks intellectual defences; anything new will conquer without resistance being offered." The consensus "assumes that technological advancement is the sole path to happiness, and the Gross National Product the only measure of national success. It also assumes that the good of the collective at all times must take precedence over the good of the individual. It prescribes that the fundamentals of Swedish society must never be questioned or discussed."
This is how Mrs Maj Bossom-Nordboe, then departmental chief of at the Directorate of Schools, expressed it: "It's useless to build up individuality, because unless people learned to adapt themselves to society, they would be unhappy. Liberty is not emphasized. Instead, we talk about the freedom to give up freedom. The accent is on the social function of children, and I will not deny that we emphasize the collective."
Roland Huntford ended his book with a warning that this system of soft-totalitarianism could be exported to other countries. He has been proven right since:
"The Swedes have demonstrated how present techniques can be applied in ideal conditions. Sweden is a control experiment on an isolated and sterilized subject. Pioneers in the new totalitarianism, the Swedes are a warning of what probably lies in store for the rest of us, unless we take care to resist control and centralization, and unless we remember that politics are not to be delegated, but are the concern of the individual. The new totalitarians, dealing in persuasion and mani****tion, must be more efficient than the old, who depended upon force."
Following the September 2006 elections, Fredrik Reinfeldt became Prime Minister of Sweden, presiding over a center-right coalition government. This is, in my view, positive. Sweden has been described by some as a "one-party state," since the Social Democrats have been in power for 65 of the last 74 years. However, the differences between the left-wing and the right-wing in Sweden are not always that big.
The last time these parties were in power, under the leadership of PM Carl Bildt from
1991 to 94, they presided over massive immigration, and have not been vocal in their opposition to the Multicultural policies since. The new Foreign Minister Bildt as a UN Commissioner to the Balkans called for recognizing Islam as a part of European culture.
PM Reinfeldt has stated that the original Swedish culture was merely barbarism: "It can sometimes be good to humbly remind of the fact that a great deal of what constitutes Sweden has been created in [a process of] evolution, exactly because we have been open to accept other people and experiences."
Reinfeldt said this following a visit to an area called Ronna in Södertälje, near Stockholm. One year earlier a police station in Södertälje was hit by shots from an automatic weapon following a major confrontation between immigrant youths and police. The trouble in Ronna started after a Swedish girl had been called a "whore" and reacted to this. Ethnologist Maria Bäckman, in her study "Whiteness and gender," has followed a group of Swedish girls in the immigrant suburb of Rinkeby outside Stockholm. Bäckman relates that several of the blond Swedish girls stated that they had dyed their hair to avoid sexual harassment.
I have called Sweden a soft-totalitarian country, but I am sometimes not so sure about the "soft" part. Opinion polls have revealed that two out of three Swedes doubt whether Islam can be combined with Swedish society, and a very significant proportion of the po****tion have for years wanted more limitations on immigration. Yet not one party represented in Parliament is genuinely critical of the Multicultural society.
Is it just a coincidence that the one country on the European continent that has avoided war for the longest period of time, Sweden, is also arguably the one Western nation where Political Correctness has reached the worst heights? Maybe the prolonged period of peace has created an environment where layers of ideological nonsense have been allowed to pile up for generations without stop. I don't know what Sweden will look like a generation from now, but I'm pretty sure it won't be viewed as a model society. And if the absence of war is one of the causes of its current weakness, I fear that is a problem that will soon be cured.
Some more background information on the situation in Sweden, and the city of Malmö in particular:
Sweden's Unholy Alliance, by Nima Sanandaji
For several years the Christian wing of the Social Democratic party, called The Brotherhood, has been working with the influential Muslim leader Mahmoud Aldebe, president of Sweden's Muslim Association. Already in 1999, Aldebe went on radio proposing that sharia be introduced in Sweden. In addition, Aldebe has in a letter to the Swedish minister of Justice in 2003 involved himself in a heated debate regarding an incident of honor-related murder where a Kurdish girl was murdered by her two uncles, shot several times in the head. Aldebe forcefully defended the perpetrators. Aldebe sees the entire debate regarding honor-related murders as an attack against the Islamic religion After the last election in 2002, Sweden's Muslim Association sent a letter to the re-elected Social Democratic Prime Minister Göran Persson, congratulating him and hoping that Persson would work for implementing some of the demands of the Association in the future.
In the spring of 2006, Sweden's largest Muslim organisation demanded in a letter, signed by its leader Mahmoud Aldebe, that Sweden introduce separate laws for Muslims. The proposals included allowing imams into state (public) schools to give Muslim children separate lessons in Islam and their parents' native languages, separate family laws for
Muslims, regulating marriage and divorce. This to "demonstrate "Islam's right to exist in Sweden" and to "heighten the status of and respect towards Muslims." Sweden's Equality Minister Jens Orback called the proposals "completely unacceptable" and rejected them, but Muslims are growing in numbers and will no doubt try again. The New York Times and Sweden: The Dark Side of Paradise.
High unemployment in Sweden will be tackled by creating more public sector jobs, even if that means breaking the government's spending limits. That was the message from Göran Persson, Swedish Prime Minister. The jobs will be targeted mainly at young people and the long-term unemployed. They will be given jobs in government agencies. Proposals that were highlighted included using the long-term unemployed to "help old people to hang curtains."
More immigrants should be allowed into Sweden in order to safeguard the welfare system. That's the view of Pär Nuder, Sweden's Finance Minister. However, in reality estimates indicate that immigration costs Sweden at least 40 to 50 billion Swedish kroner every year, probably several hundred billions. An estimated cost of immigration of 225 billion Swedish kroner in 2004 would equal 17.5% of Sweden's tax income that year, a heavy burden in a country where the overall tax burden between 1990 and 2005 on average was 61%.
The official explanation given by Swedish authorities to the sharp increase in rapes is that much of it is a "technical" increase due to the fact that more victims of rape now report this crime to the police. There is not a hint of evidence for this explanation. On the contrary, intimidation of people reporting any kind of crime to the police has rapidly worsened in Sweden during the same time period. Threats against witnesses in Swedish court cases quadrupled between 2000 and 2003 alone. Street violence of all kinds is soaring on a national level. Private security companies are in great demand in major Swedish cities, as a serious lack of police to combat rising crime has made many citizens tired of being robbed. At the same time, the underfunded and undermanned Swedish police officers feel "unmotivated" to fight crime, according to a study made by researcher Stefan Holgersson.
Christopher Caldwell has written several articles about the topic, including one in the New York Times in February 2006 called "Islam on the Outskirts of the Welfare State." Visting the Stockholm immigrant suburb of Rinkeby, Caldwell asked whether something like the French riots of the fall of 2005, with burning cars and rampaging gangs, could happen in Sweden. "Absolutely," said one lanky boy near the window. "People burn cars here all the time. Not because they're angry — because they think it's fun."
During the Jihad riots in France in the fall of 2005, Sweden's Social Democratic Prime Minister Göran Persson criticized the way the French government handled the unrest in the country. "It feels like a very hard and confrontational approach." Persson also rejected the idea of more local police as a "first step" in Sweden. "I don't believe that's the way we would choose in Sweden. To start sending out signals about strengthening the police is to break with the political line we have chosen to follow," he said. Meanwhile, as their authorities have largely abandoned their third largest city to creeping anarchy, there is open talk among the native Swedes still remaining in Malmö of forming vigilante groups, armed with baseball bats and concern for their children's safety.
Muslim Violence — Crime or Jihad?
A group of teenage girls have been accused of a wave of vicious attacks against old women in Stockholm. The girls, aged 17 and 18, have been remanded in custody for attacking the women in Tensta and Rinkeby, suburbs of the capital. In one of the muggings, a 78-year old woman was pushed to the ground and kicked where she lay. The girls worked in groups and wore veils during the attacks, making it harder for the police to identify them.
Rival gangs of 10-year-olds trade death threats
Rival gangs of 10-year-olds in the town of Söderhamn have threatened to wipe each other out. One of the gangs is made up of Swedes and the other of immigrants. "They call in reinforcements when things start to heat up," police spokesman Lasse Melin said. In his opinion the indigenous Swedish children have been influenced by racist sentiments in their homes. "Children don't become racists if they haven't learned it from their parents," said Melin.
Record immigration to Sweden in 2006
Immigration to Sweden in 2006 reached its highest level since records began. At the same time emigration also soared to a level not seen in over 100 years. The last time a higher number of people emigrated from Sweden was in 1892.
While Sweden Slept, by Bruce Bawer
To quote Jonathan Friedman, a New Yorker who teaches social anthropology at the University of Lund, "no debate about immigration policies is possible" because Sweden's "political class," which controls public debate, simply avoids the topic. Recently, the city of Stockholm carried out a survey of ninth-grade boys in the predominantly Muslim suburb of Rinkeby. The survey showed that in the last year, 17% of the boys had forced someone to have sex, 31% had hurt someone so badly that the victim required medical care, and 24% had committed burglary or broken into a car. Sensational statistics — but in all of Sweden, they appear to have been published only in a daily newssheet that is distributed free on the subways.
Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway - Authorities Look the Other Way
There was a doubling of the number of reported rapes in 2004, following what was already a decade of steadily increasing numbers of sexual crimes. - I think that's great news, says Anna Gustafsson, head of the Domestic Violence Unit at the Malmö Police. She suggests that the increase is due to the fact that women who otherwise wouldn't press charges for rape now choose to contact the police.
Immigrant Rape Wave in Sweden
The number of rape charges in Sweden has quadrupled in just above twenty years. "It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl," says Hamid. "The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably fucked before, anyway. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family. For her, being raped is a source of shame. It is far too easy to get a Swedish whore…… girl, I mean;" says Hamid, and laughs over his own choice of words. "I don't have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get fucked to pieces."
Is Swedish Democracy Collapsing?
According to some estimates, the rapidly growing immigrant po****tion may turn Malmö into a Muslim majority city within about ten years. Native Swedes are leaving the city in droves, as crime is rampant and the police publicly admit they don't control all parts of the city. There are now gangs in Malmö specialized in assaulting old people visiting the graves of relatives.
All-Arabic Preschool Classes in Swedish City
Malmö has now taken another step towards its Islamization: Starting from the fall of 2005, the district of Hyllie will begin education in Arabic only for groups of immigrant preschool children.
Sweden: The Country that Sacrifices its Children, and Celebrates
Two local politicians in Malmö have proposed a ban on the use of languages other than Swedish in school classrooms. "In Malmö we have a very unique situation: we are close to the point where a majority of pupils have a foreign background," Widman explains. Some schools in Malmö have as few as 5 percent ethnic Swedes in their classrooms.
Jihad in Swedish Schools
A high school teacher in Malmö who discovered that about a dozen Arab students were laughing and shouting "Allahu Akbar!" while watching a DVD of infidel hostages being beheaded in Iraq. The headmaster didn't think the incident was such a big deal. At least 139 schools in Sweden suffered arson attacks during 2002. In Malmö, three schools were put on fire during one night. Björn Vinberg from the fire department in Kroksbäck in the Malmö area says it's humiliating and degrading to put out fires again and again in the same immigrant areas, with school kids laughing at them and lighting a new one just afterwards. His colleagues have been to the same place no less than twenty times, all totally unnecessary.
"Youths" clash with police in Malmö
The troubles started when police received a call from a member of the public alleging that they had been threatened. While police officers investigated, youths gathered and started throwing stones and eggs at police. When the fire brigade arrived to extinguish a fire in a warehouse, the stone-throwing youths turned on fire officers. "Because of this and because the situation is tense in the area, the emergency services will from now on wait for the police before entering the area," the emergency services said. The Rosengård estate is known for suffering from high levels of unemployment, and for having the highest concentration of immigrant communities of any area in Sweden.
Posted at April 18, 2007 1:51 PM
Multzumesc frumos tuturor celor care ne-au votat la concursul Ratusca din viata mea.
pag 10 -
lore1 "doua ratuse fac acrobatie pe genunchii mei..."
lore2 "...o ratusca a cazut si a ramas doar una..."
oanagabriela spune:
Am revenit si noi in patria adoptiva, dupa o vacanta superba in patria muma...Impresiile sint f.frumoase, ne-am simtit f.bine si toata vacanta a fost perfecta. Intre altele, m-am intilnit cu Corina (Cricor) si dragul de Luca si ne-am bucurat f.tare ca ne-am revazut. Toata familia ei este bine, s-au reintegrat cu succes si sint f.multumiti. Doar Luca inca mai viseaza la Canada
Cind voi avea putin timp, va scriu mai multe detalii.
Diana, vroiam sa-ti spun ca esti o fata extraordinara si iti trimit un imens buchet virtual de si multumirile de la toata familia . A fost cel mai fain zbor transatlantic din lunga noastra experienta de calatori...
Iti dorim din tot sufletul o vacanta frumoasa, sa te intorci cu bine si sa ai o nastere usoara si un bebe sanatos.
mQQm, sa va traiasca micutul Oliver, sa fie sanatos, sa creasca mare si sa va aduca numai bucurii.
Pentru celelalte fete de la Sezatoare, imi cer scuze, dar nu am timp sa mai citesc din urma, dar sper ca toata lumea este sanatoasa, fiindca este cel mai important lucru in viata
Simonna spune:
Dintr-un Montreal insorit, a doua zi consecutiv. Ca nici ca-mi vine sa cred!!!
Rox, am zis eu tot timpul ca eu am o legatura speciala cu Isa... Ce dovada mai buna vrei decit damblaua cu pantofii? :)
As mai avea o sugestie, daca nu va suparati pe mine. Asta pentru a evita situatiile in care cineva, care scrie deja pe forumul acesta sau care e nou-venit, se supara pentru ca nu i se raspunde la o intrebare (la care, potential, nici una din noi nu are raspuns).
Sugerez sa punem un fel de banner pe prima pagina care sa spuna ceva de genul: "Vrem sa fim de folos, dar nu raspundem decit daca STIM raspunsul cerut!" Se poate formula oricind mai bine decit am facut-o eu.
Amu', by the way, cum fac sa pun pe subiect nu lincuri ci tot clipul? Nelia, pe tine te-am vazut facind asa. Iesi din boscheti :) si spune-mi.
Diana, eu am un stres. Uit de mor de cind cu sarcina (sau cu Matilda, parca poti sa stii!?) asa ca iti spun cu trei zile avans La Multi Ani pentru Victor! Sa fie cuminte si bun si sa nu-i scoata ochii lui BB :)
Plec sa ma uit la copii car se piscinesc de nu mai pot!
monicutza_bb spune:
Nelia asta este tot ce scrie la mine la "unofficial transcript"
Summer 2009
Centre for Continuing Ed
Special - Undergraduate
RE CEEN 411 702 Eng. Gram/Writing Techniques 3
Serios ca nu gasesc nimic. Este posibil sa nu fi primit nota?
Cum trebuie sa fie nota aia? sub forma de A, B, C?
Sunt in ceata totala. Cred ca o sa e-mailesc proful sa il intreb, dar mi-e jena de ce nu am apucat sa predau.
nelia spune:
Monicutza, dupa primul 3 ar trebui sa fie inca un 3 care inseamna credite reusite, o litera care inseamna nota (da, trebuie sa fie A, B, C nota, simpla, cu plus sau cu minus) si media clasei alaturi. Deci, nu e nota... mai asteapta. Am incercat acum sa gasesc data limita pina la care profesorii pot pune notele, ca la UQAM, dar nu am gasit nimic pe site-ul de la McGill.
Simonna, am venit din boscheti... ai intuit bine unde eram. L-am lasat pe Lisandru singur la gradinita, am fost cu Agata o ora la muzica in parc unde era Tudora cu grupa, ne-am intors in boscheti si am vorbit un pic pe linga gard cu educatoarea lui... a plins un pic cind s-a prins ca nu-s, m-a cautat, a strigat de citeva ori mama, apoi au iesit afara la joaca si cind vorbeam eu cu ea, el avea treaba cu un camion... parea in regula, desi un pic cam tristut. Eu am bocit pina am enervat-o pe Agata... care mi-a spus ca e doar un copil, ce-mi fac atitea griji!?! Daca as putea fi si eu calma ca ea, dar ea e fericita ca e numai cu mine, ma tine de mina, isi face planuri cum ii lasam pe cei mici si mergem la film, sa mincam ceva, iar la film si iar sa mincam... Lisandru va minca acolo cu copiii si mergem la 12.30 sa-l luam. Of! Trece ea si asta! Dar mie imi lipseste ceva din brate, de la titza...
Monicutza, da, e inca alaptat si dependent de tiza, dar numai la somnicul de prinz si cel de seara, in rest sta si fara daca nu ma vede, nu plinge dupa ea... maninca singur, bine si de toate, bea apa din canita normala, isi da pampersul jos, nu-l mai suporta, semn ca trebuie sa bagam operatiunea olita... ne va ajuta si gradinita, ca e la grupa de 2-3 ani unde sint copii fara pampers. Ce mai, bebelusul meu, ultimul, e baiat mare, gata!
Asa, acum ca m-am racorit... Simona, iei linkul cu copy, te duci sus cind scrii mesajul sub Normal, B, I, U..., unde scrie Videos si daca e Youtube, ii dai click si pui linkul intre ce iti apare. Sau, altfel spus, poti sa scrii tu direct, dar fara spatii:
[ tube ]linkul tau[ / tube]
Lorelaim, voi citi dupa-amiaza articolele si revin... ma intereseaza subiectul, eu am unul in casa care nu se adapteaza aici si trebuie sa se mobilizeze sa faca ceva.
Imi pare rau pentru lucrurile pierdute, dar ma simt bine ca nu sint singura !
Oana, bine ai revenit din vacanta! Ma bucur ca v-ati simtit bine si asteptam detalii, eventual si niste poze. Imi pare bine ca Cricor si familia sint bine si se simt in regula acolo, poate mai vine si ea pe la noi si ne spune una-alta.
Podeanu spune:
Nelia, ma interesa si pe mine raspunsul tau, ca la vremea la care am intrebat si eu nu mi-a raspuns nimeni.
uite ca l-am atasat cum ai zis tu (click pe Youtube si apoi inserat la mijloc linkul si cind ii dau sa vizualizez nu apare nimic
pitilache spune:
Uite Dana:
Dedicatie speciala - Andre Rieu - Maastricht 2008