King of Pop Michael Jackson
Raspunsuri - Pagina 92

CRISMIR spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui kay repetitie cu 2 zile inainte sa moara... ************************************************************************************ oana ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() , "When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." |
De atatea ori am vazut asta si de fiecare data ma apuca

"Before you judge me, try hard to love me."
Michael Jackson
Mirela si puiul scump, Robert Cristian(19 oct.2004)
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kay spune:
Mirela, iarta-ma ! n-am vrut sa te fac sa plangi .
vezi si celalalt filmulet pe care l-am pus, in care danseaza in masina. e bestial !
te cu mare drag !
stiti ca ma gandeam fetelor, ca unii il considerau excentric, sarit... dar uite ca era doar constient de cine era, de ceea ce reprezenta pentru lume... offf... cat de trist...
Am intrat intr-un magazin Fame music si la intrare pusesera pe 2 ecrane un dvd cu un concert de-al lui. oamenii se opreau din drumul lor si se uitau, paznicii aproape plangeau, tot mazainul amutise. era liniste si toti ne uitam. cand s-a terminat oamenii au mai stat cateva secunde, un minut-2 si apoi si-au reluat drumul. cu privirile in pamant, tristi. paznicii au inchis dvd-ul si toti aveam un nod in gat...
Doamne, ce OM !!!
oana de
SOSONICA (6.06.2007)
asa creste Sonia :" target="_blank">intr-un an
S ,
"When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout."

CRISMIR spune:
OANA...l-am vazut si pe acela din masina
...ce-mi place cum radea...of,of...e tare trist ca s-a dus asa de repede...era intradevar un mare OM...dar abia acum dupa ce a murit ,l-am inteles cu adevarat ,majoritatea omenirii,
"Before you judge me, try hard to love me."
Michael Jackson
Mirela si puiul scump, Robert Cristian(19 oct.2004)
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mihutza11 spune:
Nu ati pus inca melodia zilei?
ce ziceti de asta:
Mihaela, mamik fericit de

Ratusca mea mih1 si mih2" target="_blank">aici
Pozici" target="_blank">Primul anisor
Povestea americancei

mihutza11 spune:
si versurile:
Do You Remember
When We Fell In Love
We Were Young
And Innocent Then
Do You Remember
How It All Began
It Just Seemed Like Heaven
So Why Did It End?
Do You Remember
Back In The Fall
We'd Be Together
All Day Long
Do You Remember
Us Holding Hands
In Each Other's Eyes
We'd Stare
(Tell Me)
Do You Remember The Time
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Time
When We First Met
Do You Remember The Time
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Time
Do You Remember
How We Used To Talk
(Ya Know)
We'd Stay On The Phone
At Night Till Dawn
Do You Remember
All The Things We Said Like
I Love You So
I'll Never Let You Go
Do You Remember
Back In The Spring
Every Morning Birds Would Sing
Do You Remember
Those Special Times
They'll Just Go On And On
In The Back Of My Mind
Do You Remember The Time
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Time
When We First Met Girl
Do You Remember The Time
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Time
Those Sweet Memories
Will Always Be Dear To Me
And Girl No Matter What Was Said
I Will Never Forget What We Had
Now Baby
Do You Remember The Time
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Time
When We First Met
Do You Remember The Time
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Time
Do You Remember The Time
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Time
When We First Met
Do You Remember The Time
When We Fell In Love
Do You Remember The Time
Remember The Times
Remember The Times
Do You Remember Girl
Remember The Times
On The Phone You And Me
Remember The Times
Till Dawn, Two Or Three
What About Us Girl
Remember The Times
Do You. Do You, Do You,
Do You, Do You
Remember The Times
In The Park, On The Beach
Remember The Times
You And Me In Spain
Remember The Times
What About, What About...
Remember The Times
Ooh... In The Park
Remember The Times
After Dark..., Do You, Do You, Do You
Remember The Times
Do You, Do You, Do You, Do You
Remember The Times
Yeah Yeah
Remember The Times
Mihaela, mamik fericit de Andra - 29 martie 2008
Ratusca mea mih1 si mih2" target="_blank">aici
Pozici" target="_blank">Primul anisor
Povestea americancei

anka77 spune:
Buna fetelor.
Liniste pe aici nu gluma.
melodia zilei este super, de videoclip ce sa mai zic, protagonisti de nota 100, un Michael de zile mari....of ce vremuri.
if you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be deal with. – Michael Jackson
Michael,you`ll never Moonwalk alone

oana_n spune:
Imi e tare draga "Remember the time" mai ales de cand am vazut scene de la filmarea videoclipului in care Michael radea din tot sufletul alaturi de Eddie Murphy. Mai ales la faza in care pasarea din dreapta lui Eddie a zburat, el stiind ca e impaiata. Am revazut de cateva ori momentul ala pt ca tare imi place cum se amuza Michael.
Am ascultat si varianta cu Madonna si nu suna rau. Imi place si aia.
Apropo de asta, in ultimele 2 zile sunt unele clipuri pe youtube la care imi zice ca pt tara noastra au fost restrictionate din cauza incalcarii copyright-ului. Voua vi se intampla? Sau iar e "un bonus" pt cei ce traim in Ro?

sweetmelon spune:
v-am citit din umbra.
Unde gasesc si eu the making off de la Remember the time?
Superba melodia, uitasem ca o saruta pe Iman

moana spune:
Mi-e dooor. Nu inteleg exact de ce si nu stiu ce sa fac sa-mi treaca.

sweetmelon spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui moana Mi-e dooor. Nu inteleg exact de ce si nu stiu ce sa fac sa-mi treaca. |
Asa simt si eu......exact la fel