King of Pop Michael Jackson
Raspunsuri - Pagina 90

marami spune:
One day in your life
You'll remember a place
Someone touching your face
You'll come back and you'll look around you
One day in your life
You'll remember the love you found here
You'll remember me somehow
Though you don't need me now
I will stay in your heart
And when things fall apart
You'll remember one day...
One day in your life
When you find that you're always waiting for the love we used to share
Just call my name
And I'll be there
You'll remember me somehow
Though you don't need me now
I will stay in your heart
And when things fall apart
You'll remember one day...
One day in your life
When you fļnd that you're always lonely
For the love we used to share
Just call my name
And I'll be there.

Before you judge me, try hard to love me.

cory_box spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui marami One day in your life You'll remember a place Someone touching your face You'll come back and you'll look around you One day in your life You'll remember the love you found here You'll remember me somehow Though you don't need me now I will stay in your heart And when things fall apart You'll remember one day... One day in your life When you find that you're always waiting for the love we used to share Just call my name And I'll be there You'll remember me somehow Though you don't need me now I will stay in your heart And when things fall apart You'll remember one day... One day in your life When you fļnd that you're always lonely For the love we used to share Just call my name And I'll be there. ![]() ![]() pozne-npoze Before you judge me, try hard to love me. |
marami : tocmai ce mi-ai luat-o inainte, dar nu-i nimic ca-mi place si soul.foarte frumoasa piesa, eu nu am ascultat-o prea mult, cred ca e de pe off the wall, daca nu gresesc.
Music is art in words.Michael Jackson's words are masterpieces

marami spune:
cory, doar atat spun, ca melodia asta o ascultam pe repet kilometrii intregi in masina, insa pana acum o luna habar n-am avut ca cel ce-mi tinea companie atata amar de drum este" target="_blank">Ramane in suflet Povestea unui Licurici!
Before you judge me, try hard to love me.

CRISMIR spune:
Superba melodia zilei de nu am mai auzit-o pana acum
..mi-au dat lacrimile iar,offf...fetelor,pe mine parca ma doare sufletul si mai mult cand il pur si simplu ma oftic atat de tare ca s-a dus ma pot abtine sa nu va citesc,dar dupa ce o fac am iar si iar un gust a trecut deja o luna
CRISS,stiu ca pe alt site acolo la tine l-am vazut si l-am copiat
Before you judge me, try hard to love me.
Michael Jackson
Mirela si puiul scump, Robert Cristian(19 oct.2004)
Pozele noastre aici...
...sau aici...

mihutza11 spune:
super melodia de azi..
nici mie nu imi vine sa cred ca a trecut o luna.. offf...
Mihaela, mamik fericit de Andra - 29 martie 2008
Ratusca mea mih1 si mih2" target="_blank">aici
Pozici" target="_blank">Primul anisor
Povestea americancei

oana_n spune:
pentru melodia de azi. e una tare faina.
Citeam un articol din Jurnalul National care incepe cam asa: "Imaginati-va un "Moonwalk". Īncercati sa-l executati acasa, pe parchetul laminat. Nu v-a iesit, dar v-ati ales cu febra musculara? Īncercati sa va imaginati un "Moonwalk" cu dureri cumplite de articulatii. si gānditi-va la Michael Jackson..."
Si tot din acelasi articol mi-a placut tare mult asta, ca tot se vb de Fred Astaire: "Oh, Doamne! Baiatul asta se misca exceptional! Este cel mai mare dansator al secolului! N-am vrut sa parasesc lumea asta fara sa īmi cunosc urmasul. Īti multumesc, Michael!". (spusele lui Fred Astaire)

oana_n spune:
Cata forta de a iubi a avut Michael. Azi am descoperit asta:
To Make My Father Proud
To make my father proud
To make my mother smile
I need not conquere worlds, or fame,
Not set, the pace for style
If I can follow through
on, what they gave me as my tools,
I'll find a way to sail my course
Avoiding ships of fools
If I don't come up, number one
I'll stand not well apart
As one for numbered numbers
When knowing in my heart
Ive done all to be done
To always do my best
By listening to me, myself
So he can do the rest
(Love without compromise,
Shall flower the seed of constant care)
In my eleven hour
I'll be a man the way
To face whatever falls my way
Prepared and unashamed
To just be called a part of God
For which I have been named
A man and a woman's youngest son
while growing, still a child
And that will make my father proud
And make my mother smile...

iarina spune:
Melodia de azi este superba...One day of your life....n-o stiam , recunosc...este de pe Off the wall? Si versurile sunt dragute...iar colajul este f. reusit. Merci mult fetelor.

kay spune:
nu stiu daca mai primiti, dar vreau sa va impartasesc ceva :
enjoy !
oana ,
"When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout."

Super in repetitiile d la Beat it!Ca de altfel in orice situatie: Profesionist si Perfectionist!