King of Pop Michael Jackson
Raspunsuri - Pagina 77

rall spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui ramonab Imi place radio cu muzica lui la nebunie.Tocmai difuzeaza Billie Jean ![]() |
Si mie imi place f mult

Mi-a placut ce ai scris despre MJ

I was born to never die | To live in bliss, to never cry | To speak the truth and never lie | To share my love without a sigh | To stretch my arms without a tie | This is my dance, this is my high (Michael Jackson)

rhoneea spune:
Dupa ce am urmarit video-urile astea doua,am ajuns la concluzia ca indiferent daca traieste sau nu el pentru noi va ramane vesnic acelasi.
si mai ales acesta
Nelia,spuneai ca daca era ar fi putut sa se retraga in liniste asa cum a facut-o pana acum.Am stat si m-am gandit....poate ca s-ar fi putut retrage din lumina reflectoarelor dar din blitzele paparazzilor n-ar fi putut sa o faca.La cumparaturi nu ar fi putut sa se duca fara ca cineva sa nu-l stiu zic si eu....
Dupa ce a murit ciudat este ca in toatele colturile lumii s-au afisat tot felul de sosii ale lui.
Daca el a insecant toata povestea asta,cu siguranta a facut-o pentru copii lui.Poate ca s-au saturat,mereu cand ieseau din casa erau asaltati de camere de filmat,presa...Poate,sau poate nu!Doar trecerea timpului va face noi dezvaluiri.
Superba melodia de azi

Irina mamica sefului mic Pierre-Sebastien

*Miracolul nostru*

"If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change!"
Michael Jackson

rall spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui motanik Eu maine plec spre Ro pt aproape 2 luni, ne vedem de acolo. |
Drum bun

I was born to never die | To live in bliss, to never cry | To speak the truth and never lie | To share my love without a sigh | To stretch my arms without a tie | This is my dance, this is my high (Michael Jackson)

mihutza11 spune:
Super melodia de azi! si mesajul e cat se poate de real si frumos! ca de aia multi politicieni si l-au insusit, numai ca nu multi au si facut cum zice moto-ul..
cat despre Omar, asemanarea chiar e, si cu MJ si cu Blanket.. si daca ar fi copilul lui nu m-ar deranja absolut deloc.. si intr-adevar pozitia lui la memorial chiar ca iti da de gandit..
Mihaela, mamik fericit de Andra - 29 martie 2008
Ratusca mea mih1 si mih2" target="_blank">aici
Pozici" target="_blank">Primul anisor
Povestea americancei

cory_box spune:
ati vazut stirea asta ?
am inteles eu bine ca au venit rezultatele toxicologice si ca nu arata prezenta diprivanului ?

nelia spune:
Rhoneea, nu spuneam eu...

astrojunkie spune:
That One in the Mirror
I wanted to change the world, so I got up one morning and looked in the mirror. That one looking back said, "There is not much time left. The earth is wracked with pain. Children are starving. Nations remain divided by mistrust and hatred. Everywhere the air and water have been fouled almost beyond help. Do something!"
That one in the mirror felt very angry and desperate. Everything looked like a mess, a tragedy, a disaster. I decided he must be right. Didn't I feel terrible about these things, too, just like him? The planet was being used up and thrown away. Imagining earthly life just one generation from now made me feel panicky.
It was not hard to find the good people who wanted to solve the earth's problems. As I listened to their solutions, I thought, "There is so much good will here, so much concern." At night before going to bed, that one in the mirror looked back at me seriously, "Now we'll get somewhere," he declared. "If everybody does their part."
But everybody didn't do their part. Some did, but were they stopping the tide? Were pain,
starvation, hatred, and pollution about to be solved? Wishing wouldn't make it so -- I knew that. When I woke up the next morning, that one in the mirror looked confused. "Maybe it's
hopeless," he whispered.. Then a sly look came into his eyes, and he shrugged. "But you and I
will survive. At least we are doing all right."
I felt strange when he said that. There was something very wrong here. A faint suspicion came
to me, one that had never dawned so clearly before. What if that one in the mirror isn't me? He feels separate. He sees problems "out there" to be solved. Maybe they will be, maybe they
won't. He'll get along. But I don't feel that way -- those problems aren't "out there," not really. I feel them inside me. A child crying in Ethiopia, a sea gull struggling pathetically in an oil spill, a mountain gorilla being mercilessly hunted, a teenage soldier trembling with terror when he hears the planes fly over: Aren't these happening in me when I see and hear about them?
The next time I looked in the mirror, that one looking back had started to fade. It was only an
image after all. It showed me a solitary person enclosed in a neat package of skin and bones.
"Did I once think you were me?" I began to wonder. I am not so separate and afraid. The pain of life touches me, but the joy of life is so much stronger. And it alone will heal. Life is the healer of life, and the most I can do for the earth is to be its loving child.
That one in the mirror winced and squirmed. He hadn't thought so much about love. Seeing "problems" was much easier, because love means complete self-honesty. Ouch!
"Oh, friend," I whispered to him, "do you think anything can solve problems without love?" That one in the mirror wasn't sure. Being alone for so long, not trusting others and being trusted by others, it tended to detach itself from the reality of life. "Is love more real than pain?" he asked.
"I can't promise that it is. But it might be. Let's discover," I said. I touched the mirror with a
grin. "Let's not be alone again. Will you be my partner? I hear a dance starting up. Come." That one in the mirror smiled shyly. He was realizing we could be best friends. We could be more peaceful, more loving, more honest with each other every day.
Would that change the world? I think it will, because Mother Earth wants us to be happy and to love her as we tend her needs. She needs fearless people on her side, whose courage comes from being part of her, like a baby who is brave enough to walk because Mother is holding out her arms to catch him. When that one in the mirror is full of love for me and for him, there is no room for fear. When we were afraid and panicky, we stopped loving this life of ours and this earth. We disconnected. Yet how can anybody rush to help the earth if they feel disconnected? Perhaps the earth is telling us what she wants, and by not listening, we fall back on our own fear and panic.
One thing I know : I never feel alone when I am earth's child. I do not have to cling to my personal survival as long as I realize, day by day, that all of life is in me. The children and their pain; the children and their joy. The ocean swelling under the sun; the ocean weeping with black oil. The animals hunted in fear; the animals bursting with the sheer joy of being alive.
This sense of "the world in me" is how I always want to feel. That one in the mirror has his doubts sometimes. So I am tender with him. Every morning I touch the mirror and whisper, "Oh,friend, I hear a dance. Will you be my partner? Come."

cory_box spune:
rall, uite care-i chestia : mi-a picat f. prost ca tu ai zis ca link-ul cu video pus de mine (de fapt, nu de mine ca e de pe hoax) ar face o aluzie la acuzatiile lui Michael . tu nu ma cunosti, eu sint f. repezita de felul meu, n-am rabdare deloc si nu citesc sau ascult decit primele chestii (tot asa nu am citit ca anka 77 a scris ca peter pan e luata de pe hoax ca nu mai pierdeam 4 ore s-o caut).deci in concluzie, mi-a scapat fraza din final si eu nici nu am inteles asa : ceva de genul ca sa nu vorbim de funie in casa spinzuratului, dar n-am dat nicio importanta, pe mine ma interesa altceva.m-am dus sa-l intreb si pe sotul meu azi dupamasa, daca el intelege acelasi lucru (engleza lui e perfecta fata de a mea care e de de balta).el zice ca tot asa ceva intelege (acum nu stiu daca a zis-o ca sa nu-mi pice mie prost, whatever).oricum nu-mi place deloc, orice asocierea de-a mea, macar si cu o aluzie de genul
. asa ca sterg mesajul cu totul.
si inca o data, cind am zis de copiii lui, a fost ca uitindu-ma la acele home video superbe (eu nu le-am mai vazut pina acum) am fost impresionata de cit de mult ii iubea toata lumea vorbea despre el ca despre un tata concluzie, eu ma asteptam la un feedback din partea nu zic ca n-ar fi, ca nu-s eu in pielea nimanui si nici pshiholog nu sint, dar ma asteptam la o reactie mai manifesta (acum desigur ca nu in genul bocitului, cum zicea daca nu ma insel criss75).si am asociat aceasta stare de pseudoindiferenta a copiilor cu ceva fronturi necunoscute noua, adica ei stiu ca el traieste, si de aia nu prea sufera.dar, enfin, nu mai insist nici pe ideea asta, ca e clar ca-i si asta o timpenie.

astrojunkie spune:
Hehe, a avut gura aurita cine a spus ca unde-s multe femei, se isca oricum si o samanta de cearta Dar nu in ziua cu "Man in the mirror", va rog eu frumos
In legatura cu "Man in the mirror", Michael a donat tot profitul, asa cum a donat si toti banii incasati in urma turneului Dangerous...