Abdomen extra-plat (2)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 8
Mindy spune:
No bun, asta e dieta! Pt cine e interesata recomand sa o salveze undeva in e-mail sau un folder personal.
Four Days, What to avoid:
1. The salt shaker, salt-based seasonings, and highly processed foods.
2. Excess carbs. Decrease your intake of high-carb foods such as:
Pasta, Bananas, Bagels & Pretzels.
3. Bulky Raw food (ie: eat cooked carrots, not raw)
4. Gassy foods:
Legumes, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Onion,
Peppers and Citrus fruits.
5. Chewing gum (you swallow air, causing bloat)
6. Sugar alcohols (Xyliyol & Maltitol)
7. Fried foods
8. Spicy foods
9. Carbonated drinks (soda!!!)
10. Alcohol, coffee, tea, hot cocoa and acidic fruit juices
Remember, these "rules" are just for the four day jump start period.
Four Days, What to do:
1. Follow the meal plan exactly ( I had to modify, as I am a vegetarian).
2. Eat four meals a day, for a total of 1,200 calories
3. Drink one full recipe of Sassy Water (recipe below).
4. Take a quick 5 minute after meal walk
5. Eat slowly
6. Work your mind (the book give you "mind tricks" to help keep you motivated).
Sassy Water
2 Liters water (8.5 cups)
1 tsp. freshly grated ginger
1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
1 medium lemon, thinly sliced
12 small spearmint leaves
Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher and let flavors blend overnight. Drink the entire pitcher by the end of the each day.
The Meal Plan
Day 1
1c. unsweetened cornflakes
1 c. skim milk
1/2 c. unsweetened applesauce
1/2c. raw unsalted sunflower seeds
Glass of Sassy Water
4 oz. Applegate Farms antibiotic-free honey maple turkey rolled up 1 light string cheese
1 pink fresh grape tomatoes
Glass of sassy water
Smoothie: Blueberry smoothie. Place 1 c. skim milk and 1 c. frozen unsweetened blueberries in blender and blend for 1 minute. Transfer to glass and stir in 1 Tbsp cold-pressed organic flaxseed oil
1 c. fresh or frozen cooked green beans (steamed of microwaved)
4oz. tilapia
1/2 c. roaster red potatoes drizzled with 1 tsp. olive oil
Glass of Sassy Water
Day 2
Breakfast: 1c. Rice Krispies
1 c. skim milk
1/4c. sunflower seeds
4oz. pineapple tidbits canned in juice
Glass of Sassy Water
3oz. chunk light tuna in water
1 c. steamed or microwaved baby carrots
1 light string cheese
Glass of Sassy Water
Smoothie: Pineapple smoothie. Place 1 c skim milk, 4 oz. canned pineapple tidbits in blender, add a handful of ice and whip for 1 minute. Transfer to glass, and stir in 1 Tbsp cold-pressed organic flaxseed oil.
1c. fresh crimini mushrooms sauteed with 1 tsp olive oil
3 oz. grilled chicken breast
1/2 c. steamed brown rice
Glass of Sassy Water
Day 3
Breakfast: 1 c. unsweetened cornflakes
1 c. skim milk
1/4 c. sunflower seeks
2 Tbsp. raisins
Glass of Sassy Water
4 oz. Applegate Farms antibiotic-free honey maple turkey rolled up 1 light string cheese
1 pink fresh grape tomatoes
Glass of sassy water
Smoothie: Peach- Place 1 c. skim milk and 1 c. frozen, unsweetened peaches in blender and blend for 1 minute. Transfer to glass and stir in 2 tsp flaxseed oil.
1c. fresh or frozen cooked green beans (steamed or microwaved) 3 oz. grilled or baked turkey breast cutlet
1/2 c. roasted red potatoes drizzled with 1 tsp. olive oil
Glass of Sassy Water
Day 4
Breakfast: 1 packet instant Cream of Wheat
1c. skim milk
1/4c. sunflower seeds
2 Sunsweet Ones Dried Plums
1 Glass of Sassy Water
3oz. chunk light tuna in water
1 c. grape tomatoes
1 light string cheese
Glass of Sassy Water
Smoothie: Strawberry - Combine 1 c. skim milk and 1 c. frozen, un-sweetened strawberries in blender. Blend, transfer to glass and stir in 2 tsp flaxseed oil.
Dinner: &nb sp; 1c. fresh or frozen yellow squash sauteed with 1 tsp olive oil
3 oz. chicken breast
1/2c. steamed brown rice
Glass of Sassy Water
After the 4 day jump start, you can transfer to the regular Flat Belly Diet.
I highly recommend that you purchase the book. It explains the science behind the diet, provided motivational tips, and numerous recipes and meal plans.
This is what I found for AFTER the jump start: ( It's only 3 days, but it will get you started)
Day 1
1/2 c oats simmered or microwaved with water; nonfat milk added to taste
6 oz live and active cultures yogurt
Herb, spinach, or tomato omelette (2 yolks, 3 whites)
Plain-dressed leaf salad (with vinaigrette
10 oz nonfat milk with 1/2 tsp honey
Plain flattened chicken breast rolled in crushed pine nuts and pan-fried (make one extra, and refrigerate)
Spinach with carrot puree (no butter)
6 plums with rice pudding
3 rings pineapple, roasted, with low-fat sour cream
Two hours before bed
1 apple
1 banana
6 almonds
Small cup nonfat milk, warmed, with 1/2 tsp honey
Day 2
2 egg yolks and 3 whites whisked and scrambled
10 oz freshly squeezed orange juice
6 oz live and active cultures yogurt
Cold chicken from yesterday, sliced, with 2 tsp mayonnaise Leaf salad, including watercress (with vinaigrette)
6 oz live and active cultures yogurt
Grilled, poached, or pan-fried salmon fillet
Cannelloni stuffed with spinach and almonds
Sliced tomato and cucumber salad
3 Tbsp peas
3 Tbsp corn
Med baked potato with 1 Tbsp sour cream
Bowl of mixed strawberries and raspberries (1/2 cup)
1 Tbsp light cream
6 Brazil nuts
Two hours before bed
Cup of warm nonfat milk with 1/2 tsp honey
1 apple
Day 3
Oatmeal, as day one
6 oz live and active cultures yogurt
4 oz tuna packed in spring water, served with salad, capers, and olives
6 oz live and active cultures yogurt
6 oz fillet steak, grilled
2 "skinny" burgers (minced beef, nothing else)
Served with 1 Tbsp tangy tomato salsa
4 oz baked potato with 1 tsp sour cream
Grapes with sour cream and brown sugar, grilled
1 Tbsp light cream
Two hours before bed
Warmed milk as before
1 apple
1 peach
puskin spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui Mindy Puskin, unde sunt pozele alea care ziceai ca le-ai pus in album? cu 62 si 80 kg de la petrecere. Nu le gasesc. |
Uite aici am pus si poze cu "mutra" la 80kg si la 62kg ca sa vezi ce si cum:
conchita spune:
Mindy, da, asta este, dar e numai pentru cele 4 zile de "jumpstart", de detoxificare. dupa aia urmeaza 4 saptamani de dieta si sunt liste cu alimente permise si nepermise...unde ai gasit asta, oare? poate putem gasi si restul, eu n-am reusit.
conchita spune:
mi s-au imprastiat creierii prin grasime viscerala, cred, cum de nu m-am gandit sa va dau mai bine adresa de site pentru dieta, acolo sunt si retete, si tot:
puskin, esti o frumoasa, poza in rochita rosie nu o vazusem.
puskin spune:
Conchita, mersi .
Eu vad ceva probleme cu meniul pus mai sus de Mindy, dar n-am timp sa scriu acum ca plec la job. Revin mai tarziu si va zic unde vad eu probleme...
danat spune:
Neata fetelor! Iar incep prin a ma minuna de viteza pe care o aveti la scris Nu ma asteptam sa apara atita scris dupa o noapte...sper sa avem/ aveti la fel de rapida viteza la slabit
E clar, trebuie sa dau un print la ce ati scris pina acum ca sa pot sa citesc in liniste tot pe drumul de la/ dinspre gradinita. Acum plec cu puiul la gradi si revin peste vreo 2 ore...ia vedeti cate pagini scrieti
Sper ca nu ati luat-o in serios ca va alintati cele care aveti doar putine kile de dat jos, pina la urma e treaba fiecareia cum vrea sa slabeasca si sa arate, eu doar ma autocompatimeam indirect ca am multe kile de dat jos Scuze daca s-a inteles gresit!
Acum dimineata am baut doar o cafea mare si nu maninc ca nu intra mai nimic dimineata.
Va pup si revin!
Dana mama lu'Radu Stefan(Fecioras de 2003)
"Prietenii sunt aceia care te iubesc chiar si atunci cand te cunosc"
danat spune:
...mama masii...nu merge optiunea de printare asa ca...o sa citesc ce ati mai scris cand revin.
Puskin super diferenta si la fata se vede! Doamne ce intineresc cateva kilograme in minus, atunci cand e corecta slabirea. Pari o fetitza de liceu in a doua poza cu rochita rosie
Eu mor de ciuda ca dupa cezariana (apropos de ce spunea mai inainte Mindy despre burta si centura) am ramas cu burta, dar si cu o pozitie ciudata a coloanei, parca trasa spre fatza ca atunci cand eram gravida. Nu zic, sarcina a fost maricica (copilul 4,200 kg) dar mai nasc si alte femei copii mari si nu ramin cu asa tinuta. Si nu reusesc sa ma controlez mereu, uit, si ma surprind cu burta inainte, parca ma trage ceva spre fata si e nasol de tot Zici ca sunt in luna a 5-a Stiti oare ce pot face sa corectez odata pt totdeauna tinuta asta defectuoasa ramasa asa de mult timp?
Dana mama lu'Radu Stefan(Fecioras de 2003)
"Prietenii sunt aceia care te iubesc chiar si atunci cand te cunosc"
Deus spune:
Buna dimineata
Ce fete harnicute!
Bine ati venit - doamne noi, aspirante la o silueta de vis
Pe la pag 6 am fost intrebata de reteta cu pastrav: legumele se fac la aburi cu multe ierburi si condimente (de toate in toate culorile)
Cand sunt gata legumele se pune in tava de la cuptor un pat de legume peste care se aseaza pestii. In burtica si peste pesti se pun legume si se baga la cuptor sa se faca pesti in splendoarea asta de arome.
Separat se fierbe orez - integral cu sare si un vf de cutit de curry pt o culoare frumoasa.
La final se pune pe farfurie orez si in centru peste cu multe legume.
Se serveste cu un pahar de vin alb:)
Mindy - melatonina capsule, regleaza somnul:)
Pt mersul la restaurant: mancati salate fara sosuri grase, pui la gratar, peste la gratar, supa de legume, etc. Nu trebuie sa va inchideti in casa ca sunt n variante usoare in orice meniu de restaurant:)
Deci - sport, mancare sanatoasa, apa multa si somn bun!
Va doresc o zi de luni frumoasa
poze familia mea
inspiratie si putere...pentru cine crede ca nu mai poate...NEVER, NEVER, GIVE UP !
puskin spune:
Neata din nou,
revin sa va zic ce vad eu in neregula cu meniul ala pus de Mindy:
- cornflakes cu lapte (fie el si degresat)
- Rice Krispies
- prea mult lapte
- fructe inainte de culcare
- suc de portocale ( fie el si fresh, are mult zahar; mancati fructul ca atare)
Ar mai fi si alte chestii...dar ma abtin .
Eu zic asa: faceti o lista cu alimente sanatoase, mergeti la cumparaturi si dati-i bataie. Eu de ex. nu functionez bine cand mi se impune meniul...
Deus spune:
Eu una iubesc lactatele: branzeturi, iaurturi si lapte - de cand ma stiu le-am consumat si cand am fost cu 33 de kg mai mult si in perioada de dieta cand am slabit si acuma. Cred ca este important sa iti permiti sa mananci si ce iubesti dar cu moderatie, light de preferat si daca se poate sa alegi : daca mananc de exemplu o felie de branza atunci nu mananc painea, sau daca beau un pahar de lapte atunci nu mananc orezul/cartofii/painea/etc...
Sa nu uitam ca pe aici toate doamnele au copii/soti la care le gatesc si nu poti sa te abtii toata viata. Raman la ideea mea ca poti sa slabesti daca nu mananci seara, daca scapi de cei alb in alimentatie, sucuri de orice fel din comert, grasimi nesanatoase, dulciuri si daca faci sport.
Tot la subiect: o viata intreaga si eu si sotul meu am mancat fructe cand ne-a fost pofta. Adica seara daca ne doream o lebenita sau cirese sau un pepene galben , nu am spus nu. Avem tranzit bun, dormim bine, avem energie...Mai nesanatos mi se pare sa mananci ceva produse de patiserie decat un fruct. Da, ingrasa fructele, daca mananci in cantitati mari, dar daca faci sport 1 ora pe zi sigur vei putea sa creezi un echilibru intre ce consumi si ce calorii arzi.
poze familia mea
inspiratie si putere...pentru cine crede ca nu mai poate...NEVER, NEVER, GIVE UP !