Campanie de responsabilizare a autoritatilor (11)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 16
LucaLuca spune:
Campania noatra are si sprijinul dnei deputat Anca Boagiu!
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LucaLuca spune:
Nu prea am mai scris aici, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu s-au intamplat lucruri. Sa notam, totusi (desi sunt sigura ca Ioana le-a trecut deja la catastif) evenimentele semnificative din ultima saptamana:
- emisiunea B1TV: http://.2009/04/11/dna-deputat-sulfina-barbu-si-dl-dr-dan-tutunaru-despre-infertilitate-la-b1tv/
- declaratia in Parlament a dlui deputat Valeriu Alecu de sustinere a campaniei noastre:,74&idl=1
- emisiunea cu Mirimir la Pitesti: http://.2009/04/13/dezbatere-tv-despre-infertilitate-la-pitesti/
Urmeaza o surpriza pe blog. :)
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anka_daria77 spune:
Luca mi se pare mie s-au domnul deputat si-a intocmit discursul din munca voastra.
Oricum e de notat si apreciat ca a consemnat asta in plen. Pentru asta ii multumim.
Paste ferici la toate albinutele harnicute din campanie.
LucaLuca spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui anka_daria77 Luca mi se pare mie s-au domnul deputat si-a intocmit discursul din munca voastra. |
Nu ti se pare, dar nu ne pasa. :) E de bine. Sa ne plagieze toti parlamentarii si sa ne sustina!
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LucaLuca spune:
Veste buna! Parlamentul european a verificat petitia noastra si a considerat ca este fondata! I-au dat nr. de inregistrare oficial (l-a primit Ioana prin posta) si a fost redirectionata catre Comisia de Sanatate, care o va lua in discutie.
Aici aveti componenta Comisiei:
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LucaLuca spune:
Avem deja textul de lobby pe langa membrii Comisiei, trebuie doar personalizat si trimis:
To Mr. / Mrs. Ics YGRECEANU
President / vice-president / Member of The Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety,
The European Parliament
Sir, / Madam,
I am writing to you on behalf of the many Romanian families affected by infertility. We have addressed an official petition to your Committee, accompanied by 2600 signatures and registered under no. … .
As we have stated in the petition, the Romanian state does not currently have a law of medically assisted human reproduction and Romanian citizens don’t have the slightest support for infertility, they have to pay for everything - treatment and procedures, including preliminary hormonal analysis.
The experience of infertility is very traumatic both physically and psychologically, and when people have to face financial barriers also, everything turns into a disaster. Many couples simply can’t cope with this and break up. Shattered lives! We tell you all this so as to acknowledge the fact that our problem is not a simple administrative request, but a vital issue.
At the same time, we remind you that the European Parliament resolution of 21 February 2008 on the demographic future of Europe (2007/2156 (INI)) notes that “infertility is a medical condition recognized by World Health Organization that can have severe effects such as depression; points out that infertility is on the increase and now occurs in about 15 % of couples; calls on the Member States, therefore, to ensure the right of couples to universal access to infertility treatment.”
Please do everything you can as member of The European Parliament in order for Romania - a Member State of the European Union - to respect their citizens’ right to happiness by ensuring couples’ right to universal access to fertility treatments.
Kindly receive our most distinguished regards, sincerely yours,
*** *******,
On behalf of «SOS Infertilitatea» Initiative Group.
Bucharest, x April 2009
A Monsieur / Madame Ics YGRECEANU
Président / vice-président / Membre de la Commission pour environnement, santé publique et sécurité alimentaire du Parlement européen
Madame, / Monsieur,
Je vous écris au nom de très nombreuses familles roumaines affectées par l’infertilité. Nous avons adressé une pétition officielle à votre Commission, accompagnée par 2600 signatures, enregistrée sous le no. ……
Comme nous avons mentionné dans le texte de la pétition, la Roumanie n’a pas actuellement une loi de la reproduction humaine médicalement assistée et il n’y a pas ni la moindre prise en charge du traitement contre l’infertilité. Les citoyens roumains doivent payer tout – traitement et procédures, y compris le bilan hormonal préliminaire. L’expérience de l’infertilité est très traumatique sur les plans physique et psychologique, quand à tout cela s’ajoutent les obstacles financiers c’est une catastrophe, beaucoup de couples tout simplement ne résistent pas et se déchirent. Des vies brisées ! Nous vous disons tout cela, pour réaliser que notre problème n’est pas une simple demande administrative, mais un enjeu vital.
En même temps, nous vous rappelons que la Résolution du Parlement européen du 21 février 2008 sur l'avenir démographique de l'Europe (2007/2156(INI)) relève que « l'Organisation mondiale de la santé reconnaît l'infertilité comme une maladie qui peut avoir des effets graves tels que la dépression; souligne que la stérilité est en augmentation et touche actuellement environ 15 % des couples; invite par conséquent les États membres à garantir aux couples le droit d'avoir un accès universel à un traitement contre l'infertilité. »
Nous vous prions de faire tout ce que vous pouvez en tant qu’eurodéputé pour que la Roumanie, Etat membre de l’Union européenne, respecte le droit au bonheur de ses citoyens en garantissant à son tour le droit d’accès universel des couples au traitement contre l’infertilité.
Nous vous prions d’agréer, Monsieur / Madame l’eurodéputé, l’expression de nos sentiments les plus distingués.
Au nom du Groupe d’initiative «SOS Infertilitatea»,
***** ****
Fait à Bucarest, le … avril 2009
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LucaLuca spune:
Psj si Betriz s-au ocupat de trimis mesajelor de lobby catre eurodeputatii din Comisia de Sanatate Publica a Parlamentului European, care sunt in curs de a aviza petitia noastra.
Vom aborda in curand cu mesaje personalizate si membrii Comisiei petru Petitii a PE, la care se va intoarce petitia noastra, pentru rasunsul final.
Eu nu sunt foarte optimista privind raspunsul de la PE, pentru ca, dupa stiinta mea, politicile de sanatate sunt aspecte asupra carora fiecare dintre statele-membre UE are drepturi depline. Doar cateva criterii generale sunt stabilite la nivel european, "detaliile" si politicile publice de sanatate sunt nationale.
Dar sa vedem, caci vad ca in raspunsul asta preliminar, au zis ca problema ar intra in aria lor de competente. E imbucurator, dar eu raman sceptica.
Gasiti textul integral al scrisorii de la PE la "news" pe blog: http://.news/
Sa notam si mediatizarea cauzei noastre la Stirile ProTv din seara asta:
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LucaLuca spune:
A propos de competentele institutiilor europene / vs. / competentele statelor-membre, se confirma ceea ce spuneam despre faptul ca *Europa* nu ne poate ajuta foarte mult, ca decizia politica trebuie sa se ia in plan intern.
Poate va mai amintiti ca dna eurodeputat Gabriela Cretu a adresat o intrebare cu solicitare de raspuns scris Consiliului si Comisiei Europene.
Intebarea o gasiti aici:
Iar raspunsul Consiliului este aici:
In the field of public health, Community action must fully respect the responsibilities of Member States for the organisation and delivery of health services and medical care as stated in Article 152(5) of the EC Treaty. It is therefore the role of each Member State to determine the extent of the rights to healthcare coverage under its social security system, including reproductive treatments and techniques. The responsibility of Member States was confirmed in several Council conclusions, most recently in Council conclusions on the implementation of the EU Health Strategy of 10 June 2008(1).
The scope of existing Community legislation on reproductive medicine is limited to setting measures of quality and safety in the donation, procurement, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human tissues and cells(2), including reproductive cells.
Iar Comisia Europeana a raspuns cam pe aceeasi linie:
Answer given by Ms Vassiliou on behalf of the Commission
The Commission takes note of the concerns expressed by the Honourable Member regarding the area of reproductive health and infertility.
However, Community actions in the field of public health must respect the responsibilities of Member States for the organisation and delivery of health services and medical care. It is up to each Member State to determine the rules governing rights or duties of healthcare cover under their social security system. It is also up to each Member State to determine the conditions on which benefits provided by their sickness insurance scheme are granted. It is therefore the responsibility of the Member State concerned to address issues raised by the Honourable Member.
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LucaLuca spune:
In concluzie, decizia de sprijin pentru cuplurile infertile si de garantare a dreptului de acces la tratament la infertilitate este o problema de politica interna.
Deci avem nevoie mai mult ca niciodata de sprijinul politicienilor romani. De ieri la lista noastra de sustinatori se adauga dna senator PSD Elena Mitrea, care n-a promis sprijinul sau cand legea va ajunge in Senat: http://.news/
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copilutzu spune:
Am gasit un articol...
stiu ca nu are legatura cu subventionarea procedurii dar este prin "zona" ...
se lucreeaazaaa ...!!
Luca dragutza ai "disparut " .. cred eu ca ... clocesti ceva puiti...!!
Iti doresc iubitica mea tooot binele din lume!!!
Am mai citi la FIV dar nu "te-am vazut"
Sper sa fii bine!!!
Am incercat sa mai aduc sub. pe primele pagini!!!
Are we there yet???