Andrei - Atrezie de esofag
Raspunsuri - Pagina 9

kay spune:
doina, ne gandim continuu la voi !
stie cineva ceva? mare de tot !!!
oana de
SOSONICA (6.06.2007)
asa creste Sonia :" target="_blank">intr-un an
S , povestea Soniei
"When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout."

dandusa spune:
Doina va tinem pumnii
santem alaturi de voi
Raducu(31oct2008) si Crinuta(1nov2006)
poarta-ma mami

doina_cel spune:
dragii nostri, fac deocamdata un copy paste dintr-un mail. revin cu detalii sper curand, acum suntem prea terminati:
My dear friends,
Thank you once again for all the good thoughts that you sent to us. It was a great help for us to know that we are not alone in this business.
Andrei spent about 14 hours in the operation room (from which about 2 I think were pre and post surgery processing). He had a good behavior during the operation and for the moment is stable (sedated and under ventilation). They have managed to make the surgery with the type of tissue that we wanted (jejunum). However, the Professor is not sure that it will last, because there was a long gap to be covered and the vascularization of the tissue is not so good. So, no final result yet.
During the next 4 to 5 days we have to wait and see if any signs of infections will appear. The possibilities are:
1. if the infection signs will appear, than a new surgery will be performed to remove the dead tissue and bring Andrei to the initial state, than wait again for a while (months, years, of course nobody can tell) to recover and try another method.
2. no infection, than might be a chance for the tissue to remain there
From the other records of the day, beside the longest surgical intervention that we have ever had, we can mention:
- best coffee ever drunk (a small coffee-shop downtown Rotterdam)
- worst Chinese food ever eaten (stay away from Wokexpress downtown
- largest number of stupid serials ever seen in one day on TV (here they use subtitles, not like in Germany :-/)
We uploaded on Andrei's website some pictures from our small holiday in Rotterdam, before the surgery: Va multumim pentru gandurile bune pe care stim ca le-ati indreptat spre Andrei

iulenca spune:
Andreiutz ne rugam pentru tine sa treci cu bine peste etapa asta f importanta, sa nu faci infectie si sa se rezolve odata pentru totdeauna problema. Mami si tati voua va doresc nervi tari si de acum incolo. Aveti baiat mare si frumos si cred ca ochisorii lui va multumesc in fiecare zi ca nu v-ati dat batuti.
Sanatate multa si numai vesti bune sper sa primim Doina.
Si inca ceva, cred ca si Soniutza va tine pumnii stransi cat poate ea de tare pentru ca ati fost mereu cu sufletul alaturi de ea cand ii era si ei si oanei la fel de greu ca si voua.
MARIUKU PUI DE IULENKA;10722;104/st/20060808/n/MARIA+THEODORA/dt/8/k/82d2/" target="_blank">MARIA THEODORA

kay spune:
doina, o sa fie BINE !!! nu are cum altfel !!! Astept cu sufletul la gura sa ne spui ca e extubat, ca a deschis ochisorii si vrea papa !
Sigur, eu si Sonia suntem din tot sufletul alaturi de voi ! va imbratisam cu mare drag pe toti 3, sa aveti o recuperare usoara si fara surprize !
Va imbratisez cu mare, mare drag si pupacesc mult de tot super eroul nostru !!!
oana de
SOSONICA (6.06.2007)
asa creste Sonia :" target="_blank">intr-un an
S , povestea Soniei
"When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout."

mery_anna spune:
Andrei,te iubim muuuuult de tot,stim ca e greu,puiut mic!
Gandurile noastre sunt numai pentru tine!
Asteptam numai vesti bune de la tine!
Minoiu Mariana
Aici il puteti vedea pe Ionut!

lizzy spune:
eu consider mesajul vostru pozitiv. operatia a trecut cu bine, speram din suflet sa nu apara infectii si tesutul pus sa fie functional. doamne-ajuta sa treaca cu bine cele cateva zile decisive.
sper sa reusiti sa va odihniti si voi si el sa-si revina fara probleme. ne gandim la voi...
O minune de bazar - Sonia si Andrei /
Sunt PUTERE si IUBIRE pentru pretioasa Emma, in fiecare zi, ora 13

sirimie spune:
Astept cu nerabdare vesti bune, si recuperare rapida lui Andrei!
Va dorim sa cresteti mari si frumosi!
Simona & Vladut (27 februarie 2005)
Poze la
Andrei are nevoie de ajutor:
Despre Andrei
Sa ne rugam pentru Emma, zilnic orele 13