Sezatoarea canadiana (106)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 17
Dragaica spune:
Pucku Lucrez pentru o companie mai quebecoasa decat toti quebecosii la un loc, a doctorului Jean Marc Brunet , pentru energie,din punctul meu de vedere si al clientilor, vitamine lichide sunt cele mai bune.
Avem un produs numit Biomelnoni, este pe baza de propolis si gele royal in suc de noni. Despre noni am niste povesti fantastice de la clientii haitieni, il numesc castravetele diavolului(era folosit in magie), este un puternic antioxidant, antiinflamator,energizant, face miracole pentru sistemul digestiv(la fel ca aloe vera) iar pentru femeile care au probleme la menstruatie sau menopaza este extraordinar.
Pe perioada scolii eu am luat extract de noni in capsule, nu aveam timp cu lichidul.
Daca ai nevoie de ceva ma gasesti la cel de pe Cote-des-Neiges din Plazza.
Aspiranta la titlul de mamica
Ica 1975 spune:
Dragaica , da' maldite de rozmarin tinctura, gasesc aici?
Ce spui sa si infaptuiesti !
Dragaica spune:
Pucku sotul tau lucreaza, cumva, la o companie numita Tecsult?
Mai.... da ce buna gospodina esti ma faci sa rosesc.
Aspiranta la titlul de mamica
simi spune:
Buna dimineata tuturor! Doua zile daca nu trec pe-aici, imi ia doua ore dupa aia sa ma pun la curent cu ce s-a mai intimplat! Aveti o viteza la scris, mama-mama...
Khristin, pentru tine am intrat... sa vad daca a venit barza. Asteptam si tinem pumnii!
Nelia, intrebai de stilou, de la Bureau en gros am luat eu pentru Alice. Se numeste plume sau fountain pen. Si astea nu-s ca la noi nu cerneala, adica sint si de-alea care se umplu cu cerneala (mai scumpe si mai fancy), dar crezi ca n-am ce face sa-i dau copilului sticla cu cerneala la scoala? Astea au cartuse umplute cu cerneala, cartusele arata ca niste betisoare, copilul il ia si-l baga in stilou si gata. Nu umbla cu cerneala in sticla, nici nu cred ca le-ar permite la scoala! Iti imaginezi ce morfoleala ar fi in ghiozdan!a mea a varsat sticla cu apa, la ce sa ma astept de la calimara?
Mimitete La Multi Ani pentru David!( scuze de intirziere).
Si mult succes fetitei la examene!O sa fie bine, sint sigura!
Vorbeati de RESP, noi sintem acum in situatia de a primi deja banii inapoi, pentru ca fiul meu e deja la studii postsecundare (la cegep). Noi i-am pus lui bani decind am venit aici, adica decind avea 2 ani, ii punem si fetei, dar nu-s foarte incintata. Sintem cu USC, au niste frais-uri uriase de deschidere a dosarului, sint foarte restrictivi daca vrei sa schimbi ceva (adica sa reduci contributia, ca daca vrei s-o maresti se rezolva in doua minute!)
De multe ori am vrut sa inchid conturile, dar penalizarile sint asa de mari ca m-i s-a taiat elanul rapid. Inca ma mai gindesc daca sa continui la Alice, sau sa vad ce iese cu fiul meu si apoi sa decid ce fac. Pentru anul asta, la fiul meu ne-au dat inapoi numai bani din contributia noastra, de la anul incepem sa primim si subventia lor si cea de la guvern. Cum ziceai si tu, Ana, ma apuca niste nervi cind m-apuc sa despic firul in patru... mai bine nu-l mai despic!
Ange, te inteleg perfect si eu... Am trecut pe-acolo. Ai grija de tine, pe mine doctorii nu m-au ajutat cu nimic. M-a ajutat St- John's Wort (sunatoarea). Te pup! Si ia-o incet, cum zicea cineva, ia pe cineva sa te ajute la munca!
Apropo de alegeri, noi votam liberal decind lumea, dar de data asta, Stephane Dion nu ma inspira de nici o culoare. Numai ca Steven Harper e prea hitlerist. Nu pot vota pe cineva care vrea sa trimita copii de 14 ani in inchisoare pe viata sau care sustine un deputat al lui care a afirmat ca criminalitatea in Canada se datoreaza emigratiei! Nu pot sa-l votez si gata! Asa ca sint stuck cu Dion.Off!
Ktrinel, am tot auzit vorbind de "papier commercial" . Ce-i asta ca nu pricep de nici o culoare! Tot un instrument financiar sau ce? Citesc cite un articol si cind dau de cuvintele " pepier commercial" m-i se face negru inaintea ochilor ca nu pot sa pricep ce-i ala!
Week-end placut la toata lumea!
Smile,tomorrow could be worse!
lorelaim spune:
Ina - bine ai revenit sa-tzi traiasca sanatosi si norocosi puiutzii!
Ana - noi atat RRSP cat si RESP le avem la WoodGundy. Daca doresti mai multe amanunte scrie-mi pe e-mai si, cu tot dragul, itzi dau toate detaliile
Dragaica - e tare fain "Le Naturiste" - felicitari pt asa job ; de-acolo mi-am luat ceaiul de frunze de zmeura. Despre noni am citit pe I-net... dar daca imi aduc eu bine aminte face si pofta de mancare pe langa multe alte lucruri bune Pt ochi incearca exercitziile de Yoga a lui N.C. Tufoi si poate gasesti si ceva extracte de afine (din cat am citit eu ajuta la intarirea nervilor oculari).
Miki - multa sanatate lui Mark
Denisa - bafta sa iasa cum itzi doresti cu job-ul
Si, asa pe fuga - un zambet din Suedika pt voi
"Something to think about...
Colin Moon - Are Swedes really that normal?
To communicate effectively cross-culturally the first thing you need to realise is that someone somewhere in the world probably sees you as really quite strange.
That may be difficult for some Swedes to swallow. How could anybody in their right mind consider normal, efficient, level-headed Swedes as strange?
Of course we are normal!
After all, the Swedish starting point is 'we are normal'. Indeed, Swedes have a tendency to think they are a little more normal than others. They believe they are quite sensible, and logical. They are often unaware that the rest of us, their international business partners, may have a different opinion. We think they are amusing, entertaining and, at times, really quite odd.
Take business life for example. Swedes attend meetings. Lots of them.
Three things in Sweden are certain: death, taxes and more meetings.
Mötet gick bra
When Swedes say 'Mötet gick bra' (the meeting went well) what exactly do they mean? There were heated discussions? The meeting went on for ages? The incredible number of decisions that were taken? I doubt it.
Other people on the planet believe that the sole purpose of a meeting is to produce decisions. Swedish meetings, on the other hand, are held to find out whether or not you are at the meeting to decide when the meeting will be to decide when you will meet to talk about what happened at your meeting.
Swedish meetings are short but many. They are arranged to give Bengan, Maggan, and Lasse a chance to say what they think. If you want to reach a decision then you'll have to arrange another meeting because in the meantime Bengan, Maggan and Lasse have to go back to the office and ask Ninni, Kicki and Titti (yes, there are girls of that name) what they think.
This, in Swedish, is called the förankringsprocess. If Swedes mention the word 'process' then it's better not be in a hurry. There's a process for everything. This one means getting everybody involved in everything.
Everyone voices an opinion and everyone listens. Then they compromise.
The word compromise is music to a Swede's ears. Everybody gets something. Not too much and not too little. Nobody wins and nobody loses. They may agree to disagree but what they will agree on is the exact time and date of the next meeting.
Swedes stick to the agenda. They tick off each point after everybody has taken turns discussing it. They have to move quickly through the agenda as they all have another meeting planned ten minutes after this one has finished. They intensely dislike the last point on the agenda which is övriga frågor, 'any other business'. No self-respecting Swede wants to be guilty of causing the meeting to run over time. There is a distinct danger that 'any other business' could drag on and flexibility is not a Swedish strong point.
Decision time
Swedes rarely say yes or no. This means that instead of saying ja or nej they say nja which means 'yes-but-no-but-yes-but'. You see, saying 'yes' or 'no' can lead to conflict so Swedes avoid these words and replace them with 'it depends', 'maybe' and 'I'll see what I can do'.
Foreigners may get heated, irritated or even angry. Swedes call this hysterical behaviour. Hysteria is abnormal and uncomfortable and should preferably not occur in office hours. If, on the other hand, a Swede ever tells you to go a place called 'hellsicke', then, take my word for it, you've upset him.
You may wonder how on earth they ever make a decision. Business Swedes themselves have sometimes called this beslutsimpotens - which, I suppose, means not having the balls to decide one way or another.
Milk and no sugar
Someone once said that if the Swedes gave up their coffee breaks they could retire five years earlier. Coffee is an integral part of any meeting, either as an on-going self-service affair during the discussions or as a separate break. The coffee break is not to be confused with the briefer, more frequent leg-stretcher. Or 'bone-stretcher' as they sometimes call it. The Swedish word for leg and bone is the same.
Work/life balance
Most Swedes are dedicated to finding a healthy work-life balance. They might say they work hard; it's just that they are not often at work to do it.
Look in a Swedish diary and you may get the impression that no one in this country is ever at work. Try to get hold of someone on a Friday afternoon and this will be confirmed. Swedes will start to ask you about your plans for the coming weekend as early as Wednesday afternoon. By Friday lunchtime they have mentally gått för dagen 'left for the day'.
Red days
The Swedes have a fair share of public holidays. In a good year they take as many days off in May and June as most Americans take in a year. And they still have their five weeks vacation to take out when it suits them. Not only do they have 'red days' as the Swedes call their official holidays, but they may be given half the day off before, just to get them into the holiday mood.
If they've planned it well they can take out a klämdag or two, which are odd days between a holiday and the weekend. Come May, June, July the weekends and public holidays more or less combine into one long vacation with the occasional day at the office.
However, fair's fair - when they're at work they're very effective.
But not before 8.30 as they have flexi-time, and not after 4 pm, thank you, as they have to pick up the kids from play school, and not after 2 pm on Fridays, if you don't mind, and preferably not between 1 May and 10 August.
So, there you are Swedes. A short, sharp lesson in how to realise that you are not quite as normal as you think you are.
And thank goodness for that."
May 3, May 2, May 1
"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."
Dragaica spune:
Ica din pacate tinctura de rozmarin nu am.
Lorelaim imi place ce fac, dupa 6 luni am fost promovata ceea ce m-a incurajat, imi pot modifica orarul in functie de universitate si de acasa pana la munca fac 10 minute de mers pe jos la fel si pana la hec.
De afine am ce va, un tonic suedez, am sa-l incerc.
Sarumana de sfaturi fetelor
Aspiranta la titlul de mamica
columbiana spune:
Dragaica, spune-mi te rog frumos daca la voi gasesc asa-ceva:
Pure DHA, ChildLife Essentials
Multivitamine si Minerale
Neuro Optimizer
lorelaim spune:
Dragaica - superfain cand faci un job cu multa placere sa nu uit - eu tot de la mag Le Naturiste am luat si pastilele de Fenugreek si Blessed thistle pt marirea productziei de lapte (pe vremea cand alaptam) si apoi picura laptele de la piept ca de la un robinet stricat
Pt miopie - am dat o cautare pe google cu "afine miopie" si am gasit: care m-a dus mai departe la
apoi am citit
Eu sunt interesata de subiect deoarece eu am -4 la ochiul stg si am avut -0.25 la ochiul dr iar acum la ochiul dr a crescut la -1.25... Iar Gabisor are -1.5 la ambii ochi...
Deocamdata mai citesc - dar nu stiu daca vreodata as incerca operatzie cu laser... imi este teama...
Multa sanatate si numai bine!
May 3, May 2, May 1
"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."
Adaf7 spune:
Dragaica, multumesc mult, am gasit ieri Dong Quai si l-am cumparat. Bineinteles ca am si inceput sa iau. Doamne ajuta tuturor fetelor care trec prin problemele astea! Din ce imi spui tu imi cresc si mie sperantele, dar mi se confirma faptul ca organismului ii trebuie timp de adaptare dupa anticonceptionale - eu am luat 8 ani, recomandate pt acnee (si a dat rezultate) cit si pt ciclu neregulat (asta vine din "mostenirea" de familie). Sint speriata foarte mult de fata pt ca deja au inceput mici cosuri sa apara, si nu ma simt bine nici in general - retinere de apa, balonari, intepaturi in ovare (am intrerupt de 1 luna numai). De Maca am citit, dar nu ii pot da sotului pt ca o data i-am dat niste vitamine + Ginseng si s-a simtit ca naiba de a ajuns la dr :(. daca stii mai multe lucrind in domeniul naturopat (inclusiv pt acnee), imi poti trimite oricind e-mail- sa nu plictisim fetele de pe forum cu problema asta.
Dragaica spune:
Ana multivitamine si minerale am (atat pentru barbati cat si pentru femei si copii)
Neuro optimizer, nu am un produs cu acest nume in schimb am Neuro PS
cel cautat de tine ce are in compositie?
Dha pot spune ca cel mai bun este cel lichid de la compania Greens
Pentru copii nu prea avem sunt 2 -3 companii, pe care sincera sa fiu nu le pot recomanda cu caldura .
Lorelaim jobul asta imi place cu toate ca nu sunt in domeniu, schimb diferite companii sunt dispuse sa-ti ofere formare in produsele lor, iti dau la sfarsit diploma acreditat si banuti sau produse (de cele mai multe ori )am invatat multe.
Adaf dupa ce am lasat anticonceptionalele am avut aceleasi simptome ca tine, mi-a iesit o iritatie pe frunte si pe gat, parca as iar la pubertate
Pentru acnee eu am ulei de trandafir de Chile presat la rece, este bun, dar trebuie sa-l aplici zilnic. am incercat cu sotul il dadeam eu era bine daca eu uitam el nu se dadea, sotul meu este foarte delasator cand vine vorba de treburi din astea.
Este cumva alergic la ceva anume?
Aspiranta la titlul de mamica