Palin versus Obama - a star is born (1)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 15

blackpanterro spune:
Andrada, cred ca raspunsul cu bancile era pt Valentina.
PS.Io mai vreau ca se vade ca esti cineva cu temele facute :)
Adriana si Aidan Alexander(27.06.2005)
A ticket to hell has never been funnier
"You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do."

valentinag spune:
Si io mai vreau,ca e tare interesant ce spui!
Ca de obicei de altfel
"La vita e bella"
De mancare
Din gradina mea

valentinag spune:
Well,le-a dat guvernul celor de la AIG ajutorul cerut,dupa ce,cei de la Allianz facusera o oferta de preluare,dar au fost refuzati!
"La vita e bella"
De mancare
Din gradina mea

Andrada spune:
No acu cit de tuta trebuie sa fii sa folosesti yahoo ptr treburi guvernamentale:
A" target="_blank">Camera lui Marcu

blackpanterro spune:
Nu poate fi urmarit(decat daca e hack-uit).La fel a facut si Karl Rove, folosea reteaua republicana si nu a Casei Albe.
Oricum de acord,Palin e o tuta
Adriana si Aidan Alexander(27.06.2005)
A ticket to hell has never been funnier
"You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do."

Llaura spune:
Marturia hackerului
"[...] I really wanted to get something incriminating which I was sure there would be, just like all of you anon out there that you think there was some missed opportunity of glory, well there WAS NOTHING, I read everything, every little blackberry confirmation… all the pictures, and there was nothing [...]"
Avem deci: pustiul unui state representative democrat, acum cu mari sanse sa ajunga convicted felon si sa petreaca ani in puscarie.
Panterutzo, nu tin cu McCain, doar imi place politica si am o toleranta mai scazuta la bs

lorelaim spune:
"For all the hype that has surrounded Barack Obama, the cruel fact may prove to be that more American voters can identify with the dreams of the white girl from the frontiers than the black man from the Washington beltway."
May 3, May 2, May 1
"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."

blackpanterro spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui Llaura Marturia hackerului "[...] I really wanted to get something incriminating which I was sure there would be, just like all of you anon out there that you think there was some missed opportunity of glory, well there WAS NOTHING, I read everything, every little blackberry confirmation… all the pictures, and there was nothing [...]" Avem deci: pustiul unui state representative democrat, acum cu mari sanse sa ajunga convicted felon si sa petreaca ani in puscarie. Panterutzo, nu tin cu McCain, doar imi place politica si am o toleranta mai scazuta la bs ![]() |
Pai atunci ar trebui sa fi complet contra McSame, e as la BS.Nu a spus el ca "the fundamentals of the economy are strong"? Economia e la pamant si el spune ca e totul ok? Pe ce lume traieste

Adriana si Aidan Alexander(27.06.2005)
A ticket to hell has never been funnier
"You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do."

blackpanterro spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui lorelaim "For all the hype that has surrounded Barack Obama, the cruel fact may prove to be that more American voters can identify with the dreams of the white girl from the frontiers than the black man from the Washington beltway." Lorelai May 3, May 2, May 1 "Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..." |
Adevarul asta e, cati americani se pot identifica cu un om care are "A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review" si unde a terminat Magna Cume Laudae?
A crescut cu o mama (alba) saraca lipita, traiau din food stamps si si-a platit singur scoala avand burse de merit...da intr-adevar e greu sa te indentifici cu asa un om.
E mai simplu sa te identifici cu o tipa mediocra, cam asta e nivelul american(ma intristeaza ca spun asta dar e adevarat).
Adriana si Aidan Alexander(27.06.2005)
A ticket to hell has never been funnier
"You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do."

lorelaim spune:
Blackpanterro - sper ca totusi chiar si omul de rand american sa reuseasca sa vada mai departe decat aceasta simpla "identificare"... caci aici e vorba de cine va conduce una dintre cele mai puternice tzari din lume...
May 3, May 2, May 1
"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."