Strumfi de iulie-august 2007 (80)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 5

cristina26 spune:
John is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and
always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was
doing, he would reply, 'If I were any better, I would be twins!'
He was a natural motivator.
If an employee was having a bad day, John was there telling the employee how
to look on the positive side of the situation.
Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up and asked
him, 'I don't get it!'
'You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?'
He replied, 'Each morning I wake up and say to myself, you have two choices
today. You can choose to be in a good mood can choose to be in a
bad mood
I choose to be in a good mood.'
Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or...I can
choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it.
Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their
complaining or...I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the
positive side of life.
'Yeah, right, it's not that easy,' I protested.
'Yes, it is,' he said. 'Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the
junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations.
You choose how people affect your mood.
You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your
choice how you live your life.'
I reflected on what he said. Soon hereafter, I left the Tower Industry to
start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I
made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.
Several years later, I heard that he was involved in a serious accident,
falling some 60 feet from a communications tower.
After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, he was released from
the hospital with rods placed in his back.
I saw him about six months after the accident.
When I asked him how he was, he replied, 'If I were any better, I'd be
twins...Wanna see my scars?'
I declined to see his wounds, but I did ask him what had gone through his
mind as the accident took place.
'The first thing that went through my mind was the well-being of my
soon-to-be born daughter,' he replied. 'Then, as I lay on the ground, I
remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or...I could
choose to die. I chose to live.'
'Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?' I asked.
He continued, '...the paramedics were great.
They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into
the ER and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I
got really scared. In their eyes, I read 'he's a dead man'. I knew I needed
to take action.'
'What did you do?' I asked.
'Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me,' said John .
'She asked if I was allergic to anything 'Yes, I replied.' The doctors and
nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and
yelled, 'Gravity''
Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as
if I am alive, not dead.'
He lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his
amazing attitude...I learned from him that every day we have the choice to
live fully.
Attitude, after all, is everything.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.' Matthew 6:34.
Ingrid; filmuletul lui Ingrid" target="_blank"> copiii nostri; ingerasul meu Paul

violetan spune:
Frumos, cristina. Eu l-am primit pe mail acum cativa anisi chiar l-am aplicat in cateva situatii limita. Si a mers. Nu pot garanta ca merge in orice situatie...dar macar sa incercam, nu?
Violeta, mami de Laurentiu Cristian 15.08.2007

brazuca25 spune:
mamik de Denisa Maria (20.07.2007)" target="_blank">filmuletz" target="_blank">traduceri

violetan spune:
Violeta, mami de Laurentiu Cristian 15.08.2007

monicabo spune:
Seara buna, ce mai faceti?
Nici nu stiu cum sa incep...vineri ma duc la ecografie morfofetala, mi-e asa o fricaaaa, de mor.
Am avut un vis urat zilele trecute, cum ca nu e bebe bine (nu mai stiu ce) si stau cu frica in san, ma simt ametita si imi tremura picioarele...
Mi-e frica rau...
Mai sunt doar 2 zile... nu stiu ce sa fac sa scap de teama
Sper totusi sa iasa bine...
Ma iertati ca am dat buzna asa....
Monica cu Andreea Ioana - 11 iulie 2007 Poze
Povestea sarcinii si a nasterii
si 14+

ddanagh spune:
Catralu mii de pupici. Asteptam poze.
Eu vin de afara unde m-am intalnit cu administratora blocului a carei fata a nascut acum 3 luni. Am intrebat-o de ce nu ma intalnesc niciodata cu fata, nu-l scoate pe bebe afara? Raspuns: nu, nu prea, ca o mai tin pe balcon
In gasca noastra au venit pe lume multi bebei in ultimul an. Nu ma consider nici pe departe o mama perfecta, toate facem greseli insa vreau sa cred ca nu am fixuri de prost gust (sa nu zic altfel).
Alex de 5 luni - mama-sa nu il ia deloc in brate (decat sa ragaie) ca sa nu se invete in brate. Mie mi se pare absurd. vorba lui mama- parca vin de la sapa si sunt franta. Am un singur copil, fara servici, ce am altceva de facut. Eu am luat-o pe Daria in brate destul si chiar nu se cere in brate. Din contra acum da din picioare sa o lasam pe jos de-a busilea.
Cristian -1 an care saracutul s-a nascut albastru. A avut/are mai multe probleme. Mama-sa il lasa sa planga mult si bine ca sa nu devina un mic tiran. Eram in vizita la prima mamica. Daria si Cristian in camera separata, incercam sa-i adormim. Daria adoarme insa Cristian plangea de mama focului. Ce credeti ca face mama-sa? Iese din camera si-l lasa sa planga. Nu conta ca eram intr-un mediu strain, ca Daria dormea langa el si putea sa o trezeasca. Dupa vreo 5 min m-am dus eu la el si l-am linistit. Maica-sa vine si ea intr-un final, ii zic ca plange si poate sa o trezeasca si pe Daria si imi spune ca o invat prost rau. ca ce? cand o sa o du la cresa ce o sa faca?
Miruna - 11 luni. Mama-sa a pus-o in premergator de la nici 6 luni.
Si tot asa. Ori am eu ceva ori mi se pare ca sunt inconjurata de ....
Dana mamica gingasei Daria (20.07 2007)" target="_blank">filmulet - 9 luni

violetan spune:
Monica, nu-ti face griji! Va fi foarte bine. Nu vreau sa-ti spun ce vise crancene aveam eu in sarcina, evident, de regula inainte de eco, triplu test, analize etc etc etc. E normal...stai linistita si spune-ne cum a fost!
Violeta, mami de Laurentiu Cristian 15.08.2007

ddanagh spune:
Monica curaj. Toate gravidutele au astfel de temeri, sunt normale.Subconstientul lucreaza, dormi mai iepureste si astfel visezi tot felul de aberatii.
Dana mamica gingasei Daria (20.07 2007)" target="_blank">filmulet - 9 luni

monicabo spune:
Merci de vorbele bune!
O sa va povestesc vineri dupaamiaza, si sper sa fie totul ok.
Monica cu Andreea Ioana - 11 iulie 2007 Poze
Povestea sarcinii si a nasterii
si 14+

andicu spune:
Monica, bafta multa! stai linistita ca o sa fie bine! e normal sa ai cosmaruri cu bebe in sarcina!acum deja stii cum e cu burtica, o sa vezi, o sa fie mai usor odata ce te linistesti dupa morfo-fetala!
Catralu, multumim de aprecieri! si tu ai un baiet frumos foc! si roscatel sau blondut? o dulceata!!! puiul mic, ma bucur ca e bine acum si chiar daca n-am apucat sa spun nimic, am citit din urma si am vazut prin ce=ati trecut! ma bucur ca s-a terminat cu bine si va doresc toata sanatatea din lume!
Cristina, f frumos !
Ddanagh, si eu aud aberatii la tot pasul, nu cred ca esti exagerata deloc! imi zicea si mie femeia care ma mai ajuta la curatenie, ca nora-sa ii da baietelului de la 3 luni (acum are aproape 6) lapte de vaca indoit cu ceai, ca n-a mai avut ea lapte!
Sau, copil de 1 an, ii indesa bunica-sa de zor cartofi prajiti de la McD si in cealalta mana tinea paharul de COla! eu si cu vecina-mea ne-am crucit cand am vazut!Andicu, mami de
Filip Gabriel (27 iunie 2007)
Filip la 10 luni" target="_blank">Cum crestem noi