Sezatoarea canadiana (91)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 14

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Deci - protectzia fem vs cea masculina - eu zic ca ambele partzi sunt responsabile in aceeasi masura... si ca sincer nu conteaza absolut deloc (din punctul meu de vedere bineintzeles) care va prelua "greul"...
Eu am luat Triquilar de la 21 de ani (de cand mi-am "inceput viatza sex" :-)) Nu am simtzit absolu nici un efect negativ... Pozitiv a fost in primul rand faptul ca am inceput sa am un ten... absolut superb... spre marea mea surprindre... de ado cu probl! Eu am avut niste probl crunte cu acneea - au trecut cata-cat doar cu drojdie de bere (atat masca pe fatza cat si mancat). De cand am luat Triquilar - wow - nu tu acnee (ei - extrem-extrem-extrem de rar - cate o bubitza absolu nesemnificativa - in special in perioadele fff stressante), nu m-am ingrasat (nu de la Triqi - cel putzin - ci de la foietaje, paine cu unt, cioco :-))... Am citit despre efectele nocive ale anti-conceptzionalelor... da' ce sa zic.. daca eu m-am simtzit bine - am continuat cu ele... Rau cu rau - da' mai rau fara rau :-)
Cand am hotarat sa avem bb - am oprit pastilutza pt 2 luni (in care nimicutza-nimicutza) si apoi in weekend-ul "de miere" am si ramas insarcinata... Ce sa zic - o fii eu "soi bun de prasila" (cum mi-a spus o colega quebecoasa "tu est fait pour la douzaines!" :-)) ca nici macar nu am "muncit din greu" si s-a prins... desi am luat Triqi 13 de ani inainte de a ramane... Perioada de sarcina a mers struna (am fost ca doi indragostitzi... in 9 luni de miere :-))... dar crunt a fost dupa :-( Pe mine, din punt de vedere hormonal, alaptatul m-a dat peste cap :-( Am avut o piele uscata ca hartia creponata indiferent ca ma hidratam din belsug (din cauza estrogenului) - am facut riduri, nu mai puteam face dragoste cu omul meu drag (dacat cu lubrifiant)... :-( De-abia cand prunca a trecut pe mancare solida si alaptatul a devenit un "rasfatz"/alint doar dim si seara... atunci niv de estrogen a revenit cata-cat la normal si viatza si-a intrat pe fagasul ei... aprox ca si "inainte"... asa ca... mie nu hormonii din Triqi m-au afectat... ci cei legatzi de... alaptare... Desi sunt femei care alapteaza cu f multa placere ani indelungatzi si se simt extraordinar de bine...
Apropo de medicam - asa si prea-mult iubitul meu Biseptrim - pe care-l folo cu f mult succes la durerile mele de gat si la tuse - ma vindeca super-rapid (miraculos as putea spune!) - dar are si efecte negative... destul de dure... daca abuzez... ("mananca" acidul folic... printre altele)
Cand ma gandesc la sterilet.... brrr - un obiect strain bagat in corpul meu... brrr... nici macar sa ma gandesc nu pot...
Legarea trompelor... hmmm - ultima mea sefa se plangea ca la 35 de ani si-a legat trompele si la 37 de ani a intrat la... menopauza... O fii ea un caz izolat.... stiu eu?
Vasectomia... eu nu mi-am "coupat" nici motanul (in Ro)... asa ca nici prin gand nu-mi trece sa faca asta cu barbatul iubit :-)
Edit: mai raman "metoda calendarului" - care nu e sigura de loc... "balonasele" - pt cine e comfortabil cu ele... sau... abstinentza - da' asta nu se pune, asa-i? :-)


"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."

Mergi la inceput

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Iar - the last but not the least - stiu ca NU o sa fitzi abslout deloc de-acord cu ce o sa scriu in continuare... nici mama mea nu e... da' din tot ceea ce am obs eu in viatza si am citit... feminitatea si nu feminismul au iesit intotdeauna castigatoare in "lupta" cu "dusmanul" (barbatul :-))...
Adica - a fii sex "slab" are f multe avantaje... O femeie poate cu adevarat sa "joace" pe degete sex-ul "puternic"... "Persuasion est ton nome femme!" cred ca noi femeile am pierdut f mult prin faptul ca ne afisam "puternice" - capabile sa preluam f multe "pe umerii nostri". Din tot ceea ce am citit si ce vad in jurul meu - suntem o societate in care ajutor si suport primesc cei "slabi"... "Copilul care nu plange... nu primeste tzatza..." si "Mielul bland suge de la 2 oi" :-)
Un alt lucru interesant - eu personal ma simt mult-mult mai bine de cand am constientizat ca NU trebuie sa fiu PUTERNICA ca sa reusesc in viatza ci pot sa fiu SLABA si totusi sa fiu f fericita si sa obtzin ceea ce vreau... fara a depune un efort considerabil...
Cred - ca a fii "puternic" inseamna a-tzi accepta "slabiciunile" si a le "exploata" ca si "calitatzi"... Ciudat - dar adevarat - ma gandesc la parabola cu "stejarul si trestia" cand a venit furtuna si stejarul s-a frant dar trestia slabutza - dar flexibila - a rezistat...
Eu - avand un psihic labil (de la zodia Balantzei mi se trage oare? :-)) - sunt o mare plangacioasa... :-( Asta e unul dintre f multele mele defecte... Dar - daca atunci cand eram copil - era considerat un defect si trebuia "eradicat" cu orice pretz - cand am "zburat din cuib" am remarcat ca lacrimile ajuta la obtz rezultattului scontat daca sunt folo la momentul oportun si nu se abuzeaza de ele... Eu care stiam ca lacrimile provoaca doar iritatrea celor din jur (a mamei mele in special) am ramas surprinsa sa vad si rezultatul opus... Nu crize furioase, nu glas ridicat, nu batut cu piciorul in pamant, nu "challengening the man", nu impus parerea proprie... nu-nu-nu... ci glas dulce, bland, calm - usor rugator... iar in ultima instantza lacrimi mari - din suflet, neprefacute (un fel de "iubitul te rog din suflet nu ma dezamagi ca imi sfasii inimioara asta care bate numai pt tine" :-)) si ochi mari de catzel de pripas... Am fost educata ca asemenea atitudini denota "slabiciune" si NU trebuie aplicate sub nici o forma... Din experientze mea de viatza... am descoperit ca functzio... like a "charm"... Cand chiar sunt suparat rau-rau-rau pe omul meu (mi se intampla cam 1data/an maxim) - mai bine tac (si plang de furie - desi as cam sparge niste farfurii!) decat sa spun lucruri pe care apoi sa le regret o viatza intreaga... Am remarcat ca in cazul nostru "pedeapsa tacerii" si a lacrimilor e cea mai dureroasa si greu de suportat de catre sotzul meu...
Oricum - chiar fiind casatorite - cred ca nu trebuie sa lasam la o parte faptul ca sotzii nostri sunt si raman BARBATZI care trebuie permanent "persuadatzi" cu blandetze si facutzi sa se simta intotdeauna PUTERNICI, ocrotitori, provideri si... BARBATZI! (cred ca de aceea nici nu pot sa ma gandesc sa-l "coupez"... :-))


"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."

Mergi la inceput

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Acum - dupa asa o poliloghie ( - promit sa stau cuminte "in banca mea" pt o buna bucata de vreme :-)
Deci - duminica 18 mai plecam in vacantza in Tunis pt 1 sapt, iar in 8 iunie plecam pt "training on the job" la Genova/Italia pt 3 sapt.
Deoarece - nu prea cred ca o sa mai am timp sa mai dau pe-aici (sa scriu :-)) prea curand - doresc sa va urez tuturor o vara faina, calduroasa, numai bucurii si impliniri pe toate planurile sa avetzi!
Cautatorilor de job-uri: bafta la interviuri si mult-mult succes la noile job-uri!
Noilor proprietari: sa stapanitzi casutzele cu sanatate si numai bucurii! sa le "aranjatzi" sa fie cu-adevarat "cuibuletze de dragoste", armonie si intzelegere!
Vacantza faina si "safe trip" celor care pleaca spre zari mai insorite :-)
Sarcina usoara Kristin si Ina!
Apropo de "sa ai si job si sa potzi sa stai si cu pruncutzii" - marea norocoasa de pe sub-forum-ul nostru - zic ca e MQQM care lucreaza de-acasa! Fericit-o :-) Te invidiez - in sensul cel mai pozitiv! Ce mi-as dori si eu sa pot sa lucrez (din punctul meu de vedere independentza financiara nu e un subiect de gluma in fam :-)... ce mi-ar place sa-mi pot comanda si eu o carte pe Amazon fara sa fie nevoie sa folo visa sotzului!) si tot-odata sa pot continua sa ma ocup de Gabisor ca si pana acum! MQQM - chiar nu avetzi nevoie de nimeni pe la voi pe la firma care sa lucreze... orice ;-) remotely... din Suedia? :-)
Va tzuck si sa ne auzim cu bine


"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."

Mergi la inceput

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Pt cei care (inca) doresc sa emigreze in Canada... se pare ca e nevoie de "fortza de munca" din plin :-) (dar imi amintesc totodata un comentariu de la art "Canada is not a hotel": "Canada is giving you a chance - not a guarantee.")

Canada faces severe worker shortage
A time bomb has been created by demographics
Canwest News Service

OTTAWA -- When Prime Minister Stephen Harper gathered the country's premiers at 24 Sussex Drive last fall, he wanted them to focus on what he saw as the country's No. 1 economic problem: Within a decade or two, there simply will not be enough workers in the country.
Although recent headlines about thousands of layoffs in Canada's struggling manufacturing sector may suggest otherwise, Harper and his cabinet are struggling to find ways to boost training programs and increase immigration to find more workers to avoid what some Conservative strategists say is an "economic time bomb."
That Canada is heading for a problem seems unavoidable. In the last 50 years, Canada's workforce grew by 200 per cent. That growth was responsible for raising standards of living and creating the public and private wealth the country now enjoys. But government forecasters say that, without some radical changes, the workforce will only grow by 11 per cent in the next 50 years -- and that figure includes the effects of current levels of immigration.
"Our demographics are working against us," Human Resources Minister Monte Solberg said in a speech yesterday to the Canadian Building and Construction Trades' Legislative Conference.
"Baby boomers are set to retire and our low birth rate means demand for workers will soon outstrip supply."
Already, more than 80 per cent of working-age Canadians have a job -- an all-time high.
Solberg marshalled the following data to back up his claim:
- British Columbia will be short 350,000 workers over the next 12 years.
- Alberta will require 100,000 workers over the next 10 years.
- Ontario will need 560,000 more workers by 2030.
- Quebec will have 1.3 million job openings by 2016.
Canada's labour market has consistently defied market forecasters for the last three years. Despite a high dollar, which makes Canadian workers relatively more expensive than workers in other countries, there were 325,000 new jobs created in Canada in the last 12 months. That job gain comes despite the loss of more than 113,000 jobs in manufacturing. In other words, the economy not only replaced those 113,000 lost manufacturing jobs, it also created an additional 325,000 jobs. The construction sector alone has grown by more than 103,000 workers.
And, as the Bank of Canada noted in its monetary policy report last week, year-over-year wage growth has been strong as well, suggesting that well-paying manufacturing jobs are being replaced with equally well-paying jobs elsewhere.
© Times Colonist (Victoria) 2008

Skills shortage to worsen
Threat To Economy; Third of employers already in trouble

Eric Beauchesne
Canwest News Service

OTTAWA - Nearly one in three Canadian employers has difficulty filling skilled positions, a new survey suggests. While that's down slightly from last year, the reprieve is temporary and the skills shortages will get worse, says Manpower Canada in an analysis of Manpower's third annual global survey released yesterday.
"The situation is set to worsen over the next 10 years as social and demographic changes such as falling birthrates, ageing populations and increased migration take hold," said Lori Procher, Manpower Canada vice-president. "This leaves employers not only with a requirement to increase the flow of workers across the entire talent spectrum, but also with the need to find the right candidates with the right skills to fit the demands of their companies."
The latest survey found 31% of employers across Canada are finding it more difficult to fill skilled positions, down from 36% last year, while the proportion not having difficulty edged up to 69% from 64%.
The easing of the shortage reflects the impact of the global economic slowdown, Ms. Procher said in an interview, noting that in the United States, the proportion of companies having difficulty finding skilled workers fell to 22% this year from 41% last year, and in Mexico to just 28% from 82%.
"The demographic shift that fuels the shortage is not going to change," she said.
The release of the report follows a warning to members of Parliament last week that the economy is threatened by a skills shortage "crisis." "The opportunity cost for students, employers and the economy is enormous," James Knight, president of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges told the Commons Industry Committee. "Pressure on colleges and institutes to meet the needs of employers is intense," he said, citing a survey that found 42% of the skills shortages are in occupations that require college or apprenticeship training, compared with 7% in jobs requiring university education.
"Unfortunately, thousands of qualified students, who with training would be employed immediately, languish on wait lists owing to a capacity shortfall," Mr. Knight said.
The problem is community colleges and technical institutes are suffering from a shortage of capital investment that's needed to repair and expand classroom facilities and modernize technical equipment.
"Waiting will not make the problem go away," Mr. Knight warned MPs. Meanwhile, the Canada Manpower survey found that the 10 skills most in demand are skilled manual trades, sales representatives, engineers, accounting and financing, labourers, nurses, teachers, drivers, machinists and machine operators, and secretaries and other office support staff.
"Talent shortages are rendering to-day's organizations leaner than ever before," Ms. Procher said. While businesses have long warned Canada is facing a growing skills shortage, and one that will increase as Baby Boomers retire, the shortage of some other industrial countries is even greater, it noted, suggesting there will be increased global competition for skilled workers.
Manpower Inc. surveyed nearly 43,000 employers across 32 countries and territories including 1,742 employers as part of its third survey in Canada.
© National Post 2008


"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."

Mergi la inceput

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Ktrinel - parca tu erai f ingrijorata de pretzurile care au luat-o "razna"... Uite aici ce se intampla in UK:

Gas bills set to rocket by 30% next winter
By BECKY BARROW - Last updated at 03:44am on 12th May 2008

Sixteen million British Gas customers face price rises of up to 30 per cent next winter.

They have already seen charges go up seven times in five years, almost doubling the average dual fuel bill to more than £1,000.

A typical household now pays £653 a year for gas compared with £370 in 2003. The figure could hit £750 later this year.

In January, gas prices jumped 15 per cent while electricity charges moved up by between 12 and 19 per cent.

Another increase by British Gas is certain to be followed by its major rivals, sending thousands more customers on fixed incomes into "fuel poverty".

This is defined as a household which spends 10 per cent or more of its disposable income on energy.

Centrica, British Gas's parent company, is expected to sound a coded warning about higher charges at its annual meeting today. It is likely to say soaring wholesale prices must be passed on to its customers.

In a trading update to the London Stock Exchange, it is expected to say the price it is paying for supplies has almost doubled in a year.

Crisis: The Mail's cost of living index reveals food inflation soars to 19 per cent
Iain Turner, a research analyst at Deutsche Bank, said: "Gas and electricity prices are at record highs. They require Centrica to raise prices by a politically-difficult 20 per cent just to stand still."

A spokesman for Centrica declined yesterday to comment on the speculation about another price rise.

Last year, the firm imported around 27 per cent of its gas. The figure this year is expected to be 40 per cent, rising to 75 per cent by 2015.

Latest figures show British Gas Residential made operating profits of £571million in the past financial year, a six-fold increase on the previous 12 months.

Despite this, Centrica's share price is at a near two-year low and shareholders are pressing for a better return on their investments.

Stealth charges imposed by the Health Service and local councils are costing households an extra £10billion a year under Labour, it was claimed yesterday.

The levies include parking tickets, school meals, congestion charges and the cost of hospital telephones and televisions.

The figures, which come from the Taxpayers' Alliance, show the Government took £517.1billion in tax last year, up £223billion on 1997-98.

In that time, stamp duty receipts on property sales rose from £3.5billion to £14.3billion.

Families now need £1,000 more than this time last year - just to put food on the table

Last updated at 00:46am on 12th May 2008

Millions of families are having to spend almost £1,000 a year extra on food after more punishing price rises.

The annual increase in the price of a basket of essentials surged to 19.1 per cent in May, according to the Daily Mail Cost of Living Index.

The rate has jumped alarmingly from 15.5 per cent in April – a 3.6 per cent rise – and there is no sign of the pressure easing.

There is now a worldwide crisis over supplies of key crops such as corn, wheat and rice. It has triggered food riots in some countries. And in the UK it has brought the biggest rises in bills in a generation.

A family which spent £100 a week on food last year now has to find another £19.10 for the same products, equivalent to £993 a year. Once "must-pay" bills for petrol, mortgages, power and council tax are added, the extra cost is more like £2,200.

Yet the official inflation rate is just 2.6per cent. Experts say a worldwide drive to produce biofuels – made from corn, wheat and soya as an alternative to oil – is a major factor.

Farmers have switched from food production to biofuel crops.

Last month, the EU agreed the biofuel content of all petrol and diesel should be 2.5 per cent.

This is set to rise to 10 per cent by 2020. But the Government's two most senior scientists, Professor John Beddington and Professor Robert Watson, have called for a rethink on the rush to biofuels.

Professor Beddington said: "It's very hard to imagine the world growing enough crops to produce renewable energy and at the same time meet the enormous demand for food."

Gordon Brown is understood to be preparing to call on the EU to scrap the plan.

The effect of biofuels on food prices has been dramatic. A litre of corn oil has more than doubled in a year, to £1.38, in one of the big supermarkets. Fusilli pasta, made from wheat, is up 81 per cent, a baguette by 41 per cent and Weetabix cereal 21 per cent.

Farmers are also facing huge increases in feed bills, leading to dearer meat and dairy products. Milk is up 16.6 per cent, English butter by 62 per cent and mild cheddar by 25.6 per cent.

Free-range eggs, which come from hens fed a corn mix, have leapt in price by an alarming 47.4 per cent in a year to £2.58 a dozen.

Basmati rice is up more than 60 per cent in 12 months and Britain's biggest supplier, Tilda, has warned of a further rise of around 30 per cent in the coming year.

Chancellor Alistair Darling has called on his EU counterparts to take radical steps on food prices. He wants 'fundamental reform' of the controversial Common Agricultural Policy.

The soaring price of oil is the second major factor battering consumers. Figures from the AA show the cost of diesel has risen by a quarter in the past year, while unleaded petrol is up 15.4 per cent.

The organisation says motorists are the victims of international oil speculators and UK taxes.

Spokesman Luke Bosdet said: "The oil companies tell us there is no shortage, but market speculators are having a field day gambling on prices.

"It is a pantomime. The Government is threatening to add another 2p in duty in October. We think the Chancellor needs to announce as soon as possible that this will be postponed."

The higher price of oil is dragging up the cost of both gas and electricity.

Householders who have seen a 15per cent increase so far this year face another 25per cent rise by September.

The Daily Mail Cost of Living Index is compiled in association with the price comparison websites MySupermarket. and

MySupermarket offers price comparisons across the big three chains – Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's.

Many families, however, are changing to budget stores such as Aldi, Lidl and Netto.

Sales of fresh produce at Aldi are up a remarkable 40 per cent year-on-year. The Government's official inflation rate, the Consumer Prices Index, is expected this week to put inflation at around 2.6 per cent.

The Office for National Statistics argues that falls in the price of electrical gadgets, clothes and furniture offset the increases in food. But critics say that fails to reflect real life.

Tim Wolfenden of uSwitch said: "Consumers must be feeling like the rug is being pulled out from under their feet. Every time they regain their balance another set of price hikes knocks them over again.

"However you look at it, 2008 is shaping up badly for British consumers."


"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."

Mergi la inceput

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Oana, La Multi Ani Antoniei !!!!


Ce faci te si face.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns carmen77 spune:

Donia, nu stiu nici eu pe cine mosteneste blond ... o fi o gena "scapata" prin arborele genealogic al familiei sotului .. ca in rest seamana f bine cu taica-su, numai la culoarea parului nu ... si ma mai gandesc io ca poate se mai inchide mai incolo parul la culoare, ca sa nu faca asa o imagine contrastanta cu noi restul (eu, sotul si Matei) ... LOL.


Carmen si Matei Gabriel + Marc David

Mergi la inceput

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Lorelaim-multumim de stiri si urari.Va dorim vacantze minunate si in Tunisia si in Italia,sa aveti fun si sa fitzi sanatosi.Poze cu "teroristiimei:

-dc asta va doritzi si sunteti ready sa o luati de la capat,bafta!
Pe toata lumea pupam si va dorim weekend minunat,noi plecam de maine pina miercuri cel putin,la cottage-dc vremea tine cu noi stam pina pe 25mai.

Denisa 'de Emma Andreea (17 Ian.2006)si Mark Alex(5 Iulie 2007)

Mergi la inceput

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fetelor, multam mult pentru gandurile bune. Asta va fi ceva pentru 2009, ca zic eu ca pe 2008 ne-am facut portia de evenimente majore



Mergi la inceput

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Nelia, mult succes la echilibrarea balantei si impartirea responsabilitatilor (nu o spun ironic, ci din toata inima). Sunt convinsa insa ca succesul in privinta asta vine insa din modul cum s-a contruit relatia dintre parteneri inca de la inceput si de-a lungul timpului, de potrivirea de mentalitati (si nu de caractere), de cat de unitare sunt interesele ambilor parteneri, de cata toleranta/intelegere/ sprijin isi acorda partenerii unul altuia. Din pacate insa, in destul de multe familii (ma refer aici la cultura noastra), echilibrul asta e fictiv, eventual fals afisat sau mascat prin politica strutului (daca ne facem ca nu vedem o problema, poate ca ea si dispare sau nu exista). Putine persoane au curajul sa discute cinstit despre astfel de treburi si cu siguranta una din ratiuni este teama de a fi apoi judecat, catalogat, etichetat.
Strict din punctul de vedere al subiectului in amploarea lui generala (nu legat de niste indivizi/cazuri anume) discutia unor astfel de what’s right and what’s not deja ma oboseste (nu in sensul de lehamite, ci strict in sensul propriu de oboseala), pe langa ca a inceput sa mi se para descurajanta. Simt ca e o chestiune de genul Don Quijote de la Mancea. Educatia pana la 18 ani primita privitor la raportul de relatii dintre doi parteneri joaca un rol hotarator, iar aici ma refer la ce te-au invatat parintii direct sau indirect prin exemplul comportamentului lor. De modul cum parintii (caci mi-e greu sa mai dau vina pe societate aici, altfel de ce ar exista unii albi si unii negri) te invata sa privesti aceste lucruri depinde cum vei aborda tu ca adult relatia ta cu partenerul. Din pacate multi parteneri frustrati (fie ei barbati, femei, depinde de fiecare situatie in parte) nu-si dau seama ca efortul lor e deja inutil indreptat catre partener, pt ca acolo e greu sa mai « aranjezi » ceva (ma rog exista o marja de schimbare pe care poti s-o aduci, insa ea e limitata). Efortul ar trebui indreptat mai degraba catre copii, caci ei sunt cei care sunt inca virgini si nu au apucat sa formeze prejudecati, stereotipii. Ei ar trebui educati ca lucrurile stau asa si nu asa (dupa cu mvede fiecare ca trebuie sa stea lucrurile). Si astfel sa speri ca undeva lantul asta se intrerupe si nu se mai preda stafeta vechilor mentalitati. De-aia mentalitatile se schimba greu. Coportamentul da, poti sa-l schimbi poate de la o zi la alta, dar mentalitatea… e chestiune de durata, iar cand spun durata ma refer la ordinul generatiilor, nu anilor sau lunilor.
Femei a crezut ca daca s-a emancipat si si-a acordat singura drepturi, egalitati si alte avantaje, asta inseamna automat ca societate ii si recunoaste aceste drepturi, lucru care pune in discutie cat de multe castiguri a obtinut in fapt femeia. Ce s-a schimbat in realitate si ce a ramas la fel? Multe din schimbari s-au petrecut, dupa parerea mea, mai degraba la nivel comportamental si mai putin la nivel de mentalitate. Pana si-n america zilelor noastre (ca sa nu mai vorbim de Ro) exista discriminari pe sex, convingerea ca femeile nu pot face cutare lucru la fel de bine ca barbatii si invers (am si-un exemplu amuzant din categoria asta: mi-aduc aminte cand era Adrian la NICU si acolo printre acei mici sugaci era si un asistent medical si imi amintesc cu cata ardoare respingea o mamica de acolo ideea asta : «ce cauta un barbat acolo? Cum isi permite ala sa o intrebe/verifice daca si cat mai are de alaptat bebelusul ? etc. L-am cunoscut si eu pe nenea cu pricina, am nimerit pe tura lui in una din diminetile si saracului om i se citea pe fatza stresul de a nu cumva sa-l acuze vreo mamica de acolo de ceva).
Ideea e ca suntem inca mult sub nivelul zero al oceanului si pana om ajunge sa ne catzaram pe varful icebergulul mai e mult.

Lorelai, perioada aia post partum pe care o descrii tu acolo e cam la toata lumea, caracteristic as spune. In plus si eu am trecut printr-o deshidratare a pielii crunta dupa ambele nasteri (ca sa nu mai vorbesc cat de uscata si curata eram pe alte parti ). Pe mine pilulele nu ma deranjeaza din punct de vedere al unor eventuale efecte secundare, caci nici la mine nu au existat. De ingrasat n-a fost vorba, stari psihice aiurea n-am avut de la ele, insa dupa ce am patit ce-am patit cu adrian si dupa ce realizezi ca echilibrul asta natural e uneori foarte fragil si chestiuni aparent minore pot face o diferenta in a te situa in procentele fericite sau cele nefaste, mi-am schimbat mult optica asupra anumitor lucruri si hormonii astia au fost una dintre ele (oricum, nici inainte nu ma simteam eu prea mandra ca bag hormoni in mine, dar pana atunci mi se parea cel mai bun rau necesar dintre toate).

"Tot ceea ce nu te doboara, te face mai puternic"
Alex (3 ani) si Adrian (1.5 ani) ..... poze I," target="_blank"> II si III

Mergi la inceput