Fetele din America (102)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Andrada spune:

Ca tot vorbeam de mcgreevey ca sotia n-avea spine, no iaut-o:
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Theodore Pedersen Had Threesomes with Jim and Dina Matos McGreevey

Atlanta, GA 3/17/2008 02:37 PM GMT (FINDITT)

Theodore "Teddy" Pedersen said Sunday that he had threesomes with the former New Jersey Governor James "Jim" McGreevey and his wife, Dina Matos. Pedersen is the former driver of the former governor.

McGreevey announced on Aug. 12, 2004 that he was a "gay American", even though he was married for four years.

In Matos McGreevey's 2007 memoir "Silent Partner", she claims she did not know that McGreevey was gay. However, Pedersen said she obviously knew because she was there during their threesomes, giving explicit details to the New York Post in an interview Sunday.

Pedersen, who already gave such details in the couple's divorce proceedings, said that Matos McGreevey is a hypocrite herself, especially after taking the side of Silda Wall Spitzer during her husband Eliot's recent sex scandal.

"It's frustrating to hear her call Gov. Spitzer a hypocrite while she's out there being as dishonest as anyone could be about her own life," said Pedersen, 29.

"She's framed herself as a victim - yet she was a willing participant. She had complete control over what happened in her relationship," he said. "She was there, she knew what was happening, she made the moves. We all did. It's disgusting to watch her play the victim card."

Pedersen became McGreevey's driver while he was mayor of Woodbridge, N.J. in the late 1990s. The threesomes began then, continuing through their marriage in 2000, but ended before he was elected Governor in 2001.

"He liked watching me, and she would watch me while she was [performing sex acts] with Jim," Pedersen said. "In my opinion, me being a part of their sexual relationship enhanced it for both of them."

Pedersen said the threesome started as an "idea" he and McGreevey tossed around during the aide's long hours while he drove the politician around.

"Jim and I thought we could see if she would go for it - beyond just the hints in conversation.

"So one night, we came in. I went down to the basement bathroom, and when I came up, to my shock, she was basically undressed and on the loveseat with Jim. So I sat on the couch and watched and eventually joined in.

"And that's how it got going," he said. "We came up with this nice little formula for making it work."

Neither Dina Matos nor Jim McGreevey returned calls for comment. Lawyers for both said, "No comment."

The photo gallery has several pictures of Dina Matos and Jim McGreevey.

For more people news, please check out http://news.finditt.com/NewsList.aspx?cat=14&wcat=16

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ruxij spune:

Andrada, pai in asteptarea Onelului, hai si la mine'n lista de YM dc. vrei of cors. Poate preseaza o problema arzatoare vreodata si Onelu' nu'i pe faza Si cine mai doreste de la gagicile de America:

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lai spune:

Lia, n-ai gresit la taxe cand zici tu ca erai pe F-1, asa e dupa 5 ani esti resident for tax purposes chiar daca nu esti resident for any other purpose.

Sanzi, si noi tre' sa ne mutam si avem de ales intre Houston si Eugene (Oregon). Nu prea stim ce sa alegem (fetelor, dati-va cu parerea).. Poate ne intalnim la Houston


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Link direct catre acest raspuns ruxij spune:

Aha, merci Lai, asa am zis si eu. Eu oricum sunt asa de increzuta incat am avut totdeauna impresia ca le stiu mai bine decat aia de la taxe, care mi se par cam prostalai

Din ce imi povestisi pe PM parca balanta ar inclina nitel catre Oregon. Dar cred ca e chestie de "personal feeling", cum vi se pare voua, care loc/oameni va atrag. Eu prefer orasele mai mici, de plictisit n-am timp.
Oricum, in Houston nu cred ca te plictisesti.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns liris spune:

pai depinde ce oferte ai/aveti, nu? ca nu-s doua universitati/companii egale .

ceteris paribus, as alege Oregon.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns sinzi_ana spune:

Lai, hai la Houston, sa facem hora mare acolo!!!!
Mie imi e teama sa ma mut...avem aici prieteni foarte buni de care suntem foarte apropiati...imi va fi foooarte greu sa plec...

Mira, noroc cu paianjenul tau ca imi da vant!!! Daca imi e de ceva frica, de paianjeni...am si cosmare cu ei protagonisti...brrrr....nu ii suport!!!!

David e in vacanta o sapt...m-am zgarcit sa platesc 350$ (in plus de tariful lunar) pt spring camp si acum ma chinui cu el la job. Doamne cat poate sa vorbeasca...asa or fi toti??? Nu ii tace gura deloc!!!! Ba chiar a raspuns la 2 telefoane cat eu lucram si incercam sa le ignor

“One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child.

Sinzi, Radu si David psihologul
varsta, poze, Disneyland 2008
Repetitie pt concert la pian

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Ramona J spune:

Fetele cu mutatul ... incerc sa-mi mai amintesc criteriile dupa care am ales locul in care sa ne mutam.
La noi a fost putin altfel, pentru ca nu am mers dupa oferta de job. Am ales locul si inainte sa ne mutam cautaram jobul.
Dincolo de asta Dallasul l-am ales pentru clima si preturile mici la case. Apoi am cautat sa aflu despre poluare, superfund sites, calitatea scolilor (inclusiv lista Newsweek cu cele mai bune licee - desi mai avem pina acolo, dar cred ca e indicator bun pentru scolile care "feed into" acele licee), muzee, parcuri etc.
Apoi, pentru ca Dallasul e foarte intins si n-am avut cum sa "calcam" toate cartierele, am cautat pe internet magazinele Whole Foods (nu rideti, m-am gindit ca pe linga as vrea eu sa stau!), alte magazine mai fancy etc. Asa am putut sa-mi dau seama unde mi s-ar potrivi mai bine sa locuiesc. Am luat la puricat si scolile publice, intii pe siteul Greatschools.
Deci am cautat cit mai multe pe internet, la Dallas am fost doar intr-o vizita scurta.
In final a iesit bine, imi place aici. Ideea e sa nu va pripiti, vedeti si voi ce criterii sint mai importante.

The best thing you can do for your children is to love your wife.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns sinzi_ana spune:

Ramona, iti spun sincer ca aseara il intrebam pe sotul meu daca in Houston or avea Whole Foods!!! haha...ce coincidenta!!!
Cam astea sunt si criteriile noastre...pretz case, scoli, cartier, criminalitate si whole foods
Aici (cu exceptia preturilor la case) le avem pe toate plus prietenii dragi

“One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child.

Sinzi, Radu si David psihologul
varsta, poze, Disneyland 2008
Repetitie pt concert la pian

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ruxij spune:

Au Whole Foods. Sunt de toate in Houston. Din pacate nu stau prea bine cu criminalitatea, mai ales dupa Katrina cand au venit multi din refugiati.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns blackpanterro spune:

Mie imi place foarte mult Houston.Poate pt ca nu am fost in alta parte :) , ce nu imi place insa este ca ship channel produce multa poluare, la fel si rafinariile pe care le vezi la tot pasul.Mie mi se pare, mereu cand ajung in Houston, ca miroase greu dar poate fi si de la combinatia de umezeala cu tot ce e prin aer.
In rest super, e un oras foarte liberal desi e in TX, pt noi conteaza mult treaba asta.Dar nu stim unde vom locui in final :)

Adriana si Aidan Alexander(27.06.2005)

"With or without religion, good people would do good things and evil people would do evil things; but for good people to do evil things—that takes religion" - Steven Weinberg - Nobel Prize winner

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