***Ultimul hop pentru SONIA : 77.480 $ (5)***
Raspunsuri - Pagina 14

chris27 spune:
Draga mea Oana si...draga Soniuta!!!!!Asta in mod special..."A mai trecut un an prin noi|A fost si soare,au fost si ploi,\Dar important este c-ai stat cu mine..."Draga mea prietena...iti trimitem al '"nustiucatelea pupiuc"si te invitam sa...pui dorinta!....In mai putin de o ora,va fi timpul...Oricum,stiu ca nu-ti ia mai mult de cateva secunde sa te decizi.Poate,nici macar atat...De-a lungul timpului,multi membrii ti-au fost "mai alaturi"decat ti-am putut fii ,noi!Si...le multumim ,din toata inima!...
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chris27 spune:
Draga Sonia....Acum cand dorintele urca la cer mai usor...iti doresc sa fii fericita,sa o bucuri pe mamica ta zi de zi...Draga Sonia si...draga Oana...va doresc tot binele din lume!Dragostea nu se masoara in nimic\\e vorba despre ceea ce inima ta simte!Dincolo de cuvinte si de tot!....Chiar si acolo unde crezi ca nu mai ai nimic de oferit!Nu inseamna ca s-a sfarsit!Viata merge mai departe!...Va pup si va iubesc din toata inima!
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www.sonia.as.ro/" target="_blank">ajutati o fetita minunata!
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kay spune:
LA MULTI ANI, Chris ! Primeste o maaaare imbratisare de la mine si de la Soso, un pupic mare de tot si restul... ti l-am scris la capsunici ! Iti multumesc din suflet ca esti aici, langa noi, mereu, indiferent daca mai speram sau nu. te iubim si noi mult de tot, prietena draga !
oana de
SOSONICA (6.06.2007)
asa creste Sonia
ACTE diferite interventii, diagnostice etc.


stuart spune:
Oana, CONDOLEANTE pt. tatal tau!
In al doilea rand, pupacesc pe SOSO grasunic si vesel! Ma pt. voi sa invingeti toate aceste obstacole si Sonia sa scape cat mai repede spitale si operatii.
Ajutati-o pe Sonia
Ai izbutit? Continua!
N-ai izbutit? Continua!


kay spune:
stuart, iti multumesc. mie inca nu-mi vine sa cred. stau si ma uit la tel si astept sa ma sune cum ma suna el de 30 de ori pe zi... si nu suna. si mai rau e ca sotia lui ii foloseste telefoanele si e tare greu si nici nu-mi vine sa raspund... offf
cat despre Sonia, operatii si spital... e ca la Disneyland. deja stim exact ce e de facut, tac, pac, operatie, controale si acasa. cam asa e cu operatiile astea pe cord. in 3 zile e pe picioare si inca 5 si e acasa ! acum nu stiu nici cat poate sa o duca asa, o rezista ea, dar cat o sa mai poata? sper ca data viitoare o sa fie corectia si gata !
gata, v-am pupat ca ma duc sa o spal, sa o duc la nani !
oana de
SOSONICA (6.06.2007)
asa creste Sonia:www.onetruemedia.com/share_player_link_image/63e6ea475473c2ddd2fc4c/601" target="_blank"> intr-un an
ACTE diferite interventii, diagnostice etc.


Ma bucur enorm ca sunteti bine.Poate se mai face o intalnire la capsunele la care sa puteti veni si voi.Sincer asi vrea sa o strang in brate pe Sonia si sa o pupacesc mult de tot.Mie foarte draga fetita ta chiar daca nu am vazut-o decat virtual.Am stat de fiecare data cu sufletul la gura asteptand vesti de la voi si m-am rugat mult pentru Sonia si pentru tine Oana sa-ti dea putere sa ai grija de fata.
Va pup mult si eu si familia mea (inclusiv Alex).


kay spune:
Chowpersa, te am mult de tot, pe tine si pe Alex !
eu vin sa va zic ca Sonia e din ce in ce mai independenta. se ridica singurica in picioare si daca se tine de ceva merge bine ! acum problema e ca nu mai vrea sa doarma. o pun in patut si in 3 miscari e in picioare, se plimba prin patut si chiuuie vesela. a, si i-a revenit si vocea, nu mai are probleme ! si toooata ziua chiuie si sta in picioare, se fataie si a inceput sa se manifeste sonor-plagacios daca nu o duc unde vrea, daca nu ii dau ce vrea. ma striga cand ies din cameara sau cand nu ma vede , nu spune mama, dar striga aaaaa, aaaa dupa mine ! e tare dulce ! o duc in parc si o dau in leagane, in tobogan (tinuta, normal) mergem, ne plimbam... a fost si singura cu taica`su da m-au solicitat urgent pe motiv ca a adormit in carucior si nu stie ce sa faca cu ea...
e innebunita cand vede laptop-ul, apasa pe taste si intotdeauna strica ceva. azi am scos-o pe balcon cu tot cu masuta ei si a mancat singurica, invarte ligurita in mancarica si aduna ceva si uneori nimereste gurita. am inceput sa-i dau mai pasat, mai intreg, s-a prins care-i faza cu mestecatul. a mancat cu mare placere spaghete bologneze !
cu conturile suntem mai pe 0, dupa ce operatia a costat cu 20.000 euro mai mult decat trebuia, plus aia 17.000 din primavara pt spitalizarea cu infectia la plamani+ burtica... om vdea, important ca acum e bine si inca nu trebuie banuti.
va pup mult si o sa mai pun poze cu ea in picioare si mergand ! anunt cand reusesc sa incarc !
oana de
SOSONICA (6.06.2007)
asa creste Sonia : www.onetruemedia.com/shared?p=63e6ea475473c2ddd2fc4c&skin_id=601&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=image" target="_blank">intr-un an
ACTE diferite interventii, diagnostice etc.
"When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout."


kay spune:
asta am primit pe mail de la nemti.
we report to you about our common patient Conovaru Sonia Maria, born on 06.06.2007, from RO-Bucharest, Sos. Alexandria No.1 bl.1 sc4 et1 ap41, which differs from 09.05.2008 to 30.05.2008 in our inpatient treatment was.
Hypotrophes newborn of the 37 + 1 SSW GG 2270 g
Kongenital corrected transposition of the great arteries
Pulmonalatresie with ventricular nichtrestriktiven
Persisting Ductus Arteriosus
03.08.07: disconnect the persistent ductus arteriosus, annex a 3.5-mm GORE-AP
Truncus shunt from the left pulmonary artery
14.02.08 HK: balanced ventricle, pulmonary Shuntstenose at the end
06.03.08 HK: no safe stenosis of the left BTA
20.05.08 OP: replacement of the AP-shunts against 4 mm GORE shunt
Medical history:
The resumption of the operation was planned for the 19.05.08. Mrs Geambasu had already stationary with her daughter presented since last increased saturation fluctuations (to below 70%) occurred and are at home no longer felt safe. Recently, the eating habits also slightly worse. The strength was normal. Medication: warfarin for INR. No known allergies to drugs.
Recording investigation:
Extraordinary general condition, very lively, peripheral and central cyanosis, pulse status and downright seitengleich. Pulmo: tachypnea, something long Experium with experiatorischem stridor, no Rasselgeräusche. Abdomen: liver about 1 cm below ribbed sheets, soft, lively bowel sounds. Mouth: no redness. Periorales eczema. No swelling lymph nodes. Herztöne in pulmo-national auskultierbar not obstruction. Saturation from 75 to 80%. Blood pressure right arm 112/46 (70) mmHg, left arm 113/74 (89) mmHg, right leg 122/30 (69) mmHg, left leg 123/46 (78) mmHg. 7770 g weight, size 71 cm.
Operation of 20.05.08:
Investment modified Blalock-Taussig shunt left, a central plant aorto-pulmonary Shuntes, 4 mm. Very short shunt of about 1 cm in length.
Echocardiogram, 13.05.08:
Dextrocardia, congential corrected transposition, balanced ventricle, left ventricle top right, right ventricle rather left lying below, both with good function, normal influx of the AV-valves, and minimal Mitralinsuffizienz Tricuspidal regurgitation, large ventricular, about 10-11 mm, unrestriktiver Left-right shunt, Pulmonalatresie, Aortenklappe of right ventricle, no aortic stenosis, minimal Aorteninsuffizienz, right aortic arch with unauffälligem river, Blalok-Taussig-anastomosis at departure and in the course represented, fine, not quantifizier river-bar, narrow Pulmonalgefäß right left pulmonary artery can not do that. Upper Hohlvene in right atrium, no outpourings.
Echocardiogram, 29.05.08:
Dextrocardia, congential corrected transposition, balanced ventricle, left ventricle top right, right ventricle rather left lying below, both with good function, normal influx of the AV-valves, and minimal Mitralinsuffizienz Tricuspidal regurgitation, large ventricular, about 10-11 mm, unrestriktiver Left-right shunt, Pulmonalatresie, Aortenklappe of right ventricle, no aortic stenosis, minimal Aorteninsuffizienz, right aortic arch with unauffälligem river, Blalok-Taussig-anastomosis difficult represented only appropriate Einstromsignal in bifurcation / pulmonary artery to recognize. Upper Hohlvene in right atrium, no outpourings in pericardium or Pleuren both sides, normal Zwerchfellbewegungen.
PA chest, 15.05.08:
In comparison to Voraufnahme, 13.02.08 mediastinal extension of the left. Heart size unchanged at Dextrocardia known. Pulmo seitengleich extended and ventilated. No indication for fresh or infiltrate Ergussverschattung. No pneumothorax.
PA chest, 29.05.08:
Diaphragm on both sides smooth limited with free PC angles. Known Dextrocardia, the heart shadow in the course of being rather slim. Clip in projection on the upper mediastinum re .. The action Enge fäße centrally something emphasized. No pneumothorax, no pleural effusion, no infiltrate not Mind lüftungen heritage. Even more central, mainly interstitial perihiläre store.
Labor, 15.05.08:
Haemoglobin 18.4 g / dl, red blood cells 6.21 10 ^ 12 / l, Normoblasten 0%, Haematokrit 0,510 l / l, MCV 82.0 fl, MCH 29.6 pg / ERY, MCHC 36.1 g / dl, Ery-Verteil.br. 41.0 fl, platelets 332 G / l, leukocytes 11.1 G / l, neutrophils (auto 23%, lymphocytes (68% auto, monocytes (auto) 6%, eosinophils (auto 2%, basophils (auto) 1%, graduates. Eosinophil 0.25 10 ^ 9 / L, TPZ 46%, TPZ (INR) 1.5 INR, PTT 36.2 s, potassium 3.86 mmol / l, sodium 135 mmol / l, calcium 2.48 mmol / L, creatinine 0,998 mg / dL, urea 46.6 mg / dl, GOT / AST (37 °) 40.2 U / l, LDH (37 °) 309 U / l, GPT / ALT (37 °) 20.9 U / l, y-GT (37 °) 11.7 U / l, Ges Protein 6.95 g / dl, C-reakt. Protein 0,712 mg / l
Labor, 28.05.08:
Haemoglobin 16.1 g / dl, red blood cells 5.58 10 ^ 12 / l, Normoblasten 0%, Haematokrit 0,460 l / l, MCV 83.3 fl, MCH 28.9 pg / ERY, MCHC 34.6 g / dl, Ery-Verteil.br. 42.8 fl, platelets 461 10 ^ 9 / l, leukocytes 16.7 10 ^ 9 / l, Segmentkernige 24%, eosinophils 2% to 66% lymphocytes, monocytes 8%, potassium 4.89 mmol / l, sodium 132 mmol / l, calcium 2.37 mmol / l, creatinine 0,323 mg / dl, GOT / AST (37 °) 28.9 U / l, GPT / ALT (37 °) 16.7 U / l, y-GT (37 °) 28.6 U / l, 7 g protein Ges / dl, C-reakt. Protein 17.1 mg / l.
Labor, 30.05.08:
Haemoglobin 15.7 g / dl, red blood cells 5.39 10 ^ 12 / l, Normoblasten 0%, Haematokrit 0,450 l / l, MCV 83.1 fl, MCH 29.1 pg / ERY, MCHC 35.0 g / dl, Ery-Verteil.br. 42.1 fl, platelets 637 10 ^ 9 / l, leukocytes 13.4 10 ^ 9 / l, potassium 4.28 mmol / l, sodium 135 mmol / l, calcium 2.56 mmol / l, C-reakt. Protein 13 mg / l.
ECG, 28.05.2008
Rechtstyp, heart rate 150/Min., Sinus rhythm, pointed P-wave in the II, III, AVF. Deep S in V1-V3.
Summary and the way forward:
We took Sonia in a stable condition and a transcutaneous saturation of 71%. During the transcutaneous saturation was 70 to 80%, serious waste saturation are not occurred.
On 20.05. was complications of the 3.5 mm aortopulmonale shunt and exchanged with a 4 mm shunt. Straightforward OP, no rhythm disturbances, no major bleeding. Post-operative kreislaufstabil #956; with 3 g / kg / min dopamine and little volume. In the course always kreislaufstabil. tcSO2 80 - 85%. Easy extubation 17 h after surgery. In addition inconspicuous breathing. Fast food building. On the right ventricle, on 23.05.08 a large pericardial 8mm, so that we Prednisolontherapie carried out for 4 days. In the echokar-diographischen control on 27.05.08 was no outpouring more dar.
On 26.05.08 Sonia was to a normal station relocated. The controls on 8.postoperativen days were normal. Echokardiographisch both have a good ventricle function. The Ventricle is large, there is a unrestriktiver left-right shunt. The aortopulmonale anastomosis echocardiography is difficult to visualize.
A correction on the left ventricle as morphologically Auswurfventrikel in the arterial system with VSD-lock, switch to the large vessels (Konnektion the aorta to the morphological left ventricle, pulmonary artery is atretisch) and atrial reversal (Konnektion of rights to the fore right ventricle morphology) is due Dextrocardia of the difficult and complex anatomy of the heart failure particularly risky.
Another possibility would be a correction on the right ventricle as morphologically Auswurfventrikel in the arterial system with VSD-closing and investment conduits of a morphologically left ventricle to the pulmonary artery.
Another possibility would be to transform into a Einkammerherz with partial cavopulmonaler anastomosis and later cavopulmonaler total anastomosis.
All three, at least theoretically possible correction procedures are complex because of the risky situation. Sonia is currently with the 4mm aortopulmonalen shunt good. We recommend first to be seen and the development of Sonia to monitor the situation and to re-evaluate if the Sättigungen worse.
The saturation limit should be between 75% and 85%. A anticoagulation with warfarin, in our view is currently not indexed.
We ask for a re-presentation in August this year, or earlier if the saturation values permanently worse than 75%.
We were able to Sonia in a good condition after discharged home.
Fluorette D-500 IU
Furosemide 3 x 2 mg (Lasix liquidum = 3 x 0.2 ml)
Spironolakton 1 x 6.25 mg
-- Regular checks, electrolyte diuretischer therapy.
-- Regular kinderkardiologische control.
-- Re-presentation with us in 3 to 4 months (27.08., 11 clock in the private ambulance with Professor Hess)
We recall the implementation of Endokarditisprophylaxe with appropriate indications, as in the heart passport is recommended. It should also be in a full vaccination recalls.
Yours sincerely, collegial
Univ. Dr. J. M. Hess, MD Schöber
Assistant Director of the Clinic doctor
i. V. PD Dr. A. Eicken
Assistant doctor
oana de
SOSONICA (6.06.2007)
asa creste Sonia : www.onetruemedia.com/shared?p=63e6ea475473c2ddd2fc4c&skin_id=601&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=image" target="_blank">intr-un an
ACTE diferite interventii, diagnostice etc.
"When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout."


kay spune:
uite ca se poate !
corectie. se POATE !!!
I received copies of the medical summaries as well as cardiac catheterization and echocardiograms done in Munich on your daughter. From the history, it appears that your daughter was born with a diagnosis of corrected transposition and pulmonary atresia and had a shunt placed early in infancy. More recently, she has had an additional shunt placed to provide more pulmonary blood flow in an effort to palliate her current condition pending future reparative surgery. It appears that she has tolerated both of these previous operations well and is currently quite stable.
I reviewed the catheterization and echocardiogram and I am partly in agreement with the diagnosis although not entirely. Your daughter has what is more commonly termed as ‘isolated ventricular inversion’ where the normal connections of the atria or upper chambers to the ventricles are inverted. Thus, the right atrium is connected to the left ventricle and correspondingly the left atrium is connected to the right ventricle. Unlike corrective transposition, your daughters left ventricle is connected to the aorta and she has pulmonary atresia so that the right ventricle must empty through the VSD also into the aorta. While this may seem like a technical difference, in fact it makes a reparative procedure somewhat easier to perform since the anatomy is substantially closer to normal. In addition, she has good function of both ventricles and both inlet valves. She has good size pulmonary arteries as well.
Based on these findings, our recommendation would be that your daughter undergo complete repair with closure of the ventricular septal defect, takedown of her previous shunts and insertion of a new connection between the right ventricle and the pulmonary arteries. The new connection would most likely be a human artery with a valve, a homograft, which would serve as the new outflow for the right ventricle. In general, babies with this kind of anatomy and with this type of procedure do quite well, particularly if they are beyond the newborn age. Your daughter, being eleven months, would be considered a good candidate for such a procedure. More importantly, both ventricles are of normal size and therefore a Fontan type of single ventricle management would not be necessary, and a two-ventricle repair is always preferable to a Fontan operation if it can be achieved. As far as the timing of such a procedure, since she is doing well, this can be done electively within the next few months as long as she tolerates her new shunt well and has no other problems.
I hope this information is helpful and if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Pedro J. del Nido, MD
William E. Ladd Professor of Child Surgery
Department of Cardiac Surgery
Children's Hospital Boston
oana de
SOSONICA (6.06.2007)
asa creste Sonia : www.onetruemedia.com/shared?p=63e6ea475473c2ddd2fc4c&skin_id=601&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=image" target="_blank">intr-un an
ACTE diferite interventii, diagnostice etc.
"When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout."


Miillyy spune:
Felicitari pentru raspuns! Sunt vesti foarte bune. Sonia va avea sansa unei operatii de refacere totala din cate am inteles.
Va pupam cu mare drag si ajutam daca e nevoie si in continuare!
M. si Mihnea
