Dulceturi si papanasi de sept-oct 2007 (64)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 4

Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns magdaz spune:

January 18, 2008 — Over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold products should not be used to treat children younger than 2 years, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned parents and caregivers in a public health advisory issued yesterday.

"The FDA strongly recommends to parents and caregivers that OTC cough and cold medicines not be used for children younger than 2," says Charles Ganley, MD, director of the FDA's Office of Nonprescription Products, in an FDA news release. "These medicines, which treat symptoms and not the underlying condition, have not been shown to be safe or effective in children under 2."

OTC cough and cold preparations commonly include nasal decongestants, antihistamines, cough suppressants, and expectorants. These drugs can cause serious and potentially life-threatening adverse events in young children, according to an alert sent from MedWatch, the FDA's safety information and adverse event reporting program. Death, convulsion, rapid heart rates, and decreased levels of consciousness have been reported.

In a previous communication issued in January 2007, the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that during a 2-year period, 1519 children younger than 2 years were seen in emergency departments for evaluation after known or possible exposure to cough and cold products.

The current recommendation was based on the FDA's review of data and a discussion held during a joint meeting of the Nonprescription Drugs and Pediatric Advisory Committees on October 18 and 19, 2007. The agency's review of data for children aged 2 to 11 years is ongoing, and further recommendations will be issued to the public as soon as it is completed.

In the interim, parents and caregivers who wish to use OTC cough and cold products for children aged 2 to 11 years are advised to

Carefully follow the directions on the product label and use only the measuring spoons or cups that are provided or specially made for its administration. Common household spoons should not be used because they come in different sizes and are not meant for measuring medicines.
Check the active ingredients included in each cough and cold product, particularly if more than 1 product is being used. Because active ingredients are often duplicated among preparations, combining them can increase the risk for overdose.
Select OTC cough and cold products with childproof safety caps when available, and keep them out of reach of children.
Understand that OTC cough and cold medicines do not treat the cause of the symptoms or shorten the duration of illness; they only relieve associated symptoms. These products should not be used to sedate a child or make them sleepy.

OTC-urile sunt medicamentele care pot fi cumparate din farmacii fara prescriptie medicala, panadoalele, nurofenele, vibrocilele, siropuri de tuse...

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Gabriela77 spune:

Asa e Rodica, multumesc
Tulai, Mario, nu cobi....

Gabriela, mami de Sara (29.08.2007)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ANDREEA11 spune:

Nu vine nimeni in parc?



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Link direct catre acest raspuns Celia spune:

Buna dimineata mamici , am parcurs repede , repede aproape 10 pagini sa vedem daca ne primiti in grupul vostru...dar nu...
Daca voi nu ne vreti...noi va vrem ,si ... nu stim sau ?

mami de Andreea(30.09.2007) si Andrei(12.10.1998)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns gabitz78 spune:

celia - bine ai venit. cred ca fetele nu te-au observat...ca sunt cu puii bolnaviori majoritatea...striga si tu mai tare!


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Link direct catre acest raspuns magdaz spune:

Celia, bine ati venit !

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ANDREEA11 spune:

Gabitza, eu as veni dar stau la muncii!
Zilele trecute erau vreo 3 fete care ziceau ca ies prin 23, dar acum nimeni!
Cred ca ma duc singurica!
de fapt cu Cris, scz!



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Link direct catre acest raspuns Celia spune:

Gabi Multumim .Asa este foarte multe mamici cu bebici bolnaviori , le dorim sanatate multa.

mami de Andreea(30.09.2007) si Andrei(12.10.1998)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Happiness_4_us spune:

Neata si de la noi.
Sanatate multa puiutilor bolnaviori si un pupic dulce ptr mamici ca sa reziste.
Celia, bine ai venit. Daca scrii datele tale acum, te trec eu pe listuta. Nu am timp sa citesc din urma ca si noi suntem cu probleme si trebuie sa stau langa pitic.
Un pupic dulce si o imbratisare pentru mamica de Sara, Gabriella77. Nu te necaji ca s-a dus lapticul. Sanatoase sa fiti amandoua!

In alta ordine de idei noi suntem mai bine, slava Domnului. De cateva zile nu mai avem spasme si asteptam confirmarea sa plecam la Boston. Ar fi trebuit sa plecam duminica dar se pare ca vom pleca la mijlocul saptamanii viitoare. Cam atat. Doamne ajuta!

Nana, Andrei Stefan - 26 septembrie 2007
Ingerasul care ne-a schimbat viata!
Andrei la 3 luni.
Nunta noastra de vis!
Daca incepi sa te sacrifici pentru cei pe care-i iubesti, vei sfarsi prin a-i uri pe cei pentru care te-ai sacrificat!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Celia spune:

Magdaz Multumim

mami de Andreea(30.09.2007) si Andrei(12.10.1998)

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