Sezatoarea canadiana (73)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 19

Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns cge spune:

Lorelai, multumim de urari, avem nevoie ca va fi primul Craciun fara parinti/bunici, fara sora-mea.
Noi am mai fost plecati, dar de Craciun mergeam acasa, orice ar fi fost.

Simonna, merci de raspuns.
Acum am vazut ca voi ati propus ora 15 ca inceputul intalnirii,noi vom ajunge mai tarziu pe motiv de somn de printesa, si probabil atunci baietii se vor fi saturat de patinat.
Sa stii ca plodul meu e Victor, dreptul de autor ptr Tudor e al Anei.
Dar ai circumstante atenuante, ca au aceeasi varsta.

Trebuie sa duca Victor la scoala mancare+desert traditionale la petrecerea de Craciun. El cica vrea sarmale, ca de cand e in Canada, au inceput sa ii placa.
Ptr sarmale, trebuie sa vad cum e cu incalzitul.
As vrea ceva propuneri de mancaruri romanesti adaptate ptr copii.

Multumesc si o zi buna,

mama lui Victor 07.01.2000 si a Ancai 16.09.2005

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Ica 1975 spune:

Am vazut brazii vostri frumosi frumosi, m-am uitat la fetita Cristinei si parca o vedeam si pe gaza mea in jurul bradului, admirandu-l... insa mai astept vre-o 2 -3 sapt

La intalnire in principiu venim, stiu ca este ziua baietelului nasei lui Christine, insa sper sa faca sambata; sotul meu daca vine patineaza, Christine ramane cu mine, asa ca sper sa ajunga Nelia cu Tudora, Cge cu fetita ei (Anca - scuze daca ma insel in privinta numelui) si sper sa mai fie copiluti de varste apropiate - 2 ani, pitica mea este cam timida si se desprinde de mine un picut mai greu la inceput. Plus ca somnul ei de pranz este de la 13-15, insa sper pana la 16.00 sa ajungem si sa va gasim, chiar vreau sa ne vedem.

tuturor si o zi minunata


Ce faci te si face.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Denisam spune:

Felicitari Nelia !!Aveti o familie minunata!!!

Welcome, fratior de Agata si Tudora,ce nume deosebit ai!!
Sa fii sanatos, mancacios sinorocos si sa o lasi pe mami sa invete !!!

Denisa 'de Emma Andreea (17 Ian.2006)si Mark Alex(5 Iulie 2007)

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Ira spune:

Originally posted by cgeAs vrea ceva propuneri de mancaruri romanesti adaptate ptr copii.
Multumesc si o zi buna,

mama lui Victor 07.01.2000 si a Ancai 16.09.2005

Daca vrei sa nu te complici poti face niste bilute de mamaliga cu branza de burduf (de la magazinul rom.) sau telemea, puse-'n cuptor si in care sa infigi scobitori de la Dolarama, ca sa fie amuzant pt. copii si o friptura de porc (specific de Craciun).

In rest, asa ca idei, traditional romanesc ar fi ciorba, friptura de porc, sarmale cu mamaliga, caltabosi, toba, carnati, sorici, piftie, drob, si ca dulciuri : cozonac, pasca, placinta.

Lorelai, e durere Lisandru Magnu :-).

Simona, ai dreptate, sa fim atente la gheata.Azi noapte cred ca au fost -20 grade.

Les psychiatres, c'est très efficace. Moi, avant, je pissais au lit, j'avais honte. Je suis allé voir un psychiatre, je suis guéri. Maintenant, je pisse au lit, mais j'en suis fier.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns pitilache spune:

Inca o strigare pentru cine nu s-a hotarat inca: Codritu, Bebitzu, Emilly, Ktrinel, simi, sia_o, Pepsi si restul fetelor din Montreal...

Intalnire DC Montreal -" target="_blank">Atrium
Duminica 16 decembrie, ora 15:00

Simonna - ok
pitilache - ok
cge - ok
Oanagabriela - ok
Diana2007 - ok
Podeanu - ok
Ira - ok
Ica_1975 - ok
Nelia - poate da - ok
Carmen77 - poate da, daca nu naste pana atunci -

"Less is more" - Mies van der Rohe

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns caro spune:

Buna fetele…. Khristin mi-a cerut update. Nici nu mai stiu cand am dat ultima oara cu nasu’ pe-aici. Anyway, dupa lupte seculare ne-am luat casa… acum doi ani LOL. In Oakville, ON. Acuma, fetele din GTA, nu sariti in sus ca nun e-am luata casa pe Laksehosre (alea de milioane, mansion sau villa), ci o amaraciune de townhouse, da’ e buna pentru noi.
Copii cresc, Toma va face 4 ani in ianuarie, Danut 12 ani in martie. Nici nu-mi dau seama cand a trecut timpul si am asa 2 flacai mari.

Danut cu scoala, e in clasa a 6-a, face innot de performanta la Oakville Aquatic Club si se pare ca are ceva talent (ca fizic in mod sigur are, e cat mine de inalt, poarta deja 40 la pantof). Ei bine, innotul asta al lui a inceput sa ne manance foarte mult timp de cand cu partea cu high performance. Are antrenamente de 4 ori pe saptamana (din decembrie cor fi 5 antrenamente pe saptamana, din care unul la 5 dimineata) si concursuri cam 1,5 ori pe luna. Ba in Etobicoke, weekendul trecut a avut in London, concurs de 3 zile… si alergam si eu si barbatu-meu dupa fundul lui, precum gaina cu capul taiat… si in proces il tatam sip e Toma dupa noi, saracu’ de el.

Toma merge la day care, la toamna va incepe si el scoala, fapt pentru acre ma apuca groaza. Ca e un zvapaiat si un escroc sentimental sin u il intereseaza invatatul absolut deloc… el e cu masinutele. In permanenta este cu o masinuta in mana: in pat, la baie, la masa, la plimbare… oriunde…

Eu cu serviciul (acelasi), am obtinut o promovare acum 6 luni si sunt project manager. Intre timp am inceput si cursuri de PM la Sheridan College (semestrul asta am luat 2, ticnita de mine, martea si miercurea, mai am un pic si termin dar ma simt epuizata deja), mai am 2 de luat si imi iau certificatul dupa care trebuie sa-mi incordez muschii sa-mi iau certificarea de la PMI.

Cam atat, in rest nimic special… aaa, ba da. Danut a fost in Ro anul trecut, prima oara dupa venirea in Canada. Avea 3 anisori cand am plecat de acolo. A fost baiatul meu pur si simplu extaziat (asta dup ace-mi facuse capul mare ca nu vrea sa mearga). Bineinteles ca toata lumea i-a cautat in coare si l-au rasfatat. A fost la Petrosani (la parintii unei prietene) si de acolo in Paring, a fost la mare, la Brasov, Sinaia, Tirgoviste, Giurgiu si bineinteles Bucuresti , unde nasii lui l-au rasfatat ceva de speriat. Nu mai vroia sa se intoarca acasa… dar i-a trecut. Cand va mai creste Toma un pic, ii trimit iar, pe amandoi de data asta… sa vad ce iese, sa le scoata peri albi unchilor si matusilor sis a am si eu o vacanta… hehehe

Cam asta e

PS: poze cu copiii
nu mai am nimic recent uploaded
si poze cu camera lui Toma (a, terminat de renovat la ea acum 2 saptamani)

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Simonna spune:

Irina, la care mag. romanesc e brinza de burduf? Mie mi-au adus azi vara ai mei... yummy!!!
Edit: Cge, tu trimiti la scoala cupilu' cu ce dau eu ca l-am botezat :)) Miel era? Culmea e ca stiu ca-i Victor, ca i-am povestit lui Atomix zilele astea ca mergem sa ne intilnim cu Seba si cu Victor...
Sincer, eu nu m-as complica cu mincaruri traditionale de Craciun de trimis la scoala, cu toate alergiile si aiurelile de acum numa' strici mincarea. Adica muncesti sa faci sarmale si le pun aia la cos! Ca simt cum mi se ridica nivelul de adrenalina... :)) trimite-i niste fructe glasate, parol!, ca pe alea au voie sa le manince :))

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns lorelaim spune:

Montreal - atzi avut deja -20? Wow! Noi azi dimineatza am avut... doar -11 :-)
Si pozele de azi sunt aici:
cu un picutz de zapada (ce n-a fost inca spulberata de vant) si aschii marunte de gheatza :-)
O iarna usoara va doresc! Pe maine dimineatza!

Gabisor , Iarna pe ulitza..., Albume foto pe Webshots
"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns lorelaim spune:

Caro - sa stapanitzi sanatosi casa si sa va bucuratzi de ea! Frumosi baietzi ai! Sa-tzi traiasca!

Si pt ca vine Craciunul - un articol referitor la jucarii:

There's a thin line between kids and dangerous toys
Carly Weeks , CanWest News Service
Published: Tuesday, November 27, 2007

At least four children have died and nearly 600 more have been injured in North America in the last three years after playing with dangerous toys that later had to be pulled from the market.

Two toddlers suffocated in 2006 when oversized plastic nails from a toy tool bench became lodged in their throats; a two-year-old died in 2005 after he swallowed magnets from a building set that twisted his small intestine; a four-year-old died of lead poisoning in 2006 after swallowing part of a charm bracelet that came free with Reebok shoes.

Earlier this year, a five-year-old suffered severe burns and had part of her finger amputated after it got caught in an Easy Bake Oven. Hasbro, which makes the oven, received 249 injury reports before telling consumers to stop using the product.

Toy sales in Canada are a multi-billion dollar business largely dependent on goods made cheaply in Chinese factories that North American manufacturers might never examine first-hand. The only line of defence between children and potentially dangerous toys is a handful of federal product safety inspectors who lack the resources and the authority to deal with problems before goods are put on sale.

In Canada, toy companies have no obligation to inform the government if their products are unsafe and Health Canada has no power to remove hazardous toys from store shelves.

Numerous recalls in the last few months involving Chinese-made toys, many containing high levels of lead, have turned an international spotlight on the safety and quality of children's products and have left parents across the country worrying about what to buy their kids this holiday season.

The federal government has launched a review of its regulations and is expected to overhaul the Hazardous Products Act, which is designed to prohibit unsafe products from being put on sale, but has been widely criticized as weak and toothless.

This week in China, Health Minister Tony Clement announced a new joint Canada-Chinese health committee to share information and help enhance food and product safety. He also signed a memorandum of understanding with China to improve communication and ensure manufacturers understand and follow Canadian regulations.

Since January 2005, at least 565 children were injured and four have died after suffering burns, cuts, lead poisoning or choking related to toys that were later subject to recalls. The numbers only represent those incidents reported to Health Canada or the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

"That is unacceptable in this day and age, that we have toys that put our children at risk," said Michael Dumont of Thunder Bay, Ont., whose five-year-old son has many of the Thomas & Friends toys that were recalled this summer for high lead levels. "These companies should be made accountable."

Few serious injuries have been linked to the growing list of recalls announced since the summer, which have included Mattel's Barbie, Polly Pocket and Dora the Explorer brands, RC2 Corp.'s Thomas & Friends trains, and a line of children's mugs by Starbucks.

But the discovery that millions of children's products are coated with lead paint, and in one case contained chemicals that turned into an illegal drug, has been a wake-up call to parents who invest in premium brand-name toys and trust the government to police the marketplace.

"It certainly has me taking second looks at what the toys are made out of," said Karen Bogal, a mother of two in London, Ont.

The recent avalanche of recalls originating in the U.S. and admissions by Mattel, the world's largest toymaker, that it failed to properly ensure its toys were safe, has also exposed the limited ability of Canadian officials to identify or keep dangerous goods out of children's hands.

"There is a sense, I think, in consumers' minds that there's this whole big process going on to keep things safe before they get on the market," said Allyson Hewitt, executive director of Safe Kids Canada, a national advocacy group. "We would like to see more responsibility along the supply chain."

Retail toy sales in Canada were more than $1.8 billion in 2006, according to the Canadian Toy Association.

China has been the largest supplier of toys into Canada for at least a decade, but its dominance has exploded in recent years. Canada imported $1.64 billion worth of toys from China in 2006, compared to $486 million in 1996. Canada imported $657 million in toys in 2006 from the U.S., the country's second-largest toy supplier.

Despite the magnitude of the industry, there are only 40 product safety inspectors across Canada responsible for ensuring that all consumer products on sale in the country are safe and meet federal standards.

As a result of their small numbers, limited resources and restricted authority, product inspectors rarely check toys before they hit the market. When they do, it's usually at the toy company's request. Inspectors may test random toys once they're already on sale, but the majority of products marketed to children are never tested by government officials.

"I felt pretty betrayed that I spent top dollar for these play sets," said Dumont, who had his son's blood tested for lead. "I cried and cried for two and a half days because I had tried my best to provide a safe home environment."

The lead tests showed Dumont's son has lead in his blood, but it's not considered to be at a dangerous level.

The majority of Canada's recalls of children's products are initiated only after the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission identifies problems and recalls the items. In other cases, products are recalled as the result of a consumer complaint or after a child is injured.

But even when Canadian officials learn a toy presents a risk, they don't have the authority to remove it from stores. Instead, they must work with the company, which can decide to issue a voluntary product recall.

Health Canada doesn't have the power to fine or penalize companies that fail to meet federal safety requirements, refuse to recall products or are repeat offenders.

Toy manufacturers have assured customers they go to great lengths to ensure all products are safe.

"The majority of the toys that come into the country, they are safe," said Sheila Edmondson, executive director of the Canadian Toy Association. "I just hope that the consumers start to realize that everything is being done to make this correct. We move forward from there."

Assurances like those have satisfied consumers in the past. But now, with the knowledge that trusted companies sold hazardous toys, experts say the government must take a larger role in ensuring children's products are safe.

"I just find it totally outrageous," said Eleanor Friedland, vice-president of the Consumers Council of Canada and former policy adviser with Ontario's consumer ministry. "All the politicians are saying we've got to do something, but I don't know what's been done. I think they've made a lot of speeches but what's come out of the speeches?"

Ottawa can no longer ignore its obligation to better police the industry and to identify problems before toys are put on sale, say health experts and safety advocates.

Clement said his department is in the process of revamping the Hazardous Products Act to determine what changes need to be made in order to better protect consumers. Clement, who announced the review in August, said it would be complete in a matter of "weeks, not months."

Most experts agree the act is weak, badly outdated and must be significantly altered to improve the state of toy safety.

Health Canada declined numerous interview requests.

But in the past, departmental officials have pointed to their limited resources and authority to explain why it is difficult to spot potential problems with children's products.

A wide range of experts say the government's review should also provide more money to Health Canada's consumer product safety branch, increase the number of inspectors and demand more accountability from toy companies.

"We have a culture of saying we want to keep children safe, but it's also a free-market economy, and there are some challenges in trying to balance that," said Hewitt of Safe Kids Canada. "I think it really is a matter of political will and competing priorities, and I think it is incumbent upon us."

Gabisor , Iarna pe ulitza..., Albume foto pe Webshots
"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns lorelaim spune:

La multzi Ani cu sanatate si noroc de Sf Andrei- tuturor celor care serbeaza astazi ziua numelui :-)

Gabisor , Iarna pe ulitza..., Albume foto pe Webshots
"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."

Mergi la inceput