Jasmine spune:
Inseamna ca nu e bine.
Rezultatele posibile sunt intre 1 si 4.
1 e OK.
4 e nasol.
E cam seaca intrebarea.Era vorba despre tine?
Daca ti-a iesit 4 da fuguta la doctor.
ierima spune:
1 si 2 e normal, asa ca precum ti-a indicat si Jasmine, repede la doctor. Eu am avut o rana pe col si mi-a iesit 3, am facut un tratament, apoi am cauterizat rana, acum sunt OK, altfel evoluam inspre 4(eu stiu ca exista si 5) .
arian spune:
Clasificarea Papanicolaou cuprinde cinci tipuri notate conventional cu numere latine (I-V). A fost abandonata in tarile ce folosesc intens testul Pap ca screening al cancerului genital, fiind inlocuita cu clasificarea Bethesda.
"Marea taina a existentei umane nu consta in a trai, ci in a sti pentru ce traiesti!..." - Dostoievski
luminiss spune:
draga ierima,
si eu stiam ca 1 si 2 sunt normale, din RO. anul trecut mi-a iesit 2. acum sunt in US si mi-a iesit tot 2 si m-a chemat din nou, timp in care am fost speriata la max., ca imi spusesera ca am celule anormale. mi-l repeta in august din nou, apoi dupa ce nasc, daca nu trece imi face biopsie. deci nici 2 nu e chiar ok. de 3, 4, 5 mi-e frica sa ma gandesc. oricum, mie imi facuse colposcopie, si m-a linistit ca nu e cancer. si eu aveam o rana pe col pe care nu am tratat-o, dar acum doctorul american nu mi-a zis nimic de asa ceva. o fi trecut de la sine? atunci de ce a raman C2?
oricum celor care le iese chiar si 2, fuguta la doctor, poate evolua si poate deveni chiar f. grav.
laura111 spune:
Pentru cele care se descurca in engleza, uitati ce am gasit :
Papanicolaou System Bethesda System Comments
Class 1: Normal/Benign Within normal limits No abnormal or atypical cells found
Class 2: AtypiaAtypicla cells are present but benign InfectionReactive and reparative changesAtypical squamous cells of undetermined significanceReport will identify type of infection or reactive and reparative change and will include recommended follow up for atypical cells of undetermined significance Includes common gynecological infections such as Candida, Chlamydia, Herpes, etc.Reactive and reparative changes refer to conditions such as cervical inflammation, effects of therapies or devices like IUDs.Some labs may report infection/inflammation as Class 1: Benign with inflammation
Class 3: DysplasiaAtypical cells with suspicion of malignancy. Defined as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) or dysplasiaCIN 1=mild dysplasiaCIN 2=moderate dysplasiaCIN 3=severe dysplasia Squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL) is defined as either "low-grade" or "high-grade." Grade does not mean invasive carcinoma in the system.Low-grade SIL encompassing:· cellular changes associated with HPV · mild dysplasia/CIN 1 High-grade SIL encompassing:· moderate dysplasia/CIN 2 · severe dysplasia/CIN 3 · carcinoma in situ/CIN The degrees of dysplasia, grades of CIN and carcinoma in situ (class 3 & 4) are attempts to identify points along the continuum of cervical cell changes that, if left untreated, eventually lead to invasive cnacer.Carcinoma in situ is cancer of only the top layer of cervical cells; it does not invade into deeper tissueThe new terms found in the Bethesda sywstem (low-grade SIL and high-grade SIL) are intended to reduce the variability and the inconsistency found in the old Pap classification system.
Class 4: Carcinoma in situ/CIN 3
Class 5: Invasive carcinoma Invasive squamous cell carcinoma Cancer has spread into the deeper tissue of teh cervix and possibly to other parts of the body.
Laura - mama lui Vlad