Fetele din America (87)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 4
Siminaf spune:
NU platesc taxe, tocmai asta este problema! Si intr-adevar, li se dau tot felul de ajutoare si asigurari de tot felul, iar nativilor (deja exclud emigrantii legali, ca noi) li se refuza multe dintre acestea.
Voi chiar nu ati vazut pe site-uri de stiri cum discuta respectivii despre americani, cum or sa le puna jugul, ca doar ei (hispanicii, da!) is cei mai cei. Si daca oamenii lor de frunte discuta asa, deci incita la astfel de comportament, ce sa ne mai miram de oamenii de rind.
Btw, in Wikipedia poate scrie oricine, daca considera ca stie mai bine decit ce scrie acolo. Deci eu nu as pune prea multa baza pe ea.
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Ramona J spune:
Corinadana, dupa ce te-ai suparat atit de tare cind ti s-a parut ca a folosit cineva un cuvint rasist, nu ma asteptam sa fii asa pornita impotriva hispanicilor...
Eu zic ca americanii care au asemenea pareri despre emigrantii ilegali, gindesc la fel despre toti emigrantii.
Nu pun la indoiala faptul ca sint si costuri legate de emigrantii ilegali. Dar nu dau doi bani pe un site care nu pune in balanta si beneficiile aduse de ei.
Eu nu stiu in ce lume am trait pina acum, n-am vazut atita ura impotriva unor bieti oameni.
Mai bine sa schimbam subiectul.
Mi-ar place sa ne intilnim pe chat, dar la noi e mare agitatie seara. Fiind vara mai iesim si noi incoace-incolo si copiii nu au program fix de somn.
In plus, camera cu computerul e in apropiere de camera Anutei si m-ar auzi...
The best thing you can do for your children is to love your wife.
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
corinadana spune:
Nu vad legatura dintre a numi un om cioara si faptul ca nu mi place ca unii papa banuti buni aici.Pe mine cum ma prind ma taxeaza, nu? Spital scoala IRS. Pe ei... Nu i urasc, departe de mine. Nici macar nu i prea am vecini, e zona prea scumpa ptr ei! Ii compatimesc, doar atat.
Eu nu am bani de scoala privata, Raluca e n L.A.U.S.D. cel mai slab district din SUA . Oare de ce?!
Dar nici sa nu aud ca ce de bani aduc ei statului asta!
Mai si am emigrat in SUA nu in MEXICO ca sa fiu intrebata daca ablar spanish.. ca de aia vreau s o dau pe Uca la spanish sa ablar ea spanish..
Don't throw with stones if you live in a glass house.
corina mama Ralucai
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Gabbriela spune:
mai bine incheiem cu ilegali ca oricum nu isi va schimba nimeni parerile despre ei, nici cei pt si nici cei contra.
da da, haideti sa punem de un chat... alegeti voi ora si ziua, dar spuneti ora romaniei ora care toti o stim calcula, altfel cei din NY si cu cei din CA nu prea se intalnesc ...
11 PM ora romaniei, va este ok? ...
Sanatate si numai bine
Nicole mami lui www.babiesonline.com/babies/j/julianleonardo/" target="_blank">Julian
www.freewebs.com/gabbriela_nicole/" target="_blank">
Never discourage anyone...who continually makes progress, no matter how slow. - Plato
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Ramona J spune:
Originally posted by corinadana
Eu nu am priceput pe ce BAZA platesc ei taxele... Ilegalul e platit la negru, nu tu cont nu tu nimic. Si fac venituri asa mici ca tot nu platesc ci incaseaza banuti.
La spitale ei platesc ciuciu... Mie mi a luat 500$ la emergency cu Raluca ptr 5 minute...
Si copiii care merg la scoli, si au slava Domnului de la 3 in sus...
Hai ca papa mult banut!
Ei nu stiu spanish a lor bine, ce sa mai stie engleza?!
Don't throw with stones if you live in a glass house.
corina mama Ralucai
Dupa mine astea sint acuzatii nefondate, cel putin echivalentul lui "cioara".
Asa vad eu lucrurile, dar din TX probabil ca arata diferit.
The best thing you can do for your children is to love your wife.
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
corinadana spune:
Ramona fara suparare, din ce crezi ca platesc ei nasterile si alea si alea prin spitale?
Nu si stiu limba Ramona!!! Adica stiu vorbi numai. Am fost socata si eu..Si erau tinerei...(fosti colegi de ai sotului, ei ziceau). Vorbea Ostoia al meu in spanish cu ei ... ca eu
La scoala ei se califica la toate programele GRATIS si la papa de la scoala eu nu.
Cioara isi plateste taxele pana una alta.
Don't throw with stones if you live in a glass house.
corina mama Ralucai
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corinadana spune:
Gata nu mai scriu nici eu!
O seara buna!
Don't throw with stones if you live in a glass house.
corina mama Ralucai
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Ramona J spune:
La fel si americanii saraci Corina... Tu ar trebui sa te bucuri ca nu te califici.
Eu zic Doamne fereste, sa nu ma calific si daca e vreun amarit care nu poate plati lunch sau servicii medicale pentru copil - atunci sa primeasca gratuit.
Oripilata sint de cheltuielile inutile cu razboiul din Irak. As fi curioasa sa stiu citi copii ar primi lunch gratuit pe banii aia, sau ar putea sa mearga la medic...
Eu cred ca astea sint false probleme, sint altele mai grave decit lunch-ul emigrantului. Foarte bine daca-l primeste, sa invete copilul ala (si engleza, nu?) si sa faca o facultate daca poate - sa nu ajunga vreun criminal. Eu zic ca America trebuie felicitata pentru faptul ca are grija si de oamenii astia. Eu asa cred, ca e un cistig si pentru tara.
The best thing you can do for your children is to love your wife.
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Siminaf spune:
Cu scuzele de rigoare, postez cu cele mai mici fonturi, ca sa nu deranjeze prea tare. Desi nu am gasit tot ce citisem zilele trecute, am gasit macar ce voi posta acum. Si, ca o paranteza, daca ati fi fost tot in Ro si statul roman ar fi dat tot felul de drepturi si ajutoare ilegalilor acolo, in detrimentul cetatenilor romani sau al celor legali in Ro, ce ati mai fi zis?!
After the massive demonstrations in Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago and other cities last weekend, “Houston! We’ve got a problem, a big problem.”
Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens marched in the streets of American demanding their ‘rights’. That’s like a band of bank robbers demanding not to be arrested and allowed to keep robbing more banks by bringing in their buddies to help them. What you’re seeing is a complete breakdown of the rule of law in America. What you’re witnessing is the colonization of America by another country. Further, you’re watching your own President Bush and Congress aid, abet and assist this assault on the United States.
Did you notice hundreds of thousands of illegals waving the Mexican flag in America’s streets while trampling Old Glory? Instead of standing up for the U.S. Constitution, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed an amnesty program that facilitates this invasion by invitation.
On KSTE 650 radio in Sacramento, California the hosts, Armstrong and Getty received a call from Julio an illegal alien, "My family came here before he was born. We Mexicans come here to take our land back. We were here first. We will use your system to vote you out. We come to fight. It is our land, not yours. We are taking it back."
La Voz de Aztlan, March 27, 2006 wrote, “What does the immense success of "La Gran Marcha" mean to Mexicanos and other Latinos? It simply means that we now have the numbers, the political will and the organizational skills to direct our own destinies and not be subservient to the White and Jewish power structures. It means that we can now undertake bigger and more significant mass actions to achieve total political and economic liberation like that being proposed by Juan José Gutiérrez, President of Movimiento Latino USA. Juan José Gutiérrez is proposing that the coalition that organized "La Gran Marcha” meet in Arizona or Texas on April 8 to "organize a mass boycott against the economy of the USA" on May 15.”
Do these illegal immigrants sound like they are assimilating into the American way of life with an allegiance to the U.S. Constitution? Would you want them for your neighbor? Terry Anderson, black radio talk show host living in Los Angeles said, “LA has become a Mexican city…I don’t advocate violence but I predict anarchy.”
In Las Vegas an American said, “Three Home Depot management employees came out to talk to us. They quietly told us they had been "having problems with the loitering illegal Mexicans - they jumped up and down on the customer's parked cars. They had fights but Home Depot doesn't want us to say anything about these same problems!
“This Mexican male with heavy, silver jewelry hanging on his neck said to our group mostly composed of seniors, "I won't have to worry -- you people won't be around in a few years...we're taking over your country anyway!"
Representative Russell Pearce of Arizona said, “Illegal aliens cost taxpayers $69 billion annually (just in social services) in federal programs in 2002. Studies estimate that amnesty would increase that three fold. Perhaps as high as 80 percent of the violent crime in Phoenix area involves illegal aliens (according to Phoenix Chief Hurt and Mesa police violent crimes response team). Over 4000 homicide warrants issued by the Border States to suspects who are believed to have fled south of the border into Mexico.
1. $311 Billion in uncollected taxes (Barron's study).
2. $200 Billion annually in-lost American wages. Native-born American men lost an average of $1700 in wages in 2000 due to US immigration policy (Harvard University).
3. Maricopa County Hospital loses over $2 million weekly on uncompensated care (largely do to illegal aliens) (2003, 77 border hospitals filed for bankruptcy).
4. One-third of our federal prisons are illegal aliens, over 5000 illegal aliens in our State Prison.
5. Arizona spends over $800 million to over $1 billion (K –12) annually to educate illegals.
6. Over half of AHCCCS births are from illegal mothers one-third of children in Arizona have immigrant parents.
Robert Tecau said, “I am compelled to contact you regarding the ongoing invasion, occupation and colonization of the United States of America, by hostile enemies from Mexico and points south...an invasion that is being facilitated, aided, abetted by many U.S. politicians.
“Since when does a mob of hostile, foreign criminals, in this country illegally, have any say whatsoever in how our nation is to be governed, much less demand that they be extended the same rights and privileges as legitimate, law-abiding, U.S. citizens?"
Si cu asta am incheiat. Nu voi mai scrie nimic.
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Ramona J spune:
Statul roman a oferit ani de zile burse de studiu (plus cazare, masa, cheltuieli medicale) unor studenti din diverse tari africane, din Chile si nu mai stiu de pe unde.
Statul roman ofera minoratilor nationale curusri in limba materna, ziare, emisiuni tv, teatre...
The best thing you can do for your children is to love your wife.
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