Bebelusi de iulie-august 2005 (125) -La multi ani!
Raspunsuri - Pagina 24
 spune:
de vreo saptamana am inceput s-o stimulez mai mult pe maria sa mearga in picioare. am pus-o sa se tina de canapea si sa mearga in lungul ei, am pus-o sa se tina de un centru de activitate si eu il misc usor si se deplaseaza si ea. merge un pic si tinuta de manute. cred ca nu mai are mult si-si da si ea drumul.
in schimb cu dormitul e rau de tot. se pare ca are dureri mari de la dintii de sus. a inceput sa-i curga saliva pe barbie (n-a mai balit de la 6 luni). si-si baga pumnul in gura sa-l roada. gingia i-a spart iar de dimineata cand am dat-o cu gel pe gingie am simtit si-un dintisor. ea altfel e vesela si jucausa dar cum o pun in pat la nani zici c-o pun pe ace asa urla. si dupa ce adoarme se trezeste plangand cu ochii inchisi din ora in ora.
in 2 seri a reusit sa adoarma singura. dupa ce stateam langa ea si se tanguia vreo ora, plecam din camera si-o lasam maraind si-n 2 minute adormea. dar cand incepe sa planga n-am ce-i face si o legan pe picioare ca sa adoarma. dar ies ei dintii aia odata si sper sa-si revina. mai mult mi-e mila de ea cum plange decat de mine care mai mult treaza stau.
mamica de maria, 11 luni si 3 saptamani

 spune:
pai seringa i-am pus-o eu ca era tava prea goala. initial soacra-mea zicea ca nu vrea s-o pun ca sa nu se faca asistenta...da i-am zis eu ca poate se face eu asa mi-am dorit da n-am avut memorie prea ca eu vroiam chirurg si nu prea mi se pare meserie de sistemul sanitar de la noi...poate or sa se schimbe peste 20 de ani conditiile.
nu m-am certat cu soacra-mea ca eu nu cred in astea (spre deosebire de ea) si am zis sa-i fac o placere femeii. ca altfel n-are curaj sa zica altfel decat mine :D
eu am facut motul doar asa ca mi se pare distractiv obiceiul asta. si ne-am si revazut cu rudele f apropiate lucru destul de rar ca stau destul de departe.
mamica de maria, 11 luni si 3 saptamani


emaaimee spune:
asta e mes de aseara:
de mult am vrut sa va dau link despre attachment parenting k sa intelegeti framantarile mele macar" target="_blank">what attachment parenting is" target="_blank"> 8 INFANT SLEEP FACTS EVERY PARENT SHOULD KNOW" target="_blank">sleep problems br / " target="_blank">fussy baby
eu m-am regasit,adek pe Oani,in multe art
nu zic ca asa cum cred eu e mai bine neaparat pt toti copilasii,pt a mea e f bine
mai vb,cred ca o sa palnga k maraie.
noapte buna,ma duc la fatza mea


m-am facut maricica



Laura25 spune:
Originally posted by
eu ti-am zis de legatul trompelor ca pareai f convinsa ca nu mai vrei alt bebe. apropo de alt bebe: o prietena de-a mea care are deja un baietel a zis ca sa mai faca si ea o fetita. si-a ramas insarcinata cu gemeni care sunt baietei amandoi :) era disperata...
din studiile mele am inteles ca cel mai bun la ora actuala ar fi Mirene ca si sterilet. oricum ar trebui sa te consulte si un dr sa-ti recomande in fct de organismul tau.
si eu tot pat de 60x120 am si maria face ture-ture prin el ii place tare mult sa se impinga in gratii sau sa-si bage picioarele printre ele. sau sa-si puna picioarele sus si sa-si ridice fundul (asta cand are nervi mai ales). eu zic ca pana la 2 ani minim incap fara problema. apoi depinde de copil daca mai sta pana la 3 sau nu.
mamica de maria, 11 luni si 3 saptamani
Emanuela, chiar sunt foarte convinsa ca nu mai vreau alt copil, dar, dupa cum zicea si Simona, nu stii ce iti rezerva viata. Am auzit si eu de un cuplu care a facut doi baieti gemeni, apoi au zis ca totusi sa mai faca un copil si au iesit tot gemeni, tot baieti. Parintii mei si-au dorit mult un baiat, asa ca dupa 2 fete facute una dupa cealalta, dupa 11 ani, cand a ramas maica'mea din nou insarcinata, toata lumea zicea ca gata, o sa fie baiat ... si are tata 3 fete!
Cu dormitul in patut, o sa vedem noi cand se intorc acasa. Rares de pe la 4 luni a dormit numai cu mine in pat, dar nu-mi fac griji, ca nu o sa doarma cu mine pana se insoara.





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emaaimee spune:
aseara nu imi mai mergea DC,dar am apucat sa salvez mes
Simona,sa stapanesti sanatoasa masinamersic de aprecieri si multi pupici lui Mario si tie.
pisicut,fata mea tot dezvelita doarme,se foieste dk o invelesc cu cearceaf si se prinde in el si se ei ii troznesc articulatiile.
mersic de urari,motul si ziua mea cred ca vor fi in aceasi zi,ori pe 8 aug,ori mai devreme(sambata sau duminica).
felicitari copilasilor cu ocazia alegerii meseriei de motz
dr de fam a uitat sa ne sune si joi a vaccinat copiii.asa ca ne-a reprogramat maine singuri
Diana si restul mamicilor ai caror copilasi au avut reactie la vaccin-sa va treaca repede,sanatate copilasilor.


m-am facut maricica



Laura25 spune:
Emaaime si aici, pe forum, am vazut subiect unde se dezbate attachment parenting. Erau foarte multe comentarii pro si contra, sper sa nu fi ajuns la ZZ subiectul. Cred ca la "Parintii intreaba...", daca nu gresesc. Eu cred ca important e sa fie copilul santos, dezvoltat intr-un mod ehilibrat si mama sa aiba putere, ca orice metoda e buna!
Laura de shtrumphi,
Rares si
Bianca 13.06.2005
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Filmulete cu shtrumphi" target="_blank">Poveste cu shtrumphi


joker spune:
Attachment parenting is a style of caring for your infant that brings out the best in the baby and the best in the parents.
1. Birth bonding. The way baby and parents get started with one another helps the early attachment unfold. The days and weeks after birth are a sensitive period in which mothers and babies are uniquely primed to want to be close to one another. A close attachment after birth and beyond allows the natural, biological attachment-promoting behaviors of the infant and the intuitive, biological, caregiving qualities of the mother to come together. Both members of this biological pair get off to the right start at a time when the infant is most needy and the mother is most ready to nurture (see Bonding)
"What if something happens to prevent our immediate bonding?"
Sometimes medical complications keep you and your baby apart for a while, but then catch-up bonding is what happens, starting as soon as possible. When the concept of bonding was first delivered onto the parenting scene twenty years ago, some people got it out of balance. The concept of human bonding being an absolute "critical period" or a "now-or-never" relationship was never intended. Birth bonding is not like instant glue that cements the mother-child relationship together forever. Bonding is a series of steps in your lifelong growing together with your child. Immediate bonding simply gives the parent- infant relationship a headstart. (See "Birth Bonding")
2. Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is an exercise in babyreading. Breastfeeding helps you read your baby's cues, her body language, which is the first step in getting to know your baby. Breastfeeding gives baby and mother a smart start in life. Breastmilk contains unique brain-building nutrients that cannot be manufactured or bought. Breastfeeding promotes the right chemistry between mother and baby by stimulating your body to produce prolactin and oxytocin, hormones that give your mothering a boost.
3. Babywearing. A baby learns a lot in the arms of a busy caregiver. Carried babies fuss less and spend more time in the state of quiet alertness, the behavior state in which babies learn most about their environment. Babywearing improves the sensitivity of the parents. Because your baby is so close to you, you get to know baby better. Closeness promotes familiarity. (Click here for more information on Babywearing)
4. Bedding close to baby. Wherever all family members get the best night's sleep is the right arrangement for your individual family. Co-sleeping co-sleeping adds a nighttime touch that helps busy daytime parents reconnect with their infant at night. Since nighttime is scary time for little people, sleeping within close touching and nursing distance minimizes nighttime separation anxiety and helps baby learn that sleep is a pleasant state to enter and a fearless state to remain in.
5. Belief in the language value of your baby's cry. A baby's cry is a signal designed for the survival of the baby and the development of the parents. Responding sensitively to your baby's cries builds trust. Babies trust that their caregivers will be responsive to their needs. Parents gradually learn to trust in their ability to appropriately meet their baby's needs. This raises the parent-child communication level up a notch. Tiny babies cry to communicate, not to manipulate. (See Crying and Cry it Out)
6. Beware of baby trainers. Attachment parenting teaches you how to be discerning of advice, especially those rigid and extreme parenting styles that teach you to watch a clock or a schedule instead of your baby; you know, the cry-it-out crowd. This "convenience" parenting is a short-term gain, but a long-term loss, and is not a wise investment. These more restrained styles of parenting create a distance between you and your baby and keep you from becoming an expert in your child.
7. Balance. In your zeal to give so much to your baby, it's easy to neglect the needs of yourself and your marriage. As you will learn the key to putting balance in your parenting is being appropriately responsive to your baby � knowing when to say "yes" and when to say "no," and having the wisdom to say "yes" to yourself when you need help.
* AP is a starter style. There may be medical or family circumstances why you are unable to practice all of these baby B's. Attachment parenting implies first opening your mind and heart to the individual needs of your baby, and eventually you will develop the wisdom on how to make on-the-spot decisions on what works best for both you and your baby. Do the best you can with the resources you have � that's all your child will ever expect of you. These baby B's help parents and baby get off to the right start. Use these as starter tips to work out your own parenting style � one that fits the individual needs of your child and your family. Attachment parenting helps you develop your own personal parenting style.
* AP is an approach, rather than a strict set of rules. It's actually the style that many parents use instinctively. Parenting is too individual and baby too complex for there to be only one way. The important point is to get connected to your baby, and the baby B's of attachment parenting help. Once connected, stick with what is working and modify what is not. You will ultimately develop your own parenting style that helps parent and baby find a way to fit � the little word that so economically describes the relationship between parent and baby.
* AP is responsive parenting. By becoming sensitive to the cues of your infant, you learn to read your baby's level of need. Because baby trusts that his needs will be met and his language listened to, the infant trusts in his ability to give cues. As a result, baby becomes a better cue-giver, parents become better cue-readers, and the whole parent-child communication network becomes easier.
* AP is a tool. Tools are things you use to complete a job. The better the tools, the easier and the better you can do the job. Notice we use the term "tools" rather than "steps." With tools you can pick and choose which of those fit your personal parent-child relationship. Steps imply that you have to use all the steps to get the job done. Think of attachment parenting as connecting tools, interactions with your infant that help you and your child get connected. Once connected, the whole parent-child relationship (discipline, healthcare, and plain old having fun with your child) becomes more natural and enjoyable. Consider AP a discipline tool. The better you know your child, the more your child trusts you, and the more effective your discipline will be. You will find it easier to discipline your child and your child will be easier to discipline.
emaaimee...sunt multe chestii pe net, mai ales daca dai cautare cu altavistaJoker...mama de ied zapacit


acusor spune:
Am o intrebare la voi.
Noi am fost plecati cand a venit alocatia si aia de la posta ii trimit inapoi daca nu te duci. Cum e pe numele sotului, n-a apucat sa ajunga pana pe 27.
Acum nu stiu unde sa ma duc sa-i ridic. Vi s-a intamplat sa nu-i luati de la posta? Ar trebui sa-i iau unde am depus dosarul?
Andreea si Teo (26.08.2005)
Cat de mari suntem


joker spune:
iar ati intrat in silention stampa?sau fugirati pe strand?Joker...mama de ied zapacit


Laura25 spune:
joker, nu stiu unde sunt fetele astea care umpleau capitolul in 2-3 zile. Si eu am vorbit mai mult singura zilele trecute.
Laura de shtrumphi,
Rares si
Bianca 13.06.2005
Fotografiile noastre
Filmulete cu shtrumphi" target="_blank">Poveste cu shtrumphi
