REGIMUL SCARSDALE...2 saptamani -7Kg

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maine e a patra zi...inca nu m-am cantarit dar maine sunt la farmacie calare pe s-ar putea sa arate mai mult pt ca sunt in perioada cu musafiri

vreau sa intreb si eu spanacul nu se poate inlocui cu nimic?

Nu am mancat niciodata si nu imi place...asta e problema mea

Irina si Noélia - 25 sept 2005

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lorelaim spune:

Câte ceva despre "regimul de mentinere"... mii de scuze - este în lb engl... stiu regulamentul dar nu am avut timp sa traduc :-(

The Keep Trim program is not written out like the Scarsdale Diet.
It is a two week period of time to learn behavioral modifications and make up your own menus.
It is a maintenance period designed to readjust your basal metabolic index to your lowered weight, and "lock in" your loss, so you won't regain when you resume normal eating again.
Also, its like an ongoing weight loss thing, so you should still lose, even though the purpose is to maintain what you've lost so far and reset your body's metabolism setpoint.
The second two weeks on keep trim are almost the same as the regular diet, except that you have to plan your own meals. Comparing the list of rules on SMD vs KT, they look almost exactly the same. There are, however, many enjoyable extras during Keep Trim weeks:

What is added in during Keep Trim:
low-fat milk or skim milk
low-fat or fat free yogurt (no sugar)
Cheese (cheddar, swiss, american, camembert, etc (preferably low-fat & part-skim) & low-fat cottage)
2 slices protein bread a day (or other sugar free breads)
Low-Calorie Dressings (no more than 15 calories per tablespoon)
Sugar-free jellies, jams & preserves
Fruit Juice - No sugar added
Vegetable Juices (sugar free)
3 eggs a week
Soups (fat-free, no cream or whole milk)
Nuts (eaten sparingly)
No-sugar gelatin for dessert
1 small alcoholic drink a day (1 1/2oz liquor, 4.5 oz dry wine, 8 oz light beer)

in addition to the usual:
Fruits - any fruit desired
Vegetables & Greens - your choice, unlimited
All Lean Meats
Chicken & Turkey
Fresh & Frozen Fish
Herbs & Spices
Condiments in moderation


The following is a basic list of foods for your choice on Keep-Trim Eating:

All Lean Meats - hot or cold - Beef, Lamb, Veal, Lean Ham & Pork; always trim off visible fat before eating.

Chicken & Turkey - hot or cold - cooked in a variety of styles and recipes - not fired; always trim off skin and any visible fat before eating.

All types of fresh & frozen fish -
avoid those canned in rich sauces. Cook to your taste, but butter, margarine, oild, shortenings, or other fats should not be used in preparation.

All types of shellfish - Shrimps, scallops, lobster, oysters, clams, crab are fine.

Eggs any style -but no more than three a week - prepared without butter, margarine, oils, other fats; enjoy scrambled eggs, omlets, boiled, hard cooked, poached, fried (in a little instant chicken broth, or a skillet coated with non-stick vegetable spray.)

Cheeses- low-fat cottage cheese, low fat pot cheese, American Cheese, Cheddar, Swiss, Camembert - in fact, practically any cheese.

Soups, consomme, bouillon, with vegetables, meats, chicken, fish - without cream, whole milk, or fat.

Vegetables - generous servings of your favorite selection

Fruits - apples, oranges, pears, cherries, plums, grapes, grapefruit, melons, watermelon - any ruit you desire.

Fruit and vegetable juice may be enjoyed, but only natural fruit juices with no sugar added - apple, orange , grapefruit, etc. No-sugar tomato juice and Mixed-vegetable juices are fine.

Nuts may be eaten sparingly - walnuts, cashews, pecans, many of your favorites.

Bread is permitted on Keep-Trim Eating, but limit yourself to 2 slices per day, preferably protein bread. You may have other breads and rolls for a change, as long as you don't exceed the limitation and don't select any breads, rolls or muffins with sugar content or coatings.

No-sugar jellies, jams, preserves may be used in moderation.

Green salads, almost any and every combination of greens you can imagine and in whatever quantities you wish is allowable, laced with low-calorie dressings (not more than 15 calories per tablespoon), or with lemon, vinegar, and non-oily mixtures.

Beverages, hot or cold, as much as desired - coffee, tea, no-sugar diet sodas; no sugar; you may use sugar substitues. Skim or lowfat milk may be added to coffee and tea, if desired.

Condiments - ketchup, coctail sauce, mustard, horseradish, pickle relish, pickles, olives of all types, in moderation (Sugar free /Low Carb recommended)

Herbs, seasonings, spices, to your taste.
An alcoholic drink daily, dry (not sweet), if desired- 1 1/2 ounces of hard liquor, or 4 1/2 ounces of dry wine. You may have Scotch, bourbon, rye, Canadian whiskey, vodka, gin, dry rum, cognac and other dry brandies. No sweet cordials or liqueurs. No sweetened mixed drinks. A dry martini or dry manhattan are okay, but not sweet cocktails like old fashions or whiskey sours. No mixtures with sugar sodas; use " no-sugar" diet sodas or club soda instead.
All dry red, white, rose wines, dry champagne, and dry sherry are fine. No port, sweet sauterne, or other sweet wines. Only low-calorie beer is permitted.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns brianamica spune:

Originally posted by miria_cristina

BRIANA - Cand pui regimul de mentinere?

Cristina si Damiana (5 nov 2004)

"Treci din lumina in umbra pentru a face loc altora."

Miria, este facut un rezumat pe prima pagina acolo unde am scris regim in sine . Nu este chiar un regim sunt niste reguli de care eu am tinut cont (spre rusinea mea) doar cateva zile dupa cele 14.

Brianamica mamica de 2 fete cucuiete

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Lorelai, multumesc !

Brianamica mamica de 2 fete cucuiete

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Link direct catre acest raspuns brianamica spune:

Originally posted by mumyca

Brianamica,multumesc ca mai trecut si pe mine in lista.De miine incep regimul .O intrebare mai am si eu:putem sa mincam carne cit dorim,sau sa respetam un anumit gramaj ?Tu deobicei la cina ce legume folosestila regimul de Luni?('')

Mumyca, nu exista gramaj. Regula este insa ca atunci cand te simti satula sa te opresti din mancat !

Daca nu iti place spanacul nu il mananci , nu inlocuiesti, sau aplici pranzul alternativ . Eu folosesc ce legume am in casa, daca am . Daca nu sar peste ele.

Brianamica mamica de 2 fete cucuiete

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Link direct catre acest raspuns miria_cristina spune:

Azi am stagnat la 54Kg.

Dar nu ma supar!

Mai e timp si nici nu vreau sa slabesc rapid ca sa nu imi fie rau.

Cristina si Damiana (5 nov 2004)

"Treci din lumina in umbra pentru a face loc altora."

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns brianamica spune:

Si eu am stagnat..., dar e vina mea pentru ca ieri am mancat gratar de porc . Am fost la cineva la curte, s-a facu gratar.....mmmmmmm........ si am mancat !!! Cu salata de rosii si castraveti !

RUSINE !!!!!!!!!!!!! sa imi fie.
Dar nu ma las...

Brianamica mamica de 2 fete cucuiete

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Link direct catre acest raspuns adrianafedorca spune:

neata fetelor

asa cum am promis de azi incep si eu regimul, o sa-l tin 2 saptamani timp in care o sa fac si 20 de minute de eliptica pe zi , sper sa dau jos macar 5 kg

pt ca saptamana asat n-am fost prea cuminte si am mancat cam ce-am poftit am pus 1 kil asa ca acum am 59 kg asa ca brianamica te rog sa modifici la mine sa mai pui 1 kil in plus

va pup si spor la slabit

voi la cate zile va cantariti?

Adriana si bb Cezarica 23 Aprilie 2005

Cezar,minunea mea

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Link direct catre acest raspuns andre_ea spune:

Nici eu n-am slabit ieri. Dar cred ca pot sa dau vina pe cantar. Sau nu .
Ce ma enerveaza ca trebuie sa mananc rosiile astea fierte. Erau mai bune crude.

Andreea, mami de Tudor (zis Dudau) - 10.08.2005
POZE si" target="_blank"> FILMULETE

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Link direct catre acest raspuns miria_cristina spune:

Da'de ce trebuie sa le mananci neaparat fierte? Eu le mananc crude. Iar cand prepar ceva care stiu ca-mi place cu rosii coapte, le coc. Spre example, astazi, omleta!
Hai, mai, ca pe noi ne omoara strictetzea!
Doar rosia sau legumele sunt binevenite oricum, nu?!

Cristina si Damiana (5 nov 2004)

"Treci din lumina in umbra pentru a face loc altora."

Mergi la inceput