Piticodromul de ian-feb05 (6)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 4

Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns BDana spune:

Offf, Anda, enterocolita, indiferent de cauza, solicita intregul organism. Ptr. o refacere -ma refer la cea vizibila- sunt necesare cam 7 zile dar oricum, mucoasa intestinala necesita mai mult timp de refacere. E normal ca mititica sa fie asa, mai moale, mai ales, ca sigur nu prea se alimenteaza si hidrateaza si a avut pierderi (prin scaune, febra)...Lasa fata ca isi revine ea cu rabdare; si acum poti sa ii dai ceva ptr refacera florei intestinale (enterolul mi se pare cel mai ok) si incearca sa ii dai multe lichide si saruri de rehidratare. Daca starea ei persista si nu se vad inbunatatiri chiar deloc, mergi la dr.

Mamica Dana si un bebe Cristi (13.01.2005).

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Link direct catre acest raspuns alipiticot spune:

Anda,eu zic ca ar trebui sa zici si unui medic starea ei.Fata mea cat am stat in spital 2 zile,a fost ca si lesinata,nu a mancat nu a baut,nimic,au trebuit sa i puna perfuzii.Unele organisme asa se apara la pierderile mari,prin latenta,dar totusi tot zic ca ar trebui sa spui unui medic.La Raisa si medicii s-au speriat de starea ei,nu participa deloc singurul moment cand aveai senzatia ca nu doarme si reactiona era cand o intepau la injectie.Si sa stii ca la enterocolite cel mai mare pericol sunt pierderile de minerale si dezechilibrul hidroelectrolitic.Chiar daca nu mai are scaune moi,ea a pierdut multe minerale si lichide prin ele.Este o solutie nu stiu cum se cheama care contine sare si glucoza,se face cu apa si e indicata in enterocolite.
gesol de numeste.

Paula 7 sapt si minunea Stefana Raisa(d.n. 11.02.2005)

poze noi

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Witchie spune:

Ii dau vitamina c in fiecare zi. Mananca morcovi si orez si pui fiert si banana... Bea cu mult entuziasm ceai de menta. I-am luat milupa hn25 sa-i fac trecerea spre mancare normala. Dar mi-e o mila de ea de mi se rupe inima. Azi dimineata radea, sper sa o gasesc mai bine cand ma duc acasa. Merci de sfaturi o sa caut ecoflorina aia.

Anda, mama Irinei
domnisoara Irina

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Link direct catre acest raspuns sirimie spune:

Anda, multa sanatate Irinei! Cred ca trebuie sa ai grija sa bea multe multe lichide.

Pentru convalescenta eu iti recomand Tonotil N, sa intrebi doctorul despre el: http://www.farmaline.ro/index.php?cid=1&pid=4819 E destul de scump dar e indicat in convalescenta. Eu i-am dat lui Vladut pentru pofta de mincare si a mers un timp. I-am dat 5ml timp de 10 zile, in 2 cure.

Va dorim sa cresteti mari si frumosi!

Simona & Vladut (27 februarie 2005)

Poze la http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/seirimie/my_photos

Poze de la Mot

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Link direct catre acest raspuns aurelursu@k.ro spune:

Sanatate puilor bolnavi!!!
Si noi vrem sa mergem la mare anul asta daca nu o fi gripa aviara prin zona.
Vroiam sa intreb fetele care au fost prin deplasari cu bbii: noaptea au plans copilasii? SI daca au plans ati primit ceva "mustrari"?
Eu sunt un pic stresata sa nu "nasca" Stefan vreun dinte sau vreo masea si sa faca un concert de ne arunca vecinii in strada.
Bubu, Vladutza stie sa pedaleze sau il impingi tu? Ma tenteaza si pe mine o tricicleta. E aglomerat in Niro, nu ma mai fost demult?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lavinia345 spune:

Anda da sunt bune sarurile de deshidratare si ceva solutii cu prebiotice.Intreaba la farmacie.

Liviana cu avionul intr-adevar ai bagajul limitat,cam 20-25 de kg/pers,iar copilul are dreptul la 10 kg si el.Iar caruciorul e gratuit,nu se pune la cantar.Patul vostru nu se strange?n-ar trebui sa aiba mai mult de 5 kg.Plus ca mai ai voie sa mai iei cu tine vreo 8-10 in avion.Si daca depasiti cu cateva kg limita nu-i bai.

Lavinia si Natalia(17.01.05)


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Link direct catre acest raspuns lbelciug spune:

Merci Lavinia pt info.
Varianta cu avionul nu-mi surade deloc. Ar fi prea multe bagaje de carat cu mana, plus copilul. Ca sa nu mai zic de costuri. La Tarom pt copil reducerea e numai de 10% din pretul biletului de adult. Ramane clar varianta cu masina. Avem spatiu si mobilitate mai mare, chiar daca drumul e lung. O sa plecam cu noaptea in cap, macar 25% din drum Matei o sa doarma, plus pauzele si opririle la vama cand ne putem dezmorti. Au trecut multe cupluri prin asta, asa ca n-o sa murim noi. Atata doar ca trebuie sa fiu f atenta si organizez plecarea si bagajele in detaliu.
Va pupam.

Liviana - mamica fericita a lui Matei (21.02.2005)
Motzul si Prima aniversare

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Link direct catre acest raspuns danielai spune:

Anda, sanatate multa Irinei. Saruri de rehidratare sunt recomandate, fratele meu facea asa crize cand era mai mic si intotdeauna mama avea saruri in casa. Intreaba la farmacie. Si eu zic s-o vada totusi un doctor, poate iti da un "coctail" de vit care s-o puna pe picioare repede. Inc o data, sanatate!

Liviana, Nivea Kids am avut si eu anul trecut, dar anul asta o sa incerc altceva, caci Nivea nu mi-a placut, in sensul ca se intindea f greu pe piele. de eficienta era eficienta, dar pana o intindeam...
In ceea ce priveste planul de vacanta, cred ca varianta cu masina pana in grecia o sa fie ff obositoare, mai ales daca copilul nu calatoreste des si nu e invatat sa stea mult timp in scaunul de masina. Eu personal am fost anul trecut pana la mare si a fost a limita, adica mai departe nu cred ca mai rezista micuta. E adevarat ca anul asta e mai mare, dar tot asa incercam ceva mai aproape, daca nu la noi, poate la bulgari (sa vedem cum e si cu aviara prin zona).

gabiu, noi am cerut o camera cat mai restrasa, in caz ca se intampla surprize nocturne. Am avut o camera la parter (ca sa ne fie usor cu carutul) si pe colt. Era cred cea mai putin utilizata camera, asa ca n-au fost probleme s-o primim. Plus ca am evitat sa mergem in var de sezon, asa ca hotelul era ocupat cam 60%, deci sa aiba si ei grija cum plaseaza turistii ca sa nu deranjeze.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns sirimie spune:

Eu nu am timp sa traduc . Poate vi se pare si voua interesant:

. New this month: Me first!
. What you can do
. Other developments: Stranger anxiety and more fears
. Related Links

New this month: Me first!
Do you feel as if your whole world still revolves around your baby? So does
he! In fact, for much of his second year, your toddler will be
self-absorbed. Sharing toys, snacks, and especially your attention may be
very difficult. Watch him playing alongside another child, and you'll
probably notice that he isn't very interested in actually interacting with

You're still the most important person in your 13-month-old's life, and he's
likely to demand a lot of your attention. But you'll start to see glimpses
of his growing independence and confidence. As long as he can keep an eye on
you, he may entertain himself in the family room for several minutes while
you prepare dinner, interrupt you for a quick reassuring cuddle, and then
venture out on his own again.

At 13 months, children start to recognize that they have power, and they're
learning how to use it. Your toddler may demand that you read to him, push
him on a swing, take him for a walk. Even if he doesn't use words, he can
make clear, by tugging on you and pointing, exactly what he wants.

What you can do
Whether he's already a social butterfly or a little on the shy side, you can
help your child develop social skills with these fun activities:

Hide and seek. Chasing you and hiding from you are probably among your
13-month-old's favorite activities. He'll be happy hiding behind a chair, a
book, or even a dishtowel, and giggling endlessly as you pretend you can't
find him.

Fetch. Your 13-month-old will adore this one, though you may find it less
than entertaining. Throwing toys out of his crib or playpen or food off his
highchair and watching you retrieve the objects and hand them back to him is
big-time fun. He may also enjoy handing you toys, books, and other objects,
expecting that you will hand them back. This kind of give, take, and give
again is actually a social game, a way of keeping your attention. You may
also notice that he loves an audience, and will repeat any "performance"
that elicits a positive response, especially applause.

The "face-naming" game. Point to your eyes, nose, etc., and name them, and
he'll soon get the hang of it. Ask him where your mouth is and soon enough
he'll put his fingers right in it. Psychologists think this may be a
precursor to the separation process (when your toddler figures out that you
and he are separate people) that begins during the second year.

Other developments: Stranger anxiety and more fears
At around 13 months, many toddlers develop stranger anxiety. Yours may
become upset when you leave him, even with friends or family members he sees
often. A toddler who cries or whimpers, trembles, hides, or tries to run
away from "strangers" is simply demonstrating that he can distinguish the
difference between people he knows well - his parents and caregivers - and
those he doesn't.

Even toddlers who are at ease with unfamiliar people will encounter
situations that overwhelm them. A 13-month-old has a budding imagination,
and things that never seemed to bother him before, such as the vacuum
cleaner, bathtime, or a neighbor's pet, may suddenly be very scary.

What you can do
Remember that trust cannot be forced, so if your child is especially anxious
around new faces, be patient and let him keep his distance until he's ready
to interact. He'll look to you for guidance, so if you seem at ease around a
new babysitter, for instance, he'll take that cue. It may help him become
more comfortable around new people if you include him on excursions to the
grocery store, or other places where he can watch how you behave around
people you don't know.

Here are a few ways to soothe him when he's frightened of other things:

Loud noises. If the sound of the vacuum cleaner or lawn mower sends your
child into a frenzy, let him touch the object (when it's not plugged in or
turned on, of course). If sirens bother him, take a walk past your local
firehouse so he can see the trucks and ambulances parked quietly. If he's
curious about certain objects, let him explore them (if it's safe) and that
will help calm his fears. Never force him into an encounter, though, since
that will only feed his uneasiness.

The bathtub. Going down the drain, soap in the eyes, slipping - there's
plenty for a toddler to fear at bathtime. If your toddler starts to resist
getting into the tub, even if he used to enjoy the ritual, try giving him a
sponge bath for a few days. Allow him to sit in the tub with no water, and
use a washcloth rather than a cup of water to rinse his hair. You might even
skip the shampoo for a few days until his anxiety eases. After a few days
you can leave the water running and the drain open so the water doesn't
accumulate too much, and then gradually ease up to a full-fledged bath
again. If he fears the drain, demonstrate how his bath toys can't fit down
the drain and so neither can he.

Animals. Even children who have pets at home are often frightened by other
animals. Imagine how you'd feel if you came face-to-face with a 7-foot-tall
bear; the neighbor's golden retriever seems just as menacing to your
13-month-old. Never force your child to pet an animal. Instead, do some
role-playing with stuffed animals, or read books that feature animals like
the ones he's afraid of. And it's very important to teach children to never
pet any animal unless they ask the pet's owner first. Even the friendliest
dog or cat can bite or scratch when provoked.

Va dorim sa cresteti mari si frumosi!

Simona & Vladut (27 februarie 2005)

Poze la http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/seirimie/my_photos

Poze de la Mot

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns bubu05 spune:

Gabiu, nu stie sa pedaleze, tine piciorusele pe suportul acela de plastic si il imping eu de maner. In Niro nu prea e aglomerat in cursul saptamanii si trebuie sa mergeti dimineata, adica pe la 8-9 sa fiti deja acolo pt. ca apoi se va aglomera. In we cred ca e balamuc.

Fetele, va dau datele gazdei de la mare, dar mai pe seara, ca nr. ei e la sot in mobil si cand vine acasa il intreb.

Anda, multa sanatate Irinei. Noi am folosit Milupa HN, a fost eficient cand era Vlad mai mic. Trebuie sa-i dai neaparat sarurile alea de hidratare si ceva pt. flora intestinala.

Va anunt ca am renuntat la dieta, dar nu mananc paine, dulciuri, prajeli, dupa 6 seara(incerc) si nu beau decat apa plata(fara sucuri). Eu am slabit vreo 3,5 kg...asa ca incerc pe partea asta, sa vad cum merge.

Oana si Vladutz (2 ianuarie 2005)
Poze cu Vladutz

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