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Raspunsuri - Pagina 7

daniela_b spune:
Originally posted by forte
So do soul mates really exist?
Researchers from the State University of New York at Buffalo say YES! You can find your perfect soul mate. Here's the warning: It may only exist in your mind. Even if there is no such thing as a perfect soul mate, we can still believe we have found one. Both men and women are capable of developing a very real sense that our partners are mirror images of ourselves. That lets us see similarities that really don't exist. But if we think they exist, then presto! We have a soul mate.
Some cynics may say this type of self-centeredness would kill any healthy relationship, but the SUNY researchers beg to differ. They insist that soul mate fantasies can actually form the foundation of a "satisfying and stable romantic relationship." Lead author Sandra L. Murray writes in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: "Assimilating a partner to the self gives intimates the sense that they have found a kindred spirit, someone who is just like them and, thus, knows and understands them for who they really are." Even if it is all in our heads.
Hey, it's a complex and tough world out there. The authors say that this kind of "egocentrism" is actually beneficial because it instills a feeling that one's partner is indeed a "soul mate." So keep dreaming. Sometimes it makes life richer.
well, ca sa zic asa, bine ca ne-am lamurit ce parere au cercetatorii si cinicii si Sandra L.Murray... si, well..., n-ar trebui sa aflam si ce parere au oamenii obisnuiti?
Aceia care se indragostesc mai des?

Ei, cum care oameni obisnuiti? Aia care nu-s cinici si nici cercetatori, well, sint si de astia...
p.s. cum? cynics nu inseamna cinici?

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Elise spune:
That lets us see similarities that really don't exist. But if we think they exist, then presto! We have a soul mate.
da, poti sa iti imaginezi ca ai 5 sotzi, 3 copii si un catzel, dar, de fapt, "they really don't exist".
si Presto! - "you have 5 soul mates" si o lume imaginara!
Magia asta o stiam toti.
care e revelatia acestui studiu?!