FIV (32)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 4
smita spune:
Felicitari Mickey!!!! Sarcina usoara(desi spui ca ai avut ceva greturi)!
Sa auzim de bebe !
Monica-Elena spune:
Felicitari Michey si ai mare grija de acum incolo. greul de acum incepe ai sa vezi.
Ptr cine a intrebat cat costa dipherelineul de 3,75 in Ungaria 140 euro fiola.
A mai intrebat cineva daca ai nevoie de reteta cand iei medicamentele din Ungaria - nu nu iti trebuie nici o reteta doar sa sticate fiole iti trebuie de menogon.
Lachi esti o dulce ne vedem pe 5 la 15.50 de abia astept sa te vad fata frumoasa. Broscutu face bine da din craci de zor mai ales ca azi am avut si inu8ndatie ne-am si distrat.
Monica si broschi din burtica
Esentele tari se tin in sticlute mici.
Kariris spune:
BRAVO MICKEY!!!!! Sa fii sanatoasa si sa ai o sarcina usoara si un copil minunat!!!!
Teli, tinem pumnii in continuare, stai cumintica la pat si sa vii cu o veste la fel de buna!!!
Moni, sa inteleg ca ati avut zi de divertisment azi, nu?
Sa nu te necajesti, acum nimic nu e mai important decat sportivul din burtica!
Mickey, cand ai timp spune-mi si mie : esti la prima incercare, cati ani ai si unde ai facut? Daca vrei, bineinteles.
la toate fetele!
MickeyD spune:
Hello to all!!!!
You don’t know me, I haven’t been on this site but most of you know my wife (MickeyD). I’m writing in English because my Romanian (especially my writing) is not to good and I can’t really express myself well.
Anyway, hopefully some or all of you will understand what I’m writing. I’ve felt the urge to write to you all many times but I never took the time to do so for various reasons. It’s been a long journey for Mickey and I. We started out together 3 years ago. We met, it was a meeting like in the movies. The minute I saw here was the minute I knew we would spend the rest of our lives together. I was living in Prague, she was living in Bucuresti; it was a difficult situation to overcome. Long distance relationships as a rule never work out. But we pulled it off and a year later after living “together” (we would see each other on weekends) we got married. It was a dream come true for both of us.
As you can imagine we were always hopeful that a little BB would be the next dream come true. It didn’t happen. We didn’t know why, all we knew was we wouldn’t be 100% complete if we didn’t have someone to share our lives with. Mickey started to look into the possibility of infertility. She got onto this WONDERFUL site that you all are a part of. The support and the amount of information that we both received was amazing. You, all of you, gave us the hope that we needed to make the decision we made.
We went ahead and started the process. We went to an army of different doctors: gynecologists, urologists, biologists, all of them. Through trial and error, and with help from all of you, we found the GREAT ones: Dr. Dracia, Dr. Damian (urologists), Dr. Cocei, and last but not least Dr. Matei at CFR2. These are the people that truly helped us, not only as doctors but as human beings. They explained everything, they had the patients to answer all our questions (even the stupid ones), and they provided the support everyone needs when they go through this kind of thing.
I have THREE MAIN reasons I am writing this: 1.To thank each and every one of you for your help and assistance, 2. to let all of you who are thinking of going through this that anxiety, hope, and sometimes anger are part of the process. There are no EASY answers but THERE IS A RAY OF LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL.and finally 3. have a sense of humor (I made that up because I forgot the last reason ).
Virgil (MickeyD)
Kariris spune:
So,... should I understand that you did it at the Giulesti Hospital?
Congratulation!!! God bless the three of you (or the four,who knows?) !!!
Mit spune:
ce inseamna doar sa sticate fiole iti trebuie de menogon?
daca vreau sa cumpar Puregon? cum... intru in fadmacia, spun ce imi trebuie si gata?
Monica-Elena spune:
Mit am batut prea repede la calc. Adica sa sti cate fiole de menogon iti trebuie. Eu vorbesc de menogon ptr ca asta ma cumparat eu din Ungaria.De puregon nu stiu. Nu stiu daca se gaseste la orice farmacie eu am luat de la una de langa Seged unde stiam.Vezi la cap 31 este nr de telefon al farmacistei din Ungaria.
Monica si broschi din burtica
Esentele tari se tin in sticlute mici.
nicole74 spune:
Felicitari, Mickey. Mi-au dat lacrimile de fericire.
Sarcina usoara si aveti grija de voi.
Multa bafta si celorlalte fete.
Nicole 17 saptamani
luli spune:
MikeyD - Ma bucur din suflet pentru voi. Sa ai mare grija de bb (-i).
M-a impresionat profund si mesajul lui Virgil.
Good luck to all of you
Luli si ... atat.
anis spune:
Ariela...depinde de procedura daca e scurta dureaza cam 1 luna..daca procedura e lunga aproape 1 luna si 3 sapt.
AniS si bebelina mea dulce 21+
"Happiness is like perfume,you can't pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself."