Ajutati un baietel sa mearga iar !
Raspunsuri - Pagina 12
vick spune:
Astept cu mare interes adresele. Deja am trimis cateva mail-uri.
De aceasta data micutul Paul va putea sa se bucure de banii - "pasaport" pentru destinatia Kiev.
Fetelor trimiteti pe unde puteti mail-uri. Trebuie sa cerem ajutor si pentru micutul Paul si sigur il vom gasi. Doamne ajuta !
Sanatate multa lui Paul !
Cu drag,
madalina horsa spune:
uite ce iti propun. Trimite-mi pe mail sau PM adresele. Eu o sa vorbesc cu Ani ( mama lui Paul), sa vedem ce parere are si ea ( poate vrea sa trimita ea sau vrea sa trimitem noi, nu stiu).
Daca ramane sa trimitem noi, eu una sunt dispusa sa fac eu asta. eventual o sa ma sfatuiesc si cu alte fete de aici in privinta formei mesajelor pe care o sa-l trimitem.
Ideea e super, ai numai grija sa nu te prinda!
Cu drag,
lorelei_19 spune:
Marina, potzi bineinteles sa-mi trimiti mie datele respective, le trimit cu placere. Multzumesc mult de ajutor.
Paul are nevoie de noi:
Andrada spune:
Poate cineva sa traduca si in engleza va rog?
L’amore che move il sole e l’altre stelle. Dante
Iubirea misca soarele si celelalte stele
Anina_n spune:
Originally posted by madalina horsa
uite ce iti propun. Trimite-mi pe mail sau PM adresele. Eu o sa vorbesc cu Ani ( mama lui Paul), sa vedem ce parere are si ea ( poate vrea sa trimita ea sau vrea sa trimitem noi, nu stiu).
Daca ramane sa trimitem noi, eu una sunt dispusa sa fac eu asta. eventual o sa ma sfatuiesc si cu alte fete de aici in privinta formei mesajelor pe care o sa-l trimitem.
Ideea e super, ai numai grija sa nu te prinda!
Cu drag,
Astept raspunsul mamei lui Paul iar daca ea este de acord, astept si eu acele adrese de e-mail de la Marittamarina.
Nina, mami de www.babiesonline.com/babies/n/ninacristina" target="_blank"> Nina-Cristina (10.01.2002) www.desprecopii.com/forum/topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&TOPIC_ID=19346" target="_blank">Povestea nasterii !
Paul are nevoie de noi:
Anina_n spune:
Originally posted by lorelei_19
A mai aparut un articol despre Paul in 121: http://reclama ilegala - conmsidera acesta un avertisment/content/mesajul_din_sticla/index.php3
Multzumim, Ana Sipciu, si sa dea Dumnezeu sa fie cu noroc.
Paul are nevoie de noi:
Ana Sipciu, foarte frumos articolul ! Doamne ajuta, sa impresioneze pe cat mai multi !
Nina, mami de www.babiesonline.com/babies/n/ninacristina" target="_blank"> Nina-Cristina (10.01.2002) www.desprecopii.com/forum/topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&TOPIC_ID=19346" target="_blank">Povestea nasterii !
Paul are nevoie de noi:
anangel_lexi spune:
Andrada, uite:
“Mum, if God is good, why does it have to hurt me?”
It is Paul’s question, a 7 years old boy. He knows he has a problem with his muscles, he knows he cannot run, he knows he soon gets tired and that he cannot climb the stairs by himself anymore…
But he does not know that the lack of money will condemn him to a wheelchair, and then to death. If he is patient, he shall have 20 years in front of him…
In order to save Paul, he needs the first trance Euro 15,000. There are gathered until now Euro 7,000. He still needs Euro 8,000 for the beginning!
Latest news in short:
Madalina, a family friend, says:
They are in Bucharest, Paul goes to school and he is happy. There is a problem with the transportation; he goes to school by bus and tram but I hope he will do fine.
THE BIG PROBLEM is that there is still not enough money gathered in his account. As far as I know, the second part of the treatment will take place in January. The old debt is of Euro 7,500 and for the second part of the treatment they need another Euro 10,000.
You can also find an article about Paul on the website 121.ro
Paul’s story was also published in “Jurnalul National” newspaper:
A child’s gait has been stolen…can we buy it and give it back to him?
While other children learn how to live, Paul has to learn how to die. Each day, little by little. Without knocking at his door, the End has smuggled in his room, among his toys, and did not leave anymore. It lives together with this 7 years old boy and steals every day another piece of his life. The day before yesterday it stole a step from him, today it steals his hopes, tomorrow his dreams that he will be able to run again.
And without being able to fight against it, Paul plays with the End. He already begins to see its face…He somehow found out that in short time he will not be able to see the trees, the sky and the sun except from a wheelchair. But nobody dares to tell him that after that, there will inevitably be Death. How should one explain to a 7 years old child that he has to say “good-bye” to everything he has ever loved in this world? How should one explain to him that there will be a day when he will hug his parents for the last time?! While other children learn how to live, Paul has to learn how to die…
Do you have the courage to change this End?
Accounts opened at RAIFFAISEN BANK
Gura Humorului Subsidiary
IBAN Codes
For Lei: RO52RZBR0000060004313435
For EURO RO46RZBR0000060004313446
Account owner
Any Ungureanu Mironov.
My story is like a novel
Any Ungureanu Mironov is 34 years old. She has been a great sportswoman and has won tens of medals, most of them gold medals. She cried for joy on the highest rank of the dais, when she heard the national anthem play for her. Then, after years, she gave birth to two beautiful children. And, as she thought her life was full and she could ask nothing more from God, she fell, defeated, before Him …
She was born in Gura Humorului, Suceava county and for a long time she did not knew what her life path should be. She discovered it when she was 17, when there came a commission from the Olimpia Bucharest Sports Club at the school where she was going. They were looking for young talenst for canoeing. “I did not know too much about this sport”, Any confesses, “but I loved water and I was a great fan of Sanda Toma, whom I had seen at the Moscow Olympics. When they selected me, I said “yes” from the bottom of my heart.”
She then entered the last year at the juniors section and in 1988 she became World Champion in canoeing. Naturally, she was selected for the Olympics team, where she stayed five years during which she obtained other tens of silver and bronze medals at the National Championships and over 30 medals, most of them of gold, at the International Regattas, with her team. Her only unfulfilled dream was the Olympics. In 1992 she was selected for the final Olympic team and she began to work hard for the performance. “When I thought I were a paddle’s length far from the Olympics, she says, the doctors discovered at a control disturbances of the heart rhythm. They could do nothing for me, I had to remain at home…”
The most valuable medal
A year later when her colleagues were glorious, Any gave up sports. And as there were not many things she could do besides sports, she found a job as office worker. But life was still gentle with her, because, instead of the medals for which she had so much fought, it gave her a soul mate. She met her husband Radu on water. He was then a sportsman within Steaua Bucharest Sports Club at the kayak-canoeing section and brought in marriage a greater dowry than hers: 14 gold medals at the National Championships and other 30 at the International Regattas.
But the dearest medal they had ever got was the birth of their son, Paul. “We wanted very much to have a child”, Any says. “Although we did not have a home of our own and we wanted to leave Bucharest. But we always postponed it and we stayed here. And Radu became non-commissioned officer within the Ministry of Domestic Affairs.” And in 4 years, the life gave them another reason for joy: the birth of a little girl, Ana Paula. They were the happiest persons on earth. At lest they thought so…
Life for sale
I first noticed that something is not right with Paul, when he was 4 years and a half. He wanted to be held in our arms more, once he fell without stumbling. We were at the Orthopedist and he gave us some unguents. After a few months, he made a blood analysis and we saw that he had very high transaminases. There followed months of controls and hospitalizations, but the doctors could not find out what he suffered of…We could see that the muscles on his feet were swollen, but we thought he inherited our athletic constitution, we did not think for a moment that there could be something severe. And finally we heard the verdict: progressive Duchene muscle dystrophy.”
She did not know anything about this illness; she thought it just a matter of time until she could get a treatment. But she found out that in Romania there are no solutions and also no goodwill from the authorities. She got the most pieces of information from the parents whose children suffered from the same illness. That is how she discovered the clinic in Kiev, National Medical University Cell Therapy Clinic, where experimental interventions are made with positive results for the muscle dystrophy. She asked for the help pf the Ministry of Health, but the commission’s result was tough: “he will not benefit of medical treatment outside the country. The mioblasts transfer is a still developing technique (in other countries) without a sure, proven benefit (in Romania)”. But the Kiev doctors guarantee the stopping of the illness evolution and have also proves through the children they have saved until now.
Any has not given up the fight. She corresponded by herself with the clinic in Ukraine and scheduled her child for a treatment. The therapy consists of three parts, at a time interval of 6 months each. The cost of the intervention is of Euro 33,000, which can be paid in three trances. In order that Paul should be treated, he would need at the beginning Euro 15,000. Out of which there are gathered by now Euro 7,000. “The first aid, of Euro 100 was given to us by an aunt who gave up a debt we should have paid to her. We got 1 Million Lei from the church. We still have a large sum to gather but most of the doors at which we knock for help, remain closed. God, I would sell my own life if somebody would pay for it!”
“I hold his hand”
Paul knows not much of what happens to him. He could not even understand it as long as he asks his mother “if God is good, why does it have to hurt me?” He goes to kineto-therapy for the muscles condition and one day as he returned from the doctor he sighed: “You know what? I will not complain anymore and I will go to gymnastics because I don’t want to use a wheelchair.” Somehow he had found out the terrible news. And he feels that it will be harder and harder for him. One day, the spoon with which he ate, seemed heavier to him, because his little arm was tired…”
His sister is 4 years old and knows that Paul is ill. And she wants to help him somehow. One day, she came suddenly to her mother to tell her a great secret: “You know, she said, God has given me a brother so that I should hold his hand and help him not to fall!” “I have to hold my child’s hand” Any says and cannot go on because of her tears. “My duty as a mother is to fight for my child’s life. But I feel like rowing against the stream, as in a last regatta that life is offering me…” In each regatta there has to be a team. Can you go further, knowing that for a child one step means suffering?
One penny for a step
Someone has stolen the steps from this child, while he was asleep. While he was still learning how to talk, while he was doing his best to crawl. And the thief still lies in wait for him, greedy and merciless. It is the first time that Paul’s story and his mother’s drama are published somewhere. Because he, as he might learn about this lines, should only find out as much as a child’s soul can carry inside…We, however, know how to read between the lines of a story and we can see the tough truth. Those of you who still think that saving a child is the most important mission in the world can bring their contribution for Paul in the accounts opened at Raiffeisen Bank, Gura Humorului subsidiary, Any Ungureanu Mironov, 4313435 (Lei) and 4313446 (Euro).
The disease
The progressive muscle dystrophies are the most frequent human genetic diseases. The Duchene miopathy or the severe form of PMD is the most common at children and is found in 2 children among 10,000. It is a disease of the muscles fibers, which, because of a progressive degeneration, leads to the atrophy of the muscles and to states of weakness and high motive incapacity. The disease is hereditary and affects only boys; it begins around the age of 4-5 years and the first symptoms include: difficulty of rising from the position with bent knees and much thickened pulps. The cause of the disease is still unknown but there is a treatment with the help of which its evolution can be slowed down. Due to a blood test, the disease can be discovered from the birth.
Source: http://www.jurnalul.ro/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=7158
Sper ca e bine, cu engleza nu stau chiar asa de bine, dar m-am straduit.
Sometimes I still lose my mind/ when life is cruel and unkind/ but it's when I suffer that I learn/in a repenting heart love will burn/oh I'm/ thanking blessed Mary for light divine
anangel_lexi spune:
Originally posted by lorelei_19
Oh, Alexandra, ma impresioneaza la lacrimi cat esti de draguta! CA si in cazul Teodorei, sari imediat, chiar daca ai trecut prin atatea in ultimul timp. Alexandra, ma rog la Dumnezeu sa te binecuvinteze si sa-ti dea mult noroc in tot ceea ce faci. Esti o fata extraordinara
Paul are nevoie de noi:
Multumesc, dar nu ma mai lauda atata, te rog, daca mi-o iau in cap? Glumeam.
Lasa ca uite e o consolare gandul ca mai sun sanse, sperante pentru un copil. Asa ca de ce sa nu ajut? Stiu pe cineva care de acolo de sus e tare mandru de mine
Sometimes I still lose my mind/ when life is cruel and unkind/ but it's when I suffer that I learn/in a repenting heart love will burn/oh I'm/ thanking blessed Mary for light divine
madalina horsa spune:
[quote]Originally posted by anangel_lexi
One penny for a step
Someone has stolen the steps from this child, while he was asleep. While he was still learning how to talk, while he was doing his best to crawl. And the thief still lies in wait for him, greedy and merciless. It is the first time that Paul’s story and his mother’s drama are published somewhere. Because he, as he might learn about this lines, should only find out as much as a child’s soul can carry inside…We, however, know how to read between the lines of a story and we can see the tough truth. Those of you who still think that saving a child is the most important mission in the world can bring their contribution for Paul in the accounts opened at Raiffeisen Bank, Gura Humorului subsidiary, Any Ungureanu Mironov, 4313435 (Lei) and 4313446 (Euro)[qote]
madalina horsa spune:
Am vrut sa dau quote dar se pare ca nu stiu:(
Vroiam sa atrag atentia ca acolo au ramas conturile vechi, nu cele IBAN.