teste de ovulatie
Raspunsuri - Pagina 3
valentinag spune:
Costa cam 1300000.Il comanzi prin poata la firma Salus Rom.
il trimit in citeva zile.
Ancade spune:
Mi-e mi-a cumparat tata ieri de la firma Salus- 1.250.000 lei ;s-a dus personal sa-l ia sa fie sigur ca il are la timp (pana vine la mine); va redau emailul primit de la firma.
"Va rugam vizitati punctul nostru de lucru la Bucuresti, sector 5, str.
Costache Negri nr. 10A/1, telefon 021-4116377.
Prețul minimicroscopului Maybe-Baby este 1.250.000 lei cu TVA inclus. Dacă doriți să cumpărați puteți să faceți o comanda prin telefon, fax sau chiar și printr-un răspuns afirmativ la acest e-mail, comunicând adresa dvs la care să trimitem produsul. Taxele poștale sunt suportate de firma noastră în cazul expedierii ca simplu colet poștal. În acest caz veți primi coletul în cca 3-4 zile de la data comenzii, și veți plăti contravaloarea la ridicarea coletului (sistem ramburs). Dacă doriți livrare mai rapidă
puteți alege orice serviciu de curierat rapid dar în acest caz
cheltuielile de livrare vor fi suportate de către Dvs. Așteptăm răspunsul Dvs."
anis spune:
Maybe Baby e o prostie...nu iti arata nici o valoare constanta....e f sensibil la saliva...si sensibil la ce mananci.
Il am de 1 an...si doar o singura data s-a potrivit sa-mi arate ovulatia si sa fie exact atunci...am vazut la eco...in rest numai aiureli...imi ieseau la ferigi si de 3-4 ori pe luna...asa ca...
Sa nu zic ca dupa ce l-am luat, m-am dus la dr si mandra " de achizitia mea" am inceput sa ma laud...si ce mi-a spus dr,m-a convins ca e doar o vrajeala de piata...unii scot niste bani din treaba asta.
Chiar vreau sa-l vand pe al meu...
ilenya spune:
Originally posted by anis
Maybe Baby e o prostie...nu iti arata nici o valoare constanta....e f sensibil la saliva...si sensibil la ce mananci.
Il am de 1 an...si doar o singura data s-a potrivit sa-mi arate ovulatia si sa fie exact atunci...am vazut la eco...in rest numai aiureli...imi ieseau la ferigi si de 3-4 ori pe luna...asa ca...
Sa nu zic ca dupa ce l-am luat, m-am dus la dr si mandra " de achizitia mea" am inceput sa ma laud...si ce mi-a spus dr,m-a convins ca e doar o vrajeala de piata...unii scot niste bani din treaba asta.
Chiar vreau sa-l vand pe al meu...
Si eu am luat plasa... intotdeauna imi arata aiurea, uneori cu citeva zile inainte de menstra, cu toate ca temperatura imi crescuse cu peste o saptamana inainte...nu-mi place. Acum zace pe undeva prin casa..
Plus ca iti arata cind creste E2 -estrog., dar asta nu inseamna ca sigur se va produce ovulatia (cu desprinderea, spargerea folicului si eliberarea ovocitului), pt asta tb. sa creasca corespunzator LH (horm. luteinizant). Lucrul asta mi l-a spus si Arian-Dr. Teo, dar nu l-am ascultat ...
Ancade spune:
Testul asta de saliva trebuie facut cu cel putin 2 ore inainte de masa/bautura/fumat.Cel mai bine dimineata inainte de spalatul pe dinti chiar.Eu sper sa fie bun, desi si eu urmaresc temperatura lunar, dar m-am saturat pt ca daca Vlad se trezeste inainte de 6(si se intampla des)nu mai merge nici cu graficul de temp.(trebuie cel putin 3 ore de dormit inainte de a masura corect temp dimineata).
Acum l-am cumparat asta e;trebuia sa-mi spuneti mai devreme ca nu e bun.
ilenya spune:
Originally posted by Laura_72819
Eu va spun clar ca am cumparat, era pretul lipit pe ele, mi-au dat oamenii bon, asta e pretul la Sensi Blue. Sunt niste pungulite roz la fel de mari ca si testele de sarcina. Daca a cumparat cineva de la Help Net, sunt curioara cum se numesc si cine le fabrica, sa vedem daca e vorba de acelasi test si e pretul diferit.
Eu am cumparat de la Help Net , dar nu in pung. roz, o sa ma uit acasa sa-ti spun de cine-s facute.
Anca, imi pare rau ca rindurile mele au sosit prea tarziu, dar nu am mai urmarit subiectul citeva zile, sorry. Poate tu sa te intelegi cu el mai bine decit mine si Anis.
Laura_72819 spune:
Felelor, cele care folositi luna asta teste de ovulatie va rog sa ne spuneti aici ce rezultate ati obtinut. Eu am facut inseminare luna asta dar nu sunt prea optimista si daca saptamana viitoare nu an un HCG pozitiv atunci o sa incerc si eu cu testele astea.
ana maria spune:
Nu cred ca e o pacaleala cu testu de saliva. Doar ca nu pot sa resepct intotdeauana consitiile si rezultatele sunt influentate de concentratia de sare din saliva.
ANCADE, daca resepcti indicatiile poate sa-ti arate bine. Nu te necaji ca nu are sens.
Eu sigur m-am plictisit dupa primele luni de utilizare. La mine oricum probalema este ovulatia foarte tarzie (dupa ziua 20) si deobicei ma plicitseam pana atunci (he he he)
Ana Maria
Succes si s-auzim numai de bine!!!
isvirg spune:
Bun am inteles ca exista si asemenea teste in farmacii. Dar dupa determinarea momentului ovulatiei, stiind deci acest moment exact, a avut cineva un rezultat pozitiv?
Ancade spune:
Poate va ajuta metoda temp bazale ; la noi cred ca impedimente sunt varsta(eu am 34, sotul meu 49)si dorinta mea apriga de a mai avea un sau 2 copii care am inteles ca influenteaza hormonii.
Din pacate nu se pot copia aici si graficele care sunt date de exemplu.Daca cineva e interesat ca pot trimite via email graficul pe care si eu l-am printat in n exemplare si le folosesc zi de zi.
daca stiti engleza uitati-va pe site-ul:http://www.fertilityuk.org/nfps405.html#interpretingtemperaturereadingsslug
Ovulatory cycles - Identifying the temperature shift
A cycle in which ovulation has occurred is characterised by a biphasic temperature chart. The temperature remains at the lower level until the time of ovulation, when a rise or shift occurs of about 0.2 deg. C or more. The rise usually takes place abruptly between one day and the next. The temperature remains on the higher level until just before, or at the onset of, the next period.
To determine the post-ovulatory infertile phase
If pregnancy is to be avoided, intercourse cannot be resumed immediately the temperature shift is recorded. The ovum or egg can be fertilised for up to 12 hours after ovulation and allowance must be made for the possibility of a second ovulation within 24 hours of the first, a rare phenomenon which occurs in twin pregnancies.
Rule of 3 over 6
The post-ovulatory infertile phase begins after the third high temperature has been recorded.
There must be three undisturbed high temperatures above the level of the previous six daily temperatures.
The shift need only be 0.1deg.C but one of the three high temperatures should be at least 0.2 deg. C above the coverline.
To identify the relevant temperatures when applying the rule of 3 over 6, a horizontal coverline is drawn on the line immediately above the highest of the low temperatures. A vertical line is then drawn forming a cross on the chart between the two days when the temperature shifts from the lower to the higher phase. This is illustrated above with the three higher temperatures in the upper right quadrant and the previous six in the lower left quadrant. As soon as the third high temperature has been recorded, intercourse can be resumed and the rest of the cycle will be infertile.
The 3 over 6 rule is very efficient and simple to use and for this reason is the method adopted here for identifying the post-ovulatory infertile phase for women of normal fertility.
There may however be circumstances where the use of a coverline technique may help to avoid errors of interpretation, when there is any doubt about the accuracy of the 6 low temperatures. This may occur when there is a particularly disturbed chart, or in special circumstances such as during breast-feeding, post-pill or during the pre-menopause.
Coverline technique
A horizontal coverline is drawn over all the low phase temperatures excluding temperature recordings on the first four days of the cycle, and any disturbances.
There must be a minimum of six low temperatures.
The three high temperatures must all be above the coverline.
At least one on the three high temperature should be a minimum of 0.2 deg.C
The post-ovulatory infertile phase commences after the third undisturbed high temperature has been recorded.
As a woman gains experience in recording her temperature, she will learn to recognise her usual coverline and the normal range for her low phase temperatures and then the higher phase temperatures. The experience of past cycles can be very helpful particularly in interpreting a more difficult chart.
Variations in the temperature rise or shift
An abrupt rise is the most common with the temperature showing a sharp rise between one day and the next, although other variations may occur.
A slow rise is one in which the temperature rises slowly over several days.
A step rise is goes up in a series of steps.
These may easily be interpreted using the rule of 3 over 6.
A saw tooth rise goes through a series of peaks and troughs and although very rare is more difficult to interpret - experienced help is needed.
By drawing a coverline, identify the beginning of the rise. The post-ovulatory infertile phase begins after the fifth temperature has been recorded.
Variations in shift day
Cycle lengths will vary considerably, but as the temperature shift occurs 12-16 days before the next period it follows that it will occur earlier in shorter cycles and later in longer cycles.
The length of the pre-ovulatory infertile phase will vary accordingly but the post-ovulatory infertile phase will remain constant.
Variations in Shift Day.
Arrows show the Temperature Shift
A Temperature Spike
A temperature spike is defined as a single recording which is 0.2deg.C or more above its immediate neighbours.
It may be caused by a disturbance from alcohol, a late night, oversleeping, minor illness or stress. Sometimes there may be no obvious cause for a spike.
When interpreting the chart it is often helpful to circle the spike so that the disturbance is easily recognised.
One temperature spike may safely be ignored when determining the six temperatures on the lower level, but where possible there should be an explanation for the temperature disturbance.
If more than one spike is present, then it is advisable to wait a further few days until the position becomes clear again.
If a disturbance affects one of the three higher temperatures, it is advisable to wait for a fourth high temperature to ensure infertility.
Short post-ovulatory (luteal) phase
Some women will experience cycles with a shortened post-ovulatory phase.
If the post-ovulatory phase lasts less than nine days, the cycle will be infertile as there is insufficient time for implantation to take place. This can only be seen retrospectively.
Short luteal phases may be observed during times of stress or during special circumstances (breast-feeding, post-pill or pre-menopausally)
The short luteal phase is of particular significance for couples planning pregnancy.
Anovulatory cycles
In a small proportion of cycles, ovulation does not occur.
Anovulatory cycles are characterised by a monophasic chart, that is the temperature readings remain on one level throughout the cycle. This may be contrasted with the distinct biphasic pattern demonstrated by the ovulatory cycles.
Anovulatory cycles are more common at the extremes of the fertile life, adolescence and the pre-menopause. They may also occur after childbirth, and after coming off the contraceptive pill.
Faulty recording technique
A very erratic temperature chart may indicate faulty recording technique.
It differs from a chart affected by illness, by showing frequent subnormal readings as well as high readings.
Erratic temperature readings are most frequently seen during the learning phase
Temperature-taking and recording techniques need to be accurate.
Common errors include:
Failing to leave the thermometer in place for the required length of time
· Alterations in recording time (with no explanation)
· Alterations in route mid-cycle
· Change of thermometer mid-cycle
· Possible battery failure - digital thermometer
· Failing to shake the mercury down properly - glass / mercury thermometer
If the temperature is being taken orally, it may be wise to change to the vaginal or rectal route at the beginning of the next cycle, if this is acceptable. This tends to give a more stable pattern which is easier to interpret.