Creme brulee
Ma ajutati si pe mine sa fac creme brulee? Nu e crema de zahar ars, e aia cu crusta deasupra si mult mai cremoasa, dar mai mult nu stiu sa va spun decat ca ma gandesc periculos de mult la ea in ultima vreme. Si ca sa-mi scot cuiul trebuie s-o fac.
Multumesc anticipat.
otau spune:
Daca rezisti pana luni iti scriu eu reteta. O am intr-o carte de bucate cumparata din Franta.
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voljena spune:
Crème brûlée
Crème brûlée has its origins in England – it was invented at Trinity College, Cambridge, where it was known as Burnt Cream. Here the caramel is made separately and simply poured over. Alternatively, use golden caster sugar and a cook's blowtorch; just sprinkle the sugar over the surface of the ramekins, very lightly spray it with water, using a plastic spray bottle, and then aim the tip of the blowtorch flame at the sugar and caramelise the sugar.
Serves 6
1 pint (570 ml) double cream
6 large egg yolks
4 teaspoons cornflour
2 tablespoons golden caster sugar
a few drops pure vanilla extract
For the caramel:
4 oz (110 g ) granulated sugar
You will also need six 11/2 inches (4 cm)
deep ramekins with a base diameter of 3 inches (7.5 cm).
You need to start the recipe the day before, so that the custard can be well chilled and firm. First of all, heat the cream in a saucepan until it reaches boiling point, and while it's heating, blend the egg yolks, cornflour, caster sugar and vanilla essence in a bowl. Then pour the hot cream in, stirring all the time with a wooden spoon, and return the mixture to the saucepan.
Heat very gently, still stirring, until the sauce has thickened – which should only take a minute or two. (If it does overheat, don't worry – if you remove it from the heat and continue to beat, the custard will become smooth again as soon as it cools.) Now divide the custard among the ramekins and leave to cool. Then cover each dish with clingfilm and refrigerate overnight.
About an hour before serving, make the caramel. Place the granulated sugar in a heavy-based pan, then place the pan over a very low heat to dissolve the sugar gently and caramelise it (to get all the sugar to melt, just shake and tilt the pan from side to side, but don't stir). When all the sugar has dissolved and you have a clear syrup (about 10-15 minutes), remove the pan from the heat and pour immediately over the custards, covering the surface of each one.
Now just leave them for a few minutes for the caramel to harden. Before eating the crème brûlée, tap the surface of the caramel with a spoon to crack and break it up. To remove any hardened caramel from your pan, fill it with hot water and bring it to the boil.
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
voljena spune:
Chocolate Crème Brûlées
What chocolate mousse was to the 1960s, crème brûlée was to the 1990s, as it seemed to be on almost every restaurant menu. It's truly a great British classic that easily lends itself to variations like this one – a smooth, velvety chocolate custard topped with a very crunchy caramel. Because of the vagaries of domestic grills, I've done a cheat's version of the caramel topping, or there's an alternative using a cook's blow torch (see below).
Serves 6
5 oz (150 g) dark chocolate (75 per cent cocoa solids), broken into pieces
1 pint (570 ml) whipping cream
6 large egg yolks
2 oz (50 g) golden caster sugar
1 rounded teaspoon cornflour
For the caramel:
6 oz (175 g) white granulated sugar
You will also need 6 ramekins, each with a base diameter of 21/2 inches (6 cm), a top diameter of 3 inches (7.5 cm), and 2 inches (5 cm) deep.
Start the crème brûlées the day before you want to serve them. Place the broken-up chocolate, along with 5 fl oz (150 ml) of the cream, in a large heatproof bowl sitting over a saucepan of barely simmering water, making sure the bowl doesn't touch the water. Then, keeping the heat at its lowest, allow the chocolate to melt slowly – it should take 5-6 minutes. Remove it from the heat and give it a good stir until it's smooth and glossy, then remove the bowl from the pan and let the mixture cool for 2-3 minutes.
After that, whisk the egg yolks, caster sugar and cornflour together in a separate bowl for about 2 minutes, or until they are thick and creamy.
Now, in a separate pan, heat the remaining cream just up to simmering point and pour it over the egg-yolk mixture, whisking as you pour. Return the whole lot to the pan and continue to stir over a gentle heat until it thickens – this will take 2-3 minutes. Next, whisk the melted chocolate and cream together until completely smooth, add a little of the custard mixture to it and continue to whisk it in. After that, add the remaining custard, whisking until everything is really smooth. Then divide the custard between the ramekins, making sure you leave a 1/2 inch (1 cm) space at the top for the caramel. Now leave them to cool, cover the pots with clingfilm and chill overnight in the fridge.
A few hours before serving the brûlées, make the caramel. To do this, put the granulated sugar in a small saucepan, place it over a medium heat and leave it like that, keeping an eye on it. When the sugar begins to melt around the edges, and just starts to turn liquid – which will take 4-6 minutes – give the pan a good shake and leave it again to melt until it's about a quarter melted. Now, using a wooden spoon, give it a gentle stir and then continue to cook until the sugar has transformed from crystals to liquid and is the right colour – amber or like dark runny honey. Keep stirring gently until you're sure all the sugar has dissolved. The whole thing should take 10-15 minutes.
Now remove the pan from the heat, remove the clingfilm and pour the caramel over the custards, covering the surface of each one. Tilt the ramekins gently from side to side to get an even, thin covering of caramel, then leave them for a few minutes for the caramel to harden, and cover them loosely with foil (don't use clingfilm, or the moisture from the brûlées will soften the caramel). Return them to the fridge until needed.
These also freeze well, but do this before the caramel is added. In this case, put the caramel on them after removing the custards from the freezer, but as the caramel will set almost immediately, tilt the ramekins from side to side as soon as you've poured the caramel over each one to distribute it evenly. Allow them to soften in the fridge for 2 hours before serving.
You can use a blow torch to get a much thinner layer of caramel if you prefer. Simply sprinkle 1 rounded teaspoon of golden caster sugar over each ramekin of chocolate custard and, using a water spray, first mist the surface lightly – this will help the sugar to caramelise quickly without burning. Now, using sweeping movements, pass the flame of the blow torch across each brûlée until the sugar melts and caramelises.
ce pofta mi-ai facut... asta fac la desert in weekend-ul asta!
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Adela spune:,1886,2187050,00.jpg" border="0">
Zutaten für acht Stücke
Für den Teig
200 g Mehl
1 Prise Salz
30 g Puderzucker
1 Päckchen Bourbon-Vanillezucker
100 g kalte Butter
2 Eigelb
1 EL Wasser
1 Ei
Für die Füllung
400 g Früchte (z.B. Erdbeeren, Himbeeren, Pfirsiche, Nektarinen)
1 bis 2 EL Zucker
400 ml Doppelrahm
1 Vanilleschote
4 Eigelb
50 g Zucker
50 g fein gemahlener Rohrzucker
Für den Teig Mehl, Salz, Puderzucker und Vanillezucker in einer Schüssel mischen. Die Butter in Flocken dazuschneiden.Dann alles zwischen den Fingern bröselig reiben. Eigelb und Wasser verrühren und beifügen. Die Zutaten rasch zu einem glatten Teig zusammenkneten. In Klarsichtfolie wickeln und mindestens 30 Minuten kühl stellen.
Eine Springform von 24 Zentimeter Durchmesser leicht ausbuttern und mit Mehl ausstäuben. Den Teig zwischen Klarsichtfolie deutlich größer als den Durchmesser der Form auswallen und diese damit auslegen, dabei einen Rand von etwa drei Zentimeter hochziehen. Den Teigboden mit einer Gabel einstechen. Nochmals 30 Minuten kalt stellen.
Den Backofen auf 200 Grad Celsius vorheizen.
Den Teigboden mit Backpapier abdecken und mit getrockneten Bohnen oder einem zweiten, etwas kleineren Blech beschweren. Im 200 Grad heißen Ofen auf der zweituntersten Rille zehn Minuten blind backen. Dann die Backbohnen oder das zum Beschweren verwendete Blech entfernen und den Teigboden weitere 15 Minuten backen.
Das Ei verquirlen. Den Kuchenboden aus dem Ofen nehmen und Boden sowie Rand mit Ei bestreichen. Wieder in den Ofen geben und weitere zwei Minuten backen. Dann nochmals mit Ei bestreichen und wieder zwei Minuten backen. Auskühlen lassen.
Für die Füllung die Früchte rüsten und in Scheibchen schneiden. Mit dem Zucker bestreuen.
Den Doppelrahm in eine Pfanne (Topf) geben. Die Vanilleschote der Länge aufschlitzen Und mit den herausgekratzten Samen beifügen. Auf etwa 60 Grad erwärmen, dann neben der Herdplatte zehn bis 15 Minuten ziehen lassen.
Inzwischen die Eigelbe und den Zucker zu einer hellen, dicklichen Creme aufschlagen.
Den Doppelrahm nochmals erhitzen, aber nicht kochen lassen. Die Vanilleschote entfernen und den Rahm zur Eicreme gießen. Diese über einem heißen Wasserbad zu einer dicken Creme aufschlagen. Dann unter Weiterschlagen etwas abkühlen lassen.
Die Früchte gut abtropfen lassen und auf dem Kuchenboden auslegen. Die Creme darüber verteilen. Im Kühlschrank während mindestens vier Stunden schnittfest werden lassen.
Den Backofengrill auf 250 Grad vorheizen.
Den Rand der Tarte mit einem Alufolienstreifen abdecken. Die Tarte mit dem Zucker bestreuen. Im oberen Drittel des Ofens etwa vier Minuten backen, bis die Oberfläche zu karamellisieren beginnt. Herausnehmen und vor dem Servieren nochmals mindestens eine Stunde kalt stellen. So bald wie möglich genießen.
~~ Adela & Julia
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![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
scarmanus spune:
Adela scumpa,
Traducator sunt, ce-i drept, dar germana nu o vorbesc. Iti multumesc pentru intentie, dar poate ne poti scrie punctele importante in romana.
Fetele celelalte, nu va alarmati, vi le traduc eu pe cele in engleza, putintica rabdare. tuturor
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Adela spune:
Avand in vedere ca engleza mea e la pamant m-am gandit sa scriu si reteta pe germana. (pentru cele ca mine asa
So... cum am timp ma apuc de scris (tradus). Am fugit la petrecerea de 8 martie.
Pentru aluat
200 g Faina alba
1 praf sare
30 g zahar pudra
1 pachetel Bourbon-Zahar vanilat
100 g unt
2 galbenusuri
1 lingura apa
1 ou
Pentru compozitie
400 g Fructe (fructe de padure, capsuni, Piersici, Nektarine)
1 pana 2 linguri Zahar
400 ml Doppelrahm... ups nu stiu in romana. (smantana grasa??)
1 betisor de vainile
4 galbenusuri
50 g Zahar
ai ca mai scriu eu altadata.....
~~ Adela & Julia
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
scarmanus spune:
Adela, esti o minune de femeie. Sa ne spui si noua cat de bine te-ai distrat (printre randurile traducerii) de 8 martie.
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